
Mental Game Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"The game is played in the minds as well as with the feet and the head."
"In the end, it is all a mind game, so treat the mind games seriously but also have fun."
"There's one other element to high-level Rocket League that I think is just as important as brains and mechanics, and that is mentality."
"Poker is a game played in the mind as much as on the felt."
"The setters are in each other's heads. It's not right; I can feel it from here."
"The mental warfare they have with each other while they're playing is just spectacular."
"80% of the game in life is mental, 20% physical."
"It's all about out thinking your opponent, making them uncomfortable."
"He controls the game really well... pace is not a requirement if you've got it up here."
"He was talking a lot and I felt like he was throwing me off of it."
"That's the constant mind game gonna be played by Liu Kang in that pressure."
"Basketball is mental. If you can win the mental, you can get off to a good start."
"He's strategic in the way that he breaks someone down."
"Golf is the worst game, the best game, because it'll do that to you, mentally feel like you're out of it, now all of a sudden we're in it, we're in the thick of it."
"Larry Bird will destroy players mentally too. He was telling players what he would do before he even had the ball in his hands."
"It's all a mental game, you simply have to shut out the screaming instructors, the firing of hundreds of blanks all around you, and the bursts of the grenade simulators- just focus, and crawl."
"It's not just about the fight. There's a mental chess game going on as well."
"Underappreciated is the mental game, and perhaps that's because it's less understood or at least the principles or tools or strategies for training the mind are still something we're learning about."
"Thinking the game, the mental side of it, is really the separator in pro sports."
"The game of golf is not numbers, it's not technique, it's all six inches between the ears."
"Instead of struggling with anxiety look at it from the perspective of a mental game against a very clever opponent."
"The mental game side of it, understanding yourself and your own biases, is important."
"That's when you know that the game is in your head."
"Like I said, everything was a mind game. Constant trickery. But at the same time, it prepares you for that next level."
"It is such a mental game, and I prepped with all three through hypnobirthing and literally visualizing the day playing out right."
"It's a mental game and if you can get it to where the other teams mentally are not in it that's a big big deal."
"Fear control mental game like constraining risk, that's a huge part of climbing."
"If you can play the chess game in your mind, you can play every move in your mind, then you will absolutely succeed remotely."
"So much of golf, we know, is mental... if you went off a much more easy tee and you get used to being one under par, two under par, that stigma starts to not be as much of a thing."
"Trading is a mental game, not a physical game."
"The mental game is really important as much as the physical game"
"I think the mental game is something that like you said people are aware of but haven't really many people haven't implemented a full system to address the problems that can really unlock your performance."
"You'll never learn how to deal with the mental part of the game if you don't practice going under par consistently."
"Manage the course and our minds like a professional golfer."
"If we can improve the mental game three or five percent, I can show you documentation up to the ceiling, that's what we call the mental edge."
"A golfer has to put aside all thought of past failures and trust that his next swing will send his shot where he aims it."
"Larry Bird: the master of psychological warfare."
"Bird played the game like a chess game... a step ahead, a thought ahead."
"If you're playing him, you have to get inside his mind... Bird probably be the guy who walks out of the room at the end of the day."
"I teach all golfers that they are endowed with free will. They can control their thoughts. In fact, they are responsible for their thoughts."
"Pat had already figured out most of what I teach golfers about the mental game."
"The in-between ears is the biggest part of becoming great at a sport and it's what the separator is."
"Fishing's such a mental game, you're out here by yourself for eight hours at a time at times trying to figure out what the fish are doing."
"Golf is a game of confidence first and foremost."
"This isn't the look of a man on a rugby pitch setting what's on, this is a guy playing chess."
"Confidence is a big deal. I'm fishing a lot. Many people realize how much of a head game it is."
"I think it's easier to forget your mistakes and focus on one shot at a time."
"The short game and the mental game is what keeps your scores down."
"It's infinite on how good you can get, especially in a game like this where it's more mental than physical."
"Just try to stay calm, think about my job a little bit, but I don't want to play the game before I actually play the game."
"The more you worry about where you're going rather than the ball, I think you'll have more success, especially on a golf course."
"It's kind of cool, the mental game that we see here."
"Pool is a massive confidence game, it's massively in the head."
"Every golfer is two shots from going crazy."
"Golf is the greatest game of all, it's not just big strong people playing, it's people that are smart, know their limitations, use their head."
"The better you play, the break becomes much more important, and the mental game becomes much more important."
"It's more of a head game than a foot game."
"Archery being a mental game, if you're out having a good time, you're going to be getting better accuracy."
"His battle isn't always on the field; it's his thinking."
"It's amazing how that one shot mentally and emotionally is so much better."
"Golf is 90% mental and 30% physical."
"It's a mental game right now and Bill Walsh has got a lot of character on this team."
"The best way to play against players that are bigger and faster than you is not try to beat them with speed or by out bodying them... the best way to do it is to be one step ahead of them mentally."
"Michael Jordan knew how to dissect you mentally and then he'd go out there on the court and do it physically."
"Once you learn how to catch them, then it's 100% mental; you just got to figure it out."
"It seemed like you were reading my mind, and it wasn't about how hard I could hit, but it was almost like you said, you're like playing chess with me."
"That's the stuff that I love to watch, those small little mental things."
"I think the best thing that I've really focused on a lot lately is definitely like the mental part of the game and like bounceback ability."
"It's 50% mental and 50% physical, and the rest is mental."
"It's not all about skill, sometimes you need a little luck and psychology."
"The game is all about the mind, cue cards, and algorithms; that's the way of winning, not talking."
"Golf is a game of inches. The most important are the six inches between your ears."
"Psychological warfare is just absolutely beautiful."
"He's gonna be world's better because I think there's a lot of mental that goes into playing tight end in the Niner offense."
"Golf is as much mental as it is physical."
"You always play two matches: there's one match that is during the point... now the most important match starts, the match between the points."
"In my opinion, this is as much a mind game as it is a sport of skill."
"Boxing's a mind game, they think it's physical, it's like about 99% mental."
"It's not just being talented, that's understanding how to play the game with your mind."