
Backbone Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Small businesses are the backbone of the economy."
"The backbone is always gonna be decentralized."
"We've been having round tables. We've been doing business tours... small businesses are the backbone of our country."
"We have a backbone now and Zinchenko is a massive part of that."
"Small business owners are the backbone of the U.S economy."
"Having supportive parents, 100% I think, and family, just support a supportive backbone of family and friends."
"It's the backbone of the aviation industry."
"The woman appears to be the backbone of the world, the crux of the world."
"But over time, as they grow older, they were cool. They now became my backbone."
"Groceries babe, you gotta stop wearing your Wishbone where your backbone ought to be."
"Overall, this is a very nice improvement on the original backbone."
"You suddenly find yourself becoming a backbone of this organization."
"I'm very nice so like I kind of like got this backbone."
"Notice how when this man grew a backbone, he walked away and suddenly she wanted him."
"So, park exchangers are kind of like the backbone of the business sometimes."
"Sysadmins are the backbone of an organization's IT infrastructure, constantly working in the background to ensure everything runs smoothly."
"The home inspection routine is extremely important; it's the backbone of your business."
"Insertion is the backbone of Special Operations, like those conducted in the world's war on terror."
"Having a backbone and being willing to leave is the most powerful tool we have when it comes to relationships."
"Doughty has been the backbone of the Kings defense."
"He's just a [ __ ] B, he has no backbone."
"Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy."
"Have backbone disagree and commit."
"People that are the backbone of this country."
"He was our backbone; don't leave home without one."
"It becomes absolutely essential that you develop a strong enough backbone."
"Carbon combines with lots of different things and acts as the backbone for organic or carbon-containing molecules."
"Agriculture touches every single thing. Growing up we always had the motto AG is a backbone of the world."
"Networking is the backbone of Azure."
"The backbone of the United States is people who believe that progress is possible."
"This could be someone who's like, 'I'm a leader. I lead this family. I'm the backbone of this family.'"
"They were the backbone of the coming war."
"What's the common backbone tissue? Empathy, kindness, and genuine kindness."
"Everybody has an opinion, you want somebody with a backbone or not?"
"There's no doubt in any community in this country that the men and those communities are the backbone of their Nations."
"This is going to be the backbone that the entire lab runs off of, and it's going to be epic."
"...the behind the scenes backbone of this house."
"You can never break the backbone of poverty with tithing alone."
"Entrepreneurship has always been referred to as the backbone of every society."
"Cloud computing is the backbone of emerging Technologies."
"You're the backbone of this family."
"Hard work is the backbone of America."
"Chronology does. It's the backbone. It's the foundation."
"Agriculture is a backbone of our country, it is the future of our country."
"We deserve better; we're the backbone of this country."
"Family businesses are really the backbone of our country."
"The fundamental backbone of the way the whole world interacts and the whole way the world drives its economy forward."
"I hope you're aware that therapy is the backbone of the American family."
"The backbone of an economy is its infrastructure."
"We rely on you; you're the backbone of this company."
"Content can be the backbone of everything."
"Small businesses are kind of like the structural integrity or the backbone of the US economy."
"Small businesses aren't just the backbone of the United States, they're the engines of innovation."
"They are your backbone, the ones that are giving you support."
"The important thing to underline right from outside of any discussion of the Timex dispute was that the women were the absolute backbone of it."
"Small medium businesses are the backbone of economies."
"Small business is the backbone of America, and I will do everything in my power to support small businesses."
"The roughneck truly is the backbone of society."
"The backbone of America, that's what truckers are."
"It's almost like this gets to be the backbone of a life."
"You guys are the backbone of the economy."
"Democracy, the backbone of our fine nation."
"We're the backbone of the military; we go out and support everybody on every mission."
"We are the backbone of this democracy we call the United States."
"The core is also referred to as the backbone."
"Hardworking citizens like you who have always been the backbone of our nation will always be the most important factor in our nation."
"These families are the backbone of America -- they're the ones who built this country, and made it great -- you -- and keep this country going each and every day."
"We farmers and we workers are still the backbone of America."
"The backbone of a stable, stunning reef tank."
"Common people are the real backbone of this world."
"Small business owners are the backbone of this country."
"Black people happen to be the backbone of American history."
"I really love Carmen, guys. Like, Carmen is like my backbone, man."
"These worlds are in many ways the backbone of the Imperium of Man, as their vast industry supplies both civilian and military means the galaxy over."
"Agriculture is the backbone of our country, Kenya; we fully depend on agriculture."
"Can we just get a round of applause because he's the backbone of all of this."