
Self-rescue Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"I was not rescued by a prince; I was the administrator of my own rescue."
"As a traumatized child, you always dreamt that someone would come and rescue you and make this dream life you think about a reality, but you never assumed that that would in fact be you, saving yourself."
"I decided to be my own hero and I rescued myself and I started doing things for myself."
"Saving yourself from a life of mediocrity, a life of quiet desperation, a life of isolation to cope with your triggers, that's worth saving yourself."
"It's important for people to know how to be more self-reliant, more self-rescue capable."
"The final girl... she alone also finds the strength either to stay the killer long enough to be rescued or to kill him herself."
"Being part of the rescue squad means that you must save yourself too."
"When we feel really low in our lives, it's like we can't escape this loneness, and we're wondering and waiting for it to change, waiting for something to happen to save us. But the truth is, the only person that's going to save you is you."
"I realized I was gonna save myself. I just knew it. I said there's nobody coming to save me, it's going to be me that's going to get me out of this situation."
"You don't need to be saved. You're going to save yourself. You've got all of this divine feminine power in you and the ability to connect with deep faith if only you gave yourself the time to practice that."
"I saved myself I've got all the tools I need."
"She saved herself, and Joel was there to take her at the end."
"It wasn't my dad who saved me, it was me, it was me Hermione."
"I often will tell that individual, I'll say, 'We didn't save your life. You chose to save your life. We may have helped you get to the next steps that you needed to get to.'"
"This is about you rescuing yourself, this is really important my dear."
"We have to save ourselves because we have no room for their hate, their division, their failure, and their violence."
"Sometimes we literally have to save someone from themselves."
"I think the reality is that Etica just couldn't save himself."
"We then must be prepared to do what is necessary to save and rescue ourselves."
"You need to have the equipment for someone to find you rather than self-rescue."
"The Bitcoin protocol now helps us rescue ourselves from the separation within ourselves from falling under the sway of the autocratic fiat regime."
"No one's going to rescue you out of this situation, it can sound like tough love but really you can rescue yourself."
"Somebody saved me, me from myself. Has been so long."
"Give up or get up, it's like you have to save your own life."
"We have to rescue ourselves; no one else can really heal us anyway."
"She is the reason for her own rescue, and that is just incredible."
"Don't wait for your prince to come save you."
"Guys don't listen. You got to participate in your own rescue."
"Are you waiting for a handsome prince to come rescue you? Heck no! You can rescue yourself, right?"
"You got to participate in your own rescue, dude."
"Can you make a commitment to yourself to swim and save yourself?"
"People in my opinion, Mo, they have to be part of their own rescue. You can have somebody help rescue you, but you gotta grab ahold of the life raft and kick and try to get back to the boat."
"You gotta participate in your own rescue."
"You got to participate in your own rescue."
"...it does a disservice to people like Liliana to misrepresent them to argue that someone else is responsible for their safety and their well-being when in fact they rescued themselves."
"You can turn things around but you must make the choice to be the one to take action and to save yourself nobody's going to do it for you."
"You always have to go forward. Even if someone were to save you, you're still going backwards."
"My girl rescued herself, Queen recognizing Queens, love that."
"I thought I knew my friend Hannah well enough to trust her, but I didn't. However, thanks to her, I was able to realize what a horrible man I was married to and saved myself."
"I realized I am my own hero, why do I wait for other people to save me?"
"It's fair to say that Jamie was her own hero who saved herself."
"It's you... because you're there now saving yourself."
"Save yourself; you are the princess on the sand waiting for someone to save you, and you are also the savior on the white horse."
"We are the ones who will save ourselves, together as one, we are the power."
"Thank you so much. You inspired us to save ourselves."
"Rescuing myself really meant that I no longer was looking for other people to save me."
"Be brave, be relentless, be your own hero."
"We don't have a man rescuing us, we rescue ourselves."
"Work up the courage to walk away; that is the only way you can save yourself."
"It's not 1937 anymore, Snow White is going to save herself and she doesn't need a prince."
"The one and only person he couldn't save was himself, and he had to forgive, accept, and love himself."
"A guy who wins is not waiting on the world to save him."
"The most important legacy I can leave for you was not a tale of being rescued but one of self-rescue."
"I'm just happy to be here and say that Janet saved herself just by being amazingly awesome."
"We need you to fly into your own life and finally save you."
"Please rescue you. You can't abandon your humanity."
"I've been saving up times, and this time I won't be the Damsel in Distress."
"It was this beautiful fairy tale about how you had to go rescue a princess who could end up rescuing herself."
"I decided to be my own hero and I rescued myself."
"You are going to be your own hero, you are going to save yourself."
"We need to be rescuing ourselves; no one rescues us."
"You are the one that is going to save yourself."
"You're free, no one came and saved you, you saved yourself."
"They are done waiting for Prince Charming to come and save them from the tower; they're gonna get out on their own."
"You're rescuing yourself here, and that's kind of the most beautiful thing ever."
"The princess saves herself in this one and the witch doesn't burn in this one by Amanda Lovelace, these poetry collections were amazing."
"You don't need anyone to save you, you are going to save you."
"Just a little bit more, you can be your own knight and bring this new beginning for you."
"The princess saves yourself in this one."
"It's over, somebody is coming in to rescue you from this mental entrapment, and the person that's coming in to rescue you is actually you."
"You saved yourself, and that's why you're the emperor."