
Setback Quotes

There are 698 quotes

"A setback which is your last setback is when you give up, but if you don't give up after a setback, it automatically becomes a setback."
"You can destroy an entire week's worth of effort in one or two meals."
"He lost the league after being clear of what, eight points?"
"Gasps Quo met his first setback on the cracked plains of the big wasteland."
"What was a setback turned into a setup when it was time for it to open."
"Intel missing a node... indicative of where the technology industry is going."
"It was a weird weekend because I qualified third or fourth for the race but had a 10-place grid penalty due to an engine failure in practice."
"It is a great setback for the world and humanity."
"It really sucks because I feel like I was starting to get somewhere."
"Even as a profitable trader, it feels so devastating, it feels so frustrating to have weeks of progress and then to give it all back."
"I feel like mentally it's probably when I got let go from Ipswich at the age of 16."
"It seems to be one step forward, a ton of steps backwards..."
"I apologize I didn't get the video up last weekend I had a bit of an issue with my project management notebook where I actually had to totally start it all over again."
"The SEC took a big step backwards on a key issue during the court hearing."
"Just when I'm about to reach a form of peace, something triggers all the memories and drags me back. Two steps forward, one step back."
"You can't take one step forward and then take 10 steps back on the policy."
"First official loss marked a lasting change."
"It's just unbelievable because we played well for 20 minutes and we concede a bad goal."
"Everything I've been working towards gone in like five days."
"Tonight, a potentially fatal blow to President Biden's massive social spending and climate plan."
"Ukrainian forces seizing control, causing setbacks for Russian troops."
"For Matthew Skulz, he's dropped down to seventh position... it looked like he's got a left clip-on that's broken off."
"Wow, and Brian Burns is done, broken ribs, he might be out the rest of the regular season, that is not good at all." - Bengal
"Hardin missed two games due to left hamstring soreness; his superstar run that began and due to rest ended when the injury bug bit him once again."
"The golden order had been struck a devastating blow."
"When you win a fight you move forward a little bit but when you lose a fight you move back a lot."
"An experimental cure for Saturn's giggle has been found to be 100% lethal in humans, researchers say that this setback will damage cure efforts."
"Eric Dier injured and he looks like he's going to be out for a while, fam."
"It's two steps forward and one step back."
"Something did not go the way you planned."
"We were doing so well until we had the most unlucky break of all time."
"It kills momentum, energy because you feel defeated by it."
"When you encounter setbacks understand exactly why you encounter that setback, dig into it, learn from it, and keep going. Don't give up."
"One careless act had blown all his plans for the future."
"Last night late, we found out we don't have a lot of the fittings we need for the plumbing."
"Unfortunately, it seems to be a derailer."
"It's going to completely kill their growth as a brand, it's going to be a very hard sell."
"He had the perfect plan and he gets taken out by people with no powers. That's sad, dude."
"It may be a cliche, but for me, this was the biggest setback in my life."
"I didn't manage to make a sale, but it's all good. I blame YouTube."
"We haven't had a setback for how many games... good luck building a house without a floor."
"He caught that number two car right in the wrong spot and just lost so much time."
"It's 24 hours since I saw you last. I've not been well over the last 24 hours; my chronic fatigue syndrome has come back with a bit of a bang."
"That's really taken them out of it, what a shame that car had pace, no doubt about that."
"Everything isn't about winning, but rather getting up even after you've been knocked down."
"He's taken a little bit out of the sails of the leader of the championship."
"Everything is on path, and then something happens that kind of brings it down."
"Against the Sixers in game one of round one of the 2012 playoffs, Derrick Rose tore his ACL on a drive to the basket."
"In the matter of seconds, the Bulls went from having one of the brightest futures in the league to pure uncertainty."
"Every time you get this close to being great, you do something stupid."
"This was a kick in the dick, bro."
"Don't allow it to set you back to an earlier phase."
"I was getting ready to do all kinds of videos and all this stuff and then last week, well two weeks ago I got the flu for a couple of days."
"Every setback is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery."
"Every challenge, setback, and moment of suffering has the potential to deepen your capacity to heal."
"This is a temporary setback though, is what I'm getting. I see somebody taking a detour, somebody took a detour, a shortcut, all right. They got to keep it 100."
"Momentum's a hell of a thing to try to get back once you lose it."
"Does anybody else think that something like this would be a huge setback to a major business?"
"Every time I feel a little closer to being myself and happy again she does something that pulls me back into an abyss of darkness."
"I tore my hamstring and I will not be able to compete here."
"People who hurt you can consider them always a setback to your healing."
"It was a massive humiliation for Putin."
"Unfortunately, everything was going absolutely fantastic."
"This is the Ambro because, uh, we got some bad news, man. The channel has been kicked off the YouTube Partner program."
"...I was like, done. I was like that's all right..."
"We all have setbacks. But if you have a very clear vision and a very clear goal, you can come back from the setbacks very quickly."
"Every time, BL ma set back M set back for a major comeback."
"I had moments of having my [ __ ] together, then I totally [ __ ] it off."
"We take two steps forward, we take five steps back."
"Handle rejection gracefully, using setbacks as opportunities for personal growth and improvement."
"I felt back, bro, like I fell back with a lot of the stuff that I was going to do and that I am doing."
"Last year we tried to move house and that all fell through."
"The ability to reverse those emotions when you see the setback, you must look at it not as a setback, as a new point to the journey."
"Don't let one trade blow you up. Do not let one down day be the end of your week or the end of your month."
"Uh, double bogey for Evan. Unfortunate, but again, this hole, that sucks. You walk off being like, 'All right, we're through it, let's get on with the round.'"
"Proving that not even the most scandalous setbacks could dim her luminous career."
"Okay, minor setback. We can still win this thing."
"It's all backfiring, they weren't able to steal something."
"Despite Katan's attempt to block, the demon's punch sends him crashing into a building."
"Vi's journey is no steady uphill climb, just when you think that she and her friends have staged a successful daring rescue, everything blows up in their faces."
"Every setback only provides more enlightenment and ultimately encouragement."
"He just blew out his ACL, he got surgery already."
"A chef must recover from defeat because a professional cannot stop just because he loses."
"Every setback is an opportunity for a comeback."
"He was catching a lot and the fish had moved away from me."
"We were served a piece of humble pie."
"You're about to move beyond all previous setbacks. They can't rob you."
"One step forward, two steps back."
"Invincible set itself apart in a way that this felt kind of like a step back."
"Despite setbacks he has reclaimed his place in Hollywood reminding us that even in the darkest moments there is always the possibility of transformation and renewal."
"...I nearly went there and then she fell out with her Bahraini business partner. She herself Scottish and I think she ended up in a lot of trouble. So, that was my Bahrain dreams gone up in smoke."
"That loss, I think we needed it, and I think it gave us a reboot to let us know, like, humble us again."
"The downfall of a man is not the end of his life. It depends on where you are falling from."
"One step back for three, four, five, six, seven, eight steps forward is better than constantly trying to fight to get one step forward."
"Stings the world champion once again."
"He had seen the complete devastation of his core and really hadn't got back into the swing of things."
"Unfortunately, really bad stuff happened, especially considering how much time we put into the car while it was on jack stands."
"...you guys know, earlier today, a little bit of a defeat maybe, maybe one step back. I felt like we took two giant leaps forward tonight. I seriously feel like we made so much progress, feels so good, hope is restored, hope is restored, you guys."
"Every human being on earth is going to suffer a setback from time to time. But fortunately, the human being is a builder and a rebuilder, and he rebuilds better than he builds."
"You're experiencing what you're experiencing for a divine purpose, even though you feel like you're going backwards or there's been a setback."
"You don't have to let that be like your F."
"There's going to be major setback that you haven't even begun to think about yet, right?"
"Obviously, I couldn't play because I played a few minutes in the semis. I couldn't play in the final, which was bad. We lost the game."
"Believing that every single setback, every challenge, was actually setting you up for something greater."
"You done built a brand, then got killed on some Crow [ __ ] so chill."
"That's going to be a pretty much a full lap that they'll lose."
"Life can feel like you're starting a race but 50 yards back from the starting line."
"He's lost Europe. Is it a permanent loss? We'll see. But how does he recuperate Europe?"
"I frowned and shook my head. I had no fire. I lost some cylinders."
"Otani's worst fears about his elbow were realized. After experiencing renewed discomfort in his elbow during his return to the mound in September, an MRI revealed new ligament damage."
"It's a punch in the gut, it's a kick in the ass, whatever phrase you want to put on it."
"Karina's hopes were dashed and she had to spend a night in jail."
"...just so proud of the effort that we put in no matter how much we set ourselves back we know that we have a kick-ass group and we can bounce back from anything."
"Even the setback is part of the process."
"Ria Ripley going down is a massive blow."
"Being kind to yourself during setbacks is a powerful Act of self-compassion."
"A measured Australian start in the first 10 overs was smashed apart."
"Things could not have started out any worse for the Chiefs in the second half."
"The worst you can do is fall and hit your head and start over."
"What a way to end up in a rocket ship that's supposed to reach 29,000 miles an hour and can't even raise itself a foot above the ground."
"David would recover, but he would be like a bird with his wings clipped. He will never quite soar as high again."
"I thought I was almost done and then we decided to start over."
"Seek the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty."
"Y'all won't be going anywhere today, least of all the state championship."
"This cookie debacle was the push I needed to regain my self-worth and go back to the field that I wanted to be in."
"I've just lost the screen recording of the color generator website. I actually have it on camera the moment that I realized, so you'll see later in the video. I was very upset."
"Costly five yards when you get down there in that red zone false start."
"I lost all the progress on that edit and then um something went wrong with my computer."
"We can't stop running the race because of a setback. We have to keep moving forward."
"One little bobble there cost him pretty dearly."
"Every setback is just another opportunity to showcase resourcefulness and resilience."
"It's been rough, viewers who've been tailing, I started off hot 3-0 but we're going to get back on track."
"Every good story comes with a setback, every good story comes with a moment of doubt."
"You're turning a setback into a comeback."
"Sometimes you have to lose a battle to make things move."
"Last night was a fail to say the least."
"Meantime the leader Bobby Allison coming around off turn four and Richard Petty now has got to be not only frustrated but he's going to find himself two plus laps down to the leader Bobby Allison."
"To have this be your first flop after ruling an entire decade is a big deal which makes the flop of it even harder."
"There's an opportunity in every setback you have in life."
"That was definitely back to the drawing board for Danny, man. I don't think he even really left the drawing board today. So, it's one of them things. [__] happens, and that's it."
"Every time I manage to reel in some line, this massive fish takes it back out again."
"I would say study church history, because actually, periods of progress and periods of setback are normal in the Church."
"Accepting disappointment, accepting the false start."
"...we got crushed that was bound to happen at some point."
"There's a process that you have to go through where you're literally taking two, three, four, five steps back in order to go forward."
"All it takes is a couple people to kind of ruin your gig."
"Your setback is going to get you ready for your setup."
"Some days everything goes right, and some days you just hook your Rudder on a plastic fence."
"...I caught a little injury, ankle injury, and then I got nicked and I got one tag. Okay, so going into college, I was on tag."
"You are someone who doesn't let your losses set you back."
"please despair loneliness anguish Agony caught up to speed wheel a m season 2 was going amazing until we hit the wild card playoff and lost a narrow 35 to 32 game that reset my entire lineup and took us into season 3 and season 3 thus far has been excellent"
"I think this is just going to be a little minor hiccup in the road."
"The loss returned Cruz to a place he'd have to fight up from it gave him fresh motivation as he'd always been driven by being the underdog and by negativity."
"But it is a step backwards and very off-putting."
"It's crazy how a purse can push you all the way back to square one... I feel like I'm all the way back and where I began."
"Growing a small amount of potatoes, if I lose the crop to virus, it's not the end of the world."
"The lowest point for me... during the AOL Time Warner merger... WCW was rocking and rolling... And they set me down and said, 'Eric, we just have to share something with you...'"
"Anything can happen, including going back to the start and losing the game."
"You cannot in life let a snag set you back."
"Fallen but not scorned, still is a fall."
"The biggest blow that this organization's had, I think."
"I was a good student until I got hurt and I slept through my AP English class."
"A loss is just motivation for me."
"Allowing setbacks to derail me completely."
"I woke up this morning, I had like an actual 'F' on me."
"I had near enough two years of knockbacks, two years of them just moving the goalpost."
"Looks like you bit the dust, big boy."
"Every time good things are about to manifest, you keep walking, but just when it's about to happen, you may go back."
"...kind of sucks because this was right around the time I had to get going so unfortunately end of the session on a pretty sour note."
"This adventure has gone completely wrong."
"Every setback is an opportunity for growth."
"Every time you have a setback or a disappointment, you learn from it."
"Mistakes are really annoying and demoralizing, but they're just a setback in time."
"He was doing so well and about to move on but then slumsy pushed him a little too far."
"I'm using this setback as a stepping stone to push you to something better."
"It was the first time I'd ever really come to grips with the reality that at some point you got to fall back to a second round."
"I felt like I started this year so well, we got hit with this bloody slump and so hopefully now you can recover and come back stronger as cliche as that is."
"A comeback is always better than the setback."
"Bro, this take alone just crashed our whole thing."
"You think this is defeat? This is barely a setback."
"Whatever was in the box put the brakes on Christian Cage."
"It was going exactly how I thought it was gone. I got off my stool for the second half of the fight, round seven. I thought, 'Right, I'm gonna want to put it on him.' And then round seven, he dropped me, and I just thought he just relaxed then."
"Aurelius's ability to rise above setbacks became a hallmark of his leadership."
"It was a huge blow to my ego, but I bounced back."
"I feel like I was getting close, and now I feel like I'm just walking further away."
"That's another one bite to the dust."
"Everybody listening, you will lose a golf ball again, you'll go out of bounds at some point in your life."
"I was passionate about football, passionate about playing in high school college, and, you know, scouted by the NFL my senior year, had a couple of physical setbacks, some injuries, but that didn't deter me from wanting to go on."
"Until I got hit with a can of corn."
"When you get yourself into such a great spot physically and mentally, in incredible condition, and then something happens, it's tough."
"That's what football does, life does it to you sometimes, pulls you down under, shut your face."
"Just disappointed when you're going backwards that fast."
"So your girl wasn't feeling too good, I've just been out of it this whole weekend, which is a bummer because that's going to set us back a little bit."
"I took a massive hit to my ego, to my status."
"Seconds into his comeback, Nash had torn his quadriceps."
"We were just the next people in line to fail."
"...the rats had forestalled him again."
"Despite the unfortunate turn of events, Griffin emerged from the incident relatively unscathed."
"I think it might have messed me up because it took me out of my Approach, but yeah."