
Life Milestones Quotes

There are 423 quotes

"If you speak to people who have even scored goals in the World Cup, they'll still tell you that the best moment of their life is when their child is born."
"It was the most spiritual and best experience I've ever had."
"It's one of the coolest things in life, telling your parents that you are now carrying on the regeneration of the species."
"Because once you see it, it was. One of the most amazing and emotional experiences I've ever had, other than seeing my own children being born."
"The two most important days of a person's life are the day you're born and the day you figure out why."
"Isn't it crazy after you're 21, there's no more milestones? You're just expired at that point, to be honest."
"It's been the best day for the rest of my life really."
"Throw out the rulebook of life's expected milestones and embrace your unique journey."
"It's very amazing; I never thought that I would get to this point in my life."
"Never give up on a dream. People get married in their 60s and 80s, which is always this fanciful stuff like that."
"This is officially the last thing on the list... falling in love."
"Years go by so fast. I mean, I'll be graduating next week. Like, that's how fast this year feels."
"I've been praying for this as long as I've understood what a baby was. And it's a big deal."
"Congratulations! You have just been accepted to the College of your Dreams."
"You're not 33 yet. Wait till the fabulous things start happening when you're 33."
"It's one of those moments in your life, it's a milestone moment when you can say, you know what? I had complete control over my life for one fortnight."
"I'm just extremely grateful I'll be able to grow my family and my loved ones."
"40 is when you start living, when you can decide to go get your Harley."
"I cannot be more happy to be marrying my best friend."
"The day she turns 30, it's generally when a woman has her epiphany."
"Many people dream of having a day like this, perhaps even more lavish... but many will agree that it's worth it when you get to say those magic words, 'I do.'"
"Life is not over after 30, but you gotta do something you've never done before."
"Parents, today is a big day for you too. You have significantly lowered your chances of your kids moving back home. It could still happen though, so don't get cocky. Okay?"
"Each song represents a very important time in my life... it's a beautiful way for me to remember and capture those memories."
"I'm very excited to be turning 30 when I'm seven months pregnant, hopefully with a bigger bump and singing along to Bo Burnham."
"Channeling your ambition will lead you to achieve significant milestones and success in all aspects of your life."
"This is like being a father watching your child become an adult and then doing what's their job."
"It's more like I climbed up a mountain and I'm at like a really high point now."
"You could go from being a renter to a homeowner."
"20 years, so many memories, so many cars built, so many track events. Dude, it's really crazy."
"I mean, a real car is kind of life-changing at this time in my life."
"Our dream was to have a massive family holiday with a wedding in the middle, and that is exactly what we had."
"You're gonna get the life that was promised to you at your bar mitzvah."
"Honestly, it's the biggest accomplishment of my life."
"Eating with people community eating is what happens in these so-called blue zones."
"The next financial milestone in your 30s is to consider assembling a financial plan for the next 30 years of your life."
"The World: big full circle moments, big life lessons, a really exciting time."
"Good news about a Visa, good news about a book publishing contract."
"I'm feeling incredibly lucky to be able to see my team graduate high school today and sad for those parents who had this day unfairly ripped away from them."
"Try to make this thing work out in your best behalf try to make it where you can see your daughter's graduation from College from high school first baby."
"Life is so good I can finally stop the house hunting Journey."
"Often, I think happiness can be thought of as having to be this big emotional moment, or winning the big race, or getting married to Brad Pitt, or whatever it might be."
"I have never felt more accomplished in my life."
"We're literally halfway through our life in Liberty Drive at this point."
"It's a lot going on, exciting things though...I'm gonna be a whole wife by the end of this year."
"Father dying of cancer walks his two daughters down the aisle because he knows he won't get to do it on their wedding day."
"Probably one of the greatest moments of my life."
"Time literally flies. Where has seven months gone?"
"Nothing has to happen right when you turn 20 or right when you turn 18 like I feel like you got to take your own time with it like regardless what path you're taking."
"The two most important days: the day you were born and the day you find out why."
"Mount Kilimanjaro climb: Still one of my biggest life achievements."
"You guys are walking into the most powerful version of yourself, the most powerful timeline of your life."
"If you're getting married, leave me a freaking comment because that is just beautiful."
"By the time you get in your late 30s and definitely by 40 you should be already set financially."
"Major successes that come during this time... overwhelming and exciting."
"I've achieved the number one thing on my bucket list."
"Gucci at 40 years old, man, is this something did you ever think you would make it to 40 and actually plan to be 40?"
"A man is never more masculine than right after the birth of his first child."
"Let's crack off cry because as well as these milestones."
"This is one of those days that you were going to remember for the rest of your life."
"I got my very own apartment and I'm moving in this Friday."
"You're going to succeed, you're gonna have your Pentacles. Some of you, this is a literal graduation."
"Could you imagine? She faded away, faded away. I mean, her—it would be like... and I forgot what she was born... but it would be like, whatever, like 1884, November 20th, 1884, to November 20th, 1984."
"Hopefully this year will be the year that I get married."
"Teach your students to be glad about... getting married, having families, and welcoming children into the world."
"Congratulations because not only has he got married but he's also got a baby on the way."
"There are two most important dates in your life: the first is the day you were born and hope you all know that, and the second is the day you find out why you were born."
"This hard work that I've done, I know I'm so much better than I was 19 years ago when my daughter was born."
"The two most important days of your life are the day that you're born and the day you find out why."
"I'm excited guys I really am um today was my last real day of school so I guess who can say this is my first stream of being number one out of high school number two a full-time streamer and number three just a better mindset."
"There are two great days in everybody's life: first is the day that were born and second is the day we realize why."
"It's a marker, yeah, it's like this weird club that you're in, but it's also a marker in your life."
"I didn't think I was gonna live to see 30, and now I'm 60. I've doubled it."
"What's the happiest moment in your life so far? Moving out on the back of doing YouTube."
"Buying a home in your 30s can be a Smart Financial move for several reasons."
"Having a kid should be an accomplishment once you've secured yourself financially."
"Enjoy yourself tonight. You've earned it. It's a great time in life. Make sure you have a good time with your friends and your family tonight."
"It's worth it for the Best Day Of Our Lives."
"Listening to Perfect is like watching the time capsule of two soul mates as the throat tightening lyrics equally fit both the moment they met and the moment they say 'I do'."
"Congratulations! Really, really cool that you were able to get married."
"Happy birthday, Raven! Celebrating a birthday is exploring another point in The Game of Life. Congrats!"
"This is one of the best days of my entire life."
"You are my sister, I want to be a part of those big life moments, I want to see you happy and truly fulfilled and to feel worthy of all the good things coming your way."
"Your streams are pivotal, this is a very pivotal moment in your life."
"Jewel is on her way to the hospital to have the first baby of another generation!"
"For some of you, this is a wish fulfillment or a manifestation fulfillment coming into fruition."
"I've been waiting for this day for many years, perhaps even my whole life."
"Getting to spend my anniversary with you... one of the greatest moments of my life."
"I like being a sideline spectator and watching your big life. I'm just proud of you."
"You are at a point in your life where you're wrapping up something pretty major."
"Milestone complete get married to BFF and become a parent."
"Age is just a number, it's never too late to get started."
"Everyone has their own clock, like their own life, that certain achievements that you get will be different."
"You don't understand, this is the happiest day of my [ __ ] life."
"We were so excited. Our estate agents gave us champagne, like this is literally the best day of our lives."
"If I can make it to 32, I think I won't have to worry about divorce because at that point, we just gonna know what we want."
"Colleen Warley and her fiancé Monty were planning their forthcoming wedding."
"We saved more money than we ever had in our entire married life."
"This is the best gift I've ever had in my whole life."
"That is honestly one of the moments of my life that I've felt the most accomplished."
"That's adulting, right? Have I for am I adulting at this point? I think you're doing it when the way that you express the freedom in your life is, I got to unload the dishwasher slightly earlier and that's like a victory."
"By the end of 2017, Rey stated that it was one of the best years of his life."
"You're reaching a powerful stage in life, focusing on personal achievements."
"Life is good. Thank you, God. New house is on the way. Thank you, God."
"It's just that was a thing why've you got terracotta or something you've made it in life."
"Not committing crimes, getting a job, graduating high school, getting married before you have kids are moral goods that everyone should advocate for."
"You guys actually mad today, Michael Wang with the 100, congrats on the wedding and welcome to adulthood!"
"That was one of the most proudest moments in my life."
"Ruby just graduated and got a job. It was like one of the best days of my life."
"Before 2002, the only gold I had ever owned was my wedding ring."
"It is my birthday today and I'm eternally grateful to everybody who's made all this possible."
"Seven of Pentacles it's been a long time coming now is the time is kind of what that says like a Harvest Time energy."
"Saturn returns could be a time where you get married, buy a house, build a new business, or have a baby."
"My most amazing moment was when I first heard him cry."
"It might have been the year its life truly started."
"Congratulations, welcome to this crazy and beautiful thing called Parenthood. Thank you."
"I'm ready to start my life. I'm ready to have my baby. I'm ready just to be happy."
"Things would progress as usual and I could have my baby at any point. That's pretty exciting."
"It's what you choose to make out of it that truly matters."
"There's a completion that's taking place here...coming full circle and pausing before you take the next big step in your life."
"Proud of the woman Clem has become, spreading her wings."
"It's the best day of their lives, and they're not gonna live it down."
"You've made it through all seven baby steps, and cue the Disney music right, it's time for dreams come true, pixie dust, let's go."
"One of the proudest moments this year... I'm seriously ready to buy a house."
"Taking the leap of faith in 2018 is what set 2019 up to be so amazing."
"We can't thank you guys enough for the greatest, most epic, most insane year of our lives."
"Earning a college degree is one of the most impressive and greatest accomplishments of life."
"This will be my last Christmas Vlog so it feels really special and bittersweet."
"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."
"You guys have gone through and moved past so many points in your life."
"Selling that car was a stepping stone to where I'm at now."
"I lost my virginity over 10 years ago, except for 14. Nah, hell, 14."
"We all grow and evolve as human beings, and there are time stamps in our lives where big milestones happen and it changes us for the better or for the worse."
"There's something weird to me just to me about the idea that like these really you know private moments or like these moments that are the signposts of your life are also just put on the internet."
"Most people won't ready for marriage. You're never going to be ready for kids. But when it happens to you, you'll be like, 'That's pretty good.'"
"Homeownership is always I think the first key to everybody's life."
"Get married, have a family, there's nothing like it."
"Endings and beginnings, huge completions that we accomplished in 2020 and of course we now move into a new cycle."
"I'm in ninth, this is the happiest day of my life."
"Like when you find your person and you always talk about like starting a life together and getting married and then it's like when it's finally here it's just it feels so good."
"I think I've just completed life. I think I've just won."
"I might only be halfway through my life and [ __ ] like when I thought I wasn't gonna live past 30."
"The highest point in my life is knowing that my father is proud."
"I just got the apartment! Ah, I'm so excited!"
"So much has happened in four years, so much amazing stuff, um, I seriously couldn't have asked for a better partner, Jake is a really special guy and I'm just really happy to be doing this life with him."
"You're going to be feeling very excited about your future in a way that you haven't in a long time."
"I've fallen in love with a very warm, gentle, understanding, and focused person. This summer we married quietly, a new experience, a new day for me. I couldn't be happier."
"Just stand up and I'm like damn this is it, I thought I'd feel taller by now."
"The full moon in Leo on February 5th is all about culminations, Transitions, and endings."
"I'm turning 25 this year, and it's my proudest moment to be like, 'oh yeah, I'm making a video about relationships when some of the people were like teenagers.'"
"The decades complete, you have achieved some sense of solidity."
"Love is gonna win - and you'll be able to marry your longtime love interest finally."
"Part of me never thought this day would ever come, part of me still doesn't. But now I've got the rest of my life ahead of me and I realize I haven't planned for any of it."
"Life made life made I was happy but then it just kept getting better it was just what an incredible night I will never forget it for the rest of my life."
"When you love your husband and then you see you get the blessing to raise a child together... there is nothing like it in the whole world."
"You're about to complete a very big part of your life in a major way."
"This might be one of the biggest nights of our entire life. It already is."
"Turning 40 just does this to you... it's like an Awakening."
"Congratulations you've made it to another one of life's checkpoints."
"Building our own house for our family, creating our own memories and family moments."
"I see celebrations coming in, possibly even a pregnancy."
"This tower is talking about a major beautiful new relationship, new child, new home."
"It's like Christmas, birthday, first day of school and first day of summer vacation all wrapped up into one. It's exciting."
"Completing a chapter of your life, time for rewards."
"What a way to end an absolutely fantastic day!"
"Life is good, yeah, life is really good, newly engaged, got my daughter full time."
"You do not need to be 59 and still not own a house."
"It's one of those things, you know when you reach that milestone or just making it to another year, it's a blessing."
"You're finally graduating from whatever this has been."
"Buying a house is something so freaking serious."
"It was probably still one of the happiest moments I've ever had in my life."
"25 is a bigger birthday in my mind because that's like you're officially in your mid-20s."
"Birth, proposal, and abundance, progress is positive."
"It's the most precious and most magical thing that can happen to you, and it's, oh, you know, cars are great and like ice is fun and going on vacations is cool, but like having a baby is like, there's nothing alike."
"To give honor where there are certain things that happen in a person's life that we can celebrate."
"Love is more important than that. My man found love, he's getting married. Give him the Tyson bell."
"The day has arrived for you to receive what you have long awaited."
"Ten of cups is definitely marriage, so yes, definitely."
"Birth certificates are usually the first participation award people get in life."
"Regardless of what I get I'm not complaining like this has to be the greatest achievement of my life."
"Knowing that we place well... it's a time that you're not gonna forget in your life."
"Archangel Michael is saluting you for completing a cycle in your life."
"TJ and I actually bought a house, which is so crazy."
"Eclipses are said to correspond with major milestone moments in our life, big new beginnings and big endings."
"Saturn returns happen every 27 to 30 years... it's like a reality check for your life."
"I'm officially 30 and thriving dirty 30 and thriving"
"Watching someone you've known your whole life get married is the most beautiful thing of all times."
"I'm a big advocate for conversations, girls, though I wish you the best of luck, congratulations on your new baby girl, and I hope this all works out."
"Settling down with someone, finding understanding in the workplace, starting a business— all good."
"He's engaged again. He's 92. You know what, never too old to fall in love."
"Having bought my own home recently, that was just so cool."
"It's like, 'Hey, take this moment, man. This is a great moment in your life. Take this moment.'"
"There's no deadline for these things. Everybody's different and everybody's timeline is different."
"Watches are an incredible way to reward yourself for every chapter of your life."
"I think I had my first coffee when I was about 20 years old. How about you, Zika?"
"This is one of the greatest times of your life because you're really coming into something."
"There's always that question from society of like, 'Well, when are you gonna...'"
"Guess what? I'm becoming a grandfather."
"The day your baby is born is the best day of your life."
"I just always felt like there are three huge moments in a woman's life: one of them is getting proposed to, one of them is getting married, like your wedding day, and then obviously having a baby is another one."