
Voice Quotes

There are 3348 quotes

"It takes a lot of courage to go on our own way... to have our own voice."
"It's our own voice, and we just want to sort of acknowledge that it is good enough."
"What you have to understand is that when you begin to travel the path of your passion, you begin to find your voice."
"You do have a voice. Combine them and don't let other people speak for you."
"Use your voice. The most important and the strongest and most potent weapon we have is our voice."
"The most powerful tool we all have is our voice."
"I have a responsibility to the wider community to use my voice and so do the players."
"I believe in giving a voice to people that don't have it."
"Women don't need to find a voice; they have a voice. They need to feel empowered to use it, and people need to be encouraged to listen."
"People realizing that their voice is valuable and important."
"There is no platform too small. If that means having a conversation at Thanksgiving dinner or posting to your Instagram or going to a march, doing a sit-in, whatever it is, don't stop."
"We have to turn up and vote because it's so important our voices are heard."
"They were committed to giving voice to a generation that up to that point really didn't have one."
"If I can use my voice in any way to help out, I think people are sometimes scared to speak up."
"The voice of the American people matters, and one of the ways that we all express our voice is through a vote."
"Your voice has the ability to heal others because everything is vibration."
"I'm glad that the victims are also finally getting their voices heard."
"I deserve to make a living off my voice because I know my voice is powerful."
"I am NOT a victim, and neither are you. You have an uncensored voice, so use it for good."
"If you dare to be an independent voice in anything, you're going to get punished."
"Don't believe in something. Stand for something. Use your voice, and good luck."
"I had my site set on hosting on television now, to start to use my voice more. I'm a 'silent movie star' doing these music videos."
"If all of our voices are not heard and widely distributed, you don't really have a true democracy."
"I've found a new voice. Now I'm going to use it."
"That's the great thing about the Internet in general, really, is that anyone can make their voice heard."
"I've actually learned a lot about the voice and how our experiences affect our voice."
"They can silence your voice but never let them silence your spirit."
"I'm speaking up today for people that don't have a voice."
"Change doesn't come from staying silent; it comes from speaking out."
"When you hear their voice, you hear the beauty of their soul. They have a very active voice that is beautiful and expressive."
"Children deserve to have their voices heard, especially when it comes to something like this."
"There is actually a direct correlation between your self-love and how much money you make."
"Your voice is becoming more powerful, your voice is becoming more charismatic."
"I won't stop fighting. I will never be silenced."
"No one had any idea that social networks would become so important and help shape the political discourse of elections, how people are treated, it would give a voice to people who are underrepresented but also people we don't necessarily want to hear from."
"Death doesn't scare me, 'cause if I don't speak for those who can't be heard right now, what am I doing with my platform?"
"This game's got such a voice, it's got such an identity."
"The true voice is for progress, those who put an emphasis on growth rather than attention."
"I hope my voice returns so I can record some good stuff."
"We had such a good thing going. Will he remember my voice?"
"I think it's fascinating how one true voice can bring so many together."
"We do all have a voice, and it is very important for each of us to stand up and be counted."
"We see her as a woman trying to fight for her voice to be heard as equal to the men around her while also having to work twice as hard."
"If you're a pastor that is watching today, one of the obligations that we have to Almighty God is to make sure that we are a voice for Him, and that voice right now requires us to be bold and not be afraid of the issues."
"Your voice is so soothing that my cat fell asleep."
"Her voice is just so warm and charismatic. Can you have a charismatic voice? She has one."
"Don't let louder voices with worse intentions drown you out."
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves."
"We were the ones who said no, you're not going to have us [ __ ] up in the game."
"I want to know you and I want to hear your voice."
"We really have to be able to discern who gets a voice and what they're able to say."
"That was clean, that was pretty dominant there from the Outlaws."
"You've been Summer's voice, Mary. You've been a real hero in this whole scenario."
"All I'm here to do is to speak for people who hadn't got a voice."
"You have to have a point of view and you have to have a voice."
"I want everyone to have a voice and I want everyone to have their place."
"And now I want to try to make my voice heard to stand up for people who maybe can't stand up for themselves."
"You can speak out... Use your voice, you are trusted."
"We are literally changing the world, one voice at a time."
"The first and most important thing everyone can do is speak up."
"I just go to the kids every time... they don't have a voice. We need to be their voice."
"This institution that we've created has given an opportunity for people to spread their voice all over the world."
"Every one of us has a powerful voice and the ability to make a powerful impact."
"No matter what people managed to take from you, they will never be able to take your voice."
"If there is anything I hope for the students, it is that we will feel empowered to make our voices heard and our presence known."
"Your voice is important in November so if you speak it out loud to the universe it's almost like they're showing me that you will get that energy right back."
"Principled objection and voicing it is the heart of the democratic process."
"Every voice, no matter how small, has the potential to ignite change."
"When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful."
"A deep husky voice... makes him seem strong and serious."
"But this raises the question if it is so easy to let your voice be heard and speak about something you're interested in what value does any one specific person's opinion hold."
"The voice of the working class is always going to be coarse, and it's worth bearing in mind that these people are suffering."
"There's a community out there that needs your voice."
"I'm happy to back any movement that's rational. I have a voice. I'm clearly not quiet. I'm ready to use my voice to bring about change in this country."
"Your voice matters and how you use it can change the dynamic."
"Advocate for people who can't often speak for themselves."
"Each and every person, regardless of their experience, has a voice and has a story that deserves to be told."
"In being a voice was something I did not see coming, but man am I glad it happened."
"We're not going to teach our daughters to be silent like we were."
"Whenever I think of characters who are majestic, I always think of Morgan Freeman's voice."
"Their voices, their ideas, their perspectives are being heard."
"One of the most significant ways in which people understand and experience the political economic crisis we're going through is through a sense that they don't have any voice or any power." - Grace Blakely
"We must speak, we must stand up, we must be vocal."
"On YouTube, your voice can be your greatest asset - even if your face is never seen."
"Thank you John for giving us a voice out there in the proverbial wilderness."
"Everybody has a voice now on the internet and everybody has a voice on social media."
"Don't drop the mic, use the mic, because your voice matters."
"It gives a voice to those who otherwise would not have a voice."
"But it's crazy when other people start to voice their opinions and they get heard much more sooner and quicker than we do even on spaces that we have way more influence, way more control."
"I just want you guys to have a place where you're finally heard."
"Using my voice and platform to seek justice."
"Black America needs to be loud, needs to be clear, needs to speak up."
"Real courage, we have to hear those voices too."
"We have to raise our voice against this injustice."
"Boycott became a last resort because they weren't able to have a voice."
"We're here because if we left we would have no following and we have no voice."
"We need your voices to rise up or this ain't going to stop."
"Your voice is so soothing, thanks for the stream."
"Everyone deserves a voice, even if you don't agree with them."
"There is an American voice that can speak to all of this."
"It's amazing how creative people have gotten to counter their voice."
"Don't ever forget to speak up, your voice is powerful enough."
"They gave a voice to Black Lives Matter activists, Occupy activists, anti-fracking activists, third-party candidates, anti-imperialists, and that's why they came."
"The voice becomes almost like an analogy for the part of you that has been protected by your ego maybe on a certain level but also punished by it."
"Our voices are a lot more powerful than you think."
"If you don't have a voice, you don't get a choice."
"I vow to be a voice for those who don't have a voice and to stand up for those who can't fight for themselves."
"If there was ever a voice that literally could have miraculous healing power, it would be Stevie Wonder's."
"We know the power and the importance of the black voice."
"We are not powerless, and that's the point I'm trying to make. We have a voice."
"Your voice is a musical instrument people just think it's a fluke some people are just born with it."
"If you're watching an interview of mine and you only talk about how I look, you're, in a lot of ways, kind of taking away my voice."
"Freeman's deep resonant voice and commanding presence have made him one of the most distinguished actors in Hollywood."
"Now that we have a unique character, a unique start, and the ability to find said character in our menus, we can now give her a voice."
"Just use your voice friends, use your voice. Just do it, god."
"Everyone's voices deserving to be heard and that fighting for what your community wants is worth it."
"Most importantly they were demanding a voice."
"We still have a voice powerful enough to make a difference."
"You got a real-life storytelling badass voice."
"The most important thing is God and His grace... God gives you a voice for a reason, God gives you your own free will for a reason."
"I believe in giving people a voice. I believe that ads can be an important part of voice."
"Your voice is too powerful not to find its way into those mediums."
"It's [__] awesome... you make a deposit into that boss voice and it gets stronger... it's a different thing."
"If people make their voice heard... there's a real power there."
"His voice alone was something that could grab your attention even if you didn't know him as an artist."
"Your blessings this month is that you've actually found your voice."
"We want to hear your voice, your individual voices, take these characters and do a run."
"There's something about the vibration and the residency of the voice that matters."
"Anyone with a voice can speak. It's so powerful that you can start talking about and putting eyes on things that otherwise no one would know really existed."
"Our voice will only get bigger, and that is the only thing we request."
"Every voice that comes out here that says this is a bad idea is important."
"There was just this frustration, this void... people need to be heard."
"Being part of the union really allows you to use your collective voice."
"It gives you strength, it gives you a voice."
"Your voice is tied into either this connection or your sole purpose."
"You are a voice for voiceless Ethiopia, you are also a loud, loud voice for Ethiopia."
"The only way that we can really have a true voice is if we come together and stand together with a union."
"Speak up for the people who carry the voice of the people."
"People being authentic, being honest... gives people a voice, a platform."
"Rashford has given a voice to the voiceless."
"Lego ensures everyone is included, and all voices are heard."
"What you are doing is so needed as a voice of those who have none."
"We always try to write them in the voice and the opinion of the show that it's presenting."
"Now is the time to raise your voice as loud as you can."
"You need to find your voice, you need to find your space."
"On a personal level I truly believe that all my characters they choose me. I get to be an instrument and a voice for people that are marginalized or go unheard or who feel voiceless."
"Let their blood boil, let their voices be heard, and fight."
"Everybody's voice should hold the same ability to be heard."
"You've got to speak up, you've got to take a stand."
"We all have a voice and we all have a role to play in this, big or small."
"A voice like a chorus of angels stopped him in his tracks. It was captivating and euphonic, like a melody from a distant galaxy."
"So voices are going to be heard around possibly legalities... fairness, justice, equality."
"Your voice doesn't matter because it echoes in the halls of Eternity."
"His voice was very comforting, so full of love."
"The biggest thing you can do is make your voice heard on these platforms and support the voices that you see as being silenced."
"I'm just a voice for the voiceless, you know."
"Your voices will be heard, your voices will be believed, your voices will not go in vain."
"If you can hear my voice, you are part of the resistance."
"I do everything in my power to try to have a voice for them."
"He's building a voice for people who can't be heard."
"What is the motivation behind AFV? ... I wanted to create a platform where this platform is for you you can have your say you can have your opinion"
"Your voice will be a catalyst for healing in others."
"He's the boss, though, so he needs a deep voice."
"Your voice matters and your positivity matters."
"We gotta use our voice, we gotta speak up, we can't be silent."
"You don't have to sound like anyone else. Find your own voice."
"If I could only perform one trigger for the rest of my life, it would be my voice."
"Don't let the abusive family system still take away your ability to use your voice."
"Join me in this fight for the people whose voice were taken from them."
"At the end of the day, someone has to be the voice for the kids."
"Mary chose her because Mary gave a voice to the voiceless."
"The louder your voice, the more responsibility that comes with it."
"Our prayers are not the voice; our prayers are The Echoes of his voice."
"You can also hear Kenny unmuffled by his parka at the end of the South Park movie, 'South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut.'"
"Bricks can be and should have a single voice on all global crises and issues."
"We needed a strong man's voice in Washington."
"We're in a moment where black women younger sisters are owning their voice like never before."
"Aretha Franklin used her remarkable voice as an instrument of change, earning her status as the epitome of musical excellence."
"Black single mothers are looking for opportunities to really center their voices and their needs."
"Your voice is not small, it just needs to be heard."
"Voice inflections mean a lot, I mean that's why the Theranos woman put on her baritone because she wants to have authority."
"You don't speak for the Black Street, you don't represent us."
"You've got a real voice now in affairs of the world."
"Thank you for being able to give me a voice."
"He is truly giving a voice to Americans who have felt silent and ostracized for their experiences and beliefs."
"I know that I can still use my voice for a lot of good things."
"You're finally going to feel as though you have a voice."
"Our voices can be heard with the expansion in digital technology."
"This is the sexiest I will ever sound right here."
"We're taking the gatekeepers out in terms of now you don't get to speak for us anymore."
"Don't hold back. Use your voice to make a difference."
"Every voice matters, but they sure seem desperate to erase evidence."
"Denying the armband is the same as denying a voice."
"As I'm strengthening my own voice, a reminder that your voice matters, that what you say and how you say it is really, really powerful and important."
"We can't be silent. We have to use whatever megaphone we have to cry for justice."
"Opportunity to share your authentic voice, your authentic truth."
"I really wanted to be a voice for my culture."
"Your voice and your actions can have an amazing impact."
"You will not be defined by the wall in front of you, you will be defined by the shout inside of you."
"You are not alone and that you have a voice even if you do not have a platform like myself."