
Mutants Quotes

There are 140 quotes

"Mutants are humanity's children. In other words, mutants are not the end of the human race; they are the continuation of the human race."
"Mutants are not hated simply because they are different; they are feared because of their powers."
"Yeah, the mutants are on their own Fallout quest, locating their own water chip, their own waters of life, just that their waters of life happened to be green."
"Apocalypse is, for all intents and purposes, the very first mutant ever."
"Wanda maximoff erased the x gene from the majority of the mutant population simply by uttering a simple phrase."
"So, the mutants are definitely coming sooner rather than later."
"Are mutants dangerous? That's what we're trying to find out. It's an unfair question and an unfair way to view a complicated issue."
"Mutants matter. Magneto was right. Welcome X-Men."
"She'll basically be a harbinger of the rebirth of mutants across the earth."
"You have two types: you have alpha mutants and you have omega-level mutants. The Omega level ones are the ones we have to worry about."
"Just wondering by Avengers 5, will we have mutants? You know, like, that's the big question we're all kind of wondering."
"Matthew's powers dwarf any known mutant in existence."
"Although the Gifted wasn't a perfect mutant story, it was still a fun ride while it lasted."
"Mutants are humans, therefore if our task is to control the mutant population that means control the human population."
"But what do you think? Should Marvel go into all the details about where the mutants have been all these years?"
"Welcome back to New Rock Stars, and as mutants inch closer and closer to the MCU, everybody and their mutant mamas have been wondering just how the edge gene will be triggered within MCU humanity."
"Super mutants operate within some sort of Cooperative warlord system."
"Well, we’re mutants, but at least we’re mammals."
"It does not suck, ladies and gentlemen. You can go ahead and order this one up for your father for Father's Day."
"My name is Charles Xavier. I'm a mutant like you, that's crazy dude."
"The mutants begging for their lives... 'we don't know what we did wrong'... 'you were born, that's what you did wrong'... and then they just kill him."
"Xavier knew that the world would need heroic mutants who could stand up to these kinds of threats."
"Xavier explained his plan to bring together a team of mutants for the benefit of mankind."
"I won't allow any more mutants to die. Things must change now."
"Superhero mutants hated and feared by the very society they risk their lives to protect, reinvented for a new generation that can relate to the feeling of being social outcasts."
"I mean, honestly, if you have Magneto on your evil team, you're kind of set, you don't need the rest of the other three, I mean, I feel like just like he's literally one of the strongest mutants."
"This mutant Army is finally coming together."
"Plot: There are mutants Among Us beings born with superhuman abilities who are believed to be the next step in our Evolution but unfortunately Humanity doesn't see them that way."
"You take a mutant story and you could intertwine it with every piece of history."
"Mutants since the discovery of their existence they have been regarded with fear sharing the world has never been Humanity's defining attribute."
"Mutants are getting with mutants and that's not going to evolve anything."
"The most enduring threats these mutants face aren't from space or from other dimensions but from Earth."
"Magneto and Xavier discover that the CIA has been hip to mutants as well and meet a young scientist named Hank McCoy who is revealed to be a mutant too."
"It's a brave new world for mutant kind."
"Mutant kind has taken a giant leap forward and this is what comes next."
"but when it comes to mutants having a place in the world people get more skittish because it challenges the current status quo."
"Mutants exist, but certain mutations are acceptable."
"This will be one of the inception points of this is where mutants are going to spawn from."
"The five mutants known as 'the five' oversee the resurrection Protocols of kakoa, bringing back the Dead and reshaping mutant society."
"For every mutant still out there who's watching these images, they need hope."
"One thing is clear to both humans and mutants: I don't get it."
"We are targeting the cell, the infected cell, and not the virus directly. And we would expect from our data so far that it should be working for all mutants."
"A world of war mutants, and the humans who dare to help them."
"The mutant population started dropping to ridiculously low numbers."
"Magneto runs a safe land for mutants in this movie known as Genosha."
"And so we get to the surprising story of the New Mutants."
"I think we're going to need some cool new Super Mutant powers for this mission."
"Mutants rule and humans are no longer in control."
"It's all about the mutants, isn't it? Bring the mutants to the MCU."
"If a mutant dies, they go to this waiting room. Not only that, but anybody that ever has had an X Gene, they're in the waiting room. Anybody that will have an X Gene. It is the ultimate protection, the greatest gift Scarlet Witch could give after everything that happened."
"If Wanda's kids are, in fact, real, they're not just some imaginative thing. They would be the first mutants ever."
"Nobody wants to [ __ ] us. Mutants. Essentially, we're a genetic mistake."
"So, first things first, like people may be unfamiliar with the X-Men, like, nearing off the entire run of the X-Men and virtually every piece of X-Men media has dealt with the struggle of the X-Men and mutants in general to be recognized as human."
"Jean Grey is the only class five mutant I've ever encountered. Her potential, practically limitless."
"The mutant leader's brain is far more developed than that of an average human but they can't communicate due to language barriers."
"This movie could be the movie that kind of opens the door for how we get mutants."
"Speaking of upcoming discussions, next week we’ll look at the concept of Devolution, and ask if fictional mutant degenerates like Morlocks and C.H.U.D.s might be possible in our future."
"The mutants, regardless of being manipulated or not, still have the lived experiences of racist systems."
"If we learned anything, it's that one weird mutant sea creature should be enough to go around for all of us."
"There is a reason that villains like Magneto and Apocalypse say that mutants are the superior species."
"From every mutant on this island, we thank Mother Righteous."
"You fight for mutants? Is that what you think? Do you think that your powers make you a mutant? Because they don't. Because you kill mutants. You gave up your mutant card when you slaughter mutants."
"I can't take the chance that they are still alive. I must pull up every mutant I have ever found, find any suitable recruits, any mutants that could help. I need to find all new."
"I heard you say you would come here to learn. My friend, I am a teacher. I run a school for gifted youngsters like you, a school for mutants."
"The Sentinels in this movie would finally appear after the public fear of mutants grows astronomically high after the events of X-Men 2."
"Humanity has their cycles... but the mutants will be different."
"Humanity does not have the means to quench their hatred for mutants just by murdering them."
"But so when we get over to the X-Men who understand that the Children of the Vault, they are as much of a threat to the mutants as the mutants are potentially to the humans."
"They are as much of a threat to the mutants as the mutants are potentially to the humans."
"Mutants were able to destroy the Central Computer, reactivate their powers, and go to war against the Sentinels."
"I have never known a world without mutants and the X-Men, and to be able to create characters that would become part of the canon is wild."
"Mutants are hunted down simply for the crime of existing."
"It's not overwhelmingly mutant heavy, but mutants are in the book."
"Mutants are born gifted, and their powers are genetic."
"You know what mutants always represented to me? Immigrants."
"It's kind of like the dream of Charles Xavier sort of realized where mutants and humans reached an accord."
"Mutants may be immortal, but their reputations are not."
"Her telepathic abilities rival and surpass even those of powerful mutants like Professor X."
"What's a Magneto? A very powerful mutant."
"Perfect for pre-mutants and when you run out of pizza."
"You know what they say: a mutant is just a friend you haven't met yet."
"How could you register her with that mutant control agency as if she were some sort of criminal?"
"Those mutants were willing to sacrifice their lives to destroy your files. Did they have good reason to be threatened?"
"Mutants are men and women born with genetic structures that have gifted them with extraordinary powers."
"Krakoa is now the home to all mutant kind, providing everything from sustenance to shelter to language and beyond."
"It's an impressive feat, collaborating and rolling with broader storylines and shifts in status quo for the mutants."
"The story's revelation that mutant kind is a truly endangered species."
"Mutants. They have been regarded with fear, suspicion. Are mutants the next link in the evolutionary chain?"
"For every mutant still out there, they need hope."
"I made a choice to lead our kind to a new age. I stand by that choice. I will not see any more mutants die."
"Making mutants synonymous with hero."
"This ain't your granddad Professor X's mutant revolution; we're doing it our way."
"Death doesn't really exist anymore, any mutant that dies can be brought back."
"Mutant kind is moving the pieces while Orcus believes that they have won, they believe that this game is over, this is far from the end, and mutant kind will be coming back with a vengeance."
"Life nine of Moira X seemingly gave mutants the information needed to beat the rise of the Sentinels."
"Mutants have always been here, and we just didn't know about them."
"From the moment I first met you, I knew that you would help build a world where mutants could live however they wish."
"Kokoa is for all mutants, regardless of who we have been and what we have done."
"Really cool assortment of characters here, love especially the mutants."
"Sebastian Shaw... he betrayed mutant kind."
"These mutants are alive, at least for now."
"His knowledge of mutant genetics is so extensive that he is considered the foremost expert."
"Mutants. This is why I love this stuff."
"Professor X gets five mutants together to form a team."
"What if humanity turns against mutants? What if the X-Men failed completely?"
"This team... it's an omega level mutant team."
"The establishment of Krakoa was to give the mutant population its own sovereign nation."
"The most powerful beings that exist in all of Marvel Comics are mutants."
"It's one of those situations where Krakoa was supposed to be this new utopia, this new great dream that was going to be for all mutants."
"God, you know why people hate you? It's not because you're mutants; it's because you're all a bunch of jerks."
"Mutants are the future, they are the evolutionary inevitability, the Earth's true inheritors."
"The great Ring of Arako, which is made up of almost completely Omega Level mutants."
"A huge part of the reason why the X-Men were so successful and why we love them even today is because of their mutant status."
"Charles Xavier on the television telling the world that he's a mutant and explaining to the world what mutants are and how they're special and different."
"Her vast knowledge often comes in handy and is what helped the mutants to figure out who was really after the baby mutant Messiah."
"All the mutants are forced underground and it becomes a very complex issue among the characters."
"The terrigen mists... ended up acting as basically a poison to the mutants."
"Recently, we've covered the main House of M's storyline where the Scarlet Witch altered the world, making mutants the true inheritors of the Earth."
"It was really just kind of a human response to the idea that mutants were consolidating in a singular location."
"I really like the writing of it and how you saw the attempt at a human life, I guess, from these mutants."
"Mutant acceptance through acts of selfless heroism."
"Humanity just got saved by mutant kind."
"The great thing about mutants is the variety."
"Jean Grey is probably one of the most powerful mutants."
"The story of the X-Men and mutant kind is about evolution."
"It's a perfect entry point for mutants."
"It's not just Hugh Jackman's reprisal of the role, it's the spec that other mutants may be in this movie."
"What if our timeline was supposed to have mutants in it from the start?"