
Example Setting Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"If you don't set the example for what you think the world should be, it will not exist in reality."
"Let's just not abuse it. We're supposed to be the adults. We're supposed to set a good example."
"Children will do what you do, not what you say."
"The best way to influence people is through the indirect methodology... setting a good example."
"We only have one solution to change our lives by radically converting, to evangelize those who do not believe by word and example."
"The right is largely like, 'We're going to lead by example'... but we're losing because of it."
"The capacity for leadership is comprised of three components: dedication to the objective, setting a good example for others, and the realization that accepting responsibility is the foundation of authority."
"It just was a really, really great compelling example."
"You have to make an example out of those who abuse their power or fail to fulfill their most basic obligations."
"Every father should remember that one day his child will follow his example not his advice."
"It's not easy taking responsibility, but it's you who shows the rest of us how to do it."
"She was life. She was wonderful. She set us all such a good example."
"It's like taking the external action of maybe leading by example and showing you're following your community your family whoever."
"You can't shove it down people's throats. What you can do is you can live it and be an example and let people see how happy you are."
"Your soul mission is to be a leader by example."
"He's being made an example of to intimidate the Press generally."
"Lead by example, set a good precedent for our community."
"Just blindly trust me and follow me down the path in this company even though I'm not the example of what I'm claiming yet."
"Change that change that change it for yourself and set the standards for yourself right show him that you're leading by example encourage him to do the same."
"Making American democracy work means making it work better for our allies. We set a better example."
"Lead by example and show others how to do the same for themselves."
"The best thing you can do when you want to see change in the world or in your house is be that change... Lead by example..."
"I'm gonna make an example of this person, no matter how long it takes."
"If you do what's right for you, you will show other people that they can do the right thing."
"Parents have to walk the walk; children learn through seeing, not through hearing."
"You're setting a really good example right now."
"You can do it, but you're going to lead by example."
"Leading by example is very powerful for them."
"They're trying to make an example out of her."
"He's a leader through what he does, you know, it's not shouting this or showing that, he's just he leads by example."
"Wisdom is to show the positive, to lead by example."
"Be an example to those around you, live love the way Christ, be an example."
"No one is going to care until they see the way that we live our lives."
"Greg, you have officially stepped over that threshold. This is not about trying to correct you, this is about pointing at you and letting you be the example that everybody else can see as to what not to be."
"You're going to lead by example, you can show a better way because we need good leaders right now."
"And as unlikely a place as this may seem, it's as good an example as I've found."
"Take charge, lead by example, walk your talk."
"There's nothing wrong with pointing out when something's wrong, while you also have to provide examples of what you believe to be right."
"If you're going to lead, you need to lead by example."
"You have to provide a new example to shift a paradigm."
"This thread is a really good example of this."
"A Mane must set an example for the cat folk, showing resilience in the face of the threats against the lattice."
"Way higher production, it doesn't have to be cars, but I'm using Top Gear specials as an example."
"One of the most effective examples of advocacy."
"We're gonna be leading them in the future and we need to set a good example."
"Dominic, you did a fantastic job. This is a model example of how you want to have your experience."
"He believes everything that he says. That's a very good example of that."
"Being the example is the best way that you can help the lost."
"Being a role model means living up to an example of the values, principles, and behaviors that you want your team to follow."
"Sometimes the best example is the wrong example."
"BTS was used as the leading example for this revision."
"In America, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to watch."
"We absolutely love you guys and we try every day to live a life that is inclusive, sets an example of unconditional love."
"It's about being more, you know, leading by example."
"I'm setting a good example for my children by paring down things."
"I'm just worried that if we start looking the other way, we're going to set an example."
"I want to set that example for Liam and Stella and Hattie and Finn. I want them to go into everything fearless."
"You want everybody else to take responsibility? You go first. Let them watch you take a little responsibility."
"I felt convicted because I have a son and I have daughters, and I was like, what kind of example am I setting for my son? What kind of example am I setting for my daughter?"
"You're suffering now. Like when people say, 'Why do you get up at 6 o'clock in the morning?' So then you can come in and set the example for everybody else."
"I think a lot of parents, especially nowadays, have it just plain wrong. They try to coddle and protect their kids, give them so much attention and resources that it not only spoils them but teaches a crappy example."
"This is my fault for setting a bad example."
"When you tell people to do what's right and then you try to live by example by what's doing right."
"Setting an example for your children or for the next generation... a life without challenge is really just a slow death."
"If you do things right... If you lead by example... I promise you're gonna make it to SED to MDC."
"I believe by faith that people won't just do what you say, they will do what they see you do."
"I'm gonna be trying to make sure that I set a good example."
"We have to re-educate our community and do that by how we lead by example."
"Show your family what love is, show them what God's love is, show them what God's grace looks like."
"I take one mile at a time, 26 miles a day. I want to set an example that'll never be forgotten."
"Lead by example, these people don't know any different."
"Your best trainers are examples that have knowledge about what they're talking about."
"Leaders must set the example physically, mentally, and ethically."
"The youth will always look at you as an example, so you have to always be that example."
"I should be setting an example and I have been completely doing the opposite over the last few years."
"I'm pretty sure I implemented the model correctly, and this is a great example of how you build a model."
"It's my turn... To show them what you have to do... For your family."
"I just like good writing, and this is showing an example of what good writing looks like."
"How will the world know you're my disciple unless you're walking like I taught you to walk."
"Listen and take what they are saying, but do not follow their examples."
"You realize that a child absorbs everything, like a sponge, so you have to set an example."
"He has set an example that you should do as I have done for you."
"In terms of being a good example, I designed the whole body and head with Fusion 360."
"I think once you get the respect of your teammate or person then you can lead by example."
"You guys are meant to lead by example."
"Your purpose is to create your own reality and be an example for other people."
"I think that this is a really cool example of a blog done right."
"We're determined to set an example for the country of bipartisan cooperation."
"You'll show other people how to treat you right."
"I don't want to tell my children how to live; I want to live and have them watch to see how it's done correctly."
"You can't force peace onto people; you have to show them peace by leading by example."