
Mutation Quotes

There are 275 quotes

"The mutation itself is something that's really interesting that was added. I do like it as a storytelling instrument."
"No surprise, viruses evolve and RNA viruses mutate. They will continue to do so."
"RNA viruses like coronaviruses mutate all the time. Most of the mutations don't have any physiological relevance with regard to the function of the virus itself."
"The point, which apparently needs to be spelled out, was that a novel phenotype arose due to mutations, and then this mutation rose to fixation in the population due to selection."
"No, no, wait, please. They mutated me, turned me into a monster."
"Evolution is random mutation by chance that is then selected for by natural selection."
"Locking down essentially created isolated incubation, viruses are more likely to mutate in isolation."
"Evolution depends on the amplification of the effects of mutation every birth in every lineage is a potential speciation event."
"Every infected person makes tens or hundreds of thousands of mutant copies."
"People around the world begin howling in pain as people predestined by god now began changing into mutants even if they hadn't before."
"Mutation is the ultimate source of genetic change."
"The more time you give a virus... the more likely it is that stronger variants end up becoming the dominant strain."
"This thing is mutating, it's doing different stuff."
"These guys are pretty interesting. It's another case of just 'yep, a toad mutated and got really big.'"
"The honey beast itself is just one large and mutated honeybee."
"She'll basically be a harbinger of the rebirth of mutants across the earth."
"For each separate Persona that resides within him, each has their own unique set of powers. He is an Omega Level mutant capable of pretty much almost anything..."
"The big concern is that they're seeing multiple mutations within it."
"We should not forget that since January the initial virus has been mutating quite a lot as everybody knows."
"A collection of mutants, a quasi species, where every genome can be different."
"There's an actual kaiju who is a mutated Meganura."
"We are as God made us. Any deviation from that sacred template, any mutation comes not from heaven, but hell."
"The longer a virus has to spread through a population, the more chances it gets to mutate and the more likely one of those mutations will turn out to make the virus deadlier or more resistant to vaccines."
"When viruses mutate, they generally become less dangerous. Isn't that a good thing?"
"Are they literally saying maybe part of his mutation that he was born next to a vibranium deposit?"
"All viruses continue to mutate all the time."
"More serious coronavirus mutation may well emerge."
"The virus is going to mutate and usually it mutates into becoming more infectious and less deadly."
"Entre ran may have become the cropsy of Staten Island through his actions but he was absolutely not the inspiration for the tale. The tale just mutated when it hit that island to involve a local scary asylum and an even scarier man."
"Mutants born with extraordinary abilities, a gift can often be a curse."
"Mutation, both subtle and dramatic, is fascinating enough in reality, but when taken to fantasy, it's a challenger of the impossible."
"Mutants are a wonderfully nuanced topic in gaming, defined by significant alterations. Anything can change, and everyone is affected differently."
"Every time something reproduces, it does mutate, literally every single time."
"Mutations modify the game in interesting ways."
"Carnage Kabuto: uber powerful mutant, beyond ridiculous strength, speed, and durability."
"The plan to hunt the mutant was initially going smoothly."
"Syphilis is a survivor and to survive it has mutated."
"Most evolutionary children die because it's a mistake but sometimes it's a good one that helps you out."
"We're making a zoo with mutated dinos, every single one of them."
"In a last-ditch effort to stay alive, he injected himself with a G virus which would lead him down a road of negative mutations."
"It's just gonna keep mutating like a lot of flu viruses."
"I believe the entire superstructure of Western civilization is going to crumble... the entire superstructure of religion and political thinking is going to mutate."
"The ability of viruses to mutate is an amazing aspect of evolution, allowing them to adapt to changes in their environment."
"Everything on the planet is starting to wake up because it's being galvanized by a DNA mutation."
"Mutation is the recipe for discovery of new mechanisms."
"The final gargantuan mutation of Mother Miranda is meant to look like the village symbol."
"Every mutation is new information, it's a change in a base pair that's new information."
"The writers were onto something mutant fish are becoming a real problem these are mutant fish taking over waters around the world."
"Consumed by unbridled rage, James attacked Thomas with such ferocity that he killed him."
"This trauma would lead to his mutations beginning to kick in early."
"Frieza's family is a mutated member of their unnamed race, and through those mutations, they are some of the strongest beings in the universe."
"He’s shocked to discover some small claws, meaning he’s slowly starting to mutate as well."
"Mutation is the key to our evolution."
"The virus has essentially figured out a way to incorporate a very small number of amino acid substitutions that have very large phenotypic consequences."
"If you share one of these changes, one of these markers in your DNA, with another person, that means you share an ancestor-- the person in the past who first had that mutation in their DNA and passed it on to the two of you."
"Space, the final frontier. Mutation. It is the key to our evolution."
"Deadpool, the Merc with a mouth, is an extremely powerful mutant whose mutation was brought out through the Weapon X Program."
"Wolverine, a mutant with an incredible healing factor, became a devastating force after being infused with adamantium through the Weapon X Program."
"The virus is mutating and decreasing its lethality, it's getting more and more hemmed in."
"A hyper-intelligent disease constantly predicts any vaccines and treatments that are created for it and actively mutates itself in order to avoid those vaccines and treatments."
"Mutation: it is the key to our Evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, normally taking thousands and thousands of years, but every few hundred Millennia Evolution leaps forward."
"This makes mutation a concern as well, because if you make a bunch of organisms that eat graphene hull plating and spin new bits, you will eventually end up with ones that eat undamaged sections and others that adapt to eat each other."
"The influence of macrom mutation upon the history of evolution might be far more significant than what has generally been assumed."
"Because he was one of us. Oh, he was a mutant."
"It was the ultimate product of melan degeneration, the frightful outcome of isolated spawning multiplication and cannibal nutrition above and below the ground."
"...everyone always had the innate ability to have superpowers and in fact was destined to eventually mutate into having superpowers and just nobody recognized it yet."
"However, when the duo discovers a little girl that has similar powers to Logan based on experiments with his DNA, they set off on a quest to get her to safety in Canada."
"They occur randomly and spontaneously, but the exposure to mutagenic agents... increase[s] the frequency at which they can occur."
"You can kind of get away with it because you mutate."
"Even for problems like this where you need in place mutation to be fast, that's achievable now."
"The concept of selection cannot have any meaning without mutations happening first."
"The only source of new variation is mutations."
"A single amino acid change in the polymerase reduces recombination frequency."
"This is a part of viruses that generally will change much more rapidly than many other regions of the virus."
"That's when Cessily mutates into her true form, doubling over as she begins to grow razor-sharp claws, huge fangs, and bright yellow eyes."
"If you want to know about what's going to happen to the future of human mutation rates, don't start worrying about radiation and chemicals because their effects are really very small."
"I had a gene mutation which had been in my family for generations, but it had never been triggered this early."
"With enough strength, one could prevent mutation."
"Mutation is met with violent abhorrence, lest such rampant deviance be a sign of dangerous warp taint."
"One small mutation, one little deviation from the regular formula and The Snowball Effect begins."
"Immunotherapy works better when tumors are more mutated."
"Quirks are evolving more and more, quicker than the evolution of one's body."
"...if you just take a B cell followed over time sequencing... you see it's spontaneously developing these mutations."
"It is really important for all of us to know if we have any mutations in this enzyme."
"I think lactose intolerance doesn't get the cachet culturally that it deserves, because really it's like a cool mutation that we have, that we're lactose intolerant."
"There are no more mutants or Inhumans or Eternals. There are only two races on this earth: the fanged and the food."
"The blacklight virus can rewrite yourselves all the way down to your DNA and somehow it granted Alex incredible superhuman abilities."
"Mutation means that something on the DNA was changed so one of these bases was changed somehow."
"In AML, only myoblast is mutated, not other cells."
"I've got the power to absorb energy. The fun stuff is, events of the nuclear age may have accelerated the mutation process like tiger. You really think that some crackpot scientist is going to make me believe in sparkly Dame?"
"What is astounding is that basically, you can find evidence that these mutated proteins are being presented in the vast majority of these common cancers."
"Mutation is the key to our evolution, but every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward."
"His head began to fuse with his neck."
"What if I gave her another ability? The ability to absorb another Titan, absorbing and copying their DNA to use their abilities as well?"
"So it's important that tells us something right there if it's if it's mutated and it's resulting in type 2 diabetes it's important it is not junk."
"...we were able to identify a mutation that in individuals with two copies of that mutation have brain tissue that looks one way and zero copies of that mutation have brain tissues that look another way."
"Mutations aren't necessarily bad; they don't necessarily make you have legs sprouting out of your head, right? They can do anything."
"If you are going on to careers in biomedical research or in medicine, then you are always thinking about how things might be changing, how things might be mutating."
"Deadpool became a superhuman with an alternative healing factor through the mutant workshop program."
"RNA editing work has 9 dead cos 9 was fused with the domain"
"It's a mutation of Hass, you know maybe the same genetics or maybe something else in it that mutated so it can bloom more than once a year."
"Mutations are the only way for species to evolve, so they are fundamental to our existence, and it's the same in computer science."
"Can something that has mutated go back to being what it used to be?"
"A mutation caused this dolphin to grow hind legs a long lost ancestral tray."
"All of these genes here and more are needed for the long lifespan of the death 2 mutant."
"Iter_mut mutably borrows each element of the collection, allowing for the collection to be modified in place."
"Good to have variants. Got to have them."
"A3G introduces mutations into the viral genome, making the virus non-viable."
"SCP 914 would ignore the content of the paper and instead mutate the paper itself."
"If you don't detect a mutation, that does not mean it doesn't exist."
"As a mockery to the massive reptiles found on their home world of Nocturne, I would not be surprised if a few of these traitor Marines developed reptilian features such as tail, scaly skin, and serpent-like tongues."
"Shift happens due to recombination of RNA segments between bird and human strains."
"Mutations create variation, like the first person to have blue eyes was due to a mutation 6,000 years ago."
"Anyone that comes in contact with this ooze will become the mutate."
"Cancers are genetically heterogeneous and are constantly mutating."
"When diseases mutate over and over again, you know, you have like the Delta variant now."
"Silent but deadly is a shocking mutation of twisted science."
"...when you do see something unusual that is evidence that that part of the genome is not evolving under this neutral rate that something else happened."
"...random mutations happen all the time in our DNA."
"Rogue is a mutant after all, a mutation is the key to Evolution."
"Let's not do all these mutations, let's instead let you write and think about your program as just a series of functions."
"I have observed a shift towards a form of limited bipedalism, likely mediated by the virus's influence on host gene expression."
"Tiny mutations can indeed add up to big changes."
"With the mutated eyes he could also see the different elements in the air and he could also invoke them which is nothing short of Heaven defying."
"All viruses mutate, and the big question is, do they mutate in ways that they can escape immunity in a substantial way?"
"The Mule is not a man. He is a mutant."
"The mule is not a human being. He is a mutant and obviously from his subsequent career a highly successful one."
"That is going to drastically affect the protein sequence."
"Small mutations exist in all plants, perpetuating the life of an annual plant beyond its normal lifespan."
"I think it's about mutations and genetic variation leading to changes in populations over generations."
"Nadia thinks that the hunters were passengers who have mutated because of the accelerators injected into their bloodstream."
"Animals mutated because of this sculpture; now that it is broken, this will no longer happen in the future."
"The more mutations that your cancer has, the more chance that there's abnormal proteins being expressed on that cancer cell that your immune system can recognize as being abnormal."
"These efforts have identified core sets of driver genes that are frequently mutated."
"In the case of sickle-cell anemia, the two beta subunits are mutated."
"All of these problems happen in a patient's body when they have one single letter different in their DNA sequence."
"Mutation may not lead directly to X-Men, but feels like MCU planting some seeds."
"Bishop is one of the few mutants that retained his powers after M-Day."
"By using two gRNAs, we are twice as likely to introduce a mutation that disrupts our protein."
"MTHFR is a mutation that some people have... it's not something we should be scared about."
"Ionizing radiation causes mutation within our cells, a mutation is the first step leading towards cancer."
"This keto-enol tautomerization is an intrinsic way to introduce mutations into nucleic acids."
"Evolution is just the result of a bunch of mutations that either survive or die."
"Favorite food before mutation: peat moss and lettuce on rye. Favorite food after mutation: spinach... just kidding, it's really pizza."
"The flu virus actually can mutate and change its shape."
"He's basically a geneticist gone crazy and wild with the idea of creating a super super duper mutant."
"The golden tiger got its unusual coloration because of a recessive mutation called wideband."
"We need to be extremely careful not to create a sense that all of a sudden the virus has mutated and then it's not as deadly as it used to be."
"RNA viruses dominate eukaryotic organisms because they're more mutable and they can vary and occupy more niches."
"The Forest of Death is a place where energies gather and collide; this abundance of energy causes the native animals to mutate and grow."
"The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are a group of four mutated animals that gain intelligence and humanoid bodies through an accident involving that green chemical stuff."
"The deformity seems genetic and the Crooked trees are clones originating from a single mutated aspen tree."
"Navigators are human mutants who possess the navigator gene, giving them the ability to navigate starships through warp space."
"If the virus is allowed to mutate in countries like Africa, there'll be variants which we won't be able to control; they'll come back to us."
"Cancer is a mutational process and every cancer is a little evolutionary process that occurs just within the lifetime of the person who has it."
"Making mutants synonymous with hero."
"It's really important to highlight that mutations are much more likely to disrupt gene function than improve it."
"Escaped cloned female mutant crayfish take over Belgium cemetery."
"After being struck by a uranium explosion... our favorite monster undergoes a frightening and potent mutation, becoming Burning Godzilla."
"Darwin is a mutant who has reactive evolution powers."
"Mutation... brings about a gigantic possibility for the evolution to create new things."
"Use mutation is for anything that has to do with changing or updating data in your database."
"A mutation is a change in your DNA sequence."
"We're actually kind of bad at copying DNA; we make mistakes sometimes, and these mistakes are the basis of how evolution works."
"A patient who has a BRCA mutation may actually have that mutation in all the cells of their body."
"Only mutation creates new alleles and only evolution vets those new alleles for better or worse survival, better or worse fitness."
"Genetic testing can be very helpful if one has this mutation."
"Covid-19 is an RNA virus, so mutations are natural, it's more challenging to create a vaccine that's going to work for everyone forever."
"You can mutate different objects so that you don't have to actually have direct access to the code for that class specifically to make a change that is completely important in a different class."
"It's likely a form of leucistic mutation which would be similar to albino for most people."
"Mutations are not always a bad thing; sometimes they can be very beneficial and actually enhance the survival of certain strains."
"Mutations are any change in the phenotype due to the change in the sequence of the DNA."
"It's like the X-Men movie, where people get special abilities because their DNA gets changed."
"If you're not lactose intolerant, then you are a mutant."
"Franklin Richards is an Omega Level mutant who has depicted vast reality manipulation abilities."
"If you commit this mutation which is set user, it's going to take whatever is passed inside the payload and set it to the state.user."
"That is evolution. It's natural selection, one of the many mechanisms of evolution acting upon natural mutation within a population."
"Mutations cause genetic diversity as they are changes in the genetic material due to mistakes in coding."
"It was the tale of a brilliant but ill-fated Sasquatch scientist turned radioactive in a freak lab accident."
"Marvel's Beast, one of the original X-Men, Hank McCoy, is a genius whose mutant ability gives him a furry blue beast-like appearance."
"Records are also immutable by default, and so we provide some interesting ways to mutate them."
"The one in every thousand mutations that doesn't kill you is necessary for the survival of the species."
"Prolonged radiation gave the Apes advanced intelligence, but it can also cause genetic mutations, turning monkeys into monsters."
"The ivory ball python is the super form, the homozygous version of the yellow belly."
"You have a rare mutation, some type of genetic code, a rare supernatural genetic code that's been activated."
"We've seen some compelling evidence that random mutations simply are not able to account for the complexity of life even at the genetic level."
"A mutation incorporates everything related to mutating the data, to changing the data."
"We discovered 120 new genes which when mutated caused strong changes distinctly visible changes in the pattern."
"The one below all is trapped in the Below Place and manifests in reality is through gamma and Gamma mutates."
"Mutation is a change in DNA or an RNA based changes, insertions, deletions, and rearrangements."
"A gene mutation is an alteration in your DNA; it can be inherited or acquired during your lifetime."
"Antibiotics... some of these bacteria are more likely to survive because they have a mutation, therefore they successfully reproduce and pass on their genes to their offspring."
"DNA sequencing really just shows you what order your nucleotides are in and that tells you whether or not you have a type of mutation."
"We're going to look at genetic mutations on two different scales: gene mutations and chromosome mutations."
"A mutation will invade a population if it can increase fitness through one sex more than it decreases fitness through the other."
"Mutations are changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA, and these changes are permanent."
"Silent mutations are mutations where there is no effect on the amino acid type and sequence in the protein."
"Mutations that result in a change in protein production can sometimes be beneficial."
"If your function ends in a bang, that means that it is an in-place operation and it mutates the data structure it's acting on."
"A gene mutation is basically a change in the base sequence of DNA."