
Social Relations Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"It's so difficult to live without any trust."
"The truth is people like you more than you think."
"Our friendship felt stronger than ever through this, but my relationship with the rest of the world continued to deteriorate."
"You can't legislate love. The president of the United States can't legislate us into liking each other."
"Garrison was a good kid; he had all these friends and was doing wonderful things."
"Property is not simply a relationship between an owner and an object of ownership; property is primarily a complex relationship between people."
"Human nature is nothing other than the sum total of our social relations."
"She's a friend of mine in real life and she's just incredibly genuine."
"When you make people money they want to know who you are."
"I think it makes things a lot worse if we're gonna hate each other for [ __ ] sake."
"I literally don't care. I just want us all to be friends."
"Find the things that you have in common as opposed to the things that you have apart."
"Pretending to be friends with somebody that you kind of like don't really like, unless y'all are perpetuating stereotype or y'all are doing something that's literally harmful, I feel like that to me it's not really something that I care about."
"You want to associate with people that are better than you are."
"I want people to know that the person you're supporting talks [__] about you."
"The world has stopped understanding the beauty of hanging out with your friends who you disagree with."
"I don't need them to accept me. I got a whole family. I'm good with people."
"If you never liked me, then why would you matter?"
"The hood loves different and they hate different, both of them. They love you more and they hate you more."
"Respect your haters, they're the only ones who think you're better than them."
"The majority of people that don't dislike me are people who used to think I was one of them."
"A lot of people just straight up just don't like me because they're either jealous of me."
"Stop pleasing people that hate you. Stop doing that. You need to please the people that love you."
"We shouldn't hate each other. I think and I know they're not saying you actively like hate."
"Let's figure out how we can help each other way more than we are."
"Whether you hate me or you love me, I'm living in your head rent free."
"The majority of homicides involve victims who know their killers."
"Jesus was a friend of sinners, why can't I be?"
"A lot of people have feelings or crushes on you."
"We need to see each other for who we are and accept who we are."
"If you do good by other people, they'll do good by you."
"Nobody likes Moria, even the other warlords don't like him."
"We want to be friends with as many people as we can."
"The revenges aren't life destroying but they're oh so satisfying."
"It feels good to have a friend, doesn't it? I have many friends. It doesn't feel any different."
"Your friends friends are not always your friends."
"Surround yourself with people who are telling you the truth."
"You don't need that many people to like you to do well."
"You have to reconcile yourself to the fact that not everyone in life is going to like you."
"Make sure you're able to talk to people who maybe aren't on your side of things."
"They see success in you and they're even jealous of your success."
"People who can't achieve beauty seek comfort in others."
"You have the option of meeting people who value your autonomy."
"Reputationally, we need to update things with Justin. We don't give him the credit he deserves."
"If you try to make everyone happy, you will be unhappy. It's better to stand strong and lose a couple of people."
"One of the biggest downsides of having money is that you will forever question the motives of those around you."
"You're going to have people from your past regretting the way they treated you."
"Losing all your friends is one thing, but driving away members of your own family is quite another."
"Since when did agreement have to be the condition for friendship and connection? We can be different people and enjoy each other."
"Did you like her? I did like Miss Halderson a lot."
"I have never had an incident where I felt like their nationality was an issue."
"You learn a lot about yourself and you learn a lot about the people around you."
"We don't have to be friends, but somewhere along the line, we have to live in some type of peace."
"Friend or no friend, sister or no sister, right is right and wrong is wrong." - Alyssa
"Every once in a while, even we make friends."
"Humility is about the ability to see where you are in relation to everybody else around you."
"You're going to annoy a lot of people when you start doing what's best for you." - Fufana
"I think it's useful to have relationships with human beings."
"Once you start to earn the trust from people, you begin to notice there's always more to the story."
"People aren't gonna like me after this, and I think that's fine. I never liked them anyways."
"Be happy for the people in your circle that are doing better than you."
"I can't mute him because, yeah, he's your boy, like he's your boy."
"I don't think this dude like me or this person whoever liked me too much to something happen that made you say yeah I'll pick this this person like me too much."
"Persons exist for one another merely as representatives."
"You do not have to dislike anybody. It's just not required. You can just break free."
"I'd rather be with people who accept me for who I am."
"Millennials have not been able to buy their first home because they are strapped with debt."
"When you're real, you ain't got too many friends."
"There's always gonna be someone whether it's your family maybe it's your cousin maybe it's your friend or not and they don't end up fucking with you, yeah don't fuck with them."
"Building a great reputation literally never stops until the day you die."
"Ohio is one of those places where I feel like everyone has a connection."
"Be careful of some phony whether they're after what you have or they're after what you can do for them or what they perceive you can do for them."
"As you accept yourself, you'll attract people that also accept you."
"Everybody's just looking for a way to relate."
"I'm friends with everyone who's in my corridor."
"Everybody gets nervous doing something at some point, and hey, that's just who we are, and we just have to accept one another."
"We are not against the products of capitalism, but the social relations of production."
"None of us define ourselves in a vacuum. We define ourselves by our relationship with and to other people."
"It takes a special kind of person who wants the best for others just like they want for themselves."
"Most social relations are already based on communism. We just need to expand it."
"In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations which are independence of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production."
"We are living in a period of social relations which actually become a fetter on the development of future society."
"Emphasizing the importance of social relations in pain care."
"It's this notion of dialogical engagements which is already well underway even if it's not respected or recognized in some circles because these are the new social relations that have been made."
"The value of a commodity is not determined by the labor and the resources; it is determined by the social relations that it enters."
"...a deep thing in us that helps cognition grow, is the social relations that an infant is drawn to parents and caretakers."
"Power is not a thing. It is a relationship."
"One should decipher in power a network of relations constantly in tension, in activity, rather than a privilege that one might possess."
"A man that had friends must show himself friendly."
"Those who are worse than us think badly of us, and those who are better than us, they just don't care about us."
"I could get along with anybody, but I don't like people who are fake."
"It is more important to be loyal than to be liked."
"An economy ultimately is a set of social relations between people, not money."
"Relating to each other is all we do and it's just a question of creating a world in our minds where we are not being guided away from our knowledge of interconnectivity."
"Vulnerability is not precisely the basis or ground of such a politics but perhaps it is a portal through which to understand social relations in another way."
"We need to de-center, if not diminish, the notion of my singular life so that we actually understand ourselves more profoundly as socially related."
"...the goal is to understand that environmental knowledge is always based in systems of power discrepancies and unequal social relations."
"He was actually very well liked by most people who knew him."
"To produce and reproduce life, we cannot do it individually; we have to enter into social relations."
"Political science is part of a vast cloud of sciences of the social world, studying social relations."
"What all humans are really after are specific relations with the social world."
"We need to find a better equilibrium between others and ourselves."
"Those forms of experience and those forms of social relations that we regard as characteristically human would be impossible without language."
"When you're younger, you worry about who likes you and who doesn't, and when you get older, you realize they don't care."
"If you just do more work to remove yourself from the people you trying to prove something to, you'll prove something to yourself."
"Imagine people actually liking you for you."
"It's easy to find out about other people once you find out about yourself."
"People will accept you when they accept you."
"Both people and ghouls just need to get to know each other better."