
Comet Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis... suggests the Earth was hit by several fragments of a comet."
"Seeing a comet... it's transformational; it goes from sort of one state to another as it gets closer to the light."
"If we can't all agree at the bare minimum that a giant comet the size of Mount Everest hurling its way towards planet Earth is not a good thing, then what the hell happened to us?"
"That he came with the comet and he will die with the comet."
"An impact by a comet will kill so many people and can produce such long-term changes in the environment that it can be a complete catastrophe for all of humanity."
"The controversial theories were split into what investigators said to be a comet and others claimed to be an otherworldly article."
"The prospect of a comet or asteroid Cataclysm on the earth is actually much higher than has been told to us up till now."
"Mark Twain often remarked that he came into the world with the comet and he expected to leave with it as well."
"The thought was that perhaps a comet had disintegrated in the upper atmosphere, seeding clouds with cells from the depths of space."
"The UFO was going to be hiding behind the trail of this comet."
"Maybe it's not a meteorite but a comet," Emma suggested, offering a new perspective.
"This comet alongside the fire burning from within the city demoralized the Seljuks who pulled back after one of the bloodiest battles in medieval warfare."
"So then we're told there's a comet Eclipse thing going on and that this show is about the long night and the formation of the White Walkers, so that's awesome."
"The Ojibwa people of Canada referred to a comet called the 'long-tailed heavenly climbing star.'"
"It's weird to say, but the comet actually looks beautiful. Too bad the Fire Lord's about to use it to destroy the world."
"a comet on the other hand has an orbit like a very long thin egg"
"If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh one hundredth of one pound on a comet."
"Halley's Comet passes near to Earth every 75 to 76 years and was the same Comet as that seen in 1066 before the Battle of Hastings in Southern England."
"The absence of a visible coma and tail rules out the possibility of UA mua being a typical comet or asteroid."
"Asteroids and comets: capable of devastation on a planetary scale."
"The press, not one to warm to 'icy conglomerate,' immediately christened Whipple's model the 'dirty snowball.'"
"1986 was the first time Halley’s Comet was observed via spacecraft."
"Comets are showoffs; as a comet approaches the sun, dusty ices on its surface heat and light up, turning into a cloud of gas and dust, often having a trailing tail that can be millions of miles long."
"A comet sample return mission would be incredible."
"Halley's Comet... visits us every 75 years, so some will manage to see it twice in their lifetime."
"At once one will see vengeance, 100 powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass."
"The red comet's appearance did coincide with the reemergence of dragons into the world."
"This notorious devil Comet graces the northern hemisphere again, captivating astronomers and stargazers alike with its very rare appearance."
"I'm Haley's Comet, the most famous comet in the galaxy."
"The Lyrid meteor shower is produced by a comet called Thatcher."
"Comet can turn invisible; I guess you really are the world's greatest detective."
"I saw it shoot across the sky; it was a comet, just like the one in the old children's stories."
"The skies glowed, and a brilliant comet streaked through the stars."
"If there was a flood that did what it says it did in the Bible, then it probably was caused by a comet impact."
"If a comet is actually about to hit the Earth, this song will save the world."
"A comet is a bright ball with a long tail and it moves around the Sun."
"That's a huge falling star; do you think he can see it too?"
"The comet actually contains almost 140 trillion dollars worth of assets."
"Harvey's Comet, hey, that's real nice."
"The elliptical orbit of a comet is shown above; position one and two are respectively the farthest and the nearest positions to the sun."
"Haley's Comet is named after an English astronomer."
"Comet Leonard is looking pretty promising."
"The day dawns bright and windy on King Joffrey's nameday, with the long tail of the great comet visible through the high scuttling clouds."
"I am the first comet that astronomers did detect the noble gas argon in, which I reflect."
"I'm Halley's Comet, the most famous comet in the galaxy."
"I'm a comet, dust mixed with frozen gas, when I get close to the Sun, I heat up and spew dust and gas, forming a glowing tail."
"William felt entirely optimistic because he saw Haley's Comet and interpreted it as a good omen."
"A comet is a giant ball of rock and Ice that orbits the Sun and leaves a trail behind it."
"In no other historical sighting did Haley's comet cause such a worldwide sensation."
"A comet moves around the Sun - true or false? The answer is true, a comet does move around the Sun."
"I just find something about it profound and beautiful, this constant from outer space that will come back to visit us generation after generation."
"An extraordinary event is coming next month: a giant comet will fly in space between our Train City and the moon."
"I'm Haley's Comet, the most famous comet in the galaxy, about every 75 years I'm in the Earth's vicinity."
"A truly cataclysmic impact event."
"A large comet slammed into the deep waters of the Indian Ocean."
"We have the very promising Comet Leonard, which may become a naked eye visible comet."
"The biggest comet ever is heading straight towards us."
"The heart of the comet is blacker than coal."
"Spring is a comet; it's April 21st, it should already be here."
"There's this comet that only comes by Earth every 100,000 years, and it's coming by again tonight."
"This is only going to happen once every 100,000 years, even your great-great-great-grandkids aren't going to be able to see this comet again."
"What is the name of the famous Comet that passes Earth every 76 years?" "Halley's Comet."
"You don't see very bright comets all that often."
"If you rode on a comet, you'd be sitting on a ball of dust and ice."
"On the day Sigmar was born, the twin-tailed comet flew through the sky and heralded the coming of the savior."
"The movie gives the comet supernatural connotations but does it in a very subtle way."