
Social Organization Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Why should we organize a society around the sensibilities of the most easily upset people?"
"One thing the grouping tends to do is it tends to drive specialization. When you have a group come together, maybe it's just a tribe coming to form a city. At that point, once you get a critical mass, you can have people start to specialize."
"But out of any major piece of genre fiction, it gets the closest at showing us what it takes to organize a movement. And man… do we ever need more stories like that."
"Gobekli Tepe implies a very different story of the origin of a lot of aspects of social organization. It seems to imply through the study of the site that organized religion predates farming, which we didn't expect before."
"To get millions of people to cooperate, you need a good story."
"Our modern society is the only one in which people are both going without food and shelter, and it is actively disincentivized to organize things in a way that would help them."
"Social organizations are generally better off when organized loosely and decentrally, depending on the circumstances."
"An economy is not just a question of what we produce, it's everything from how we organize care to how we keep our ecosystems alive."
"Everybody should be leaders. Everybody should be on the same page."
"People are geniuses at forming systems and social groups that are effective but emotionally when they aren't in the right head space all that Ingenuity can become dangerous."
"It's how the Mox got started. We look out for one another."
"To impose order on a large population means to impose hierarchy."
"If people through mutual agreement and consent want to form their own communes..."
"Cross-sectoral organizing is crucial for addressing precarity."
"The greatest power on earth is our ability to organize effectively."
"Let's not forget unions are people right you knows are not this thing right so these people are coming together everyday citizens are questioning again their value right and so they're organizing on their own."
"Ants, bees, and wasps are masters of both empire building and military tactics."
"Gullibility is an absolute precondition of social organization, of civil society."
"It's easy to forget that everything the state does coercively was once done voluntarily for ourselves and each other."
"The power really lies in the people... it really begins with organizing the community."
"Form a community of a hundred and fifty people."
"We're going to have a very, very, very radically different social organization."
"Hold out hope... but that also has to come with action, community building, community organizing."
"It's a fraternity, we engage in networking, entrepreneurship, and drinking."
"There is evidence for some degree of social organization beyond that of just an animal pack - they have been seen organizing themselves into clans, like a tribal structure."
"If you'd lived in ancient Egypt, you'd have witnessed a time of enormous scientific and mathematical breakthroughs, organizing in strict social structures."
"I'm a staunch Darwinist when it comes to explaining why we're the way we are, but I'm a passionate anti-Darwinian when it comes to prescribing how to organize our society."
"...anarcho-syndicalism... seems to me that it is the appropriate form of social organization for an advanced technological society."
"Sometimes the tech determines the social organization and sometimes the other way around."
"Is there a superior form of Human Social organization?"
"...you need to organize your society so that guy, he's okay...this is like a basic concept...that party doesn't exist."
"Open Society is a desirable form of social organization, both as a means to an end and as an end in itself."
"The ideas of science, social organization, rule of law... have proven their worth."
"An idea which called for the organization of society into major interest groups."
"Culture is a little bit like the stories that are told to justify a certain social organization."
"We're going to focus on cultural developments and social organizations."
"Was this social organization working for most people for most of the time? The answer is yes."
"Mutual aid is, the more it is expanded, an increasingly real model of communism: distribution based on need and production based on ability."
"The information revolution of the last few decades has unlocked remarkable potential for organizing our social lives."
"It gives us an insight into the way that these kingdoms were organized, the way that people live their lives, how they interact with the palace, how they interact with each other."
"NCF is a very practical way of building community, a new and unique form of political and social organization across the country."