
Legal Battle Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"After seven years of fighting, they paid out $997,500."
"This could turn into a huge lawsuit against New York City if Trump ends up winning this thing."
"Comcast has made this about much more than Byron Allen, and now the civil rights of my children and my community are at stake."
"Finally, in 1998, the courts ruled in Vera's favor and Trump was forced to back off."
"The police try to get another criminal prosecution on top of the charges against Christo, thankfully it doesn't go so well for the cops."
"If I'm able to sue you and bring forth the contracts, I can show that you carry over 100 white-owned networks that have lower ratings than our networks."
"I took that case and it took four years, a lot of litigation, a lot of fighting, but ultimately we got one of the most important precedents in the country."
"Suzette fought back against her town's efforts to take her home so that it could turn her land over to a private developer who might use it to build something that would generate more tax revenue for the city."
"This case for Mr. Depp has never been about money... it's about restoring his lost reputation."
"I think they have decided to try to beat Johnny at his own game."
"Carrie Lake scores huge win as Arizona election case heads to court."
"In our number nine spot today, we have the Dreyfus Affair."
"Fight for justice, but I am very hopeful, and I hope that we're going to get a verdict that is guilty, guilty."
"Britney herself was standing up to her father, and with a new judge on the case, it seemed like she could finally tell her truth on how Jamie Spears was abusing the conservatorship."
"This is the story of the fight for fair use."
"This is a win for Donald Trump... what was his toughest case." - Acknowledging the impact of a favorable ruling on Trump's legal battles.
"A courtroom showdown between federal prosecutors and former President Donald Trump's legal team. They're in a legal battle over Trump's request for a special master to review the documents seized during an FBI search of his Florida estate."
"Johnny Depp's case has never been about money, nor is it about punishing. It is about Mr. Depp's reputation and freeing him from the prison in which he has lived for the last six years."
"Johnny Depp invested a lot to clear his name."
"But at the same time, he is fighting this losing battle to keep his taxes and finances secret."
"I believe JD is only suing for the truth to get out there. Why should Turd be allowed to defend JD and JD just cop it? AH has been caught lying." - Georgina Lakitus
"I had to fight for my right to freedom of press and freedom of speech when Judge Keith Kelly unlawfully ordered me to remove the video from the internet."
"Epic is suing Apple to establish Apple's app store as a monopoly."
"The judge in the Dominion lawsuit has once again ruled against Fox News saying that they cannot use the argument that the voter fraud conspiracies were newsworthy."
"I've spent 15 years of my life fighting for the truth about this case to be made public."
"For the time being, the Court's ruling grants them that wish but the fight is far from over."
"We will win this case, but this case should have never been brought. It is a political prosecution."
"The best case scenario is abortion essentially remains legal and a battle."
"We're in court asking for the records, we're being stonewalled in our request for the records."
"I hope that this post office case goes against Amazon because I don't think they should get a subsidy on every package they send from the United States."
"Even though it's going to be a long hard fight... their tax exemption will eventually be revoked."
"I am absolutely willing to make every single word of this legal battle fully public so that the issue of my professional competence and my right to say what I have to say and stand by my words can be fought in full daylight."
"A handful of survivors, including Krystal Kim, banded together to take on the company and were awarded hundreds of millions each."
"Instead of getting to the bottom of it and putting it right, she fought us in the high court."
"Our case has caused so many problems for [Chevron] and has exposed their misconduct to the world."
"Federal appeals court has temporarily blocked... enforcing a new rule regulating guns equipped with pistol braces."
"Nevertheless, Mike Lindell continues to insist that once the dust settles and all is said and done, 'I will be vindicated.'"
"It's David against Goliath, but I'm confident that we'll win because the facts and law are on our side."
"I will win this lawsuit, I will not lose on one count of this lawsuit."
"A bitter copyright dispute broke out between the Gaye estate and Bridgeport Music which ultimately ended with the writers being found guilty of copyright infringement."
"My ex-wife lost a custody battle to me and then tried to pull off an elaborate plan to frame me for stealing from her and turn me into the police but it all backfires on her."
"People showed up for her, donating $172,000 to make sure she has the financial security to start fighting back."
"Our lawsuit, which is being supported by you, is not about making money. It's actually about winning."
"I think this bill is going to pass and I think that we're going to see a big legal fight ahead of us."
"Epic's lawsuit is actually about something much bigger, bigger than Fortnite."
"I am so invested in freeing Kesha from her record label."
"Music producer and content creator Patrice Wilson... effectively destroyed his mental health, his finances, his business, his career, and his livelihood..."
"After Friday went viral, a legal battle commenced between Ark Music Factory and Rebecca Black's family..."
"Harry's wife has won a significant victory in this courtroom battle to protect her privacy. She's drawn a line in the sand, even if her life is of public interest."
"Even if it's not legally defamation right even if he loses the defamation suit he was never going to win over 50 million dollars amber heard doesn't have 50 million dollars in awards to give johnny depp anyway this is about correcting the record"
"We are literally watching the fall of Roe, the erosion of our fundamental freedoms, and it's even more frustrating to know that... Henry was the only vote to side with Republicans and vote against [defending Roe]."
"This isn't the end, it's a 50-year victory for them."
"I'm convinced that they will win against the SEC in the XRP lawsuit."
"If Epic wins this, helps a lot of people, this helps like a lot, especially during the COVID and all this stuff, this helps a lot of smaller developers."
"This could be the copyright battle that finally changes our broken copyright system for good."
"The U.S government's legal and extra legal war on Wikileaks is a war on journalism itself." - Democracy Now
"She fought hard to get that insurance money, knowing good and well that she killed him."
"Julian Assange must be released immediately and extradition to the U.S must be prevented."
"If anyone has been affected by Create Magic MGT, let me know. I'm officially going to war with them and YouTube's broken copyright system."
"Bravo that she is standing up to opportunists I agree I think if she believes that her day in court she needs to go up there and stand up on principle."
"Adam lost all his appeals long ago as he has told me many times once I lose all my legal remedies I will accept my fate he does not know what I know losing is not an option for me I will never stop fighting for my freedom."
"I do hope that Johnny wins, just because he has been absolutely dragged through the mud for a number of years with zero repercussions for his ex-wife."
"Hogan had somehow won the court battle, and the ownership of TNA was now under no doubt."
"Ripple is giving the SEC a smackdown right now."
"Epic versus Apple, the final day is over looking like Epic gonna win but ultimately we won't know for a little bit right."
"Even if we win in court… the fight's not over… we need to continue to fight… to ensure that people are never again forced to choose between their faith and their job."
"Kyle's family eventually filed a wrongful death suit against the city for the role played by both the operators and the police officers."
"Trump's defense plan, firing back at the special counsel, calling this 37-count indictment a heinous abuse of power."
"SEC fought hard to keep these documents sealed. But now they'll be released, potentially allowing Ripple to finally win the case and defend other projects."
"Kesha is a wonderful example of an artist who has finally gotten to realize and show off her full creative potential."
"The panda people laid the smackdown on Vince's legal team in court."
"Monique's legal dispute with Netflix served as a rallying outcry for greater transparency and equality within the entertainment industry."
"I channeled all of my emotions into destroying Karen in front of that judge, finding every possible shred of evidence."
"The luxury brands in order to fight the counterfeit world have to spend millions and billions in legal fees over and over and over again because it's a losing battle to try to fight the counterfeit market. It's a losing battle."
"Two years later in a landmark case I won back custody of my children."
"After almost 14 years and a legal battle, she was finally freed."
"The company itself meanwhile fought and quibbled against every bill; they clearly didn't expect the girls to last more than a few months when they agreed to the settlement."
"I had several large advances over her in the legal battle. I had truth and evidence on my side. Well, sadly, because you're a guy, that sometimes doesn't matter."
"The Scopes Monkey Trial... was a public media sensation and saw Brian facing off against the most famous lawyer in America at the time Clarence Darrow."
"I filed for joint custody and finally managed to get 15 days."
"Ripple, to their credit, was the first one to play offense and fight the SEC."
"I refuse to go! I'll fight this in every court in the country."
"The fight for Mo Wilson's justice was far from over."
"My client is a poor man and he is opposed by the most formidable array of legal talent money can buy."
"I got into a battle with Lion's gate."
"Britney never stood a chance. She was fully blocked from being able to fight for her basic rights and the empire she built before she was even released from her involuntary hold."
"For those of you that don't know in this situation Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard for defamation."
"'For the government, this is a must-win case. They said it before but this time the feds say they've really got the goods to lock the reputed godfather away for life.'"
"It's like McDonald's gave me a really nice animated Christmas card. It was very nice of them, but I am NOT dropping the lawsuit!"
"I did this case because those children were cheated out of thousands of dollars, and I have put in hundreds of hours fighting for those three children."
"They're fighting against a system that's unlawfully trying to take control of Wendy's money and her life, and it's not right."
"If you don't think you can get my kids away from me by framing me, you've got another thing coming because I will fight this all the way."
"There's nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you, but don't expect me to take it easy on you when I come up against you in court; I'll still try and beat your brains in."
"I ended up going on, taking it all the way to trial, and I lost, but in that process, I learned a lot."
"The Commonwealth wants to keep the remainder of the letters hidden because those letters contain information that will embarrass District Attorney Morrisy and his office."
"It's bizarre that a district attorney's office is fighting to keep these secret."
"This is what it's supposed to look like, lawyers fighting, battling it out, trying hard to win, to do the right thing, to get justice."
"I hired a lawyer with a sense of humor as twisted as mine and took the whole circus to court."
"We don't have marital equality in this country because we won the narrative battle writ large. The narrative battle helped us get the court to do the right thing, but we won it because of a legal decision that now creates that option."
"Me being sued doesn't mean I did something wrong. This is a consequence of going up against evil."
"No matter what happens in the Fifth Circuit, this case will go to the Supreme Court."
"I've spent over $18,000 in medical fees just for this respondent to try to manipulate the system and keep the children away from me."
"This has been the hardest fight I've ever had to do in all my years as a TCPA expert."
"The trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has made an extraordinary residence in the society and attracted a huge audience."
"Britney began demanding the end of this conservatorship."