
Temporal Perspective Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"You're never actually in your history, and you're never in your future. They only occur in present."
"Five days of pain is much better than five weeks or five months."
"Life is so short, you're never going to be younger than you are now."
"Ancient Egypt was already ancient in ancient Egypt."
"We are definitely ignorant children in the year 3000. We'll know more about the universe than the cutting edge minds do today."
"Life is sacred but our time on this world is just a blip compared to eternity."
"Everything is changing, but what happened thousands of years ago?"
"Grains of sand make a heap; you won't recognize the history until it's passed."
"This place has a past, a present, and a future that is dripping with Jesus."
"Life is about living mate. In a hundred years time, no one will remember me, no one will remember you, no one remember this community. We're here for a short time, not a long time."
"People live in the moment and forget to look at a wider context."
"You don't realize how young you are until you realize you were just young for the last time ever."
"Time is temporary, this situation will pass."
"We've only bought our solidity at a time, and white supremacy bought themselves a little more time."
"The throne you sit on is not based in time. It's based in integrity and honor."
"The world of the past that you knew ten years ago no longer exists."
"Time of our life is the result of our experiences."
"The future is never here, you know, this is the present."
"We never appreciate people as much now as we will in the future."
"It's dark right now, but morning is on the way."
"It's easier to live in the past, it's more fun to live in the future, but it's better to stay in the moment."
"Live moment by moment, do not live in the future, do not live in the past."
"To have a 20-year plan or a 30-year plan is not really that long."
"The historical present brings past events closer to the present."
"The hard things you're going through will eventually pass."
"I believe wins in the end. I believe the truth always wins. Just a matter of what your time scale is."
"People with ADHD have temporal myopia, which means that they have difficulty looking into the future."
"We can't feel that way this year and we can't feel that way really in general in previous years either."
"2020 sucks. Yes, it does, but it's almost over. 2020 is almost over folks, you know, the light is at the end of the tunnel."
"Cities live in the future, towns and villages live in the past."
"Most people live in the present. That's the nature of being a human being."
"Just hold on a little bit longer, it won't be long."
"Sunday's are simply bigger than other infinities."
"Things will get better, who knows when, but this will eventually end."
"Novelty increases as we approach the present moment."
"The only exception is that the present is the best time of all because that's the only one you can live in, in the place where you live now."
"This disease called cv19 will be over much sooner than you think."
"The past and the future, it all meets here and now. That's really amazing."
"Things will work out in due time, a situation will be resolved in due time."
"Nothing matters a billion years from now, will this matter? No. But in the eyes of the human spirit, does it matter now? Yes, it does."
"This too shall pass, but look for that tension to be most acute probably in August."
"This is a time to pull back and reflect on everything that's been happening over the past couple of weeks."
"If you feel like you cannot move on from whatever you're going through at the moment, remember this: six months ago or 12 months ago or two years ago, it's not the same."
"Science is changing. Think about where we are right now, where we were when you were a kid, and then think about where we'll be in 20 years from now."
"Seventy years after the tragedy, what remains is the memory of the people."
"God didn't want you born in any other time; you're here for a purpose."
"Guys, everybody relax. We're here for a good time, not a long time."
"This long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run, we're all dead."
"You have to accept that even in the past Seasons it was like this and in the future it may be like that but right now it is what it is."
"Learn from the past, live in the present, thrive in the future."
"Each second is priceless in the realm of love."
"Everything has its time and you don't need to take it so close to your heart."
"Trouble doesn't last always, sickness, sadness, whatever you're going through in this season right now, if you're going through a terrible time, sadness, whatever, it doesn't last forever."
"Recognize that this is not the end of the world or the beginning of the world, it's one date and you should learn as much as you can from it."
"What matters is what you become. It doesn't matter what is. What you are seeing this week is what you became in the past."
"Nothing lasts forever; joy is coming after the sadness."
"One day you’ll look back and see how you’re feeling right now as where you were, and not who you were."
"High school isn't everything, even though it feels like everything's whether you're having the worst high school experience, it's gonna come to an end."
"It's a reassuring message that this too shall pass."
"A Utopia at the end of time, for us, for all time."
"The time travel story is about stepping out of your limited 'now' point-of-view to see more deeply into the nature of our existence."
"It's a troubling time but it's not going to be this way forever."
"When you deal with life as a temporal mode, things will be better."
"It's so weird to think how different our world looked a few million years ago."
"The difference between success and happiness: success is in big things and takes time, but happiness is a small thing."
"Loss and gain are both temporary; they falter in the face of eternity."
"You and I are merely passing through history. This... this is history."
"2020 is just a chapter in your life, it came to teach you some things."