
Hypothesis Quotes

There are 551 quotes

"The Younger Dryas impact hypothesis... suggests the Earth was hit by several fragments of a comet."
"The scientific method... begins, I guess, with a hypothesis. You have a hunch... and then you perform some kind of an experiment."
"The hypothesis 'God raised Jesus from the dead' passes all six of these tests: It has great explanatory scope, great explanatory power, it is plausible, not ad hoc, in accord with accepted beliefs, and far outstrips any of its rival hypotheses in meeting conditions 1 to 5."
"Theory does not mean unproven... A hypothesis is... something that... is yet to be supported by sufficient evidence."
"We should not have any taboo and... why not? It has to be on the table."
"We should certainly not be afraid to entertain any hypothesis."
"The scientific explanation for the origin of life is not a theory; it was a hypothesis that has grown into a more than a dozen interconnected hypotheses, each with evident experimental promise."
"The intensity of the conviction that a hypothesis is true has no bearing over whether it is true or not."
"I was threatened and ostracized because I proposed another hypothesis," Redfield told Vanity Fair. "I expected it from politicians; I didn't expect it from science."
"We've got to have financing for this and we've got to keep it hidden...I began to develop the idea of a hypothesis of a completely hidden system of finance."
"If everyone on Earth picked up a hammer at the same time, by how much would Earth's mass increase due to the excess gravitational potential energy? The answer? It wouldn't."
"Your best at science when you can instantly formulate a whole range of ideas that might explain it... and then you have to kind of threshold in order the most likely chain of probability that one is correct or not."
"Your hypothesis becomes a theory when all other hypotheses have fallen away."
"Forming hypotheses is one of the most precious faculties of the human mind."
"Speculation is just creativity, speculation is the beginning of hypothesis."
"But there is a long long way to go yet before that hypothesis turns into accepted theory."
"He embraced the hypothesis that demons and humans can coexist and he made it a reality."
"I realized that there was a very compelling alternative hypothesis."
"Maybe the universe started in a laboratory of a previous species."
"Humans must have what he called an abductive instinct which provides a limit on admissible hypotheses so that only certain explanatory schemes can be entertained but not infinitely many others all compatible with available data."
"The alternate hypothesis is that at least one of these means differs from the others."
"A hypothesis doesn’t suddenly become true because someone really smart says it."
"Life may have begun in the hydrothermal band... it may be that life started there."
"The phenomenon can be explained using a more exotic extraterrestrial civilization hypothesis. Missing stars can, in fact, be taken over by highly advanced intelligent civilizations."
"In summary, the core of my hypothesis is as follows: I don't believe the builders of the Great Pyramid would load up the entrance vault with lateral forces and then leave empty space where those forces would cause maximum stress by accident."
"It's not enough to claim that the evidence is consistent with a hypothesis. It has to be discreetly tied to the specifics of the hypothesis."
"This isn't a hunch, this isn't a mere hypothesis, this is a theory."
"Science is not a consensus it comes from creating hypotheses and then supporting them through experimentation."
"The whole point of science is to question things, propose a hypothesis and contest the hypothesis."
"A model is not a hypothesis test. A model is a hypothesis."
"Life's Origins could be found in a puddle of chemicals."
"Lab leak looks like it is more appropriate the null hypothesis here."
"Whenever you have these kind of hypotheses, whenever you have these ideas, it is always a good idea to test them out."
"If it's true, let's go down this as a hypothesis: If they're using someone else, why would they do it?"
"It's contradictory hypothesis testing, that's the logical property, so both cannot be right."
"We've never come close to seeing what it would be like if everybody voted."
"The act of talking about all possible hypotheses is the scientific approach."
"If ghosts and spirits were real, I feel like there would have been at least one massive documented incident where a demon did some wild [ __ ]."
"A hypothesis is an educated guess with experience."
"The case for lab leak theory is that circumstantially, you've got a lab that does this exact research."
"The existence of planet nine is postulated to explain some noted abnormalities not otherwise arranged into a plausible context."
"In a nutshell, the hypothesis of that talk was computers and the internet are everywhere, the world is increasingly made of computers and the internet."
"The idea that God created the universe is a more respectable hypothesis today."
"In that case, even if the plan fails, we'll still be able to prove or disprove the hypothesis."
"So we propose two hypothesis in the paper one is that perhaps the shell became stuck in the throat choked the fish it drowned and was preserved like this."
"Life on Venus remains a hypothesis, but it allows us to consider life as a legitimate possibility."
"They have a few theories of their own but none can actually be verified yet."
"The great tragedy of science: the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact." - Dr. Stanley Goldenberg
"I think at the very least it is an interesting theory."
"According to some of the most reputable and accomplished astronomers out there, planet 9 exists, and it's out there and still waiting to be discovered."
"Looks like the lab leak hypothesis is back on the menu boys and girls."
"Science proceeds by setting up hypotheses, ideas, or models, and then attempts to disprove them."
"What do you think of my conclusions? Is it convincing enough to assume that the cloud may be a concoction of chlorine gases and copper oxide dust?"
"It certainly is just a hypothesis at this point, but really how else can we explain this random superpowered bacteria that is unlike anything else on our Earth?"
"It's tough to come up with some other scenario that fits. It's like they're just being deposited there."
"It's a fair hypothesis that [the brain] just works by the interaction of all the stuff that's in this section of space right here."
"New hypothesis: How the Andes mountains formed."
"It's a very good question, um, let's see here... the enthusiasm Gap, absolutely plausible hypothesis."
"Some prominent scientists have proposed that space aliens designed and then transported life to Earth."
"Occam's razor suggests it's legit. Biden Inc."
"I'm just telling you what is a current understanding what is my hypothesis again hypothesis doesn't mean the fact it needs to be validated."
"There's a suggestion to be made here, there's a very compelling hypothesis that's coming out of all this work."
"This is actually something that we are going to see... cultivate an argument for it and at the very least make it a believable hypothesis."
"Among the startling conclusions that Klaus Schmidt popularized about this site was the idea that agriculture was not a necessary precondition to the formation of organized religion."
"The notion that our universe is a computer simulation of some sort."
"The zoo hypothesis: aliens hide themselves from us either permanently or will someday reveal themselves."
"The zoo hypothesis: aliens exist and know we're here but intentionally hide their presence from us."
"It's an interesting hypothesis that should be looked at."
"...the moment you form a hypothesis in your head about anything, you start reinforcing it."
"Real scientists... ask questions and then they try to answer their question. That answer is a hypothesis."
"If you want to disprove the hypothesis that all crows are black, you only need to find one white crow."
"All of our diagnoses are always hypotheses that can be revised based on getting more data."
"We have to regard the world through or from a slightly different perspective in order to give the hypothesis a fair hearing."
"...and that was a really a revolutionary proposition and the only problem was that the receptors that Charlie hypothesized should exist were not known at the time."
"My hypothesis on the mechanism that creates psychedelic geometry is based in two different ideas."
"All of these different hypotheses that every research group have started off with while they studied long Co play into one unifying hypothesis which I think is widespread vascular damage."
"If this wall is as old, as long, and as tall as people are saying, it could have taken decades to build without the help of modern technology, maybe even more than a century."
"This suggests several possibilities: that this is not a hair from a chupacabra but of a dog that somehow got into the nest, or that the chupacabra is itself a canine."
"Entanglement may actually be nothing but a wormhole connecting the proton on the outside and the proton on the inside. So it's a beautiful idea."
"A theory that cannot be falsified is not helpful because it means that you can't make progress."
"That's how science works. You got a hypothesis, you end up with a conclusion, and boy, we have a bunch of those."
"You have to assume the past hypothesis, and then you check it."
"If I can test Michigan copper and match its Purity with that of ancient Bronze Age copper then I might be able to prove that Minoans were America's mystery miners."
"I hypothesized that the cause of these blips was extra dimensional folds in our reality pockets within the fabric of our dimension invisible to the human eye."
"If such synchronizations are indeed possible due to the effects of morphic resonance, then it seems likely that evolution would give rise to processes by which such interactions could occur."
"Maybe they decided not to use electromagnetic waves to communicate, but something quite different. For instance, neutrinos."
"Efficient markets hypothesis taught us to evaluate theories by their rejectable predictions and to do real scientific empirical work."
"If you cannot disprove your hypothesis, you've got a methodology that is guaranteed but not guaranteed to persuade, it's guaranteed to confirm your own prejudices or your own suspicions."
"That's science, you come up with a theory, you test it, either it works or it doesn't."
"Yes is an interesting hypothesis."
"Science is an organically evolving thing where we learn more and more if we're open to changing the hypothesis."
"It's time to reveal my current working theory."
"If Dr. Cow is correct, there are less adult predatory dinosaurs during the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous than once thought, instead, the chicks filled this niche just as they would later go on to fill the niches of medium size and then apex predator."
"Finally, it is important to understand that this paper is far from the last word on the matter. It is only a new hypothesis, not a fact."
"The hypothesis is that Bennu is exactly that, a pile of rubble held together under gravity, and the reason this hypothesis was raised is because of the strange properties that Bennu has."
"So, your hypothesis was, is procrastination good?"
"Had the Universe expanded a bit faster than that there’d probably be little helium still and no lithium."
"Mark follows the um the far hypothesis which was taught by his far had a student who's Mark Goodacre's teacher."
"The hypothesis that works is the true one, and truth is an abstract noun applied to the collection of cases, actual, foreseen, and desired, that receive confirmation in their works and consequences."
"Dark matter may be made of some new kind of elementary particle called a 'wimp.'"
"Possibly not. One forms provisional theories and waits for time or fuller knowledge to explode them."
"A popular example of metaphysics in action today is the simulation theory hypothesis."
"The Riemann Hypothesis offers a connection between two fields of mathematics, which at first glance have nothing to do with each other: prime numbers on the one hand, and the domain called complex analysis on the other."
"There's a long list of things that we believe are true and haven't yet proven."
"All you got to find is one piece of evidence that shows that you're wrong and the hypothesis is blown away."
"So, as it turns out all of these values seem to lie on the line when the real part of s is equal to half, that right there is the Riemann hypothesis."
"The hypothesis that the brain creates consciousness has vastly more evidence for it than the hypothesis that consciousness creates brain."
"Certainly what we learned today is consistent with that hypothesis to say the least."
"Make sure you've got lots of good ideas, treat them as hypotheses, and use experimentation to validate the best one."
"I would love to do an experiment that proves that time is fundamental."
"The assumption was that deep in the center of all these core collapse clusters there's going to be a relatively large intermediate-sized black hole."
"Science can we actually do it? ... Maybe, but in order to even understand how this could work, we first have to understand these scientific Concepts that would apply to this simulation hypothesis."
"The original hypothesis also connects this to black holes, this could eventually lead to some major discoveries, including maybe some glorifications of quantum gravity theories or basically the theory of everything."
"The question of which one of these three hypotheses is true, supposing that one of them is, is not the sort of question that can be settled by means of objective empirical investigation."
"...the god hypothesis is that it is so powerful in making sense of the way the world is."
"The particle radiation hypothesis not only explains the image, it explains all 45 enigmas on the Shroud."
"Theism, the hypothesis that there is a God, provides the most probable explanation of the most General features of the world."
"I've got a theory I've been wanting to test out."
"Isn't science about trying to refute hypotheses and stuff?"
"So, LUCA was a population of cells, and I'm going to tell you now what I believe is the most likely explanation, but as I said, this is very controversial."
"Testable. Is it true? Is it not true? We test the hypothesis."
"The great tragedy of science is the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact."
"Human self-domestication is a hypothesis proposing that humans, through social and evolutionary processes, have undergone self-directed selection similar to the domestication of animals."
"Planet X, if it exists, is 10 times the size of Earth and four times its radius."
"Science is about hypothesis and testing, reputation and debate, ongoing peer review."
"Evidence from the language itself seems to support this military hypothesis."
"Their only job is to make sense of the data, represent all the theories that are compatible with it and suggest the best choice of experiments we should do next in order to get the answers to the questions we want."
"Hairstyles will be worn for a week. I'm going to test my hypothesis that you can do pretty much any hairstyle and just leave the bangs down."
"What if the pathogen triggers the Warburg effect? Turns out that's true."
"Is it possible that sometime in the last 100,000 years the nuclear fires of the Sun have actually slipped off the main sequence?"
"Science technically is just a way of evaluating information. It's basically you come up with a hypothesis, what you think, and you set up an experiment to see if you can test it. You take that information and then you modify that information every time you get new information."
"The moment you hold two hypotheses and you say, 'I'm not so sure,' that's incredibly healthy."
"If all else fails, one option is just to postulate basic principles of nature."
"Despite these counterarguments, Hart's hypothesis has gained a foothold in the discourse on extraterrestrial life."
"Literally, everything we have confirmed about the world through science to date started with a hypothesis based on real-life experience."
"Life is all about who gets to claim the null hypothesis."
"So one possibility is that Denisovans might be living east of Wallace's Line in Oceania."
"A possible hypothesis was taking shape: lined up by the grave pit, stripped, mutilated, executed."
"One of the leading hypotheses of Alzheimer's disease is the accumulation of beta-amyloid."
"The only way forward in science is actually to make a proposition, a hypothesis, then try your hardest to disprove it."
"The what we see confers more support to the design hypothesis, the Inside Job hypothesis, than it does to the random poking hypothesis."
"If you define knowing a language as being able to comprehend it, then... the input hypothesis is correct."
"Age better. I think that promotes repair capacity, and that's a testable hypothesis."
"One of the prevailing ideas that I've heard is that NAD depletion is affecting aging within the cell."
"There is no substitute right, so the way to do it as Jason says is to simply set up, 'Hey, this is our hypothesis, and not only is it our hypothesis, we're going for it.'"
"This hypothesis... completely, utterly, and fully ad hoc."
"Maybe the excess gravity doesn't come from matter at all, but emanates from some other conceptual thing."
"Good strategy is fundamentally a hypothesis about what's going to work."
"Evidence that increases the likelihood of the hypothesis just a little is less exceptional than evidence that increases the likelihood a lot."
"What it always comes back to is: did you define the hypothesis that you wanted to test? Did you design your study to be able to answer that question, and did you collect the data so that you can actually analyze it and test your hypothesis?"
"I'm not trying to prove that my cat has a consciousness in the life of its own or to disprove it... I'm looking for what I have good reasons to believe and what I have no reason to entertain as a hypothesis."
"Efficient market hypothesis is probably the most important error in the history of economics."
"The question 'why' is just another hypothesis."
"But when you're actually in the process of developing these ideas, not only are you conjecturing or hypothesizing, but the vast majority of your conjectures and hypotheses are just wrong and are left on the cutting room floor."
"Their hypothesis suggests that ghosts are essentially thought forms conjured by individuals remembering the dead."
"Life, where did it come from? At the moment, our best guess is that life originated from simple organic compounds."
"...there's no proof... there are lots of different versions... what you mean by parallel universes."
"Have you ever gone into something with your own personal bias? Clearly as a professional you're able to check that at the door, but your own personal bias perhaps gave you your own personal hypothesis going into something."
Carl Sagan himself has been repeatedly saying his signature phrase: "Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence." At least because if the panspermia hypothesis is true, then life could well have gotten not only on our planet.
"It tells us... a bunch of other stuff as well based off of that claim which we haven't proven yet."
"It's a good theory, one that it's very hard to prove but which fits the fact sufficiently to offer us an educated guess about the origins of the plague."
"What if it was never extraterrestrials to begin with? What if it was something that was in these caves and dwelled in these caves?"
"The Earth's early oceans may well have been assisted greatly by the addition of all this water coming from outer space in the form of comets."
"Even if you only learn hypothesis and never use it, you're better off. It will teach you the core concept of thinking in terms of specifications, invariants, and contracts."
"My museum hypothesis was confirmed."
"Every scientific hypothesis has to be negatable, it has to be falsifiable."
"People have suggested that the dark matter lives on one of these other membranes, one of these other slices."
"There are signs that this hypothesis might prevail in the end."
"We need a power source, something causing the glow, whether it be the center of the plasma coils or the center of the eyeball."
"Start with the hypothesis and work to prove it. By default, the story usually should begin with the recommendation."
"Failing to reject a hypothesis is not the same thing as saying I don't know for sure that there isn't"
"Don't hold yourselves to the standard of perfection. What you're looking for is a comprehensible articulation of your hypothesis."
"Research should be hypothesis seeking or testing, but it can also be hypothesis generating."
"The potato hypothesis: Eating potatoes made me grow tall."
"There is scientific cause to believe in the meat sweats because the most widely accepted theory has to do with something called the thermic effect of food."
"Let's see and test this hypothesis and see if we can crack the Wrangler code."
"In an unexpected twist, Ben comes around and offers a hypothesis that he accepts."
But let's suppose someone said, "Alright, the square root of four is equal to both positive and negative -2."
"One thing I would possibly think is a hypothesis maybe you'd see even more hellenism happening so more spreading of greek culture into these regions maybe not though because there's plenty of that going on."
"Science should proceed. If a hypothesis is simple, it has very few tuning parameters."
"Our hypothesis builds in a certain finitude, I would say, which is probably from an epistemic viewpoint the key difference between the two other approaches."
"The Gaia hypothesis: the Earth is alive and has a unified spirit."
"Could the whole mystery be solved by something as simple as space dust?"
"There was a possibility, however remote, that visitors had been around us in the night. Thus, the visitor hypothesis had been discussed by us only in general terms."
"Maybe there really is another species living upon this earth, who attach to reality along a different line than we do."
"The visitors often appear in threes, projecting triangular lights and wearing various types of triangular devices."
"Exploration is a process of logical hypothesis building and testing."
"That's so interesting, what if Joe was framed?"
"Some of the best hypotheses come out of these stories."
"'Could it be that T-cell immunity, even though Omicron is evasive of antibody, maybe T-cell immunity is taking over?'"
"They’re scientists. Scientists always try to learn more things, understand the world better. We think you can’t be killed. So we’re… they’re testing their hypothesis."
"Come on, cheer up. We’re just scientists, that’s what you said. Just testing a hypothesis!"
"What if it's true that this crazy F was stomping through thick brush?"
"The self-stimulation hypothesis happens to require connectivity between Consciousness in the future and us back here in the past."
"When you're talking about things that can be proven and cannot be proven, there's a test of falsifiability."
"Having proven my hypothesis, that meant that there now existed a valid theory concerning ESP."
"It's no longer a question of being certain or of knowing, it's a question of rational commitment, rational acceptance of hypotheses."
"In short, when you're trying to assess the epistemic merits of a hypothesis, take into account all the relevant evidence bearing on that hypothesis."