
Provider Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"They want to be a good provider, a good father figure."
"At the end of the day, that's what a man should be. You should be a provider for your family."
"Y'all not gonna be the only ones putting in the work in the relationship but also just period, like I'm not sure if they're super ambitious but they're a provider and we love that."
"The typical, your average man, he's a provider by nature, and that's what he wants to do."
"The river provides so much for this community."
"The role of the husband is to provide and to protect, to look after the best interests and affairs of his family."
"I'm not taking any man seriously that's not a total provider."
"Men are providers, women are creators."
"A man who doesn't provide for his family is not deserving of that title."
"Keep your standards high, and eventually, someone's going to say, I'm going to be the provider."
"People are in love with you because you're a protector and a provider of four four four."
"A woman deserves to be provided for by a man."
"A man provides, even when he's not appreciated or loved."
"I've been with a rapper. He puts money in my pocket, he pays half of my bills, he puts food in my fridge, he buys me clothes, he buys my bundles."
"Men that are able to provide for a woman are not going to want a 50/50 relationship."
"I remember my mom man just being a strong woman and doing whatever she needed to do to make sure she provided and put food on the table and groceries in the refrigerator."
"Kelly admits he's proud of her, it's just his coworkers keep teasing him because his wife is the real provider of the family."
"We're animals, man. We're back in the caveman days. We'd be the providers."
"The whole purpose is to marry a provider because if they're providing and they see you and they're happy to have you, they're gonna have to keep providing to keep you."
"But I do feel like she finds me more attractive... Provider, yes, I'm in that video."
"You are a provider and you have that sense of independence."
"Men cannot ever get respect from a woman 100% if they're not providing. They will be the joke. They will be whispered about."
"He really grew up to be what a man is supposed to be, a provider and a protector."
"So how you know when you're ready for a provider is if cheating is not a deal breaker. If you're okay with that, if you're okay with accepting that because you know that's what he's going to do or that's what he's going to do, then you're definitely ready for a provider."
"I feel like this is a very stable, protective, providing person."
"If he provides for you, he will feel most successful and bond with you more."
"A man could be a provider but it's different types of provider."
"You're a provider not only for your family but the country."
"God created us to work and be the provider in our home."
"A man's identity is inextricably linked to his ability to provide and protect."
"If a man does not provide for his family financially, he's worse than an Infidel."
"I never wanted to hold her back if she made money if she did stuff like that was just extra, like right you know but I never wanted to have that be her pressure, I needed to be the provider."
"If you are experiencing any of these abnormal movements, please make sure to let your provider know so that it can be addressed."
"Women are looking for the ability to provide and the willingness to stick around and actually invest in children."
"Always a good provider and a handsome devil, DJ."
"What a man is, is someone who can provide and protect. Not contribute, not put some on it, not give you an idea. But who can provide and protect."
"There's no emphasis too great and that is to find a glaucoma provider that you like and trust and to see them routinely."
"Always providing, super hard worker."
"He's a provider, he's a father, he's going to take care of them kids."
"If you're not on this planet to provide and protect for your wife and future children, then I don't care what you are. That's not what you're going to do. Then move along, sir, because that's what most women are looking for these days."
"My job as a man is just, you know, providing for my family, working, paying the bills."
"That's what I do for nine or ten hours a day sometimes. I'm the sole provider for the family."
"I think implicitly or explicitly, a man will always feel that being a provider brings with it this implicit power."
"Being a provider sometimes applies pressure to humanity. Many of our prayers are packed with pressure because we need God to provide."
"Protector, provider, and then being present."
"I want my sisters and my daughters to date a guy like me because I'm a man that can protect, provide, and offer stability."
"When a man gets married he is expected to do whatever it takes to provide for his family."
"When it comes to men providing, both men and women are on the same page. Yes, the majority of men and women fully agree yes, the man should be the provider."
"I say, brothers, you should do 100. They say, 'No, I'ma do 50,' but I'm still 100% a provider. How is that possible?"
"So, a man that's going 50% with his woman, it's like a man's not even there because if that man left, the woman will still be 50% provider, 50% nurturer."
"I think that the idea of being a provider had been undervalued so they wanted to find a way to sort of level the playing fields."
"I just wanted to be able to take care of my family."
"I'm the mother and the brother. I bring home the bacon and I cook that [__]."
"Money does play a big part in who the hell provides for the household if I'm working, if I'm going out and working and you're doing your job at home, cool, but I'm the one bringing in the money. I'm the one whose finances go towards paying your profile for the milk."
"No man goes out and says 'let me go and work to oppress my wife.' When we go out to provide, we're doing it because we love our family."
"Life ought to be more fun than it is, that's all. I just want to provide for you and the boys and I want to be happy doing it. What's wrong with that?"
"You will find a provider if you look like you can find a provider. It's literally that simple."
"He's my Jehovah Jireh, he's my provider."
"I will find a job and I will provide for my family."
"Allah is the provider. Trust him and Allah subhana will bless you."
"Mark was a go-getter. He was out to make enough money to support everyone and have the things that they wanted in life."
"A man should be able to provide for that woman. Now, this doesn't mean shopping spree and whatever you want, no. Being able to keep a roof over her head, food in her mouth, clothes on her back."
"For men, they do not have that same prerequisite in the other direction because they have this macho kind of sense of providing and looking after."
"A good man will work three jobs if that's what he has to do to provide."
"I don't necessarily see anything wrong with that because, you know, if a woman has a choice, she will always choose the man who is a good provider."
"Provider is a blanket term used to describe anybody who provides medical care, who is certified for producing or giving medical care."
"So he's in charge but he's a provider and he's supposed to protect and take care of his family, and that, I believe, means emotionally, mentally, and physically."
"The relationship that you have with your provider is vital. Make sure that you find one that really cares about you and your health."
"Women are naturally like that though. We need a man that could provide for us, that's what we're attracted to."
"Most women want a guy who earns more money than them and is able to take a more authoritative role."
"I always say, as a man, your job is to protect and provide. I have no problem being the financial foundation of my house."
"Daddy titles mean that they're delicious. They got swag. They're decisive. They provide. They protect. Decisive, demanding daddy."
"He was a true gentleman, a protector, a provider."
"It's about being a provider, it's about being sacrificial, it's about serving others. To me, that's what the big game is about."
"I've always been a hard worker, a provider, a protector."
"You're a provider, ensuring your family is in good standing."
"Men get their sense of value out of feeling like they can be a provider, a protector, a hero."
"I'm here to be the provider of what I wanted to be since I was a kid."
"The breadwinner is the person who makes the income for the family."
"He works hard to provide for his wife and three young children."
"The man that gets up every day to provide for his family, that's a real one."
"I will be the breadwinner of the family."
"Any man who is worth anything is the provider."
"I worked so hard to provide for this woman and our children."
"That's like my superman, you know, regardless I don't care, you know, he always provided, he always took care of us."
"I'm a go-getter, a provider, and someone who cares for and defends others; in a nutshell, I'm husband material."
"You can be both, you actually can be a strong provider, a man of means, a man of security."
"No matter what I do for a living, whether it's this or working in an office building, as long as my kids don't have to worry about anything and have whatever they need, as long as my wife's taken care of, I'm good."
"I feel like I just hunted a deer for my family, everyone eat up children."
"I'm a hard-working guy, I'm a provider."
"Nutanix is a hyper-converged infrastructure solution provider."
"Definitely God-fearing, definitely a leader, someone that can provide, someone that can make me feel secure."
"I'm going to make sure that the house is taken care of, I'm going to work, I'm going to bring to the table as well."
"The provider's active voice... is literally telling us the patient has this condition."
"I pray he will be a provider and a protector."
"He's a protector, he's a provider."
"Being a man is having a job, taking care of family, paying the bills."
"I'm looking for something really serious, a provider man."
"I'm looking for someone that's settled, someone that's a provider, someone that's God-fearing."
"There is a strong provider and giver energy."
"You internalize that notion of what it is to be a dad and what it is to be a provider."
"Being a man to me is going to work, providing for your family, and spending most of all time with your family."
"He's a great provider and a great father."
"He's a great husband, a great provider, a great dad."
"This is masculinity, this is protection, this is someone that will provide."
"We bless You, Creator, Provider, we bless You, Redeemer, oh Jesus, we bless You."
"He's the father of four children, the sole earner and provider for the family."
"I'm a good provider, loving, caring, I'm very family-oriented, and I like to travel."
"I'm always I've always been a provider, you know, for my family and everything. I'll figure something out one way or another."
"I love my family; I'm a family man. I do this just to help us, to get us by so we can spend more time with each other."
"I want to sort my [stuff] out and I want to become a proper provider not only for my son now but for any sort of future family that I may have."
"What provider does is it gives our children access to a Redux store."
"She was the breadwinner within the relationship."
"Your father was a wonderful father to you children and a fantastic provider."
"He wanted to be the father that was going to be there, be a provider, and be a role model for his children."
"He never comes home empty-handed."
"Perhaps you could see her as a woman who wanted to provide for her own and a woman who takes initiative."
"This is someone who prides themselves on being a provider, someone who could definitely take care of you."
"Overjet is the largest provider of artificial intelligence services for the dental industry."
"The real tough guy is going to work and providing for his family and giving back as much as he can."
"Be strong, be the provider, be the fighter, but also be the one who's willing to admit, 'I was wrong'."
"I got a man that cooks, I got a man that clean, I got a man with a big old pocket; he got some money."
"I consider myself to be a provider and a protector in the deepest sense of the word."
"Recent is one of the best email service providers."
"Ryan was the breadwinner of the family."
"Being competent, strong, capable, being an earner and a provider, those are good attributes."
"Get a deeper understanding of provider."
"We should now have a deeper understanding of how to use provider effectively."
"I'm a provider and I'm protected, especially when it comes to women."
"Nothing can replace seeing your provider."
"You've got someone here who is ready to be a good provider, to be more generous."
"There's somebody here who could be a very good provider."
"He is a good provider for his family, working diligently and thinking of creative ways to support and care for his wife and children."