
Business Logic Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Being an engineer is really about combining programming logic with business logic."
"Clean architecture...is able to make it so that we can focus on the business logic and the problem we're trying to solve and not get hung up on all the plumbing and infrastructure concerns."
"Web API can be a constant. It allows you to put all of your business logic, data access, and more behind an interface that just about anything can use."
"The fun stuff is your business logic. That's why we are the software developers, right?"
"The business logic is responsible for doing work."
"If it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make money."
"It just doesn't make sense from a business sense. That does not make sense to let them stay for three years so they can increase their value."
"So we're moving in the direction of larger stampings that make sense to have a local regional supplier."
"Keep the IO separate from the business logic."
"The big advantage to me is the client doesn't have to duplicate the business logic. In many situations you find that the client has to know what to do, he has to understand what the server is actually doing."
"Everything is hidden from you, you only focus on your business logic."
"But this is the beginning, not only the beginning of Snowflake Summit but the beginning of a new era of new types of business logic, use cases, applications, services running inside of Snowflake."
"All of the business logic associated to manufacturing that response is not housed inside of the controller; it's housed somewhere else."
"The main benefits of these architectures is to create a layer that wraps your business logic and protects it from changes from external sources."
"We would like to make an abstract network for people so that they can write their applications and focus on their business logic."
"Integration tests... definitely testing a whole lot of your business logic."
"If the company can make profits by entering this market, then it would be logical to enter the market."
"If the sale amount was greater than 100, I'll flag it as high value."
"Domain types are the things that model your business functionality."
"Cadence is a high-level way to build distributed applications and you focus on business logic, not plumbing."
"The Temporal server to a developer really looks like something that allows us to focus on our business logic."
"CQRS gives you the power to evolve your business logic incrementally by using views and by separating the read operations from the write operations."
"Refactor your .NET Framework application, your web forms application, take the business logic as much as possible out of your web forms, put them into classes."
"Clean architecture means making the distinction between a layer that handles application business logic and the layer that handles enterprise or business rules."
"All these classes will be placed here because they belong to the core domain of the part of the world that we are actually trying to model in the application that we are building."
"The domain layer is actually the layer where we have all our core business logic."
"End-to-end testing is necessary because it covers the complete business logic."
"By making it a separate component in the stack, it gives you the opportunity to centralize your business logic, centralize your governance logic."
"Triggers can enforce your business logic, your validation rules."
"The service layer is primarily responsible for performing business logic."
"Go is the perfect language for this kind of work, and by that I mean these sort of business logic services."
"Instead of handling all the business logic in the control layer, we can actually create a service."
"Compliance rules... are really useful for making sure that you haven't inadvertently deployed something that's going to cause either a security risk or some sort of business logic to break."
"And lastly, we have our Location Directives, so these define the business logic of our work or what we consider the what, how many, and where of the process."
"The UI should be agnostic of how the business logic is going to deal with the image; it just needs to have the data for that image and load it."
"You need to be clear where business logic should live in modern stacks."
"This is just a really, really nice way of modeling your business logic and making sure that in every single case you've got all of your bases covered."
"The domain layer is where we write our business logic through use cases."
"Now I can do anything that I want, so here I can perform my business logic."
"It makes it very simple to introduce business logic into an object declaratively in a single place."
"The actual data model that we require for the business object is outlined or defined in CDS views."
"It allows developers to focus on the business logic rather than technical aspects."
"Loops help us iterate over collections like arrays and slices, so we can add crucial business logic for each of our customers."
"This is where the business logic central to your application is defined."
"A service class, in my opinion, is a self-contained class that performs some kind of business logic."
"It does let you separate the UI from the business logic and write specific sets of tests for each."
"The model is the one that's in charge of the business logic."
"The model represents the domain objects that encapsulate data, implement business logic services, and data access."
"The composite pattern is very useful when you want to encapsulate logic and make it easier for the calling program to access different aspects of a business object."
"The business logic can be tested without the UI or grid storage implementations."
"Services hold valuable business logic and can also be used to interact with the back end."
"This will help you to keep most of the business logic unchanged so it can mean less effort for the modernization."
"We're building that core into the platform so you just have to think about business logic."
"Services are an abstraction layer or process layer which holds your business logic."