
Technology Industry Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"This is massive implications for Silicon Valley and a paradigm shift for technology startups."
"This is a moment for our industry to come together, creating technology that enriches lives, that creates value, that supports and accelerates positive business and societal benefits should be our collective goal."
"Contract workers have outnumbered direct employees at Google and other large tech companies since 2018."
"One of the best things about the technology industry is that it's not zero-sum. We're building real value in the world, not just taking value from other companies."
"We're getting closer to a future where Microsoft has some healthy competition, and competition is good for everyone."
"I'm a computer programmer and have been for 20-plus years, and I was getting very tired of the nature of the industry where everything goes obsolete all the time."
"Apple, who for years have been planning on coming out in the EV space, has now decided they're not doing it."
"The really good PR people, the really good tech marketing people who want to see things improve, they're normally more on the reviewer's side than they are on the company side."
"The technology industry is crashing and as a result, any city that was basing its housing demand and economic growth off tech expansion in the last couple years is gonna get hit really hard."
"This period has also been humbling because as big of a company as we are, we've also learned what it is like to build for other platforms and living under their rules has profoundly shaped my views on the tech industry."
"Vietnam being ranked the third best country in the world for technology... we were smack bang in the middle of a technical pool of talent."
"Developers are becoming less and less afraid to speak out, especially after how tangible changes have happened."
"Apple just doesn't have an interest in building bridges with people that they can't, um, play by their rules."
"Apple own and more importantly created the stack top to bottom. Apple have no more a monopoly on iPhones than Sony has a monopoly on PlayStations."
"The conversation is around Apple's monopolistic position in the market."
"Whether it's AMD who's behind or Intel who's behind, we should always be rooting for the underdog to catch up."
"I hope that Nvidia and AMD decide not to go with, um, I expect you to less demand. There's certainly going to be less demand and there will be more competition than ever like the GPU wars should be peaking for this generation."
"A thriving computer industry was crucial towards making this ideology work."
"A great step towards moving away from Silicon Valley's stranglehold."
"We're back up by two possessions almost instantly."
"It's essentially a money printing machine when it comes to its ad Tech business." - Zach Voorhees, Google whistleblower
"When you see a penny stock make the run to a dollar, you have to respect that."
"Apple and Tesla had M&A talks for years. Tim Cook secretly is like, 'Screw Elon Musk, we can do it better and cheaper ourselves.'"
"EA Sports is hiring a senior director with crypto experience to explore blockchain and NFTs."
"AMD's massive success is difficult to ignore."
"AMD's failures right now, the only people they have to blame are themselves."
"Fairchild's two young spin-offs, Intel and AMD, would go on to have one of the most intense rivalries."
"Lisa Su changed everything when she became AMD's CEO."
"The first significant ill in his illustrious career of W's Phil Harrison relayed the news personally saying that while stadia yada yada it didn't blah blah blah blah blah and therefore effective 2023 it would be boomed."
"At the moment it's looking like AMD's certainly put themselves in a better position."
"One of the things to remember is, in the Microsoft world, Microsoft likes to control everything."
"Sony PlayStation is still expected to be the market leader at a considerable clip for high performance consoles."
"Nvidia will drag everybody down with them until they are the only ones left standing at the top."
"Let's finish this one off with a recap: Nvidia anti-competitive, anti-consumer, and anti-technology."
"The question still remains after learning all this stuff do you think it's possible to actually earn yourself an iOS job in the Silicon Valley?"
"Cook accepted the challenge in 2011 with a soft-spoken modesty that he’s become known for."
"Elon Musk is very clearly a system disrupter."
"Baidu is really a beast when it comes to AI."
"From the word go, Sony crashed Sega and Nintendo’s party quite expertly."
"Apple is like a sleeping giant in the gaming space."
"I have faith in Elon and the team to execute and navigate these choppy Waters."
"It really just boils down to I have faith in Elon and the team to execute and navigate these choppy Waters."
"Huawei has fearlessly shrugged off U.S restrictions to reclaim its position at the pinnacle of the 5G mobile industry."
"The best thing that's happened to AMD is Intel entering this market."
"AMD isn't the underdog anymore, their stock price and market cap is up there with other giants like Intel."
"But today, only two manufacturers remain that can make the most advanced five-nanometer chips: TSMC and Samsung."
"They know it's time to put up or shut up and that they will give Nvidia a run for their money"
"Elon continues to talk about where he views Tesla's value going for over the long term."
"The more we see major Partnerships like T-Mobile and others, it only validates the space."
"Xbox makes a quality product that people want to buy. They have several huge advantages over their domestic competition."
"Sony's spending the minimum amount of money if this leak is true."
"A part of this deal was Microsoft making a 150 million dollar investment in Apple, which many have claimed single-handedly saved the company from bankruptcy. But this actually isn't the case at all."
"In some ways, I'm a Silicon Valley insider, in some ways I'm also an outsider and a critic."
"The 3950 X critically demonstrates that this is a stronghold that Intel will fast lose."
"The 3950 X encroaches on Intel's high-end desktop territory in a serious way."
"The sooner these companies can get out of the hardware business, the better."
"AMD notched another record quarter with revenue coming in at $1.79 billion, a 40% increase year-over-year."
"If you destroy its manufacturing capabilities in the high-tech industry then you destroy the world economy."
"There is a particular kind of groupthink that has afflicted Silicon Valley."
"Recently, Foxconn, officially recognized as Hon Hai Precision Industry, has been intensifying its partnerships and financial commitments in nations including India and Vietnam."
"This would fundamentally change the App Store, destroying tens of thousands of free apps in the process."
"IBM, once dubbed 'Big Blue,' dominated the computing landscape."
"China's Tech sector off to a promising start."
"Patents and trademarks have become a nuclear stockpile in a legal game of mutually assured Tech destruction."
"The partners weren't given very much time by Nvidia is the real takeaway here and it sounds like they didn't have enough time to put the cards together."
"Microsoft likely to offer EU concession soon in Activision deal."
"The Japanese companies were kicking our asses so hard."
"Apple is attempting to break from Intel and the x86 architecture hegemony, which is highly disruptive and in my opinion a good thing."
"AMD needs to improve their PR; this sort of thing is a disaster for the company and hurts their position in the GPU Market."
"Just as the number of foundries capable of fabbing at the leading edge is shrinking, the set of potential manufacturers capable of making leading edge chip making tools is shrieking too."
"AMD has a lot of momentum right now that the fans are just loving."
"Tesla today is very much where it was in 2019."
"Technology as an industry is moving so fast that there's people that are going to school and graduating after four years and the job that they went to school for no longer exists."
"They should follow what Microsoft and Sony does."
"Tesla's growing 134% year over year. That is kind of a stunning statistic."
"Twitch reportedly set to lay off 35% of their staff as soon as tomorrow."
"AMD desperately needs to try to get to 25 server market share by like 2024."
"Microsoft is laying off 1900 employees at Activision Blizzard and Xbox this week."
"Epic is one of the smartest and most interesting companies in the world right now."
"I worked at both of these companies. I think of myself as a former technologist more generally, someone who happened to work on social media."
"Silverstone releases new case designs all the time, trying to constantly innovate and constantly do things differently."
"Our syllabus constantly morphs to what we need, what is going on, because software industry keeps changing."
"The EV industry in general is the best industry over the next three to five years."
"It's a lot better to have Microsoft be the steward of Activision IPs than Meta or Facebook."
"I guess you would hope AMD actually pushes them to Market."
"Amd cannibalized Intel, that's what happened really."
"I think this is one of the situations where ultimately Microsoft is going to win and Google's going to win at the same time."
"I'm the oldest guy in the tech space that you know of... but look for me on channel 38..."
"So I don't think that this is a monopoly that Twitch stands to hold on to."
"I really want this to do well, because at the end of the day, it's more gaming machines, more is always better, more competition it forces everyone else to match and be better in order to stay ahead of the curve."
"If Microsoft pass up I would equate it to them passing twitch yeah it would be that kind of mistake."
"Intel is blowing chunks, they're screwing the pooch, the gyro knees are getting schooled by AMD."
"Microsoft is going to be the company to do that."
"Within the first year, Compaq sold over 50,000 units, and by 1986 had made almost a billion dollars in revenue."
"This is the coolest time in history to be in technology."
"Huawei is the only Chinese company that came close to being that brand, but unfortunately, it's not a brand that people trust."
"Huawei cannot survive... I don't think Huawei is in the same league as companies like Samsung or TSMC."
"Tesla is a software company and I think they've got a huge lead on the other companies."
"It's really a bad idea for either of these companies, especially Google, to underestimate Sony."
"Big Tech does not just encapsulate social media"
"AMD, in their position of basically being wiped out of servers before Zen launched, need first and foremost to gain back the trust of their customers."
"We have all three GPU suppliers signaling to us loud and clear that they need to drop the prices right now."
"AMD thoroughly smacked down Intel's high-end desktop solutions that year and Intel never really bounced back until this week."
"Six billion dollars in the Linux deal. SUSE IPO rumored."
"Big Tech always seems to win because of the ecosystem because of the bundle because of their already existing huge advantages."
"LG is shutting down their smartphone business. They will not be making any more smartphones."
"Competition is key to innovation. It's a healthy thing for the industry to have gaming giants like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo duking it out."
"Hopefully in the future, especially Nvidia gets their act together."
"Synthetics raised another was it 12 million dollars yesterday from like Coinbase and some of the best funds in the world are buying Coinbase at these current price levels."
"Microsoft, trust me, y'all. Knock of the decade, Mike. Nicky, clipped that up of the decade. Microsoft is what people want Tesla to be."
"It's potentially a big win for U.S. chip making... Samsung is seeking combined tax abatements of more than 800 million dollars over 20 years." - Samsung's chip plant plans in Texas
"The success of the Xbox 360 was monumental for Microsoft, fueled largely off the failures of others."
"It's exciting to see how expectation for Nvidia has grown exponentially in such a short period of time."
"We're pushing the edge of innovation and the mobile industry forward, all to give our consumers the trailblazing experiences that only a foldable phone can provide."
"The demand for developers is skyrocketing with tech giants seeking talent."
"But going forward, another thing that just happened, Apple is now the biggest phone manufacturer in the world, overtook Samsung for the first time in 12 years."
"Nvidia stands out in the technology industry for its exceptional performance and dominance in the GPU and AI markets."
"Hopefully, the GPU world gets turned on its head because it's been pretty frustrating for a while now."
"Someday someone will build a hundred, two hundred, five hundred billion dollar software company that's doing the thing we're trying to do."
"This company literally makes gold in its GPUs, and it cannot seem to make enough of them."
"Nothing says American icon like an entrepreneur setting up shop in a garage and laying the foundations for one of the biggest tech companies of the last 50 years."
"When it comes to technology consulting, there's so many things you can do."
"There's not enough women in tech."
"Women leave Tech at a rate four times that of men."
"I joined Google 15 years ago and I've been privileged to serve as CEO for the past three years."
"We have a deep gender discrimination problem in tech."
"Apple rakes in what, 70 percent of the predictive phone market's profits?"
"DARPA probably more than any other part of the federal investment saved the American computer industry."
"Silicon Valley is great at creating light bulbs; it's great at trying and trying and failing and trying and being resilient in that regard."
"I got pretty damn excited since it was Google! I don't even know anything and I'm getting interviews from Google!"
"China now has all these ingredients... it is my belief the technology industry will be a two pillar, essentially driven by the United States and China."
"It is a great time to be a software developer."
"Microsoft is also trying to do great things; they stumbled into this industry that was going to grow to be one of the hugest things in the world."