
Divine Intention Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"I think God intends that we should keep a proper balance."
"Jesus passed the baton for us to become all that God intended."
"Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, nor has it entered into the hearts of man the things that God wants to do for those that love him."
"Difficulty necessitates facilitation...Allah doesn't want difficulty for you; He wants ease."
"The only thing that can calm your fears is the intentionality of God."
"God wants to use you powerfully and mightily."
"God doesn't want you to be poor he doesn't want you to struggle he might have you in that place sometimes but it's not where he wants you."
"Sex is beautiful, gloriously good, it's good, it's so good. God makes it for our pleasure."
"Allah wants ease for you, He does not want difficulty for you."
"God does not want anyone to go to hell, and that's why he created it."
"God will do not only what glorifies him but what is fully good for us."
"What God says is I perfectly... want to complete your life."
"God wants you to have all these vibrant colors to express yourself."
"God wants to drain every restriction that's stopping you from getting to the next dimension."
"Repent and believe the good news: God wants to get the hell out of you."
"In Genesis, the flood is brought about with sadness. It is not something God wanted, but because he cares for justice, it must be done."
"Anything that God does is corrective and it always is meant to bring you back to him."
"God doesn't just want to give you what you lost, He wants to show you who you are."
"Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship."
"God did not create us to use each other, He created us to love each other."
"God wants to fill all things through the church, not just fill the church."
"Freedom is what God wants from human beings. That's what he gave us."
"Maybe God wants to wake up people individually this time."
"I feel like that's what God's intention was, for us to be able to have more of that."
"God doesn't want us to be blind permanently."
"I'd rather be in the wilderness with you than the promised land with an Angel."
"The presence of God wants to affect the nations."
"Freedom is not only possible for you but it is what God intends for you."
"What was heaven trying to start? Heaven was trying to start you."
"The recent Council Vatican II reminded us: God intended the Earth and all that contains for the use of every human being."
"God allowed the enemy because of a loving response of his heart to try to drive us back to himself."
"God's ultimate purpose in judgment is never destruction; it is always restoration."
"God wants His glory to be seen in our lives. Let's believe God for healing, knowing it's His will."
"Any miracle that comes out of this will be, as our Lord intended, for the glory of Our Lady."
"God is too intentional for that to be a coincidence."
"God's will to heal is always present. It's more about receiving it than God giving it."
"God made all things. God made good and bad. They all work together to show you what not to do."
"All of us are not here by accident; we're here on purpose because somebody, God, wanted us to be here."
"We're all put on this earth to do what a higher power has put us here to do."
"If anything besides that exists, it's because he chose it on purpose."
"God's design is not to give you obstacles that are a wedge between you and Him."
"We are now free to become the children of God as the Lord intended us to be."
"God desires not only to cover sin but he desires to blot it out of the universe forever."
"God wants to heal, form, convert, and unify the church."
"Never think for a moment that death was ever part of God's plan."
"We are just going back to the African tradition because in fact woman and man brought together as a natural manifestation of what God would like."
"This is not harsh angry God; this is Him drawing a picture for us to see."
"Sex was created by God, and he wants us to enjoy it!"
"Why on earth would you ever believe that God would bring you down here on this planet just to just give you life that didn't work? It didn't make sense. It's not the plan."
"Friendship was created by God to benefit you."
"Our diversity, our ethnic diversity is intentionally given to us from God." - Pastor James
"Sin is missing the mark... not because He's mean, but because He wants the best for us."
"You are on the right path not because you pray, not because you fast, but because you understand the mind and the intention of God concerning your life."
"The promises of God are not self-fulfilling. The promises of God are revelation of divine intention."
"God actually from the very beginning of creation, he never had the intention that all days were the same."
"God is so very intentional about every single little detail of Our Lives."
"God wants to redeem and restore His original intention for us."
"God made you with more care with more intentionality he made you in His image and likeness you reflect something of God something no one else was entrusted with."
"We don't have to divorce, we don't have to live this way, loveless relationship, we can have true companionship which is after all exactly what God intended."
"I'm in the season where if God didn't send it, I don't want it. If it's not what God has intended for me, I'm good."
"The creature wants to reach equivalence of form with the Creator, which is, in fact, the intention of the Creator in the first place."
"God's thoughts toward me are good and not evil."
"God never intended for sex to be between just a man and a woman. God intended for sex to be between a husband and a wife."
"Evil and death is a result of our sin, not of God's design."
"It matters, first of all, to God who displays and reveals His design for male and female."
"God wasn't taken from us he was trying to get more to us he was trying to release to us things."
"Each of us is the result of a thought of God, each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary."
"We as humans owe our existence to God's intention."
"He didn't come for a piece of property."
"God never intended for us to be negative creatures."
"Our creator, our God, is a God of purpose, significance, and specifics."
"Nothing in your life happens by accident because everything in your life is intended to be in alignment with God's purpose."
"...God never intended for us to suffer in isolation it's why he created spiritual Community it's why he created Harvest Christian Fellowship."
"God didn't want them to know evil by experiencing evil."
"Our future Destiny is not to escape this place but it's to live here in total alignment with how God intended things to be and with who he created us to be."
"God did not sow a son to reap servants; He sowed a son to reap sons."
"God never causes or allows abuse to happen to you; that was never His heart."
"God never intended for you to go through something and get nothing out of it."
"Use our imagination the way God intended it to be used."
"You aren't an accident. God knew you were coming, and God created you with a purpose."
"God never intended for you and I to just barely get by."
"God wanted beings to love Him freely."
"God wants us to experience the joy and happiness that comes from living well."
"Everything God has made was created to solve a problem."
"God did not put you in this world to be successful, he put you in this world to be faithful."
"God intended for you to live by faith on his word."
"God is never trying to take anything away from you; He's always just trying to get you in a position where you can be happier."
"God's original plan was never to have a religion."
"Divorce was never God's plan; His intention was marriage, one man, one woman, one lifetime."
"God's will isn't for anyone to perish or to suffer."
"God and nature intended man to be well."
"I feel the energy, the juice that God wanted you to have when you were born."
"Don't compare Allah's deprivation of you to the deprivation of other humans of you because Allah never puts his servant through anything except that he wants good for his servants."
"If you built your life around love of God... then all of your acts are going to be fueled by a good and holy intention."
"When God disrupts something, it is because he wants to reset something."
"It will accomplish what I please; it'll prosper, it will affect what I sent it to do."
"God did not hide it away from us, but He hid it away for us."
"You're unique, He wanted someone just like you."
"God created the world for the purpose of doing good, because it is the nature of the good to do good."
"God gave the law not so that people would know what was a sin and what wasn't, but rather the prior condition that prompted God to give the law."
"If God is holy, that's what He intended for us to be."
"Kindness is a universal language, one that transcends human barriers and touches the very heart of God's intentions for humanity."
"God didn't make us physically perfect, but He did mean for us to be holy."
"God loves families because family was his idea."
"God has created sex to be pleasurable, to enjoy it."
"God thought it was worth allowing free will so he could give us the ability to love."
"The god of the cosmos loves us, wants to be with us. It's an Emmanuel theology; it's why God created us, it's what the Bible is all about, and it's what God has always wanted."
"God never intended you to live sufficiently; God intended you to live abundantly."
"You intended this for evil, but God intended it for good."
"God wants to save us, make us live, and lead us to Heaven."
"God never intended for us to live ordinary, commonplace, not exceptional in any way lives."
"God is not out to ruin your life, He's out to bless your life and to fulfill you."
"God doesn't make us like robots... He gave us free will because he wants obedience that comes out of choice."
"He kept you alive all this time because he wants to get you right with him."
"The God that I serve is a God of purpose."
"If our God can transfigure the greatest evil into the greatest gift, then He intends to turn whatever you're experiencing, even that, into a gift."
"If the Lord had meant to kill us, He wouldn't have accepted a burnt offering and grain offering at our hands."
"God wants to save each and every one."
"Your parents may not have planned you, but God did."
"If all human beings on earth could fulfill the three basic instincts of life at the level that God intends, there would be no conflict on earth today."
"God is not prodigal; He did not waste the breath of life that He gave to you this morning."
"There's a reason that He gave it to you."
"The most wise creator will not create the creation without any purpose."
"You are not just a mistake; you were created by God and ordained with a purpose."
"The patience of God saying I'm going to do something with this in spite of the fact that it's so messy."
"We're not here because God wants us to experience misery, but because God wants us to do ministry."
"For He does not willingly afflict or grieve the sons of men."
"God's not trying to get something from you; He's trying to get something to you."
"God is intentionally going to bless you."
"Maybe God wants a free world with free people that freely choose to love."
"Behold, look how desperately I want you in; that's His hope, that's His intention."
"The day that you were born is the day that God said this world cannot function fully without your contribution."
"All of creation was very good, but there was something about that place that God wanted to spread."
"When we get right with God, God is going to put into our heart the right desires."
"God is a businessman when God creates something, he doesn't create something to fail."
"If he spared my life, it's because he has a purpose for me."
"For God intended it for thine and thy children's benefit."
"It would seem that God intends us to use them as we make decisions about our life."
"God's ultimate concern is our success."
"God is not out to run you to death, he's not out to cut you off."
"This is the good news that God has intended for each one of the house of Israel to know and to cherish in your hearts."
"We can lift ourselves up, we can raise that standard, we can see ourselves as God intended us to be."
"God gave it to us to be known, he didn't give it to us to confuse us."
"My thoughts are not evil toward you, but good."
"...God's not trying to keep you out; He's trying to get you in. He's trying to do all He can to get you."
"Everything that God does, he does with purpose, on purpose, and for purpose."
"It's the way God built it, and you're experiencing nature the way God intended it to be experienced."
"God does not want you to think like that."
"God wants to give you purpose, He wants to give you peace."
"For God did not make death, and He does not delight in the death of the living."
"God's intention is a human being Fully Alive."
"God created each one of us; He did not make a mistake."
"We intended for evil, God intended for good."
"His thoughts will always be for our good."
"May you become what heaven intended for you to become."
"God's not out to take things from you but He wants your heart."
"What has God put on the inside of you that he wanted you to live out during your time on the earth?"
"We're not the result of a curse, we're not the result of consequences of a bad decision, we were in the heart of God from the beginning."
"His intentions are not to do you harm but rather to provide you with hope and a bright future."
"God's intention is for human life to flourish and bear fruit."
"He did not send his son to condemn me."
"If they could ever taste just for a little while what God really intended for two people to get out of a relationship, they wouldn't want to change it."
"God will never start a work in anyone's life if He did not have the intentions to finish it."
"Allah does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His favor upon you that you may be grateful."
"God is looking for you but not to destroy you, but to bless you, to exalt you, to strengthen you."
"God brings us together. There must be his intention. Maybe he wants us to stay strong."
"God is not about to destroy you, but to remold you into the perfect beauty you were meant to be from the beginning."
"God does not do things without reason; everything He does is in our best interests."
"God is not trying to destroy you; He's trying to save you."
"God wants to bless you; He's looking for a reason to bless you."
"You are a deliberate creation of a great God with a wonderful intention for you."
"God is not trying to limit us, he wants to protect us."
"When God blesses you, he doesn't bless you to prove people. He blesses you for his own desires, what he wants to do."