
Silicon Valley Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"This is massive implications for Silicon Valley and a paradigm shift for technology startups."
"Silicon Valley billionaires are prepping for the apocalypse in New Zealand."
"Essentially, it is warning about the dangers of social media, and we have a lot of former Silicon Valley tech bros telling us that the beautiful creations they made have turned into monsters that are out of control."
"We are losing an aspect of what made Silicon Valley great...it's important we try and figure out sustainable housing."
"The biggest problem in Silicon Valley and in the entire technological revolution that we are seeing is that the technology and the engineering is incredible, and the philosophy is sometimes very childish."
"That Silicon Valley startup vibe was super cool."
"Every single technology company in Silicon Valley has AI on its roadmap. It's a new computing paradigm everyone is incorporating."
"He's Silicon Valley's most renowned dictator, our friend the verbal masturbator."
"We've got an incredible opportunity to try to uphold a legacy in Silicon Valley of changing the world and disrupting the world. We're working 24/7 to do it."
"Originating in the remote garages of Silicon Valley, developers evolved at an unprecedented speed."
"Some of the most important tech companies will not be started in Silicon Valley in the next couple decades."
"What an enormous win for all those folks; that's awesome. It keeps Silicon Valley kind of going."
"It turns out it's no longer a matter of speculation: the US government has been conspiring with the heads of Silicon Valley social media platforms to manufacture consent."
"Detroit, Japan, Germany, but here's a surprise, a newcomer with no experience at building cars, has entered the race: Silicon Valley."
"Silicon Valley has managed to hide its voracious Wall Street-like capitalism behind hipster t-shirts and cool cafes."
"It isn't fair because they've been told the story over and over again, especially by the media, how great Silicon Valley is or how great wellness culture is."
"This Silicon Valley money furnace...the model has always seemed pretty short-sighted to me."
"I'll be damned if I stay silent and let some unelected Silicon Valley billionaire call the shots in this country."
"It's going to be a very rough year for Silicon Valley and only time would tell whether they're ever going to be the Giants they once were."
"The reward-based system in Silicon Valley is so magical when it works."
"This is the beginning of how Silicon Valley comes to own all aspects of American life."
"Silicon Valley's growth couldn't go on forever."
"Silicon Valley may be home to some of the biggest tech giants in the world, but it's being challenged like never before."
"I wanted to get to Silicon Valley, which when I was growing up, seemed like some sort of mythical place."
"The impact of the PayPal mafia is amazing, serving as a launch pad for six of its members to become billionaires."
"The profound connection between Silicon Valley and the military-industrial complex."
"California's economic woes: from military decline to the rise of Silicon Valley."
"The Silicon Valley companies are foolish to think that they're gonna be the gatekeepers of who's can be able to consume this information."
"You're gonna see a ridiculous feedback loop that may cause the next wave of Silicon Valley billionaires."
"In some ways, I'm a Silicon Valley insider, in some ways I'm also an outsider and a critic."
"One of the things we have here in Silicon Valley is essentially a network of learning."
"There is a particular kind of groupthink that has afflicted Silicon Valley."
"If you ever want to go to a screen-free environment, go to Silicon Valley. You will find there no screens in sight for kids below a certain age."
"Be careful who you think is a socialist because there is no place in the world where capitalism is less in charge than Silicon Valley."
"The musk companies are going to be talked about at an order of magnitude beyond what we thought was cool about Silicon Valley."
"Ripple is one of the highest valued companies to come out of Silicon Valley."
"Chad Hurley could be one of the few Silicon Valley superstars that you don't recognize but in the relatively short history of the internet he's a legend."
"It's the same freaking blob. Silicon Valley and the military and intelligence communities have openly fused now."
"China is on the verge of beating Silicon Valley in the technology race."
"In this video, we look at one of Silicon Valley's now-forgotten pioneers: The master of ASICs, LSI Logic."
"The goal is to replace Silicon Valley, not to play by their rules."
"The march towards the world that Silicon Valley are very, very openly trying to take us towards."
"Engaging on these issues is an act of Courage and the incentives for that courage no longer exist in Silicon Valley."
"Part of success in Silicon Valley is dependent on flexing one of the biggest muscles you have: your brain."
"It's astonishing that at the beginning of 1975, nobody owned a personal computer. Yet within five years, there had emerged here in Silicon Valley a billion-dollar industry."
"If you look at Stanford, that's where Jerry came from, Raven came from, Sergey came from, Larry came from. They were all graduate students at Stanford."
"He's shown how corrupt Silicon Valley and big Tech is."
"Silicon Valley facing a crisis of the Soul has found a retreat center."
"One thing we do in Silicon Valley is we overrate, overvalue growth rates and undervalue durability."
"We're like these Bad News Bears of Silicon Valley."
"But I do think that if we do all of our jobs, if we Silicon Valley do all of our jobs, we will create more wealth than the world has ever seen before and less jobs and in that world I think there is a moral obligation to eliminate poverty."
"They speak for Silicon Valley and Venture Capital whether they admit to it or not."
"We're on track to become the world's next Silicon Valley."
"Silicon Valley is the biggest, and I tend to think you can start an idea anywhere because now the costs of starting something have come down so much, but Silicon Valley is the easiest and best place to scale a company."
"The great thing about the valley, especially in our time, is the sense of newness, the sense of the future, and the sense of audacity."
"I never wanted to live in Silicon Valley. I was forced to move there because my company was purchased and they had given me billions of dollars."
"Jason's cozy electronic salon allows you to check out, try, and even buy some of Silicon Valley's Greatest Hits."
"Silicon Valley holds the same role for a lot of people, essentially being a beacon for all people around the world."
"Fail fast and fail cheap, that's the Silicon Valley way, right?"
"If you get a seat in a rocket ship in Silicon Valley, take it."
"I don't think that everyone in Silicon Valley is corrupt."
"It is a bit of a sad end for a Silicon Valley Legend."
"Modafinil is widely used for brain hacking in Silicon Valley."
"Silicon Valley is an amazing environment."
"I think a big part of this as well is people there's this there's this philosophy particularly in Silicon Valley um of well techno optimism technology will solve all our issues"
"Bangalore is the Silicon Valley of India, has the most startups."
"People in Silicon Valley believe certain impossibles are possible."
"The origin of Silicon Valley's focus on technology goes back to the founding of Stanford University."
"In Silicon Valley, great collaborators are prized."
"Technology overtook agriculture as this wealth generator for the Silicon Valley."
"We're going to follow three pioneers to give you a feeling for what happened and why it happened."
"He played a key role in the development of IC technology and the group of Silicon Valley."
"She capitalized on this yearning for a woman who would succeed to the extent that all these other men had in Silicon Valley."
"California has banned non-competes for a very long time and they have Silicon Valley."
"This is why you're in Silicon Valley, to connect with amazing smart people."
"This is why I love Silicon Valley."
"This is why this place feels like home."
"I think Silicon Valley has a bright future."
"The creation of Silicon Valley in California, which is now synonymous with technological prowess, attracted the brightest minds from around the world."
"Silicon Valley is today known for housing the designers and engineers who make our slick gadgets and social networks."
"This probably had the largest economic impact, jump starting the US microelectronics industry and the rise of Silicon Valley."
"The brightest sparks in Silicon Valley... don't show them a PowerPoint, show them a model."
"Silicon Valley continues to work its magic."
"Welcome to the first video on this channel from my new studio in Silicon Valley."
"Silicon Valley had the best and the brightest of the coders building the internet, and we have the best if we're attracting the best and the brightest while we can."
"It felt very kind of... like the Indiana Jones story of kind of, you're out in the field in the jungle, going and interacting with people in Silicon Valley."
"The day is not far away when India is becoming its own Silicon Valley."
"They even have an e-government and they have been dubbed the Silicon Valley of Europe."
"We wanted something that was going to be reflective of the innovative spirit of Silicon Valley."
"Look, this is so unusual. In Silicon Valley, if you had a company of this sort, you would be doing the due diligence."
"It's in the Silicon Valley, and there are so many job opportunities surrounded by companies like Google, Amazon, Meta, and others."
"Silicon Valley is a pretty magical place for people working in software or the computing industry in general."
"Entrepreneurship started in Silicon Valley and why it started in the valley."
"Rivan appeals to the people in Silicon Valley; it's the brand with the happiest customers."
"Silicon Valley's legacy is not just the technology, but the culture of innovation it fostered."
"The secret history of Silicon Valley is not just about the technology, but also about the entrepreneurial culture and venture capital that made it happen."
"The life blood of Silicon Valley is growth."
"Silicon Valley or technology in general is built on that ethos."
"We're here in Silicon Valley, home of some prominent high-tech companies like Apple, Google, Yahoo, Intel."
"We're going to hear Sam's conversations with defectors from the ranks of the architects of information ecosystems in Silicon Valley."
"When you're a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, you get there by going against the grain and thinking about something that's totally different than what everyone else thinks."
"You're going to be visiting all those Silicon Valley companies, you're going to get mentored."
"It's my pleasure to welcome all of you around Silicon Valley and around the world."
"Silicon Valley is a modern region in California, home to some of the largest tech companies in the world."
"Silicon Valley was the first place, a dream place to get that exposure."
"Silicon Valley needs to invest more in these climate a change directed businesses."
"We're still committed to Silicon Valley and it's still our headquarters."
"Every Silicon Valley company has a great narrative that they're born from: 'We're changing the world, we're doing this beautiful thing.'"
"I'm still a very strong believer in Silicon Valley, not necessarily as a geographic region but as an idea."
"Gordon Moore was one of the founders of a company called Fairchild Semiconductor which is pretty much the beginning of Silicon Valley."
"I learned about this thing called Silicon Valley and all of these tech companies."
"He encouraged the university's faculty and alumni to start their own companies which marks the beginnings of the entrepreneurial spirit of Silicon Valley."
"Masters of Silicon Valley, I think there is something very suspicious and unnerving about that curious ideological convergence."
"Silicon Valley is in this never-ending circle of this is where best engineers are, why? Because that's where companies get started."
"They represent the best and the worst that the valley has to offer."
"People cluster in Silicon Valley because they have other people very close to them who are also in related industries."
"I come up with business ideas on a daily basis just by living in Silicon Valley."
"Kevin Durant got investments in Silicon Valley that's going to be worth billions."
"It really does feel like a company that could also be in Silicon Valley."