
Shamanism Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Shamanism in general is healing. It's the knowledge of how to do this firstly with aspects of yourself and your immediate community, and then how to apply that knowledge in a wider perspective."
"Shamanism is a religious tradition characterized by the figure of the shaman, a spiritual practitioner who mediates between the human and spirit world."
"You are a shaman, a magician; use your gifts for good."
"I combined [therapy] with the mentorship of a shaman... to cure post-traumatic stress disorder, which was my biggest issue."
"The future is not yet predetermined, however, she believes that the future Shaman will give people food and shelter over their heads."
"Our love and forgiveness are so wide and all-encompassing."
"Shamans have used psychedelic compounds throughout human history to enter spiritual domains and communicate with supernatural entities." - Unknown
"The lost civilization emerged out of shamanism and out of the techniques of ecstasy that are used in shamanism."
"We're lamenting by modern reductionist beliefs. It would sound crazy that these plants are wise teachers that gift healing songs to the students or shamans."
"There's a reevaluation of the value of shamanism and psychedelics and plant medicines."
"Shamans are highly charismatic. Imagine if you could take a rock star like a super rock star, a super therapist, a super artist, put them all in one individual, and then they come to you when you're sick."
"Ayahuasca is like a maestro, a plant teacher, a divine goddess."
"Maybe the shamans aren't crazy. Maybe the Native Americans weren't crazy. Maybe these people aren't crazy. Maybe they are actually tapping into a very profound experience that anyone can have."
"To be a shaman is to have seen the end. To have seen the end is to know the political act."
"Psychedelic shamanism can put terror of the future out to pasture."
"Our theory is quite simple: over a thousand years ago, Sukuna was once a very powerful jujutsu shaman."
"Shamanism is founded in the belief that shamans...have the power to heal the sick and dying, transport souls into the afterlife, and communicate with spirits."
"Since all souls are connected through sila, the shaman who interacted with it are believed to be able to borrow their powers."
"All it takes is not one magic word. It's not Shazam, it's shaman. Someone who can access and influence the spiritual world, entering a trance-like ritual and divining truth, summoning something greater to touch the physical mundane world."
"The experiences that shamans have with spirits, the experiences that people in the Middle Ages had with fairies and elves, and the experiences that people have with aliens today, they're all the same experience."
"Civilization, like all other civilizations on Earth, emerged out of shamanism."
"For universal shamanism, I recommend 'Earth Magic' by Stephen D. Farmer."
"Modern medicine is even about these ancient practices of receiving holistic medicine by a shaman."
"The shamans and the elders of Native Americans, they will tell you that before these people were able to emerge out of planet Earth, they were brought here by the star people, the star gods which arrived from outer space."
"Chente believed that among the dirty little people who acquired magic and became Shaman only idiots use black magic."
"All of shamanism teaches a very core practice and ceremony is how we get up every morning and approach the day."
"A shaman is historically someone who has access to the spirit realm."
"The shaman enters into the quote-unquote chaos of the psychedelic experience and sees that it is not chaos, it is hyperspace."
"One should practice shamanism for its own benefits, for mental health, for physical health, for spiritual health, to learn to know yourself better in many levels."
"Shamans were pro-social and prominent in their communities. Witches were feared and shunned by all."
"Many seekers are interested in shamanism because it is a spiritual path that can be followed in conjunction with any religion or other spiritual belief without conflict."
"A shaman is someone who has seen the end, who has run the movie and lived it with a small smile."
"Make sure you do Ayahuasca with real shamans. Ayahuasca with a shaman who this medicine has been passed down to him for generations."
"You're a natural shaman, healer, lightworker, mystic."
"Most importantly though, to be a shaman, you must heal yourself."
"Shamans are those that traverse different planes to bring about wisdom and healing into our physical reality for the people around them and their communities."
"There is a kind of question that perhaps in the shamanic tradition could be translated as the sacred question that we all carry in our way."
"If you have the experience of these tools that the shamans have available, you develop a lot of respect to that."
"The truth is that shamans and shamanism have always existed in cultures. They are the healers, the sages, the ones who live between the two worlds."
"Shamanism has always existed in cultures. They are the healers, the sages, the ones who live between the two worlds and can open them to you."
"Spirit shamanism... It's sustainable. It's sustainable spirituality."
"Shamans use lucid dreaming as a way to retrieve important information from spirit that will guide their communities moving forward."
"Your i mean shamans actually have the ability to be able to change their body temperature so because you have so much different energies going into you um it can really fluctuate your body temperature."
"There was an idea that you had to have a shaman, that this makes it separate from using cocaine at a party, because you have a healer."
"Historically, people with this genetic predisposition, you know, in some ways for an activation of that circuitry and the ability to see, historically we called those people shamans."
"...so when we talk about Odin doing these crazy things, sacrificing and foregoing food and drink and experiencing near-death experiences, this is all part of the shamanic madness."
"In shamanic initiation, the initiate often experiences an illness of some type, which is not resolved until the individual can begin to practice shamanic exercises."
"You're a natural healer, a shaman."
"Santa is a modern counterpart of the shaman who consumed mind-altering plants and fungi to commune with the spirit world."
"The wisdom keepers and the way these medicines have been delivered to man for tens of thousands of years have been through these ceremonies."
"The strongest European link to Siberian Shamanism as we have learned is to be found in Scandinavia and Nordic mythology is generally accepted as a significant source of Santa Claus folklore."
"The shaman warns them not to open their eyes unless he is finished."
"The Flames danced in the night, casting an ethereal glow over the shaman as he chanted ancient incantations to purify the sacred ground."
"Universal shamanism... is part of the heritage of all people from all walks of life in all parts of the world."
"Anyone tracing their own cultural and genetic ancestry back far enough would find their own roots in some form of shamanic culture or shamanic practice."
"The fearlessness that's required to explore the realms of the shadow is known to the shamans as jaguar medicine."
"The beauty for the shaman who has the courage and the fearlessness of jaguar medicine is to begin to explore and to discover the seeds of this new time of the next chapter in the human story."
"The shaman always works on the spirit level and that will correct whatever is manifesting on the other levels."
"Shamanism is something that you find in almost all cultures that have ever been on the planet."
"Shamanism is humanity's oldest and most enduring spiritual practice."
"Shamans entered into trances or altered states of consciousness enabling their souls to journey into spirit worlds."
"I am the spirit guide of the salmon people. I am a shaman."
"When Genghis Khan lay on his deathbed, he called for a shamanic priest."
"A shaman is a sick person who's healed themselves."
"He hypnotized his audiences, screeching like a shaman."
"The original Santa was the shaman that collected the mushrooms."
"It would be erroneous to not discuss the influence of shamanism on Korean society."
"The shaman ritual is a process of self-abnegation and sublimation to achieve a state of ecstasy."
"Shaman paintings are religious objects with sacred function, often part of ritual themselves."
"The shaman usually enters a trance-like dance in which they are possessed by gods and are able to communicate with the spirit world."
"The shamanic worldview is constructed through harmony with other people, animals, and nature."
"There are three broad purposes for rituals, but it doesn't encompass all shamanic rituals in Korea."
"As you can see, Korean Shamanism has a rich history, a multitude of gods and spirits to worship and invoke, and a unique set of rituals and practices."
"The goddess might speak through a man or through a woman Shaman."
"You are a shaman; you are a healer, and you're going to have a lot of success in your life."
"The Medium is a terrifying film about possession and Shamanism in Northern Thailand."
"The evolution of shamanism is about how we can use light to be able to transform the illnesses and the ills of the soul and the planet today."
"Shamanism is a way of life. It's about we are nature, and how do we speak to nature? And how do we approach nature? And how do we relate to nature so we bring balance back into the world again."
"The evolution of shamanism and what the planet needs right now is for us to learn how to approach spiritual practice with honor and respect."
"The Sami Shaman had the ability to travel through the three realms of spiritual reality."
"Shamanism, the oldest religion of man, resides here."
"In shamanism, Dayal talks to fairies in a spiritual trance, prophesies, and experiences the divine within."
"Hummingbird medicine is the wisdom teachings of the medicine traditions of the shamanic traditions of the Americas."
"The shamans of old prophesied this time that we're living in and they called it the time of the Pachakuti, the great turning over of the world."
"The emergence into consciousness was triggered by our ancestors' encounters with visionary plants and the beginning of shamanism."
"Shamanism is a cross-cultural universal practice that dates back over a hundred thousand years."
"In order to calm the mind, we need to do what the Amazon shamans call bringing the jaguar down from the tree."
"Shamanic medicines are reaching people at a dimensional level which is so far beyond the temporal."
"The shaman is able to not only identify the invisible world but interact with it."
"You're something very special, I've determined you're a shaman."
"A real shaman is transparent to those he helps."
"The shaman is actually the healer in the native Americas, the individual who mediates between the visible and the invisible world, between the world of dreams and the world of facts."
"One of the big focuses of shamanic practice is to bring balance, is to bring wholeness, is to connect people with the power of the earth."
"The shamans were the very first neuroscientists."
"The object of the energy medicine practices of the shamans is not only to heal from disease but to become an extraordinary human."
"Shamanism, my religion, summoning spirit, manifesting myself and changing my flesh."
"Many people born that way become Shaman or Seers or have intense dream times."
"Nadia will inherit her powers, the ancient power of women shamans passed on through generations."
"Seder is a shamanic discipline, a shamanic way of working."
"The object of shamanism is to learn how to get out of this life alive."
"Shamans consider these creatures spirit messengers."
"This was the house the shaman lived in, and this was actually truly an amazing house."
"There is a spiritual intelligent web all the shamanic cultures tell us this."
"A shaman is a lineage heir, they learn from a teacher who has a reputation for being a shaman."
"I had a really successful career in voice acting... and I was able to delve into spiritual studies and spend a lot of time in the Amazon working with shamans there."
"I am a shaman, a link to the world beyond."
"As a shaman, I am through and through, training in the woods, in the waters, and the fires, and the volcanoes."
"Shamans are capable of doing damage and healing."
"I'm one with the elements, a shaman my way."
"A beautiful shamanic artifact that honors American spiritual beliefs."
"They say at the junction of the plates from ancient times live the strongest shamans who are able to communicate with spirits and predict the future."
"I must admit that many of the shamans' prophecies have come true."
"Shamans... gained access to knowledge through visions, dreams, intuition, keen observation of nature."
"This connection my loves is very ancient, I'm getting a lot of shaman roots here."
"The chameleon is a shaman gifting us the ability to shape-shift."
"The shaman is a master who bridges the everyday and the sacred, revealing potent power needed desperately in our time."
"The shaman archetype appears in every vocation; teachers, directors, surgeons, politicians, and poets are just a few of the faces that a shaman may wear."
"You guys are Shaman, strong connection to animals and nature, healers."
"You're a shaman, you're a healer."
"You can go to the well of your own spirituality and become the shaman you may have been not too long ago."
"The shamanic view is a larger world that can include science without a problem because it's what's true."
"Shamanism is trying to see the point of view of other species."
"You are a divine feminine, a chosen one, a native bloodline shaman, an earth angel."