
Question Quotes

There are 560 quotes

"The basic question: Are women funny? Yes, of course, some women are funny."
"Am I blind? How do I get past it? Oh my God, I'm so good!"
"Why can't women enjoy things??? Why aren't we allowed to do things and enjoy things?"
"Tell me why do you love me? It's a very good question because there is no answer to it."
"It's like, why should marijuana be illegal? It just doesn't make sense."
"Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Is that a nut position?"
"These are without a doubt the best canvases, like if you're wondering, the Level 3 thickness."
"How much more carnage are we willing to accept?"
"What is it to gain the whole world but lose your own soul?" - Speaker
"How can we ameliorate these issues faced by so many Americans?"
"Do we really have to have these Mass tragedies? It's very devastating."
"I like questions that can be answered... not obvious what the answer is... everybody will agree what the answer is."
"Why can't people work out their things without killing each other? It's crazy."
"Mind-reading: this power could actually be pretty useful; you could find out if a girl likes you, find out someone's pin number, and if you used it in conjunction with the police you could actually help them find and stop dangerous criminals."
"Do I love you because you're beautiful? Because I love you."
"How many green lights am I going to get? Three."
"Do you want to be a fighter? That is the question."
"I am trying to understand, do you know what the cryptocurrency is?"
"Is this important for U.S national security?"
"Where do you want to sleep, Dr. Chavez? That's a dumb question, Miss Cribbage."
"How is he able to constantly get away with this [ __ ]?"
"Was it a lie that this is the greatest economy we've watched in our lifetime?"
"Why are you still living in shame? Why are you still living in pain?"
"No irreparable harm was done, really, Dr. Truth?"
"My question will be more awesome than regular words."
"The political will to do it is the question."
"How many of y'all know who this black god is?"
"What are we going to do with that data?"
"Does money or love conquer all?"
"Don't be sexist, I love you. Sexism?"
"Are you actually a fashionista, or are you just skinny?"
"What's really going to bake your noodle later on is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said anything?"
"Is it so bad to be a hopeless romantic?"
"What does it profit a man if he saves the world but loses his place in it?"
"Every testimony begins with a test, and every question begins with a quest."
"I didn't ask if you had to roll every time you did anything."
"Where's the beef? More like, when's the bee? Let's talk about that."
"Why is there such paternity doubt?"
"The most asked question we are ever asked... in the history of being asked questions relentlessly."
"This is the most asked question I get from all my videos."
"The question is whether it's a curse or a blessing."
"Probably the activities, it's a great question."
"Why would he give him the flag on otherwise, right?"
"Why are you so aggressive? How am I aggressive?"
"I think it's a super valid question."
"I appreciate you diving into that last question."
"Hey, Adam, have you heard you probably heard this one?"
"I don't know why you haven't made any of them."
"It is the most important spiritual chapter because it answers the most compelling question religion has to answer."
"Don't be afraid to ask the dumb question. You know, I'm a teacher, so I try to create an environment in my classroom where every kid in the room is comfortable asking the stupid question."
"Is there anything you want to say to the pound for pound best fighter in the world Alexander volkanovski?"
"Why the [ __ ] would one not run really fast?"
"How was your holy goat experience?"
"What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?"
"What does it actually mean for the United States in the 21st century to actually be in possession of a colony?"
"Are you having the best day ever?"
"By what nickname is Barbara Millicent Rogers known?"
"What are your favorite foods? is an example of an open-ended question that cannot be answered with a yes or no response."
"For those who have seen the Circus starring Charlie Chaplin, let me ask you a question."
"Stupid question: why did he jack a minivan? Is he taking his children to soccer practice?"
"Sorry, why you so [ __ ] horrible?"
"Question one: who's the craziest mom?"
"I would love to know in the comments down below what is your favorite type of M&M."
"How many holes does a straw have it's just one hole all the way through you sure about that all the way through."
"What did you say your name was Miss?"
"How many roads must a man walk down?"
"Why did you only try to give her back $300?"
"'So while I'm finishing this, let's hear this week's question from listener Claire.'"
"We're going to be asking the question, 'Who is your secret admirer?'"
"A better question serves the circumstance."
"Yo, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, I got one question."
"...I mean, I think it's a good question you asked because it goes to, like, what is my philosophy and why does it lead to this conclusion?"
"It's time for the octopus ladies hopefully interesting question to the audience so they leave comments and boost engagement. Today's question is what dinoflagellate shape is your favorite?"
"It leaves you with that question and allows you to decide the answer on your own."
"...if you were in a horror movie, would you live? That is a question."
"'Suddenly, a question shot to the front of my mind, a question I aired over the radio to our captain.'"
"What on earth is going on? What's..."
"...that was the one if any of them that felt like it was earned that felt like there was a purpose to going back and answering a question..."
"Perfect. Now my question that I have is where does the Queen come into play?"
"It's more of a question, I guess. He says not a myth. A lot of these are just going to be statements. And does spark plug gap matter?"
"A rising ending is the question, and a falling ending is the answer."
"But the real question is, what happens to the war now?"
"Piccolo questions Broly on if he always goes after the children first."
"I definitely have found success in posing a question to your followers."
"That's an extremely false equivalence, but, more importantly, it doesn't answer my question."
"One of the timeless questions of comedy."
"The main intuition is that by rewriting a question in a few different ways, you increase the likelihood of actually retrieving the document you want."
"It definitely seems like a very worthwhile question to ask."
"Richard Ayoade: 'Why have you brought flasks? What's in the flask?'"
"Our second question is all about ABBA singles."
"A famous Mini Cooper car chase and the iconic line 'hang on a minute Lads I've got a great idea' both feature in which 1969 Michael Caine film?"
"Electric King, played by Sophie Marceau, plans to give her pipeline a monopoly on transporting oil from the Caspian Sea by destroying which city?"
"'Is this for real, boss?' 'It wasn't a question that called for an answer. Schaffer had summed up their collective feeling pretty well, and there was nothing that anyone could add that wouldn't seem and sound superfluous.'"
"The question that every new Creator should ask themselves is what does your variety show look like?"
"As a magician, you'll come to learn that's the most annoying question to be asked at the start of a trick."
"That is just a really a really good question which I've never once thought about so thank you for that."
"Would you leave that marker out there?"
"It's a pretty foundational question."
"Violence is never the answer, Adam. It's the question, and the answer is violence."
"What brought about the sudden turnaround?"
"That's a great question right there, why does Annie have a role of packing tape?"
"The first question was do you like meat in your soup?"
"Hey, Doug, can I ask you a question? Yeah, sure, sure. Do you enjoy a nice glass of water?"
"I said to you, I said what color bread do you eat, right? And what was your answer?"
"I think the question isn't why now or what's the need but what took so long."
"So thanks for the good, that's a great question Steve."
"Now, in Season One, Matt had to draw a naked lady and not be pervy. Did you ever have to draw any naked men?"
"I think we have time only for one question here and hope it's a question with a short answer."
"The child asked if he was a hunter."
"That is the most important question that any human being will ever answer."
"Thank you guys for watching today's video. Our question for the day is: who had the best gift? We'll see you guys next time. Bye!"
"The question is not who, but how."
"Favorite interview question that you like to ask because you're interviewing."
"She said it and she's like, great question."
"let's get to the question alright guys"
"What is it about the number 40 car that is behind everything that happens?"
"...that's why it's such an interesting Historical Area era but I think I see the question the thought behind the question..."
"No, isn't this your first time going to a Yankee game?"
"If they were underwater, how did the scientists get into the cave?"
"We're going to eat it, did we combine this skillet already?"
"It's not meant to have an answer, it's meant to just lead to discussion."
"The real question is: where did the programming come from in the first place?"
"Question, process your thoughts, and give yourself the correct answer."
"Welcome to the Crystal Lagoon! Are you having fun at the Crystal Lagoon?"
"Would you smack a co-worker for 20 [__]? Hahaha."
"Is it good for comics to put out a lot of stuff all the time?"
"'Are they making super porp out of babies?' - A disturbing yet thought-provoking question."
"That's actually a really good question and I think we'll answer that actually in an upcoming video."
"That makes the next Super Chat question from Kevin Ford for $4.99."
"I'll ask why. Oh wait a minute, too soon."
"I have a question to put you on the spot, uh-huh, can you please explain to people why it is not dire emergency for us not to insulate the closet wall and the bedroom wall and the bathroom wall why do we not care why do we not care."
"...you can ask us a question on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag ask the minimalists, that's all I got right now, I really hope you enjoy this broadcast of Tuesdays with the Minimalists, enjoy!"
"If we have the ability to ask a certain question, it to me is indicative that we're going to get to an answer."
"Why is the second Ultraman show called Ultraseven? Why seven?"
"Why does Zorin have sticks of dynamite on his blimp?"
"Why did he pay for two private dancers?"
"Why'd you give them such a little penis?"
"What has been your favorite tip so far?"
"Every essay question you ever get in your life is going to have one of these words in it, or another word that means something similar."
"The witches were seen, not allowed to go. The witches, what witches?"
"The most interesting first date question I've been asked is about my relationship with my father."
"I love answering this question for the 15th time."
"What makes you think your pig will take you back?"
"If you have any questions or you got stuck anywhere, please leave a comment."
"Why doesn't Vegeta know instant transmission Super Saiyan 3 kaio-ken?"
"Can you play croquet?" shouted the Queen.
"Where did all the ships off Los Angeles go?"
"Just tell me straight, medicos: who invented BIM Padova Cassatt?"
"Cat asks Joe when she met her boyfriend."
"It's almost impossible to resist a generous question."
"If it's a good question, it's almost impossible to resist."
"Remember, if Chucky doesn't get thrown in the trash, is it a Chucky series?"
"Is this already the one that got decapitated, in your hand, hands cut off?"
"Let's find out what the question is here it comes."
"The correct answer takes your total over $10,000. Here's the question: Which of the following is the closest living relative to the trilobite?"
"Let's play the weakest link. First question is for 100 pounds: In African wildlife, what common name is given to any member of the horse family that has black and white stripes? Zebra, correct."
"This is for £20,000: which musician is co-author of the book 'Bang: The Complete History of the Universe'?"
"The word 'lac,' ultimately derived from Sanskrit, is commonly used in Southern Asia to mean what number?"
"What would cause a man to do that?"
"My biggest question though is whether or not Supernatural elements are actually at play here."
"That looks fantastic. Immediate question: What if you're a sid sleeper?"
"Is that cat food or is it just tuna? Hey man, you gotta get your protein in."
"There never was a tenth question."
"Why am I coming to your house to play it if you've got it?"
"...the only question really in the end is with whom or with what am I, are we in relationship?"
"This righteous indignation, this loving, sweet Jesus running out these money changers - what's going on?"
"Do you think that's a good thing?"
"I don't know why you need a billion dollars."
"A question for you, don't be rude."
"What are you afraid of, Mark?" she said at last.
"If you have a question, you might get it answered on the show. Be sure to put your question all in caps for your best chance to have your question answered."
"All I'm really trying to say is this is a good question I've never truly contemplated before."
"This might be a wild question... but would you try the 25 naked?"
"Why is there a luggage shop at an airport after you've checked in? What's the point?"
"It’s the most heartbreaking question you could ask."
"Is it worth two years of Agony to get there? Yeah, it's a question."
"Can I ask a question? Yes. So, non-binary identities, is non-binary a gender or is non-binary not having a gender?"
"This is so funny, okay, I have a question, is anyone doing a self-portrait here?"
"If an Achara runs in the woods and no one's there to hear it, does she make a sound?"
"What did the freaking Oracle tell Bryce?"
"Why should we sit here waiting to die?"
"Our most popular question every day. It seems that overall sentiment for someone new and outside."
"That's a good question. Am I in the spaceship in this question?"
"This video it needs to end but not before godwa question of the week is what is your favorite carb to eat."
"Why aren't we all practicing golf right now?"
"My cousin Vinnie, what the [ __ ] is a grit?"
"If you are not a farmer or Soldier what are you? A merchant, sailor, or Tradesman? A priest?"
"Have you ever had any blackout or other electrical system failure?"
"Our result happens to be one, but in this problem description they return three. Why is that? How did they get three different ways when our current algorithm that I've shown you only gave us a single one?"
"I love to know who your favorite Ninja Turtle is."
"All of them, Sanji probably could have asked him where the all blue sea was."
"Why won't Audrey let Jake hold the bag?"
"If you live in Sunny South Florida and you don't have a Summer's kitchen, what the heck are you doing?"
"Now that was the last question, actually. And that's the best way to do it, because then you don't have to disappoint anybody. Exactly."
"I'm gonna be all over here, quick question you guys, maybe you don't even have to answer, just at least ponder it at least humor me and ponder it if you made it this far."
"That's a great question and it's honestly the type of thing where you just have to put your butt in the seat and find out."
"He's a smart bear, so does he still take a [ __ ] in the woods?"
"Sorry, bye bye. Can I ask a question? Yeah, this is serious. Okay, if his gets cut off, can it grow back like a lizard's tail?"
"It's life, you know. I got a question for you from Patreon."
"That's a million dollar question."