
AGI Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"AGI is a general purpose artificial intelligence system that can do a lot of different tasks like a human."
"Elon Musk believes that AGI poses a grave threat to humanity, perhaps the greatest existential threat we face today."
"This new lab would be nonprofit, developing AGI for the benefit of humanity."
"We may have just gotten another leak about QAR, and for those of you who haven't heard of QAR yet, it's what a lot of people believe is AGI that has been developed internally at OpenAI."
"OpenAI defines AGI as autonomous systems that can surpass humans in most economically valuable tasks."
"Sam Altman: 'If AGI does create all that wealth, he is not sure how the company will redistribute it. Money could mean something very different in this new world.'"
"Tesla AI might play a role in artificial general intelligence."
"If AGI arrives later this century, it could mark a fundamental transformation in our species, not merely a societal shift, a new fad, or the invention of a few new gadgets."
"I think that Tesla's under the radar goal here is to develop AGI and yes folks I think that those of us driving full self-beta 9 around are letting a brand new silicon-based proto-consciousness drive us around that's totally crazy right or is it?"
"2022 was the year AGI arrived just don't call it that."
"Continuous monitoring and improvement are necessary forever with AGI systems."
"Despite the fact that Tesla doesn't have a stated goal of developing artificial general intelligence, I believe that Tesla Vision is going to be the biggest and most fundamental building block to ultimately achieving that goal."
"Collectively work together and implement a situation where even in an uncertain environment, we can have AGIs that cooperate and collaborate."
"There's a concept known as AGI, artificial general intelligence."
"The rush for AGI has alarmed many experts who fear that without proper guidance and oversight these programs could be an existential threat for the future of humanity."
"The Holy Grail of artificial intelligence is to develop artificial general intelligence, where you couldn't determine if it was a robot or not."
"AGI is where the most exciting advancements with AI are right now."
"The implications cannot be overstated if this is true."
"AGI will be the most powerful technology humanity has yet invented."
"What we're doing here at Tesla could make a meaningful contribution to AGI."
"What's the difference between AGI and ASI? One year."
"If AGI is defined as passing human tests, then I believe we will achieve it within five years. But if AGI is defined as having human intelligence, then it's harder to say."
"In essence, the capability of AGI would depend on the intentions and constraints placed by its creators and regulators."
"Approach to AGI, my view is that we are approaching an absolutely critical moment in human history. That might sound a bit grand, but I really don't think that is overstating where we are. I think it could be an incredible moment, but it's also a risky moment in human history."
"Once AI reaches AGI there is a chance, no matter how small it is, that AGI takes over and becomes the dominant race."
"AI right now is just like a college student, pretty smart college student right mind you, but it's a college student. AGI is like Einstein, that's what we need to worry about."
"AGI by its definition is about generality. It's not about doing a specific thing."
"AI is artificial intelligence. What is AGI?"
"AGI is essentially the human consciousness, right? It's its ability to be curious, it's its ability to solve problems on its own."
"AI is still something that's very dangerous if for no other reason than the fact that people believe artificial intelligence is close to being AGI."
"AGI and AI are not the same thing and you can use the latter without the former."
"Making aligned AGI is not enormously harder than landing safely on the moon."
"The major players that are playing in the race towards AGI and why they all seem to be ideologically motivated rather than financially motivated."
"Synthetic data is probably one of the key ingredients to AGI."
"We are not on the path to achieving societally beneficial AGI."
"If AGI, if you never got something that's really really smart then some of the problems will materialize but not others, but it doesn't matter because we'll all still be alive."
"You cannot prevent an AGI or a Universal explainer from thinking any thought. Everything connects to everything."
"They were coming really, really close to achieving AGI with GPT 5."
"It's like the pseudorrationalists who are like 'oh to stop AGI we should bomb Taiwan' I'm like man even if you did that, what exactly is your thinking of things that plan would actually work like are you insane?"
"We have others who think Hyperon is going to be the AGI."
"Artificial general intelligence emerges from a global network of connected quantum computers."
"We're working on creating AGI, if we can create a benevolent AGI, this is gonna make our current problems seem sort of archaic and silly."
"AGI could find new ways to cure diseases, uncover new insights about the universe, lead to breakthroughs in technology."
"I do think that some combination of the techniques that we have available today, together with scaling, will bring us to AGI."
"The first AGI will be based on deep learning."
"AGI is literally going to impact every pillar of society across the entire planet."
"AGI refers to an AI system that is capable of performing any intellectual task that a human can."
"The popular definition of AGI is an AI that can do anything a human can do."
"Advancing both our multimodal understanding and generation capabilities are important steps in building beneficial AGI that can understand the universe."
"We're actually much closer to what we call AGI, artificial general intelligence, which is essentially a machine that's as smart as a human."
"Now that time is here. And we continue to be amazed by the progress we see and inspired by the advances still to come, on the path to AGI."
"We're seeing OpenAI announcements... they are building AI using something very close to AGI."
"We want to solve the problem of AGI."
"Artificial General Intelligence will arrive for all of us... let's take a look."
"AGI will be smarter than any individual human... that would be like your Albert Einstein of the world."
"In terms of raw capability, we'll be looking at an AGI that is smarter than any individual human."
"Personalization will be the key thing to AGI."
"We need people thinking about all the different types of AI if we really want to get to AGI."