
SETI Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Carl Sagan was one of the leading lights in SETI... it's a real privilege for me to be here."
"SETI... is not flying saucers or UFOs... it's a scientific search for intelligent life out there."
"The stars are like a mirror... when we're doing SETI, yes of course we're thinking about alien life but we're also thinking about human life."
"The Wow signal is among all the strange signals received up to now, the one that has the greatest likelihood of having been emitted by intelligent extraterrestrial beings."
"The Wow! Signal is considered the best candidate for an alien radio transmission ever received."
"When pondering the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, the natural thing to ask is, since we're looking for intelligent alien civilizations, are they likewise looking for us?"
"It's only a matter of time at some point we very well may see a signal that must be of alien origin."
"The signals seemed to originate from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius and displayed characteristics that were consistent with what might be expected from an extraterrestrial source."
"Why haven't we found any aliens yet? In fact, a new study that we're about to go through surveyed over 10 million different star systems..."
"So for what they were looking at, the amount of space that they actually look for aliens in was 120,000 trillionth of the total space looked at..."
"The traditional SETI is not the full story... it's better to engage in interstellar archaeology."
"The search for Dyson spheres is being taken seriously by scientists, with SETI incorporating Dyson's assumptions into their search criteria."
"We're out here listening for them, they're not listening for us."
"The wow signal is surely the best seti signal we've ever seen and it's still today, despite many decades of looking at it, defies any obvious explanation."
"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the major issue occupying science."
"The search for life in the universe is also the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"Choosing the right radio frequency is really just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Schelling points in SETI."
"Still a focused search but one that gives us a better chance of picking the right Schelling point."
"We thought that this will be an interesting solution to this kind of problem right in SETI."
"What we're really talking about is looking for non-human technology or non-contemporary human technology."
"The Encounters of astronauts with unidentified objects have also played a role in the broader context of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"The WoW signal fit the concept of a narrowband signal that might be from an extraterrestrial civilization."
"Wow Signal: An intriguing and unexplained radio signal detected by the Big Ear radio telescope in 1977, sparking curiosity about its origin."
"I think SETI optimists have a fine-tuning problem."
"Biological SETI Theory suggests that aliens encoded our DNA with evidence of their existence."
"Breakthrough Listen project: Searching for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"That would allow for dramatic increases in capability to do things like SETI or studying exoplanets at a level of detail that might be impractical or impossible otherwise."
"If you want the optimistic spin, here's the optimistic spin: People looking for intelligent life elsewhere often tune in with their radio telescopes."
"Some think that the signal might come from some extraterrestrial beings—maybe it's the signal that SETI has been waiting for."
"The dam broke and people started to accept or recognize seti and just the search for technical signatures in the universe as a legitimate form of scientific study."
"The search for intelligent technological civilizations is a young subject that has not yet explored most of the range of parameters it could."
"At that point you realize, like, 'Wow, if we have been screaming our biosignatures to the galaxy for three and a half billion years, then suddenly solar system SETI as they call it begins to make sense.'"
"What we did for the past 70 years was search for radio signals which is basically equivalent to waiting for a phone call nobody may be calling when you are waiting for it."
"No credible alien transmission has been received in any SETI search."
"The announcement in 2015 that SETI will invest 100 million dollars in the quest to discover intelligent life elsewhere in the universe has captured the public's imagination around the world."
"...I think, it would be enormously exciting if SETI were to pick up intelligent signals."
"Quiet aliens are, by definition, the only kind we currently observe, since they preserve the Fermi Paradox, and Loud Aliens are what we are looking for with SETI."
"Paul Horowitz: SETI is not a dead end. You learn lots of cool stuff, and you can do other things with it."
"Notify operator immediately. Possible signal of extraterrestrial origin."
"...we therefore feel that our discriminating search for signals deserves the Khazar effort."
"...if we never searched, the chance of success is zero."
"As it stands, the hope of course is that aliens act like us and emit a constant stream of radio across many different areas of the dial."
"If that’s the case, then searching star to star for aliens is not likely to find anything, and it may well be the reason we haven’t found anything thus far."
"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) raises profound ethical considerations, probing not only our technological capabilities but also our philosophical and moral frameworks."
"The Drake equation is a tool scientists use to search for extraterrestrial life."
"The SETI Institute is interested in life in space."
"We have been around for 35 years doing research not just in SETI, but the search for life in all its forms in the universe."
"SETI is a search for ourselves, who we are, and where we fit into the universe."
"The Paradox of not detecting any advanced extraterrestrial intelligence anywhere out there."
"The probability of success of this search would be exceedingly low, nevertheless if nobody tried, the probability would be zero."
"Thus began the subject of SETI, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"It's been almost 60 years now that scientists have been engaged in SETI."
"On August 15th, 1977, a strong narrow band radio signal was received... bore the expected hallmarks of extraterrestrial origin."
"The Drake Equation... it would prove to be one of the most influential equations in astronomy and the starting point for SETI."
"To understand her origins, we must first look back at the SETI program."
"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and really what they do is they monitor the skies waiting for a message to come from space."
"Maybe in the not too distant future, with the help of SETI, we'll finally prove that we're not alone."
"It seems quite possible to me that the Wow signal really is communication from an extraterrestrial intelligence."
"SETI searches the skies for radio waves from other intelligent life in the universe."
"SETI experiments increase in speed; they double every couple of years."
"We have to search, and I'm very proud of the searching that our colleagues at the SETI Institute have done."
"We must pursue the search for other intelligent critters out there like ourselves."
"Only if we devise SETI searches and look will we be able to answer this question."
"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence Institute is the leading scientific organization in the U.S. searching for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence."
"We're developing what we call facility SETI observations capability, the ability for just regular people that use the telescope to do SETI experiments."
"A day a breakthrough listen is one year of any previous search."
"We're very interested in looking for a wide variety of signal types in addition to just the traditional narrow band and offer drift searches that are usually done in SETI."
"There's never been a more compelling or interesting time or relevant time for SETI science and study research than right now."
"This is a very, very powerful SETI technique something that you can do with modern radio telescopes."
"We're very, very hopeful that they'll eventually get built and you're going to have a dramatically sensitive, very, very powerful SETI instrument."
"SETI is arguably the most important project that humanity is doing."
"SETI is really, really, really worthwhile because it has this amazing effect of holding up a mirror, showing us ourselves from a cosmic perspective."
"SETI should become a global endeavor."
"SETI means the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, and they are real serious NASA type scientists."
"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is central to our understanding of the universe and our view of ourselves."
"The famous SETI searches... stand for search for extraterrestrial intelligence."
"I became interested in what a SETI beacon would really be like."
"The appropriate window for SETI is in the microwave."
"This is what we call a candidate because this is the kind of signal we think, if ET were sending us a beacon, that it would look like."
"We could find the signal any day."
"We keep improving our methods and SETI research needs your support."
"The search for extraterrestrial intelligence... that's occupied the most recent phase of your career."
"Welcome to the SETI Colloquium Series."
"What is SETI? The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a lot of things: it's researchers, it's places, it's things, but most of all, I think of it as a field of study."
"The SETI community has expertise and methodologies for determining whether a potential techno signature is in fact a natural phenomenon or misinterpreted terrestrial technology."
"I think that the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, SETI, is a worthwhile enterprise, which I think should be pursued and funded."
"Mysterious new signals detected by SETI unlocking the strange puzzle of the fast radio burst."