
Business Models Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"If this business model was valid, it would radically redefine how venture capitalism is practiced."
"The entire business model of some corporations is based on really getting to know you better than you know yourself."
"I have nothing wrong with any monetization that's an upfront cost."
"The notion that properly marketed, properly budgeted, and properly developed AAA games, particularly single-player ones, must include microtransactions for major game companies to thrive is one of the greatest lies that the gaming industry managed to sell."
"This new era of private passenger rail development is an indication of how powerfully tweaking the underlying business model of something can lead to different results—Amtrak and Brightline are both running trains, but Brightline’s business model has allowed it to do it better, faster, and in more places."
"The most obvious is subscription because you're invulnerable at that point."
"As we started to recalibrate, a lot of people started to look at it and say, 'Is the traditional model really for me anymore?'"
"The question is, is there a model for journalism that is not built on monetizing human beings' outrage and polarizing people?"
"How does it make money? Ticket sales, subscription fees, there's a huge door of opportunity."
"Vertical integration is proven to be a very efficient model."
"E-commerce: Drop Shipping, Amazon FBA, print on demand."
"Both subscription-based model and free-to-play are viable."
"It's good there's no loot boxes. It's good the business model, while the battle pass may end up being funky overall, it does seem mostly like a business model where you are going to be presented with value that you can purchase."
"It seems like the current model for publishers is that they've got to have this big smash hit success game that comes out on a yearly basis."
"Ant will have a stronger business model that is less reliant on low acquisition cost."
"I think it's going to be awesome across the board, not just the systems but kind of the business models that gaming is finally reaching."
"I think uh in the wake of that we showed it's maybe a sustainable model which is awesome I think definitely a sustainable model which is awesome."
"Recurring revenues subscriptions are more interesting than app sales."
"The drastic pricing model shift jettisoned Evolve's paywall."
"This is a proven business model that so many people are following, but most people just don't understand it."
"This should really be what makes you go, holy crap, this is crazy potential with this business model."
"Everything that is free is making money somehow, because somehow that thing needs to be supported."
"It just looks to me like what they're trying to do is create a Core Business of people in different tiers."
"Why don't we think about different business models that can be profitable but will actually not kill black people?"
"Chasing the games as a service model is even more dangerous than investing in massive AAA games."
"If it's a fair model and not pay to win it's incredibly empowering for the entire gaming world."
"Every other game is like that... if this is the prevailing method that's making the most money and retaining the most people then that's all that's going to matter."
"This model also works for physical products."
"Some developers are able to capitalize on this live service model in the best ways possible."
"You are not their customer you are their product."
"Valve basically have 30% but then 25% and 20% rates but to get 25% or 20% rather than 30 you basically have got to pass Revenue thresholds of $10 million or $50 million right."
"Streaming is a way to distribute content to as many people on the planet who want to play games as possible and there are multiple business models which is really a strength for gaming."
"From the beginning, co-ops have challenged the system and, no, they're not perfect of course, but at least they give us an opportunity to question how businesses should be run."
"Ridiculous in the NFL ownership is different in American sports compared to soccer football."
"Royalty and streaming company is a superior form of business."
"We're not monetizing a specific piece of programming when we do a licensing deal or an output deal or home of HBO deal we are monetizing the brand."
"The vision of Shadow was created to decentralize the technology infrastructure and revenues monopolized by big Tech."
"But it's not the intent or the statements people in technology make that matter, it's the structures and business models they're building."
"They're much more valuable models... they should be valued more like social networks than banks."
"I love seeing new business models that are truly disruptive, they're popping up literally everywhere."
"A pay to play is free to play is the future of gaming."
"There's three tiers of subscription anywhere from $10 a month to $30 a month."
"The ad revenue model is dying, it's useless."
"At the end of the day, all a platform is as a network where producers and consumers can meet and exchange value."
"To me, it seems like it could be buy to play for a little while and then transition over free-to-play after some sort of time frame."
"It's a different world today with user-generated content becoming a bedrock business model."
"Some of the biggest and best ideas we have can only be brought to fruition using that traditional business model."
"It's about getting as many people as possible to sign up under you and pay a big starter fee, and actually over 99% of people who sign up for an MLM never turn a profit."
"It's a great website, but it doesn't make money."
"I don't think anyone would argue with the morality of that. If you can make money and do good at the same time, it's actually a very wonderful business."
"I think games as a service has become sort of this poisonous well for developers and publishers."
"The best business models in the world are the ones where you ask people what they want and they tell you."
"Patreon provided stability to the content creator, not ad-based revenue."
"Ozzy shows that serious black media needs a business model. I disagree with that. That's not about a business model, it's about racism."
"Recurring revenue equals recurring income for years."
"There's really no reason that banking can't just function like any other business."
"Fulfillment by Amazon is a little bit better than drop shipping."
"The kind of franchising that we mostly see in the restaurant industry today is what's called business format franchising."
"MLMs by nature are pay to play; this is more of like a pay to win kind of thing."
"Recruitment is valued, pushed, and compensated better than selling the actual jewelry, and that is one of the indicators of a pyramid scheme."
"It's not even straightforward. The fact that they let you amass a following and then they start charging you to make people see your content is what bothers me."
"If you can't figure out who the product is, it is you."
"Build a system or an instrument that's net positive. Then figure out a way to feed that machine something with a lot of volume."
"Subscription models are made by big companies."
"Bernie Sanders proposes workers' seats on boards of directors and coops for family-owned businesses." - Sam Cedar
"This is a business model where this kind of action is more acceptable... when these kind of things are included in $60 triple-A launch titles for a next generation system it's complete and total bollocks."
"Most people who are negative towards this business model are the types who don't want others to succeed."
"Why would any of them create business models with odds stacked against themselves anyway?"
"Do you think blackout will go free-to-play? Absolutely yes, at some point."
"That kind of revenue stream would just simply not be available by the open system."
"There's no business model in the world that would ever work unless the system itself wanted it to happen."
"Your personal brand is you, and you can get enslaved by the business model that you choose to operate from."
"MLMs are based in the recruiting model but hide behind the product sales model."
"So in this article he goes over a few businesses that are what's called AI wrappers."
"Having a member-supported model is extremely important for small businesses who are creating content."
"He's also showing the power of direct to consumer business models."
"You've got to be more needs-based business models in this sort of environment."
"All media models ought to move to freemium."
"It's access to assets not ownership of assets...which people are using to create competitive business models."
"Most of these browsers' business models are 'let's make our money by getting Google to pay us to make Google search our default search engine.' It's insane."
"You can have business models that are AI compatible with digitally native microtransactions where you can charge the AI fractions of ascent to access a service or to access a function or to access some media."
"Technology is creating new business models."
"It therefore makes sense that several Chinese companies would try to copy this model."
"This is where research pays. Understanding long-term trends with companies, understanding what's actually going on with the underlying business models."
"It's a very different business model."
"Uber is not about being a taxi company at all."
"When it comes to selling physical products online, there are far better e-commerce business models to choose from that you can eventually grow to a six, seven, or even eight-figure business with."
"I'm a humongous fan of reoccurring business models."
"The dumbest thing all of these Studios and networks could have done was follow the Netflix model."
"Startups were not smaller versions of large companies."
"Next time you look at a platform company ask the question how do they make money because the kind of risk that's associated with each of the models is very different."
"These businesses are typically gatekeepers, monopolies, or toll booths."
"Financing companies in this space is not a five-year traditional business model; we're going to have to think about it differently."
"It's a beautiful illustration of those two points: circular design and business models."
"We need to come up with new economic policies and new business models that are actually fit for these times."
"We need to create business models that are far more distributive by design."
"It's the done for you versus the do-it-yourself model."
"It's going to give us the ability to have different types of plans, different types of payments, different types of upsells."
"It bothers me when I say things that could give someone less hope because I think there's so many different reselling business models and what works for me may not work for someone else and vice versa."
"Fundamental investors back ideas and business models where they understand value generation."
"Service-based businesses... include things like starting a social media marketing agency, becoming a personal trainer, becoming a consultant."
"Their business model is to throw their customers in a cage match and let them compete with one another to the death."
"Startups are not smaller versions of large companies; large companies execute, startups search."
"It will change the business model of the way the internet is developing."
"He explains to me the difference between being in the service business and having an asset business."
"The competition of today's business is not product versus product, but business model against business model."
"We are no longer just a B2B business; we do B2B, C2C, B2C, B2B2C, and the newest one, C2B."
"Start thinking in models and what is the market screaming at me."
"I like companies that make money. I like companies that have business models."
"Nowadays different new types of business models are coming day by day and this business models also create impact on supply chain network."
"APIs allow businesses to discover new revenue models and streams."
"I love needs-based business models; it's kind of a recession play to be quite honest."