
Historical Recognition Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"Building monuments or putting names on buildings is not an endorsement of every aspect of a human being's life."
"If you're the first to achieve something monumental, history will remember you long after you're gone."
"Statues are erected in tributes to the good things that sprang from the actions of the men being honored."
"Not all heroes worthy of historical recognition are men."
"Whether they were heroes or outcasts, senators or slaves, they were among the most celebrated athletes in the history of the world."
"It is easy to overlook the heroism and the bravery of the soldiers whose stories are just now emerging from the shadows."
"Neil was right about his De La Roche all along."
"The Black Holocaust deserves the same amount of attention."
"Tesla's work wasn't appreciated at the time."
"The urgency for reparations is closely tied to the advancing age of the veterans and the need to address historical injustices before it's too late."
"Boredom. It isn't commonly known, but last week the tapes of all the Lucy television shows were submitted to the Library of Congress, and after they were viewed, I am happy to say President Ford granted Lucy a full pardon."
"That is the story of the radium girls, often forgotten in history but their contribution to science and safety shouldn't be forgotten."
"Archimedes were celebrated even in the ancient world he was celebrated for his incredible mathematical and scientific discoveries so people might well have copied his designs."
"I am thrilled that his name for John Lewis but I'm even more thrilled that it is going to impact the rights of our minority populations for decades to come."
"Can I eat these? Yes, as you can see they are sealed and safe for these times. That is the coveted cup and you so rightly deserve it. You are the history master."
"The Geological Society provided financial support and commemorated Anning's contributions after her death."
"History will reveal him to be Mr. Valiant for the truth."
"Everywhere besides Rhodesia now agreed Great Zimbabwe, medieval city that thrived from the 11th to the 15th centuries, had been built and lived in by Africans."
"The world is filled with ancient monuments built by master craftsmen in order to honor everything from kings and presidents to religious figures."
"You never know, 20 years later people are still going to be talking about the shit that you were doing at that moment."
"It was during this time that Ireland became known as the land of saints and scholars."
"No matter what history says how you rate them their name is still on that trophy."
"It is essential in order for us to move forward for us to recognize the truth of what has happened over the last four years."
"You named this abolitionist as a push for everyone's humanity."
"Many in Peru and Brazil today still honour Cochrane’s crucial role in the liberation of their nations."
"We've solved major societal problems in the last 50 or 60 years and those people should have some statues."
"It's not enough to recognize the Armenian Genocide. We have to take formal steps against the other regime."
"Every other country that's recognized the Armenian genocide has had an increase in trade."
"Einstein understood quantum mechanics better than anybody including the people who are given credit for inventing it."
"Congratulations for being on the right side of history."
"What you did in saving those 1,400 patients... that's going to go down in history for a long time."
"It's an affirmation of people of color's place in history and their contributions."
"The Whaley House: deemed the number one haunted house in all of America by Life magazine."
"History has no place for those men who don't possess the exceptional privilege of speaking the truth."
"His story was widely circulated among African-American communities but remained widely unknown to the vast majority of Americans for a very long time."
"The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker."
"Finally, we know who these guys were. These six men completed their training in April 1944."
"Back to the Future was chosen by the Library of Congress as culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."
"He deserves his place as one of the greatest Britons in history."
"Almost 500 years after her ascension, people all over the world recognize her name and image even today..."
"Viewed through the telescopic lens of History, we now recognize Boeing's B47 as one of the most important aircraft of the 20th century." - Jim Tyler
"Can you imagine a hundred years from now them looking back at the record? It's real, this happened in Washington D.C."
"Maybe it's time to add an eighth wonder to the list."
"Why name the Alliance in Fritz's honor? I had happen to read a little bit about Fritz Pollard, right, and realized he was a sensational African-American player in the 1920s. So I'm like, well, why not reclaim the history?"
"Just to sort of marvel at it and congratulate themselves on being so high up in Pharaoh's favor."
"For me, it's like now we can start to heal because we know where the children are."
"Dialogue 2: 'Look, that's the Great Pyramid.'"
"On May 28th, 1875, Private Pompei Factor, Private Isaac Payne, and Sergeant John Barnes are each awarded the Medal of Honor."
"Perhaps the biggest tragedy of Jesse Owens is that it took the world so long to see the man for what he was."
"The world thanks to these films will never forget the tremendous effort put forth by all people included in the big battles."
"After 46 years, a veteran of the first world war gets Justice." - Melinda Katz, district attorney for Queens
"They're a great source of pride and group and they're also a reminder of the cultures of South America derived long long before Europeans appeared on the horizon."
"He was in my opinion someone who should be put up there with the greatest heroes of the world."
"Alice Ball's contributions were finally recognized and her leprosy treatment method renamed the Ball Method."
"The name of a female mathematician so influential her work may be second only to that of Albert Einstein. Her name was Emmy Noether, and her work changed history."
"Volunteerism creates a meaningful framework for your life. You don't have a Jesus or a God or a Lala Shiva to create that meaning, you have to create your own meaning, and volunteerism is one of the best ways of creating that meaning."
"You stand proudly in front of the cheering crowd knowing that you and your horse will go down in history as one of the greats."
"Change Stoner deserves the same credit as John Browning."
"Virginia Hall: The hero who saved Allied lives."
"Queen Anne did some extraordinary things which have been overlooked."
"He might actually just go down in the history books as that legend who won King of the Hill with hounds only on a water map."
"Despite all of that work, Benjamin Hotchkiss is only the namesake of this gun today."
"Nothing wonderful in life happens if you go the easy way."
"The Romans recognize it as a sacred place they appreciate it as a sacred place."
"Cher Ami's bravery and sacrifice made him a celebrated hero, despite being just a pigeon."
"The lake is called after his name in honor of his merit and to preserve his legacy for future generations."
"Requests to have their loved ones' names added to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC have also been repeatedly denied by the government."
"Eventually the families were able to have the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald declared an official grave site."
"Shout out to a John Horace and the Black Seminoles you know they did some true warriors."
"Commemorating non-white people who fought for the British Empire is obvious."
"In the West, they were to the pilots who flew them among the very best of any combat aircraft of World War II."
"While I am president, America will always honor its heroes and we will always celebrate the patriots who secured women's right to vote."
"This is going to be remembered as one of the greats."
"It blows my mind when you have people who will say with a great deal of pride that they are proud of what their ancestors did."
"US House votes to recognize the Armenian Genocide."
"Lockheed would have to live without the acclaim that the blackbirds so richly deserved and instead accept the mystique that has been associated with his aircraft ever since."
"Carpenter's actions that day were later credited and verified by ground troops as knocking out two Panther tanks and several armored cars, killing or wounding a dozen or more enemy soldiers, and destroying six enemy tanks."
"Mary Magdalene was called the apostle of the apostles because she fits to a t what it means to have been an apostle."
"You're going to be in the history books. They're going to write about you in the history books because you're spearheading disclosure without a doubt."
"In 1990, 47 years after her plane had been downed Lydia Litvyak was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union by President Gorbachev."
"I'm not saying that you need to be xenophobic, but what I am saying is that we built this country in our own a debt that is immeasurable."
"Their names would go down in the school's history, making a name for themselves as the elite of elite."
"She gets the respect not just for freeing slaves but also because she was the first black woman in the military."
"Maybe we ought to instead honor some of America's founding mothers."
"James Callaghan, Labour Prime Minister in the late '70s, greatly underestimated lately. Everybody forgets that Callaghan even existed, and I think that's completely wrong."
"It is essential for the black community as well as White America to understand the impact of black women Pioneers, entrepreneurs, and inventors from our past."
"These demands included an increase in African American faculty, more aggressive enforcement of the university's anti-discrimination policy in off-campus housing, and better recognition of the contribution of African Americans to the country and the university's history."
"And so 126 years after the birth of the Buffalo Soldier legend, an old old debt is finally paid."
"We all share the ambition to make sure we do right by members of the Windrush generation."
"Croatia recognized Islam in 1916 as a state religion."
"To get to play a real person who didn't ever get celebrated is just very moving to me."
"Why did it take so long for mathematicians of the past to recognize the value of complex numbers?"
"She is now recognized in the Netherlands as the historical figure she is."
"Throughout history, men of distinction have been immortalized at the stroke of the master's brush."
"The story of the Americans has cleared the way and finally found itself deservedly in the light."
"President Biden has signed a proclamation to honor Emmett Till with a National Monument."
"Chemistry made the New York Times for helping in the war effort back in World War Two."
"Leprosy has become less frequent, and Alice Ball's day has become more frequent, and this is good."