
Peacefulness Quotes

There are 401 quotes

"Positivity, that's what I do on this channel. Peacefulness, positivity, and happy hens."
"Dark Souls created a world with the kind of depth that could convince players that this place once operated as a potentially peaceful world with rules and inhabitants."
"To speak evil of no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men."
"Lapras: Intelligent enough to understand human speech, being placid in nature, they prefer to ferry people across water on their back rather than fight."
"We, as a community, must make this decision. I urge those protesting on the streets to remember this: Peaceful protests are your right as American citizens. Instigating violence and destruction are not."
"I discovered the value of having clarity and nothing in my mind. I loved that freedom, that peacefulness, that sense of no distraction of being fully present with what I'm doing."
"Ladonna didn't have any known enemies... she was just this quiet, sweet mother taking care of her family."
"On August 22nd, 2009, their daughter was born. She was named Phoebe. Phoebe was a delightful and easygoing baby who was rarely fussy."
"Be nice, friendly, peaceful, persuasive, and resourceful."
"No guns here, my man, just positive vibes, peace, love, and prosperity."
"Relax and be peaceful. Just let things unfold in their own time."
"It's been definitely one of the most peaceful, most festival-like protests that I've ever seen."
"We can't meet hate with hate. We can only do this peacefully, coming from a place of love in our hearts."
"I sat beside her with one on random supporting her head so quietly did she find this little way that I hardly knew the second she stopped breathing and then a great sense of peace filled the room."
"Much love everybody, take care and have a good one. Peace."
"So more Jesus more peace and and continue the trend of less inflammatory hateful life-ending statements would be nice."
"Move forward gently and with peace in your heart."
"I love being able to do a gradient... somewhat from yellow to orange to red with that now slowed the speed down a bit just so we could get a nice peaceful sunset view."
"Be kind, be loving, be peaceful to one another, encourage each other, lift each other up."
"Honestly, I'm really a vibe. Everybody I be around knows I don't be getting into it with nobody."
"I am at peace. Do not mourn me, for I am at peace."
"Breath of the Wild is different... it's relaxing, peaceful, and beautiful."
"This place is incredible I just I just think if you spent a lot of time here it'd be it'd be so good for your soul."
"Without peaceful human beings, there is no peaceful planet."
"You're allowed to be peaceful and trusting during these transitions."
"As long as I'm peaceful, but I'mma help the people around me."
"Real love actually... the best kind of love is pretty peaceful."
"It's moving forward calmly and peacefully, about sharing equally."
"It was the most peaceful, beautiful place I've probably been to."
"I never want problems with anyone, it's a good way to be."
"Connect with nature, find clarity and peace."
"There's just a peaceful aura about this place, an air of tranquility."
"Broly from Dragon Ball super is described as a pure Saiyan with a gentle heart."
"What is really important is how kind, how peaceful, and how loving you can be."
"That was light and beautiful, absolutely calm and peaceful."
"They're just chilling, they're not bothering anybody."
"I'm dreaming of a sweet just like the ones I've heard about where the bees are Mary and the bugs aren't scary and what there's no Cub that's left without honey."
"When you look at the numbers, the vast majority of protests are peaceful."
"My father had big thick sausage fingers, that's just the way you talk, you act, you know what I mean? You work with your hands and you've got a big heart."
"Everything I heard from this guy's mouth was peaceful."
"Your destination is a peaceful island where it's the little things that count."
"Going to sleep peacefully because I know someone is watching over me."
"It was described by the nurse and his doctor as a very peaceful passing."
"Take a deep breath, may peaceful calm take over your life."
"Loving peace, how y'all doin'? You know, love and peace."
"It's absolutely immaculate, so serene, so peaceful."
"Peaceful, persuasive, and resourceful. Those are the keys to victory."
"I don't want that type of life for me. I want to be something more spiritual, more loving, more calm."
"But from a loving space, they feel like there's something else going on. So, I never see family members or spirits or guides come through with an aggressive or kind of an ugly personality when they're on the other side."
"I hope everybody out there stays safe and healthy and just have a [peaceful time]."
"Could not hear a single thing, it was absolute silence."
"Protesting is beautiful; you have every right to do it peacefully."
"It's like a little peace, though. Very peaceful."
"I embrace death, I'm very much at peace with it."
"Wisdom from above is pure, peaceable, gentle."
"This is so neat, it's like relaxing and peaceful."
"The riders have been largely peaceful... it's long overdue time for us to take some of that change."
"It's looking good and there would be less fights here."
"I think my favorite thing about the apartment is how peaceful it feels."
"Serene... feels like they are the only ones in the world."
"It's typically such a peaceful place, you've ever been."
"As the stars twinkled above me, I felt a sense of calm wash over me."
"That's beautiful, a peaceful night in the kangom settled my soul."
"This absolute peaceful energy coming through."
"These peaceful days didn't last long, one day Elsa found out that she had a special power, ice control."
"Passing away in your sleep is the most angelic way to pass away, bro."
"Internally I'm in no way, shape, or form a violent or dangerous person."
"Kiryu's little neighborhood, a world removed from Kamurocho. Nice and quiet."
"President Trump told protesters to protest peacefully."
"Hope you like it, hope you've had a nice lovely peaceful week."
"I would rather do that my entire life and never even touch the trigger of my gun in a real scenario."
"I truly believe that she felt no fear and no pain."
"Love which leads to Gentle conditions Bliss and blessedness."
"Act without interfering and nothing is left undone. In letting go of the hustle and bustle, you receive the whole world."
"The more we can learn and understand the whys behind things happening, the more at peace and chill we can be."
"Animal Crossing is like this little microcosm world where nothing is wrong."
"Canada is one of the most peaceful countries in the world."
"Amidst the chaos, find moments of tranquility."
"We're starting to get more of a boost... to move forward and in a way that's more surrendered trusting peaceful all of that."
"Once I did it, I saw how peaceful it was, and I saw him in no more pain."
"Something about nature is that it's very peaceful and quiet so it is something that we can learn to make peace with everyone." - Miss Singapore
"This went from the most sweatiest PVP server to the most friendliest zero PVP server you'll ever see in your entire life."
"Idyllic. That's about as close as you can get, I think: idyllic."
"We are happy to report the family has had no more physical attacks and last night was the first night everyone slept in their own rooms with no activity taking place."
"But in the late season, I can just breathe out and take in the surroundings and just enjoy what is happening right in front of you without expectation."
"You're both like twins in the womb, feeling so peaceful this weekend, peaceful excitement."
"A peaceful transfer of power politically is crucial."
"They were genuine. Turns out the nonviolent religious group that was running the Vault were actually just nice people."
"Most of those protesters have been peaceful."
"This random swing in the middle of a field."
"Everything that nine does is going to be driven by that desire to maintain and acquire peacefulness in their life."
"Superbly tranquil here, I can hear distant roads but it just reminds you that you're not right next to it."
"It's just a happy peaceful place that you can hang out and play games."
"You have a very calm, peaceful energy."
"There's this very go-with-the-flow, peaceful, very loving type of vibe to you."
"I just love that view. It's so peaceful."
"Sometimes the most enjoyable news is when nothing happens at all."
"It's quiet, it's peaceful, all is calm."
"In essence, Jesus encourages a peaceful life where one may pass over quietly."
"His peaceful sleeping face made her reflect on how close she had become to him."
"There's no real sign of aggression here."
"People think you're someone who takes pleasure in life, enjoys nature, and loves animals, giving off a peaceful and approachable vibe."
"You guys have a peacefulness to you and a non-judgmentalness about you."
"This person considers your energy peaceful."
"The energy of this next chapter of your life is going to be very peaceful... you will be working on what you need to be working in peace, you will be creating, emotionally you will be fulfilled."
"I want to go out like my grandfather in my sleep, peacefully and not screaming and yelling."
"I love how peaceful the house is."
"They feel a deep soul connection with you...something about your connection would be very peaceful, very easygoing, very comfortable."
"She's sound asleep like a little princess."
"They view you as someone very peaceful, very loving, very nurturing."
"As you age, those who really put in the work become cool. They have lives and relationships people envy because they are calm and peaceful."
"I tell people all the time, people ask me you know what about moving to Nevada and I'm like you can go up by the Reno area where like the suburbs where it's more peaceful than Gardnerville and like near Carson City."
"People can greet and help each other without fighting."
"I'm going through a relatively stressful time right now. It's sort of tripping me out a little bit. I'm actually pretty blissful right now. I've actually had a great deal of peace through this season of my life."
"It is just dead quiet this morning, can only hear nature. It's actually perfect."
"She was so thoughtful and caring for other people, she just was so peaceful."
"I've learned to tap into that 9 peacefulness I've learned to tap into that 9 tranquility and that sense of life is not something that I'm making happen but life is something that is happening to me and I've learned to accept that."
"I love the autumn, Oliver. The trees here are so beautiful and the woods are peaceful."
"This park is so peaceful in the evening."
"People talk about you in a way where you give off this very peaceful and harmonic energy."
"Unlike most barbs, these dwarf golden Barbs are truly peaceful."
"You know, in other places around the world that have views like this, you're fighting the crowds. We've hardly seen anybody all day today."
"This place is so peaceful. I would not mind living here."
"If you get up early you beat the crowds. It's about 6:20 a.m. and no one in sight."
"Death is inevitable, but the kind of death doesn't have to be painful."
"The People's Park, it's very quiet, which is nice."
"Favorite thing about homestead life: just the peacefulness, just the easy everyday."
"I'm having a very peaceful Sunday morning."
"I went to sleep that night like a little baby tucked up against his mother's breast. Not even Satan could touch me."
"I mean that in a good way like I love a good clean peaceful home."
"If you ever stressed, come here. So peaceful."
"The way of the leaf is... the way of the leaf!"
"It's really really nice to come here and walk around like it's such a nice peaceful sort of place to come."
"A Mahatma Gandhi sense of non-resistance, that whatever happens, I can meet it with a sense of peacefulness."
"She looked totally peaceful, like she was simply asleep and just floating on her back in the water."
"Once you're in a peaceful surrounding and being your wonderful self... that is when [true love] comes on in."
"They have a very peaceful, calming nature."
"That's just what you want, isn't it? You just want to die in your sleep if you can peacefully."
"The craziest thing about this Temple is that it's right in the middle of the crazy downtown and even though you can kind of hear the traffic all around it, it's just so peaceful."
"I feel so… peaceful and relaxed right now."
"What an absolutely peaceful commute that was."
"I like it here. It makes me peaceful. Thank you."
"I don't do this. My life is peaceful, I swears peaceful."
"I always find it to be a little bit Serene."
"There is no drama, there is absolutely no tea."
"You hate drama, you hate violence, fighting, all of that, and you are somebody who brings a peacefulness to any and all situations."
"The Mayans were a very peace-loving nation — not."
"My mother found comfort in my embrace and lived a peaceful and fulfilling life surrounded by loved ones."
"They're completely surrounded by forests and hills and they can't see a single house or hear a single sound anywhere except the railroad about once a day."
"I love the peacefulness of cooking."
"...it's peaceful to me and it's helped a lot of people specifically family members of that lost people on his plane family members from other planes..."
"This place has a real peace and quiet to it"
"I just thought, you know, my own dad, he fell asleep and he never woke up. And that's how I want to go. I just want to fall asleep and never wake up."
"This has been a really nice spot here today. It was so peaceful and nice here. I've been here all day."
"It's just a nice place to be, nice and quiet, surrounded by Nature."
"I woke up and as I said, with the feeling of peace."
"do you know the peacefulness and the Tranquility that one would have living on a farm"
"There have been a handful of times when I have taken my dogs out, and as they go about their business, I stare at the sky."
"Animals visit my backyard. I don't mind. They never cause me any trouble."
"...the ghost I encountered did not want to hurt anyone."
"It is almost always very peaceful, this passing of the babies."
"I think he wanted me to see him. I think he was curious... telling me in his own way I feel like he was communicating with me telling me that the gun was unnecessary."
"Peaceful people are more loving than people who are not peaceful."
"Islam is spread by wisdom and beautiful exhortation, not by the sword."
"May you sleep peacefully through the night, may you have no trouble sleeping."
"They're really cool little organisms, a lot of great colors, super super peaceful, and they look pretty nice in a planted tank."
"It's kind of nice and peaceful in that way."
"I'm very peaceful. I feel that peaceful and serene, I could kiss Roland Rat full on the lips."
"This is absolutely beautiful; you've got greenery, there's a little candle fly, palm trees, magnificent."
"You can create the dreams you would like to dream while you feel peaceful, balanced, and very relaxed."
"It sounds so peaceful; it is kind of lovely."
"It's very peaceful in here, it's very quiet."
"True love is peaceful and it allows you to actually walk into it, you don't just get swept away."
"We're just enjoying a nice lie down and thinking how good this would be for an afternoon nap, just peacefulness."
"Open your eyes feeling wonderful, peaceful, and in the present moment."
"The solarium is only open to guests 16 or older, so you might find it a little bit more tranquil, a little bit more peaceful with no kids around."
"They would gaze about the stars that night before falling into a deep, graceful slumber."
"Don't ever disrespect, please humble yourself, give thanks, and come in peace."
"Living on a farm, it's peaceful, it's nice, I loved pretty much everything about it, it's home."
"Seeing her sleep brought back memories of how beautiful and peaceful she looked."
"It's just quiet and peaceful, it's enjoying nature, and it's your chance to kind of check out."
"I want to live my life gratefully for the peaceful days and the people around me."
"Listen to the sound of the river and the sound of the crackling fire."
"He passed away peacefully in his sleep."
"Despite the changes since my mother-in-law moved in with us, my husband and I are glad that we have returned to our peaceful days."
"It's so much more relaxing here than it is in Delhi."
"There's something really quite serene and peaceful riding this bike."
"The vibe here is very serene, very beautifully designed, very peaceful."
"A clutter-free space means a clutter-free mind."
"Way out yonder lies a little kingdom of Bongo Congo, a peaceful land."
"Truly bears are peaceful, they're docile."
"There is nothing quite as peaceful as falling asleep to waves gently lapping in on the shoreline of Lake Michigan."
"The Netherlands was a beautiful, nice country, and it was very peaceful."
"Peace is just like making a very peaceful space for everyone to exist in."
"We have a tendency to collaborate with one another, we have a tendency to live in peace."
"As you can hear, it's very quiet, very peaceful."
"It's a slow-moving ritual, it almost feels like every day is a Sunday."
"In that beautiful way to go out, as a happy child."
"It was a beautiful afternoon back in the hidden village of Konoha."
"I'm Chris Barrow from all of us here at BBC Radio 4, have a peaceful evening and a good night."