
New Beginning Quotes

There are 825 quotes

"Human beings were created, and this set them on a path: humanity stepped into a new beginning, free of slavery, and into a journey of self-discovery."
"Then you can take a sigh of relief, it's over, we're done, we can start living again."
"Prince William's marriage to Kate Middleton marks the beginning of a new and independent stage of his life."
"I want to say thank you to everybody and you know it's sort of a new life starts now."
"This is a story of the Gospel changing somebody's life and giving somebody a fresh life."
"It may be midnight in Washington, but the sun will rise again. I put my faith in the optimism of the founders."
"If any man be in Christ, he's a new creature."
"When you change a man's nature, he becomes a new creature."
"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for a new champion."
"Goodbye, Mexican L'Manberg. Hello, The Rapids."
"Starting today because the Democrats now control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency."
"You are stepping into a new identity, beginning a major, major new chapter in your life."
"It's a turning point for you, completing a stage of your journey, manifesting from the inside out."
"He immediately retired from his job as a mechanic."
"I'm so happy, I'm so overjoyed, I'm finally in my apartment guys, like I'm so happy."
"Tonight is the beginning of a new bold era of Batman, and I'm honored for you to be a part of it."
"The prophecy speaks about a new dawn, strongly connected with the will of D."
"The fool is a powerful New Beginning... it's the first card of the tarot that starts off the Journey of the hero or the fool here."
"This new Panem is on the horizon, but we must take it for ourselves."
"The eternal life that he gives... begins the moment you put your trust in Jesus."
"I'm not shackled by sin, His victory was given me when I was born again."
"This story will be the story of a new king, a new ruler. This is the beginning of a better euangelion, a better gospel because in this story we are introduced to our true Savior, the Word made flesh, Jesus."
"I make you my savior. I'm forgiven. It's a new start. And now I make you my Lord. I want an experience with you that the world can never take away in Jesus name. Amen."
"Rogers decided to pass on the shield to Sam going forward. Sam Wilson will be the new Captain America in the MCU."
"I'm very happy it's over and yeah certainly a great way to start the season."
"This portal is the game changer, and you're coming out of the darkness into the light."
"I was happy to be out of the house and to be working again."
"It's the next day, cries the groovy gorilla."
"There's a completion of an era where you suffered a lot, and now there's a reset button for you."
"It's over man the Ragnik era starts here and now."
"We're no longer Comicsgate. We are All Caps Comics. It's a fresh start."
"I realized that everything I've done for the last 40 years of my life... when it all clicked and said this is this is it this is going to be my chapter this is going to change my life."
"Welcome to the new Bella Luna! Oh, you see this? Amazing!"
"I stopped January 1st, 2020. I'm like I'm coming home this year."
"A new beginning with a twin flame, a fresh start."
"New level of awakening will flow in like a wave."
"You have something very balanced coming in for you or a new boo."
"AFC Richmond underway in the Premier League and we are underway in this career awesome to start things off with the win."
"Bring your monster some flowers and enter that new beginning without any fear."
"Accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior is the first step toward a new life of faith and fellowship."
"There will be an opportunity here Aquarius to move forward and have a new beginning."
"It's a reset, it's like hitting the reset button on your router, isn't it?"
"We're excited to welcome Raheem Morris here as our next head coach."
"I'm really proud of myself... it's a breath of fresh air."
"Somebody wants a new beginning with love, it's a communication card, it's so nice, man."
"This is your season of success, a cycle is completed."
"The excitement, the energy, the hype behind the Harbaugh era officially kicked off in a very big way."
"For the first time in many years, she felt independent."
"What's coming towards you is a brand new beginning."
"This is a time of you, a time for you to give into a whole new beginning and to have confidence in this."
"I was extremely excited to finally get a place of my own."
"With every sunset, a new hope is born."
"In the stillness of dawn, a new beginning awaits."
"Graduation means now the real work begins."
"You're taking a new beginning and it's going to be a very successful one."
"A New Beginning, a loving New Beginning, Joy, feeling Good, Feeling fulfilled, self-love."
"You're being prepared for a new beginning."
"Someone deep down feels like you manifested this love, this new beginning."
"A new beginning will arise from a figure in disguise."
"Someone definitely sees you are starting over, you are planning on trying to manifest some sort of new beginning."
"He wants to move there with Emile so they can start a new life, away from the judgment of people who already knew Lana."
"This is a new day, a new beginning, a fresh start."
"They want to clear all the misunderstandings from the past and have a new beginning with you."
"It's an emotional new start, one that has happiness built into it."
"The thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn."
"You've changed everything for me; you've given me a whole new life."
"It's a new pathway and beginning."
"I know who I am now. I evolved beyond this world. This is not the end of me or the X-Men; it's a new beginning."
"He took a deep breath and started to walk into what would be the start of his second chapter."
"I feel like for a lot of you guys this is gonna be not only a new beginning in love but also a new beginning in intimacy."
"It's a new beginning but it's a stable new beginning."
"Good morning, guys. Oh my gosh, it's literally my last first day today."
"This person has a desire to start over, to have a new beginning here with you."
"They want a new beginning, a fresh start with you. They're uncertain about the future, hesitating, but willing to sacrifice and compromise for a long-term commitment."
"I'm letting go of old ways and toxic people and situations behind. I want a better life for myself and a new beginning."
"A new beginning is on the horizon, the new beginning is very, very close."
"It feels like you're completing some kind of a cycle and that you're starting over with some kind of new and happy beginning."
"I see you enthusiastic with a fever for a new beginning."
"There is a new beginning coming here. When it happens, it changes everything."
"New Beginning, a rebirth with this person."
"You're starting a new chapter, you're free from this person."
"You are being prepared for a new beginning."
"Someone here wants a new beginning with you; they're heartbroken, they're sad."
"This is the birth of a new cycle."
"They have to walk away from something in order to have a new start or a new beginning with you."
"This is you taking a first step on a new path."
"For every loss, there's a new beginning."
"Someone wants a new beginning when it comes to love."
"You're getting a new beginning in how you feel emotionally"
"You're getting a new beginning in how you love, how you interact with others"
"The Ace of Wands is a new beginning, a passionate New Beginning, Union, starting over, and reigniting things."
"You guys are amazing okay you guys are amazing you guys are strong and I love you I love you guys so very much and spirit wants you to know that everything happened for a reason enjoy your new beginning"
"It's such a new beginning for you, such a long time coming."
"I'm ready to move on with my life and start a new chapter."
"A new passionate beginning is going to appear right before your eyes."
"You guys are the empress. And then we got the number zero here, and I actually posted on my angel number guide. It's called on Instagram. I posted zero zero zero. It's like you guys are on this, like, new start here."
"You are a choice away from a new beginning and a commitment away from a new life."
"Your Fairy Godmother is on the way and is going to bring you a new beginning," spirit assures.
"You're destined for success, joy, and a happy life. Embrace the new beginning in front of you, even if it feels intimidating."
"There is going to be a new beginning which is going to bring you a lot of happiness, a lot of abundance, fertility, passion, even a very passionate connection."
"There's gonna be a new beginning, somebody's gonna want to take a leap of faith and they're gonna shock you."
"There's a new beginning coming for you, and the universe assures that you can achieve anything you wish."
"You got to wake up today, and that means you and I are able to say today, nuh-chip, now I begin."
"This person isn't going to give you up. They want the opportunity to build anew, a new beginning here."
"Out with the old, in with the new. Passionate new beginning."
"A new day starts, let light embrace the healing heart."
"You're ready for a whole new chapter."
"You're opening yourself up to a new start."
"They want to create a powerful New Beginning for the two of you."
"Surrender first, accept your future as a bright new beginning and not a fearful restart of a horrible situation."
"I'm finally starting my life anew and want to move on from all the things that were toxic in my life so far."
"111 promises a new start where you can leave the past behind you to move forward to a better future."
"Through this portal, through this door, look there is greenery there is warmth there is love like there is a new beginning through that door."
"Tomorrow offered a new beginning."
"I see a new beginning and I see you very excited about it."
"All of your wishes can come true in the creative potential of a new beginning."
"Your person is going to make an effort to have a new beginning with you, very soon."
"You're taking a first breath into this beginning."
"I want a better life for myself and a new beginning."
"This is a new beginning for you, and it's a chance for you to create the reality that you're desiring."
"It's a new chapter and a rebirth of this connection."
"It'll be the first day of the rest of his life."
"I think you're going to see a huge transformation in this connection, a new beginning, an ending, a change, a begin again."
"This is your new beginning, your new self, your new journey, in true balance and collaboration with yourself."
"Focus on a new beginning for yourself."
"A blank canvas is sometimes the best place to start something new."
"There's a new beginning that's coming in for you."
"I want to see it as a new beginning and not an end."
"They want a new beginning with you. They feel like you're some type of angel."
"You have the opportunity to have a completely clean slate now."
"They see potential for a new beginning, a commitment."
"The rebellion is reborn. The war is just beginning."
"What's coming next is a new beginning filled with passion and healing."
"It feels like a new chapter, a new page in this long awesome Legacy of movies."
"Creating a new story... manifesting a new beginning."
"New beginning, this person's helping you usher into this new phase."
"They're viewing you as someone they want a new beginning with."
"You already manifested a brand new beginning."
"They know moving forward you're having a new beginning."
"Maybe that time we will all have a new beginning."
"Every single day is a new beginning."
"Bye-bye old life, it's a new chapter for Jordan."
"Montohotep's reunification of Egypt marked a New Beginning, the dawn of what would become known as the Middle Kingdom."
"Starting over, there's something in your world that is starting over."
"They want to protect you, they want to show you a new beginning in love like with them or just in general in life."
"You make them feel like they want a new beginning with you specifically."
"This is a new start, something that's tangible."
"Your destiny is going to open up and with the ace of cups, this is a beautiful new beginning for you."
"This person is trying to work on courage to move this connection forward, to have some type of new beginning for you."
"You're ready for this new adventure, ready for this new beginning."
"There's some type of intense New Beginning in love for you."
"Death wasn't the end of life but a new beginning."
"I'm like so excited. I'm like first day of school, feels like."
"This is just the start of the rest of her life."
"There's a new beginning for the both of you."
"This person wants a new beginning, a fresh start, and they're willing to take a leap of faith towards you."
"Even if you've had to fight for it, your dream home is within reach, marking a significant departure and a fresh start in your life."
"...a breakthrough moment coming in love, we have the start of a New Foundation."
"This new love offer, this is the new beginning that you have waited for."
"Understand that this person is different and this is a new phase in your life, new beginning with the world."
"It's exciting to have him with me and it's also exciting that I can finally start something different which is a personal trainer which I've never done so I'm really excited about it."
"I feel like I'm going back to the beginning when things were good and starting again and I've been given another chance."
"...it was the kind of farewell to the days of arguments and the dawn of the new era."
"The ninth chapter of his ordeal had ended but the real adventure was about to start."
"Feels like the start of a new era."
"Legitimate new beginning, a new person here."
"A new beginning in love and emotions."
"The old life is gone, a new life has begun."
"It's a new beginning...it's bliss...there is a very pure love happening."
"It was a brand new beginning for the DC world."
"Always a new beginning. So who is this person? They will come to your life to change it from the scratch."
"It's not the end of the world, it's just the beginning of a new one."
"Innocence. You have a new chance to start over."
"There's a beautiful new beginning that's coming in for you."
"It's like you just need a clean start, you need a fresh start."
"Don't be worried about your relationship ending; it could feel like a relief and a new beginning."
"I'm done with this, I'm ready for a new beginning."
"The thought of you with somebody else drives me crazy. I am afraid of rejection. I want a new beginning with you. I did not follow my heart in the past, I was too scared to reveal it."
"A new beginning is gifted to you, enabling a shift from lack to prosperity."
"Your person feels like part of you wants a new beginning."
"What better place to begin anew than the very start of the Silver Age and the rebirth of the Flash."
"You guys are going to be each other's new beginning after heartbreak or disappointment."
"Your whole relationship is like a new chapter in your life starting."
"You are being freshly birthed into this new beginning."
"You see my blueprint? This is my new beginning."
"New beginning. Door of value. Very positive in money, career, financial terms."
"Some kind of new beginning and it is actually really, really abundant. But you do have to confront the shadow."
"A whole new beginning for you, not just in where you live, but like your life. It's almost like a clean slate."
"I'm celebrating my new house, my new adventure, and being single, so I decided to get the celebration cheesecake."
"I've got a blank yes, please. It's the start of a new beginning, a new life, and that means so much to me."
"Somebody wants to have a new beginning with you."
"Tomorrow is a new day. You can start again."
"The end of a legend right there, the beginning of maybe a new Legend."
"This Fresh Start is a Divine signal nudging you to move past your old life into a new era."
"They want some kind of a new beginning with you."
"What's the six of Wands? This person wants a new beginning with you."
"Some part of them wants to create a new beginning with you."
"After 31 years, it was time to say farewell to the Vet and hello to the Linc."
"It's going to awaken you guys to such a beautiful new beginning."
"You're getting new love, a whole brand new beginning."