
Cognitive Skills Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Improving your reasoning just helps with everything."
"Intelligence is not just a simple measure of IQ; it encompasses a variety of types, each with its own merit and basis in reality."
"Fluid intelligence, being able to apply your knowledge from problem A into problem B even when they don't have everything in common, that's an important thing."
"The true art of memory is the art of attention."
"There's no such thing as a good or bad memory, there's a trained memory and an untrained memory."
"There are three kinds of people: those who can count and those who cannot."
"Drawing like so many other skills is a matter of being able to think of several things at once. Since the conscious mind seems to be able to think about only one thing at a time, the subconscious mind must take care of a good deal when we draw."
"We want to help you think like a computer scientist."
"This rhythm game induces a flow state, a state of heightened mental flexibility that allows the subject to master the tempo."
"Incorporating music into the curriculum has known to enhance critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities."
"Cognitive thinking needs to make a serious comeback."
"Your decision making skills, your thought Paradigm is excellent." - Dave Ramsey
"Densely packed information demands an intelligent mind."
"Verbal minds shine in journalism, librarianship, and record-keeping."
"All you focus on the facts, you use your cognitive abilities to stay logical."
"Squirrels create a mental map of the area and recall every hiding spot."
"That's why I keep coming back over here to the demonstrative chart, the cognitive stuff. I think everybody is doing the cognitive stuff. Get the hands-on. Focus on the hands-on. I can't stress this part enough. Focus on the hands-on."
"This requires skill. This requires brain power. This is stacking blocks."
"If you want to get better at thinking, you're just like anything else: you study it, you practice it, and you learn how it works."
"Multitasking isn't necessarily a thing, it's just the ability to quickly balance between things."
"Logical thinking, I like IQ tests, these are great."
"We all know that women are just as equipped as men for cognitive abilities."
"Learning the skill of reframing is a key to living a happier life."
"In some sense, we're remembering more about the prefix."
"Whole brain thinking surpasses left brain thinking or right brain thinking."
"When you got a fast brain, you're a problem."
"Discernment is the ability to know the difference."
"How do you teach people how to think? Well, I believe that we are storytelling animals."
"The purpose of learning how your mind works is to help you learn more efficiently, decreasing the time it takes to get you to that skill level."
"Turns out humans are really, really good at pattern recognition."
"Your brain wants to solve problems. If you ask a better question, you get a better answer."
"Writing code is not a typing exercise, it's a thinking exercise."
"Most of us have a hard enough time with basic logic and reason."
"The combination of having this active mind and concentration skills often allows you to think really critically."
"If you don't have real-time thinking it's impossible to grow."
"The world can be really narrow and restricted and confusing if you don't have the ability to figure out what someone else is thinking and predict their behavior."
"If there's one core skill that I could teach every human being on the planet, it would be how to separate your thoughts from your actions."
"If you have quick recall, that's how you become witty."
"Forget the exercise system, what is happening in terms of people just being able to form Common Sense thoughts?"
"Relative pitch is like having a mental map of musical relationships, while perfect pitch is like built-in GPS."
"The ability to reason is becoming very valuable today."
"You are very perceptive and highly intelligent."
"There's a ton of parallel with chess with Tetris, so it's a lot of pattern recognition."
"Thinking is a skill set. Most people don't think. They don't have any time to think."
"Induce mental abilities such as better problem-solving, intuition, inspiration, and creativity. Enough talk, let's have some more action."
"A study from the University of York did end up showing a strong correlation between players who are best at MOBA games like League of Legends and Dota II and how they performed on IQ tests."
"Drawing is a holistic process. There are many things going on as you draw, and it's good to be aware of them."
"Aquinas's memory and intelligence are truly astonishing."
"You need sharpened ability to decipher and to discern."
"Humans are storytellers, pattern spotters, metaphor makers."
"Expertise is really you know what you're talking about and you know how to think about it."
"Learning hard subjects makes you better at problem solving in real life."
"You can be intelligent and book smart but have little common sense for street smarts."
"Pattern recognition memorization techniques."
"Intelligence is quite literally the ability for us to attain knowledge and apply certain skills aptly in our daily life."
"His board awareness is actually one of his most undersung qualities."
"Speaking multiple languages improves your divergent thinking skills."
"What you've seen is a short demonstration of what can be done if you train your memory."
"Learning how to detect and prevent misconceptions and misinformation from taking root in your own mind is a skill I think is more essential than ever."
"Executive functioning includes the ability to maintain a calendar, manage money, have appointments, and prioritize activities."
"The results of the cognitive testing suggest that Mr. State is an individual with superior verbal reasoning skills."
"When you train your brain that way, you're going to get a better strategic quotient and be much better at strategy."
"Students graduate as they progress through a program, then they start applying higher-level cognitive skills."
"He's thinking computationally without even knowing it. Maybe he should get into computational tools because he's already thinking in that way, right?"
"Abstract reasoning, even if the specific skills acquired are not immediately useful in later life."
"Pattern recognition is a skill. It's an art."
"It really helps with your spatial awareness."
"We need to develop a new kind of quantifiable skill that you might call imaginative thinking."
"Perspective-taking as a cognitive skill has been very useful to me."
"Delayed gratification and planning are high order skills."
"More than anything else, they're testing how you think."
"Executive functions is this umbrella term that refers to things like decision making, problem-solving, organization, things that make us a logical human being."
"The single most important factor linked to expressive language development in children with autism is their cognitive skills."
"Some parrots and crows display problem-solving capabilities better than seven-year-olds, better than some adults I've met too for sure."
"Your brain has to think about two things: the fast feet and the pass."
"Understanding psychology, how to remember things, for example, how to get the most out of your learning."
"Executive functioning skills are the directive capacities of our brain."
"The primary goal of agility performance is to enhance perceptual cognitive ability by giving the athlete various situations and tactical scenarios to work with."
"Thinking is a skill, and a lot of people forget that."
"Pure size is not the only factor in a brain's cognitive skills."
"Bilinguals are more trained with regard to executive control and in the long run become better at ignoring distractors or focusing their attention on something that's important."
"Our ability to reason abstractly, to solve complex problems, and to acquire new knowledge."
"Women are better at facial recognition than men."
"His strength is actually his ability to process."
"It's really good to do because what it does is it teaches you how to draw quickly but also, more importantly, it teaches you how to think."
"Cognitive management in sports can be thought of as your ability to focus, concentrate, and make decisions throughout the performance window."
"Every time you put your iTunes on shuffle, every time you let a theater website choose the best seats for you, or you let Amazon recommend something based on your previous shopping habits, you kill those neurons that should be being used to make decisions for you."
"The good news is that once you recognize that these thoughts are troublesome... you can apply the same set of skills and you just have to learn to apply them at that next level up."
"Sometimes you gotta learn to think, speak, communicate, and relate."
"Bilinguals have greater metalinguistic awareness; they actually have more cognitive skills than monolingual speakers."
"Intelligent people have a better grasp of humor because they understand how to subvert people's expectations."
"Intelligence... measures through our cognitive abilities."
"What's neat for me is that, people have actually tried to create deliberate interventions to improve people's systems thinking abilities."
"Executive function skills are the kind of skills that help us focus our attention, to switch between different kinds of tasks, to monitor our behavior, to self-regulate."
"Verbal reasoning is the ability to understand language beyond the words spoken."
"If you learn how to use the mind properly, then you're much more likely to remember all the things you want to remember."
"His recall is exceptional, which is a big part of the quarterback position."
"The bigger picture is that everyone could benefit from improving these abilities."
"Cognitive skills such as problem-solving are better among bilingual children than monolingual ones."
"Intelligence involves not only memory and calculation ability but also visual processing skills and much more."
"The game develops quick analytic thinking as well as hand-eye coordination while having tons of fun."
"It's all about mental acuity, perspicuity, and attentive absorption."
"Fold your own paper, good for your brain, math, engineering, art, open play."