
Political Ideology Quotes

There are 731 quotes

"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions."
"Conservatives choose life. And when you really think about it, this is a fundamental pillar of conservatism."
"Nationalism is the politicization of patriotism."
"Anytime they complain about America, they don't love America. Anytime they talk about socialized anything, they're socialists and communists."
"I'm a socialist, a libertarian socialist, so primarily concerned with stuff like democracy, freedom, representation, and equal opportunity."
"We're supposed to be the party that's going to bring fiscal responsibility."
"Capitalism and the free market should be allowed to run the world, however, ostensibly it's not really economically right-wing."
"Most people are anti-fascist, even if they don't know it, and even if they don't know what fascism is."
"If protecting basic human rights is a far-left thing, then so be it."
"You should always be suspicious when somebody says actually the Nazis were socialists because only a phenomenally idiotic person could say that."
"Equal outcome is literally an anti-American concept. It is anti-capitalist, it is pro-Marxist, pro-communism, and quite honestly, it never works."
"Emancipation is a specific tradition in left-wing politics, and reactionism is a specific tradition in right-wing politics."
"The common denominator on the left is egalitarianism, not the government."
"Two very strong parties that have opposing ideologies actually represent the ideal system for any country."
"The rise of Bannonism and the alt-right and its equivalents across Europe is more a catastrophic failure of the left than a particular triumph of the right."
"The actual reason why these egalitarian states never work isn't because of the doctrine but because of reaction from those who are putting forward traditional liberal and conservative views."
"Every political ideology is violent towards someone, shuts someone down, but the devil is in who and why."
"Liberals love constitutions and the idea of constitutional rights."
"Nationalism is a bit different because all social classes are involved here because the whole premise of nationalism is that nationality transcends class structures."
"I'm a strong proponent of separation of church and state."
"The more successful you are, the more well-adjusted, the more likely you are to support a political ideology that protects things like equality of opportunity, meritocracy, individual rights."
"Nationalism is neither an inherently right-wing nor an inherently left-wing philosophy. It is simply a philosophy that says that the most important thing in politics is protecting the nation."
"I see the connection between the post-modernist types and the Marxists as a sleight of hand that replaced the notion of the oppression of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie as the oppression by one identity group by another."
"I'm on the left libertarian quadrant of the political spectrum. I want everyone the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness so long as they aren't infringing the rights of others."
"People have been asking me, 'How do we deprogram millions of people who are in the Cult of Trump?'"
"Liberalism, as a political ideology, is based on liberty and equality before the law."
"If you're young and not left-wing, you don't have a heart; if you're old and not right-wing, you don't have a brain."
"Radical centrism is the ideology of people who define their politics in radical opposition to the extremes on both the right and the left."
"Politically, you see that through the United Nations, through world federalism, through global governance...it is viewed that that is our salvation, that is man's best hope."
"It's not just enough for you to throw up your hands and say, 'Listen, do what you want, whatever floats your boat.' That's not enough. What the left wants is your approval."
"The government shouldn't be that big. It shouldn't be on your back. You should live freely as you wish."
"Trumpism is not conservatism or liberalism, it is a separate phenomenon."
"We should strive to understand history's most violently destructive political ideology and learn to identify fascism in an accurate, honest way."
"I don't want bipartisanship, I want patriotism."
"The left has no moral framework; their moral framework is there is no truth but power."
"Just because you have welfare doesn't make it socialism; you have to seize the means of production."
"We socialists have a duty to envisage a utopic post-capitalism."
"Libertarian socialism is the standard term in Europe for what is here sometimes called anarchism."
"Everything that the left is trying to do is a threat to who we are as a nation... our children and our grandchildren aren't going to know the same America that we have."
"The liberal position on race has always been: a) the color of a person's skin is insignificant, and b) those who believe race is significant are racist."
"I try not to judge people on whatever political ideology that they may have, but I think the disconnection from the realities of life is incredibly dangerous."
"Left versus right matters a hell of a lot less than right versus wrong."
"If there's anything we're going to take from this, let it be the fact that conservatism as an ideology is predicated almost entirely on an inability to understand the world around you."
"What used to be a social movement that was fueled by empathy and compassion... has devolved into a radical political and social ideology that quite frankly is flirting with authoritarianism."
"The average person would be considered far-right by American standards, not because they're degenerates, but because they love their people."
"Once upon a time, I was a liberal, but liberalism has changed, and I will no longer be a part of an ideology or political party that represents everything that contradicts my values of unity, equal opportunity, personal empowerment, compassion, and love."
"The emancipation of humankind and that's a whole, that's the tradition of the left."
"Decentralization is the idea that I think we should be promoting."
"We're in a position now where all the institutions of authority are corrupt and actuated against the right, and people on the right need to adjust their political psychology in order to digest this new reality."
"We believe in limited government, we believe in freedom, and we believe that people should be able to make their own choices about their lives."
"The only way to stop communism is nuclear warfare."
"I think left and right are just tribal signifiers... It's not binary, there's so many different people with so many different thoughts."
"The concept of defunding universities and colleges is good yet there isn't any narrative that has a strength to replace the academic paradigm we haven't had right-wing universities since World War One in the West."
"Communism pushes for a world governed by absolute egalitarianism."
"Biden's ideology is heavily influenced by New Deal era politics with a strong desire to use government power to achieve ends of economic and social reform."
"We'll get critical race Theory and other left-wing lunacy out of our military and we will get it out of our classroom and we'll get it out fast."
"This is a fundamentally anti-democracy... That leads to you saying we really know what's best for you."
"And I would go so far as to say that the Democrat Party today is Marxist light."
"I make a distinction in my language routinely between leftist and liberal. Liberals are people I disagree with on politics, leftist are people who want to shut down the debate."
"The populist right believes in big government, intervention, and control, not markets or limited government."
"The beating heart of the Republican Party is libertarian ideology."
"The beating heart of the Democratic Party is cultural liberalism."
"It makes me sad that Soldier Boy was a diddler."
"The whole idea of a Europe whole and free is at stake."
"The American people need to put America First."
"So when you say nationalism, if it means keep out immigrants, then I totally disagree because I think America is a country of immigrants."
"Small government is the major reason America has given more people more freedom and more opportunity to live a better life than any other country has."
"It's either pro-American or anti-American, that is the choice we face in this moment."
"Fascism is when financial and private interests and state interests align..."
"The American Revolution was not conservative; it was a liberal one."
"Freedom, the great protector against tyranny, should never be forfeited in pursuit of the progressive agenda."
"Fascism is a phenomenon of the left. It's a marriage of nationalism and socialism."
"The second lost cause, like the first, is having real-world consequences."
"Conservative women have bigger balls than liberal men."
"This is a election that is freedom versus socialism, freedom versus communism."
"Centrism is the past, radicalism is the future."
"Conservatives have this kind of blind loyalty to institutions that no longer exist."
"Libertarianism means liberal. Libertarian simply means I'm fiscally conservative and I'm socially liberal."
"The radical left in Washington wants to demolish these gains and they frankly want to destroy your way of life."
"Right-wing populism is about deconstruction of the administrative state."
"Nationalism is dangerous, patriotism, there's nothing wrong with patriotism."
"There's no forgiving your political sins never they will never forgive you but in Christianity there actually is Mercy and there's hope and that's why there's a resurrection."
"Libertarianism is going to keep growing because it's the only system that makes sense."
"Democratic Republicans championed a strict constructionist view of the Constitution."
"Soleimani made it his life's work to take the Iranian revolutionary call for death to America and death to Israel and turn them into action."
"Communists cannot be trusted because they have a particular set of interests."
"A dynamic economy always outperforms a leftist nightmare of strangling red tape."
"I am a free speech absolutist and I think we need to go back on the left if you consider yourself on the left you need to go back and start embracing the freedom of people to think for themselves."
"The America First agenda does not belong to one man, it belongs to you, the people."
"Brexit is a project of the right, for the right, by the right."
"Equity is communism. Equality is equal opportunity."
"It's silly to be a voluntarist about social and political structures and think that if only you had sufficiently good-hearted people in charge, everything would be fine."
"Conventional conservatives have only been focused on that as it applied to private corporations, whereas they needed to apply it more importantly to ordinary everyday individuals."
"You cannot be both far right and a Nazi because the beliefs that you hold that would classify you as a right winger directly contradict the beliefs that would classify you as a Nazi."
"You can absolutely have very conservative people who still believe in universal basic income."
"The progressive left is trying to make America into a grievance culture when in fact we've always stood on the foundation of greatness."
"I do reject socialism as an economic system."
"Fascism properly understood is not a creature of the right or the left, they're right-wing fascists but they're also left-wing fascists."
"Live free in capitalist society or live under tyranny of socialism communism or progressivism just a fancy word but mean pretty much the same so pretty much the same thing society of slaves."
"The other side doesn't want you to think for yourself. They want you to think what they want you to think."
"It is time now for us to come up with a new thing, people with ideology."
"Trump puts country before party because party doesn't matter and only serves to divide."
"Socialism/leftism is a form of decay, not a philosophy."
"Conservatives what do they conserve uh order that's kind of the point not always not perfectly the idea of a conservative is that they're saying this is what works we survive let's keep doing these things let's not do that thing."
"We need to have the same focus, the same zealotry for freedom that the left has for government."
"As I've had my own journey here... I find a lot more intellectual flexibility with people on the right."
"The Empire was the pride of Britain's Conservatives and the envy of many beyond its borders."
"But generally speaking, when an invasion happens and then, you know, the country who did the invasion says like, 'Oh, well, we were doing it for this idealistic sort of ideological reason,' I generally make the assumption that the idealism."
"If you don't like progress, by definition, you're a conservative."
"Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense."
"The radical left that has been sucked into intersectionality is failing with the American people."
"If we are going to have a country, we need to be living in reality. And that means conservatives need to get a little bit tougher about articulating and enforcing that reality."
"The future belongs to Patriots, the future belongs to sovereign and independent nations."
"We are not safe from this devil of communism."
"Nationalism is done, globalism is now one earthen country..."
"The New York Times believes that conservatives have weaponized the First Amendment because they don't like the First Amendment."
"Freedom of expression used to be a liberal value, at least before the radical left took over. Now, the Republican Party is the home of free speech, the place where anyone from any background can speak their mind and may the best ideas win."
"Democracy is about letting people be in charge."
"If you vote left and claim to be Christian, you're not a Christian, you're a pagan."
"The big sort of defining political schism particularly on the internet but I think of everybody really is not left and right anymore it's becoming between authoritarians and libertarians."
"If Republicans actually advocated for what they claim they advocate for, I would still disagree with them."
"The only barrier to secular nationalism - the virus of secular nationalism as it's called is a radical Islamism so the US and Britain as well have been strongly supporting a radical Islam for a long time and continue."
"We protect the planet by protecting our seat at the table. Russ, American exceptionalism."
"Thank god YouTubers like yourself exist or I'd be a lefty feminist."
"At the end of the day, you can't be Progressive if you're not willing to make progress."
"That's the freedom that the left is talking about, that is not a winner."
"It's not always okay to just pull people up, no, there're certain... This is just Marxist, nothing to do with it."
"Castro, aggressively anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and anti-American, one of the world's leading symbols of resistance to the modern bourgeois world order."
"Developed by Italian leader Benito Mussolini in the 1920s, fascism was a political ideology which channelled popular frustration about economic hardship into hatred for minority groups."
"The Democratic party's Progressive ideology has shifted from the needs of the average American."
"A kingdom voter votes for the person and the policies that will best advance the Kingdom of God."
"Christian nationalism is about saying hey I think the bible should control the government."
"Not to have a correct political point of view is like having no soul."
"What really counts in the world is conscientiousness, and the communist party is most particular about being conscientious."
"The left doesn't destroy our common cultural space."
"Either the left can renounce identity politics and start debating ideas, or they can double down on identity politics."
"When you're young and if you're not liberal you have no heart but if you're as you get older if you're not a conservative you have no brain."
"Conservatives view America as President Abraham Lincoln viewed it: as the last best hope of earth, while acknowledging America's flaws."
"The Wilsonian ideal is the one that still dominates the United States."
"Socialist politics aren't some kind of new thing nor some Un-American foreign import."
"If you're for censorship, you're actually a right-wing extremist."
"I'm pro-constitution, pro-free markets, pro-liberty and freedoms."
"We can elect people who believe in rule of law."
"We've rejected globalism and embraced patriotism."
"I don't care if you're conservative, liberal, libertarian, or communist... free speech, that's what it's all about."
"I want to talk about people's backgrounds and how it's influenced their political thought."
"You can't kill nationalism... there will always be more people who believe in this."
"The left itself, I mean progressives, have engaged in a tremendous amount of highly effective solution making."
"I'd rather be dead than red." - Rose Namajunas on fighting for freedom.
"This is like the definition of self-determination, the definition of anti-imperialism."
"There's a version of Politics... that seems to say we can get away from [free market capitalism], it's not as important."
"It's not right versus left but good versus evil."
"Borders aren't a thing, then I could listen but I do believe in borders."
"The great dividing line now is between do you believe in freedom or are you an authoritarian."
"Brexit was somewhat a pushback against the super state, it was about individual independent sovereignty."
"I call myself a left-wing libertarian... there is a left tradition which does value freedom."
"Leftism has to become common sense for at least a small portion of the population."
"Tanky is a leftist who supports the aesthetics of actually existing socialist countries."
"I am running as a Thatcherite and I will govern as a Thatcherite." - Rishi Sunak
"The Communist catastrophe was the manifestation of the implicit nature of the ideal."
"The far-left wants to be so inclusive they're willing to include different groups that believe different things even when they're at odds with each other."
"If you're on the left, you want politicians to make bold, radical policy proposals."
"Whether you're a nationalist who loves America or a lefty who hates exploitation, there's no reason to support Nike."
"It's not a matter of left or right anymore, it's good versus evil."
"Part of being a libertarian, just holding that ideology, a lot of people make memes about this [ __ ], but honestly the core of libertarianism is this sense of like, 'Leave me the [ __ ] alone.'"
"I mean, leftism is a rejection of the natural order."
"Remember without strong borders and honest elections we don't have a country."
"You've got a huge number of people anybody who's got any reason left to them at all is knows that something has to halt the march of critical race theory."
"The collective loss of the Christian faith in the West contributes to the embrace of leftist ideals."
"Time really matters. The progressives have their view of history, there's the right side of history, the wrong side of history, you know, and if you agree with them you're on the right side."
"The reason why I think that the right wing has a better response to that is that all you can ever give is essentially your subjective opinion about these valued instructions."
"The far left believes in collectivism through the backdoor for the purpose of creating a classless society."
"The Republican Party is the party of Lincoln and the party of more opportunity for all Americans, not nativist dog whistles."
"Once you understand the core ideology of why the left's doing what they're doing... you'll never ask questions like why is it they throw gays off buildings in Iran."
"They're not for America they're wed to something else these guys are connected to Marxism and to those countries that represent Marxism it's serious."
"America first rallying cry makes sense if you actually do things that bring livable conditions to your people, right?"
"Let's try to build left-wing populism or Democratic socialism as the third option."
"It's not lone wolves, it's all based on a political ideology."
"We might not like her, but she's supposed to be the real True Believer."
"Tulsi Gabbard should have been there. She's actually a Democrat, that's a little more of an old-school Blue Dog Democrat."
"Democratic socialism is not a definition at all. It’s a goal."
"Bernie wants to make it more of a meritocracy give people an equal opportunity give people the basics don't burden them."
"Accelerationism: Embraced by both extremes, where left meets right."
"He's an anti-capitalist he's a guy who's a Social Democrat."
"Whatever is left of Communism today rests strongly on the CCP's shoulders."
"The Republican Party should be the party of ideas and principles."
"Conservatism is about limited government... very, very different thing."
"If the world is at peace, they cannot survive. There's no place for communism."
"Freedom and democracy is superior to Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, socialism with Chinese characteristics."
"Why don't you just say that you're on the left is it so hard for you?"
"My concern with some of the dogma that we have in the left... is that self-iding for gender is something that we've all agreed is pretty cool and based."
"We are not helpless victims like the left wants us to believe we can all make a difference."
"Liberalism is what we are doing here these are the values that we support regardless of the contextual party politics of the day."
"Free speech is vital, incontrovertible, non-negotiable. It's a conservative political ideology."
"We know what works: freedom works, limited government works, free enterprise works."
"The Dome represented the vault of the sky spanning Hitler's global empire."
"Democratic Socialists believe the means of production should be collectively owned."
"People's rule, they don't believe in people's democracy. They don't believe the people should run the country."
"I did not come out of the birth canal spouting conservative talking points."
"You're not radical if you believe that healthcare is a human right."