
Animal Care Quotes

There are 1352 quotes

"I needed to get to know my hens first and let them settle into their new home."
"This cafe uses her business to help local stray pups stay safe and warm."
"I am going to be expanding the Hound Hospital and making a second floor. I want to make a neonatal center for baby pets, particularly dogs and kittens who need help when they are born."
"Part of guinea pig care is companionship. That is a care requirement."
"The evidence-based veterinarian or behavior consultant should be concerned not just with what's effective but with what does the least harm and produces the best long-term results."
"Horses need so much exercise; they're really big and they love to gallop everywhere."
"India has a spa for elephants! These gentle giants can receive a special treatment that includes massage, food, and even soothing baths."
"It's tough to have furry family in medical need. Take care of him and yourself."
"I love about fostering kittens is you get to see them go through these different life stages from being this little tiny jelly bean to opening their eyes to starting to navigate the world around them."
"This is what we call a birdie bubble. When you're really engaged with that bird, you're in that bird's personal space at the bird's level."
"Rescuing kittens without sterilizing the families where the kittens were born is like continually mopping the floor underneath a leaking bucket."
"Arthur, the king. You may not feel like a king right now, buddy, but you will by the time we're done, I promise."
"Please put the turtle back, bro. It was doing nothing wrong."
"People adopted this wombat two years prior when its mother was hit by a car, and now they are so inseparable that it doesn’t even mind playing a game with its owner."
"Working with the amazing people who work on these farms is every bit as important to me as actually trimming the cow's feet."
"I would suggest getting Nigerian dwarf goats because they're a lot easier to handle."
"They breed very easy, but they look fantastic as well."
"If you guys could, please leave a like for all of our puppers, hopefully we'll be able to keep them in high spirits and find them their forever homes next time."
"Venturing into the unknown, one pet at a time."
"Pets are more than just animals, they're family."
"Turtles require large tanks, UVB light, and proper filtration to thrive."
"As far as washing Roman I was real surprised he took right to it his anxiety towards water has really improved and now I feel confident that you know I can absolutely bathe him."
"We want the dog to really just like we want our children and our dogs to be the strongest and the best they can be we want to bring that out of them."
"She's in pain, but she still loves toys, love, and treats."
"I like the idea of being an event planner or someone who works one-on-one with animals."
"They made a pretend seal mother out of a wetsuit, that way Illy Pika could feel safe while she drank her milk."
"Mr. Lion loves feeding time at the zoo. Everyone loves feeding time at the zoo."
"When you help something, there's a much different connection there than if you buy something and try and make it a pet."
"We are here to educate the world, entertain people, and take care of animals."
"Planet Zoo... does a great job of educating players on various global issues as well as the animals that you'll be taking care of."
"My dream is one day to open up a big hotel for dogs and just look after them all."
"I would not feed that dog for seven hours, believe me."
"Their lives come by our hands and now they rely on us for their continued existence. This is our responsibility and one we cannot take lightly."
"Hug your fur babies close or your reptiles, your birds, your fishies, you know, make sure you love them, you're treating them well, and you're giving them appropriate care for what they are."
"It's a real bad time to be wow a captive uh Manatee uh Hugh died unexpectedly on April 29th after showing changes in his behavior until he suddenly became unresponsive in his habitat."
"We've even started an outreach community wish, someone wished for some real reindeer so we thought it would be absolutely amazing if we could bring them to the care home."
"Don't leave your pets behind when you're evacuating."
"The first ever pair of panda twins raised in captivity."
"Treat your horse like you would treat your best friend. Remember to feed your horse because if you treat your horse right, your horse will treat you right."
"So now she is on the senior consult diet and since starting that diet she has become so shiny she's like she glows."
"You want your bird to have a forever home. It's up to you."
"It is so wonderful to work with an animal this beautiful."
"Well hello my little babushka. So maybe I'm just slightly salty because I could never dye my dog."
"Yes, I recommend rats for pets, I had two rats, they were awesome."
"You don't need to feed them, hibernating ants really just hibernate."
"They're really pretty easy to breed and they're one of the isopods that seems to exhibit parental care."
"From the age of nine years old all I wanted to do was help animals."
"Brian's brain was so immaculate in the way that he thought about the animals and the enclosures and just the businesses and everything."
"You have to give those animals a place to live."
"Bonsai come on dude you gotta stretch those legs."
"These fish come from the same kind of environment that they will be in here."
"Straw is one of the cheapest types of bedding you can get."
"My ultimate goal is to employ hundreds of people to take care of thousands of animals."
"Honestly, I love using them, you can really get up close with your animals."
"Hopefully, whatever I said here can help somebody out in enjoying the flock of chickens that they have a little better."
"I rate this setup a 10 out of 10 because this is a perfect cage setup."
"I have nothing bad to say about this cage, it's absolutely perfect."
"Temperament to me was huge because you these guys have a bad wrap and the bad rap comes from poor breeding and bad temperaments mixed with poor owners yes 50 50."
"Big Mike said, 'You know what, why are we rushing the calf? We don't cut Danuch anymore.'"
"It's gonna make your animal so much happier, way happier. Way, way happier."
"She gave me signs that she was wanting to live. Good girl Penny."
"I'm kind of scared. Like, she's literally glued."
"From the moment Suburban arrived at the kennels, how long did it take for that 9-1-1 call to be made? Less than 20 seconds."
"Maybe Momo is going to be with us a little bit longer."
"So many people who had never fostered a kitten before felt this sense of urgency."
"Fostering kittens doesn't just benefit the kittens, it also benefits us."
"Dog wins the challenge and he gets fresh milk as a prize."
"Let them live with your turtle... that's how I cull."
"I'm not opposed to putting a hide box in there, and as a matter of fact, we may end up in that direction."
"Despite Charlotte's warm welcome, I can tell she's nervous. These tigers, it's no exaggeration to say, are like her family, and like any protective mum, she'll do anything to look after them."
"Is this how aquariums give anesthesia to their fish so that surgery can be safely performed?"
"Eliza's own father helps treat the elephant when she was younger."
"I adore dogs, but if it's too hot for the dog in the car, you run those errands later."
"I cannot understate how thankful I am and how blessed I feel to be able to work with these animals."
"It's all about giving the animals in our lives the best, most comfortable life possible."
"Abigail the kangaroo insists on giving her caretakers a hug every single day."
"The koala reaches over, grabbing the man's hand and pulling it closer as he takes another sip from the bottle."
"Murphy was now a healthy dog who had learnt to love."
"Let the horse be a horse and just accept what the horse gives you because you are privileged to be sitting on them and riding them."
"Your dog's health is as important as every other member of your family."
"We can't wait to get the dogs in there, get them comfortable."
"Handling exercises are crucial for trust and relationship building."
"If you care about saving your dog's life this collar is a must-have."
"But now that the colony was moving into their first grand paludarium, I knew, at some point, our royal Ember Empress would have to be moved into the soils of their new home."
"You are responsible for what this animal turns out to be... you are 100% responsible."
"One Broody hen can make all the difference on your farm."
"It's teaching children how to look after animals how to make produce how to make fresh produce how to get into production and teach his children some very very fundamental and important life skills."
"Remember, these are living, breathing things that feel pain, they deserve the best care possible."
"An animal gives you unconditional love, just feed them, give them water, and let them go in the yard or walk them."
"Planet Zoo... the spiritual successor to Zoo Tycoon."
"Biosecurity is number one... when you're keeping animals that can hurt people."
"I love Pepper tremendously, and all in all, it's still an absolutely amazing animal, but it's our job to take animals that are a little bit tricky, and nurture them."
"And although it certainly helps to have a really great dispositioned animal, like Sunrise was when she was a baby, the truth is, you don't have to give up on an animal."
"I developed this coop with efficiency in mind and not wanting to have to do a lot of work for my chickens."
"Nothing more exciting than getting a baby animal."
"Patsy Gibbons from County Kilkenny in Ireland found the foxes abandoned as pups."
"If you want a wolf dog or an animal of equal needs, don't let the difficulty dissuade you, just prepare yourself."
"Friends, I hope you enjoyed this week in the life where we went from two goats to seven goats."
"It's been an absolute delight to work at the Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital."
"I'd accidentally run in front of a car to save my French Bulldog."
"The instinct to help animals drives the existence of the veterinary profession."
"Please do not get a donkey that's going to live for 40 years and then make it somebody else's problem because you didn't do it the right way."
"What a great clutch. I mean, it is beyond my wildest dreams that I would have hatched somethin' out this when I got these eggs two months ago."
"Ukrainian zookeeper stayed behind as Russia invaded to save their beloved animals."
"Sometimes vulnerable wild animals could use a helping hand."
"We just want to do the right thing for them."
"Training your puppy becomes part of the routine and this can be really, really helpful for your puppy experience."
"I'm going to try my best to make each individual animal's pen look unique."
"We just spent the last few days not feeling great and so we are now getting back out. But when you have animals it doesn't matter how sick you feel, you still have some responsibilities."
"Dogs... want to have a job... you need to give them a purpose."
"Now that they have access to food and they also have access to these beds it should make it so that they start to breed more."
"I am a firm believer in setting up my animals as naturally as possible."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and any Pokemon with enough love and attention can be sculpted into the perfect partner and friend for life."
"There was a time in my life where I was just not happy with myself at all, and the only thing that made me happy was taking care of animals."
"The more people know that you're here to do things like this for more animals, the better."
"They can be here with people who love them... and know that they're loved."
"The blind horse likes pizza... it's very discerning about the quality of its food."
"Hug your pets, they're furry souls and they need our hugs too."
"That's alarming. I think they probably just don't want to put on the care guide, 'Your iguana needs a 10-foot long enclosure that's 8 feet tall,' because then no one's gonna want to buy the iguana."
"I need to make a pen for our hunter slimes real fast, those are flutter slimes looking, they're all down here fluttering about."
"He's like a member of the family already, and I've been hand-rearing him for the last eight days. I'm so in love with him already."
"This kind woman makes sure that the dogs eat before her."
"Are you kidding me, someone left their dog out here while they went thrifting? I am just speechless."
"Having a lot of animals is hectic, but let's do it. Let's just adopt another pup."
"I gotta go with the pet thing, man. I can't [ __ ] that. I worry. I actually think about that all the time, really, I do."
"We just want to thank one of our donors, Carol. She called the Walmart in our town and bought 10 bags of apples for us to get for the horses and also for us as well."
"I'm very passionate about that about getting guinea pigs in the right cages."
"Keep my life as simple as possible... out doing field work and caring for the animals as much as possible."
"We just need to find that perfect forever home for him."
"Trainers are absolutely wonderful. They are rooting for you. They want you to have a really wonderful time bringing home your new pet into your life."
"Beauty is doing great, she has settled in so well."
"Apparently in real life, Bear actually came from a rough background, so he definitely suits being in a home with just one person."
"That dog is your only responsibility in this world, in your life. That dog is the most important thing there is."
"Those tips better be going to that dog's 401K. I guess it's tough being unemployed, tired, and hungry all the time."
"Thank you, sure to spay or neuter your cats and dogs."
"Gives us an excuse to go ahead and build like a horse stable or donkey shelter as well so that's kind of cool right."
"Poppy Partridge is the resident chicken, so to speak, from a sprained beak to sunburnt feather."
"I have provided for him a nice new foraging toy that might keep him happy."
"He's gonna bed, but anyways they just kind of left this dog here. And, I guess, now we're just gonna take care of it."
"If Duke hates it, I'm not gonna force him to do anything he doesn't want to do."
"Helping out animals when they don't need to... he earned my respect... 'Would you adopt the animal if no one claims it?' He checked that part."
"So it's a really nice symbiotic relationship between them paws."
"I found a knackered bee, mixed up some sugar water, gave it a drink, watched it guzzle and guzzle, then suddenly come back to life. It was amazing."
"It's always nice... when you can make a dinosaur happy."
"A way to keep baby animals as babies... why can't we have baby animals that stay baby animals?"
"Spotify launches playlists for dogs left home alone."
"Someone carved a balcony out of a pumpkin for their frog. That is so cute. The frog's on the balcony."
"I'm not touching that. I'm not touching the animal. It's cute, fuzzy, maybe later on if Billy decides to keep it, who's keeping it? I'm not keeping it, I want to bring it to the animal rescue."
"There's nothing better than getting kids to have responsibility through animals."
"I want to get a chicken coop, turn this into like a little bit of an animal area."
"These penguins are counting on me, I can't let them down."
"Making sure that the welfare of my buddy here is well taken care of is super important to me. I seriously love this dog with all my heart."
"Seek veterinary care, if there's a sickness and you are observing something saying like my snake was super tame now it's acting weird."
"Monitoring the snake post-treatment is essential to ensure mites have been eliminated."
"My top recommendation is if you are considering a ferret, consider a pair of ferrets because most ferrets love the company of other ferrets and there's nothing like another ferret to help a ferret keep clean."
"That's the hardest part, probably when one of our snakes grabs their food and they drag it under their hide and then they don't eat it."
"Owls are a nightmare when it comes to keeping them alive."
"Animals appreciate understanding boundaries. You're not playing god, you're playing guardian."
"This is not the type of bird that you get in order to learn how to take care of it until you decide to get something better."
"The three little ones are still alive and they're doing well and well that's about it I guess let's go check him out let's check out some of the other keys first..."
"I'm going to try and come and volunteer at this animal shelter at least once a week."
"I mean, a dog on a wheelchair 11 years old, this is a great success and it speaks for how well we take care of our animals."
"You'll find them when you least expect it. Like, 'Oh my gosh, there it is!' That's how it goes."
"I need poop, I really need these guys to poop so I can inspect."
"Daisy's expecting a foal... This is the best day of my life!"
"Fun fact: out here in the middle of Kansas they have bridges just for cows."
"Surprised Clip-Clop with a nice new bow for all his hard work."
"I was drawn to animals that were injured, birds, my pet cat, neighbor's dogs, and I always felt this intention of healing them even as this very young child."
"The Ranchers: raise animals, grow crops, and explore the gigantic open world."
"Start practicing with your own animals because it will massively expand your experience."
"Put a betta in an aquarium, not a vase or a cup."
"You gave Dexter a little bit of his favorite thing, his happiness is still great."
"The zoo's latest addition is none other than a baby sloth, the first baby pictures were released this morning."
"Routine things we couldn't spay and castrate and so there was an abundance of new kittens and puppies being born. This wasn't a planned pregnancy, so the father is a little bit larger and she's so small."
"If you overextend with the taming, you're not going to get any animals that love you in the end."
"We have three Tiger cubs in our place now. Look at how much we have done!"
"You know my, this is my girlfriend's horse, it's very important to her, it hasn't gotten a lot of exercise recently, I promised her I'd take it for a walk."
"It's super important... The quality of the food you put in does affect the quality in the longevity of your rat's life... So it's super important."
"Taking care of animals, loving them, and caring for them, you know, that does teach and help you take care of people, love people, and stuff like that."
"You just did something for the animal to save a life."
"Honestly, I don't think there's no other place better for the birds than Dr. Paul."
"Being able to provide proper vet care for any animal you own is very important."
"I mean, look at every single one of these enclosures. World class. I mean, just absolutely incredible."
"Jamie is our foster greyhound, and she's an absolute sweetheart."
"We are obligated to make sure these fundamental needs are met when we have dogs in our custody."
"Make sure you can afford a pet before you buy one."
"A good breeder won't let you have your kitten until they're at least 12 or 13 weeks old."
"Pets are there for our enjoyment to be treated like a member of the family."
"She is so overweight that it's going to have such an impact on her joints."
"The cow hoof trimming machine is a spa day at the farm for them."
"Ball pythons are one of the best animals that I can think I've ever worked with."
"Pusha soon embraced adoptive mothering, looking after her four biological kittens and her four new non-biological children."
"I think it's really important to dial in on the animals that you have first and then move on to something else."
"Adult noodle flies spend most of their time protecting and rearing the next generation."
"This was actually what inspired me the most once 14 was announced and we had foxes I was like oh man I got to build a fox little sanctuary."
"They loved them and they really cared for their horses."
"3% of their body weight, yep. So, you know, if you go, 'Hey, I need 2 months worth of hay,' well then you can figure that out at 30 lb per day per 1000 lb animal unit."
"Practice crate training five times a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening time, and bedtime."
"Yes you heard that right we're feeding this Burmese python to my king snake."
"Wanting to borrow an orange cat for 24 to 48 hours to have lasagna dinner with Garfield-loving four-year-old and 2-year-old children. Will return cat happy and cared for. Cats will not be required to eat lasagna."