
Coding Practice Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"You should be coding something every day, even if it's just for a couple of minutes, 10 to 15, since every little bit helps."
"So if we're looping over and the index happens to be six, well that's not valid so we just continue."
"Make sure that you're paying attention to how you are actually writing your code, okay?"
"The only way to write great code is to write a whole bunch of bad code first."
"Let's just run the code, check for any errors."
"It's worth doing it, the code is so much simpler."
"It really cleans up your props and, in general, makes the code that you're working with much easier and cleaner in my opinion."
"Storing the folder path in a string variable makes life much easier when running this code."
"There's nothing that will teach you more about code than doing just that."
"If you want to have a multi-line comment, all you would do is equal begin multi-line comments and then equals end."
"Not bad, maybe we'll do another media query for the h1 size."
"Playing with the code is the best way to learn from it."
"First write code to achieve a specific goal."
"Overuse of magic numbers... introducing a basic constant in your code can make it many times more readable."
"Parameter names are part of the API - make them self-documenting."
"Design is the choices that we all make every day when we write good code."
"There are many benefits just by using test-driven development."
"This Create React App environment, this is probably very similar to what the company you want to work for is using, or what that open-source project is using. This is the industry standard."
"Python's modular approach promotes efficient and organized coding."
"Top-level code eliminates a lot of ceremony."
"Making games with JavaScript is one of my favorite ways to practice coding."
"The goal is to build a workflow where unit tests are part of coding efficiency."
"Once you figure out your core patterns in how to solve issues that may arise, that's where I think LeetCode shines."
"The first rule of test-driven development is you write your test first."
"Have your CPT manual with you because we will be going over guidelines extensively today as well as getting some coding practice."
"Every piece of code you write and every piece of feedback you receive is a stepping stone to becoming a proficient Python developer."
"It helps us to eliminate dependencies, not just to verify behavior, and helps us to handle errors."
"The purpose of a name is to communicate what's going on in the code."
"Make sure it's the tests that are driving the code that you write."
"Unit tests can actually drive out better design in your code."
"The interior mutability pattern gives us flexibility, but we have to be careful and make sure that our code abides by the borrowing rules."
"Keep commits centric to one feature, one component, or one fix."
"It's actually much better practice to get into the habit sooner rather than later of testing your own code using code of your own."
"Handle errors early and return often; keep the common or happy path indented and to the left."
"If you can do it in a single statement, do that and do not loop."
"I like to hand code this out because the logic is so much easier to understand when you actually write it out."
"It's a software development practice. The idea is that you write the tests first, then you write code for the feature."
"Always code defensively, which means you are always looking for problems all around you—all the time."
"I think you should design robust code from day one."
"It is always a good idea to add comments to all scripts; it helps others understand the code better."
"Don't repeat yourself. It makes your code much easier to maintain, easier to read."
"It allows you to pretty much keep everything more organized, so you don't have to put everything in just one single module."
"I'm a big advocate of coding alongside the course as you go."
"Writing out small functions is a really good idea."
"It's always good you write the method and immediately you write the test as well."
"Comments are basically a way of leaving notes in your code for yourself or for other traders or coders who read your script."
"I would strongly recommend that you try to code as much as you can yourself."
"Creating an asynchronous generator function is absolutely similar to creating a synchronous one."
"It's always a good idea to refactor stuff whenever possible."
"Consistency in code is a good thing."
"It's worth doing this even if you only call that method one time because the more polymorphic your code is, the fewer ways you can write it wrong."
"Build stuff from scratch yourself... you're learning to be able to talk about your code."
"Write smaller functions; one function does one thing."
"Sometimes you just want to quickly try out some JavaScript code to see what happens."
"It's a great way to really dive into JavaScript, practice interview questions, and just test your overall skills."
"You should never access state.data directly, always use state.source.get."
"Anything that's implicit in the code that you can take out and somehow make explicit and more obvious, that's generally going to be a really big win."
"It's easier to read when each column is on a different line."
"When it comes to code, and you want to learn it, the best way is by practice."
"It's not the best practice because there is a duplication of code."
"It is far easier to make correct code fast than fast code correct."
"Code should be written to be read."
"This isn't a performance tutorial, this is just get it done and then come back and do it better and refactor it to make it better."
"You better watch a movie on Netflix and relax if you don't want to practice coding."
"Efficiency is about algorithms, not about coding details."
"So the take home message is that efficiency is about algorithms, not about coding details."
"The idea is to write code that looks synchronous while it actually runs asynchronously and concurrently with other code that may be running at the same time."
"You should be writing code that's easier for you to read, for other people to read."
"Always write the usage code first, big mantra of mine."
"It matters not just what I program, but how I do it, so that it's easier to maintain and update."
"Dependency injection is an anti-static mat for your code."
"If someone else has to work with your code, that person will thank you for programming with SFC."
"This is how you want to code your Python scripts: you do a little bit of functionality, you test that functionality, and you make sure it works as you're expecting."
"Get in the habit of writing tests because it is a killer habit to be in."
"It's always good to comment your code as much as possible; you can never comment too much."
"When you think you've got it right, go away from it for a day and come back and make it better."
"That's going to be something that you'll do very, very often, as you're working with JavaScript."
"Always get in the habit of writing '++something' instead of 'something++' for everything when it doesn't matter."
"Then we write the simplest thing we can think of to get that test passing."
"When using CSS in JS, the best approach is to actually scope your CSS to your React components."
"One of my favorite things to do in programming is to actually perform refactoring."
"How do you keep code clean and customizable when reusable? A lot of practice, keep things simple."
"It's really important that you name your variables correctly and make it look nice because that makes all the difference."
"Everyone should write tests for their JavaScript code."
"If I change the constructor, I only have to change a single method and all the tests will suddenly just magically work."
"The most important person you're writing code for is yourself six or nine months from now."
"Good programmers copy, great programmers paste."