
Small Businesses Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"Small businesses are the backbone of the economy."
"Labs and makeup are set up to cater to big conglomerates, and they screw the little man."
"We've committed to small businesses; we should top up that program now."
"It's sad. It's not even just the restaurant, it's the boutique down the road, it's the person who makes candles, the person who makes homemade bikes being affected by it majorly."
"These small businesses have really historically been the engine and they still are the engine of the country."
"I think that Etsy is the coolest website. It's such an awesome platform to allow you to buy from small businesses."
"In every corner of our country, small businesses are the heart of our communities."
"We're working quickly to pass additional legislation that will provide massive relief to small businesses and affected industries and give direct payments to our great workers and hard-working American families."
"Small business is the backbone of the American economy."
"We need to refill the small business funding."
"We have a responsibility to support small businesses."
"Small businesses are very correlated with liberty and freedom."
"I love being able to work with the main creative person behind their brand. Small makers are my dream clients."
"Supporting small businesses is as important as ever."
"It's anxiety and it's uncertainty about the survival of so many small businesses that we know and love."
"It is okay to walk away and not purchase that thing if it's a matter of you are really wanting to support a small business but $125 is just too much for you."
"The lockdowns were economic war, destroying small businesses and traumatizing people."
"I hope that people will remember to continue to support small businesses."
"The Paycheck Protection Program is providing much-needed relief to millions of American small businesses."
"A lot of the small companies get in up there because they can't afford anything bigger."
"The devastation of small business has been both widespread and permanent."
"The corporations are in much better shape than the little guys."
"Support small businesses, support support support."
"Small businesses cost more to operate than a household... if they're gonna do something right they should at least try to keep these small businesses going."
"I think the shutdown has basically killed Main Street. We have effectively ended small mom-and-pop brick-and-mortar shops if you're not online."
"When you support a small business during this time, you're keeping our dreams alive."
"Supporting small businesses right now is really important if you have the means to."
"Supporting small businesses like these if you can, online, in your community. It's a great way to get some awesome products while also supporting real people."
"It took a risk, and in my opinion, it succeeded."
"The small and independent businesses have invested an additional thirty-five billion in new equipment and facilities."
"Covid has provided a method to hollow out the small business community in America."
"This is totally looks like more of the man trying to keep my raw milk Empire down."
"How many more businesses have to shutter? How many more dreams have to be shattered?"
"Small shops, small restaurants, those are the ones that are falling like dominoes."
"Small business technology transfer program is your golden ticket... powered by the US small business administration."
"Taking away resources is only going to kick small businesses while they're already down."
"Money in the hands of small business immediately, money in the hands of people, the workers and people immediately, and it would be over an extended period and it would be simple to do."
"Small businesses occupy greater than 95% of the global economy... and yet often when we talk emergent technology... we're talking about what impact that has on the corporate world..."
"That mass extinction of small businesses in the U.S. that were clinging on mostly by the desire of the entrepreneur to make it work."
"So, why is it so important... that small farms and ranches remain in business?"
"We've lost a lot of those community relationships and small mom-and-pop shops."
"Give the small business people a subsidy. Let them be required to pay better than the minimum wage."
"Support small, sustainably made jewelry companies."
"Consider going to your local mom and pop shops or your local running store and getting products from them right now more than ever small businesses are hurting."
"I would almost rather you go and support a store that is lesser-known that is doing the right thing."
"The real economy, households, and small businesses, are the ones ultimately hit in a crisis."
"Thank you for stepping up and doing this for small businesses."
"Hey, maybe we should give small businesses money to get through this crisis. Maybe that's something that we should do."
"Regulate small business out of existence with government-mandated minimum wages."
"Best of all, 90% of these products support small businesses."
"The small-time mom and pop investor is still by far the largest source of investor demand in America."
"Big businesses should really infuse their resources and support into small businesses."
"Small businesses account for over half, sometimes 75% of all job growth in recessions."
"I think the other problem facing the guitar Market this is not specific to these instruments but it does affect guitars like this more and more small mom and pop shops are independent dealers like us are closing."
"They should be given reparations for what happened... actual living people that actually suffered some sort of grievance have a right to such things."
"The war on small business has destroyed a lot of great family-owned restaurants... let small town America be small town."
"It's going to make them unaffordable for many individuals and small businesses to be able to purchase a table saw."
"I love supporting small businesses, shouting you guys out."
"It's always really fun to support small businesses if you're able to afford it and if you're able to do so."
"It's very clear to me that PayPal's future is in small and midsize businesses."
"Supporting the small guy makes a community humongous."
"Support small businesses, make the process easier for them to navigate." - Advocating for support and ease of access for small businesses.
"Most of America's small businesses are not forcing their employees to get tested for COVID-19 or get the vaccine."
"I do believe that the state should do its best to support small businesses that are suffering during this time period."
"Flexibility for those small businesses, especially under 50."
"The real economy is built by innovators and small businesses."
"It feels like it did in March in many ways... Some of the bravest people will continue to stay open."
"Our rescue plan will provide flexible grants to help those hard-hit small businesses."
"I highly recommend supporting small businesses like these if you can, both online and in your local area."
"Just incorporating those small brands and small businesses and trying new things in your life where you can is such great way to support those around you."
"Boxu: Authentic Japanese goodies mainly from small family-owned businesses wrapped up in a beautiful little package just for you."
"You have to keep working through your grief if you work for a company with fewer than 50 people."
"By shopping at Uncommon Goods, you're supporting independent businesses."
"Don't steal from small businesses, okay?"
"Regulations do disproportionately harm small businesses."
"73% of small businesses are open."
"If your company has fewer than 20 employees, we have a bit of a problem when we're talking Medicare."
"It's always nice when you have the opportunity to support a small business or a local business."
"It's a reminder of the challenges small businesses face in navigating legal complexities."
"I love supporting small family-owned businesses."
"Ninety percent of the products in Bespoke Post boxes come from small businesses, many of which are based right here in the U.S."
"Kickstarter helped a lot of small companies like us to grow big."
"Why would you review and give more exposure to James Charles and Jeffree Star when you can give more exposure to small businesses?"
"Support small businesses. Ninety percent of everything that comes in your Box of Awesome is from a small and upcoming brand."
"Pay the extra tenor, support someone's small business and just get on with your life."
"I think it's really important that we support small businesses whenever we can."
"Support small business owners and people coming from the bottom to the top. Support your own, man."
"The best food in America comes from small owner-operated businesses."
"Ultimately, what we do is we help small businesses implement a proven I.T. strategy over the 20 years that we've been in business."
"I love sourcing from local vendors and small businesses."
"Don't forget to support small businesses out there."
"I think it's so important to do these videos and share small businesses and give them that exposure."
"If I can support small businesses I will do whatever I can in my power to support them."
"If you have a skill that can help small businesses create value and if you create enough value for them so that the amount of value you created for a small business is bigger than the amount you are charging then small business will want to hire you."
"We got to start supporting small businesses or just homemade businesses, period, because they actually care about their customers."
"...let's support small businesses in the New Year please because like their products are incredible."
"One of the things I like most about coming to cons is it's a place where a lot of like small businesses or local artists get to Showcase all of their stuff."
"Sprouts is unique because they're willing to give the small guys a shot."
"Debt crushes small businesses all the time. It is the number one reason why small businesses fail."
"It sucks that you can go and support a small business and they'll still end up treating their employees like trash."
"Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy."
"One of the best parts of doing this series is showing the faces and personalities behind these small businesses."
"Support your local skate shop. Every day, even just to go by and say hello, it means something."
"I just love supporting these small businesses and I get them from Etsy."
"In a world where we have these big tech companies that play at the margins small businesses that they're making investments in, there's just something I appreciate about that."
"Strongly, strongly, strongly encourage you to buy from a small business instead of a big one."
"The free plan of MailChimp is often more than enough for small businesses."
"Don't forget to support your small businesses like Jouer."
"We shouldn't be giving money to tech companies that are putting mom-and-pop businesses out of work."
"A million small businesses count for nothing."
"Buy artwork from small businesses like me."
"Take this as a warning to support your local small businesses."
"...small businesses are small and they're by Nature a little bit more susceptible to shocks."
"I know that during this quarantine, small businesses are being hit really hard. A lot of concentration has actually been on the restaurant industry, but I wanted to shift it over to boutiques, clothing stores."
"Small businesses benefit from well-regulated markets that protect against fraud and manipulation."
"The impact that Amazon has had on small businesses has been profound you know in the last 10 years 65,000 small retailers have closed wow when you look at the monopolization of online shopping."
"...one of my absolute favorite things to do...is to support small spooky businesses..."
"...it would make such a difference that amount of money means nothing to a large corporation but it means everything to small makers like these..."
"Local government grants are generally less competitive and also more intentional about serving small businesses in their areas."
"This is just to show you how small businesses really aren't perfect all the time."
"In this review, we'll look at some of the best banks for small businesses examining what makes them the top choice for different types of businesses."
"We're focused on growing small businesses across the country."
"We want to use the power of our procurement at USDA to open up opportunities to small and historically underserved businesses."
"If you have any small business brands that you absolutely love whether it's your own family friends or just ones that you enjoy supporting leave them down below."
"There are a lot of makers and small businesses here. There's so many people that are like pursuing their goals and dreams, and there's a lot of really great smaller businesses or businesses that started small and are huge."
"If we support small businesses, it will turn around."
"Being in an industry with this many small businesses, you can really use genuine friendship to get somewhere."
"Small businesses will be gone. You just got to know what you're trying to protect, why do you come here, why do you enjoy New York."
"One bad unit can take a small company out, and right now with the coronavirus and all that other baloney, it's really hard for small businesses."
"I've jumped on the chance and decided to purchase what was in my cart that I had been waiting to purchase."
"I am really happy right now to support them during this time. I think it's super important to try to support small businesses."
"Small businesses need our help, God damn it!"
"It was the fact that we were told what was essential and what wasn't essential, yes, and you know who gets harmed at the end of the day? The small businesses do."
"MailChimp is more than an email platform and over time has evolved into a media hub to serve many of small businesses digital needs."
"Three things that I love about trade: helping make small businesses accessible, deeply personalized recommendations, and Trade's fresh guarantee."
"65% of small businesses fail within the first 10 years."
"Supporting small businesses is a really good deed."
"I love being able to support other small businesses and see them grow and become successful in any way that I can help."
"But there are a lot of small creators which I'm going to point you in the way of that you can get your accessories from to really juice up your goth wardrobe."
"For people trying to run small businesses, trying to find a job leaving school or university and trying to make an economic life for themselves, the system, and one can say this in Europe right now, the system is not working for them."
"The vast majority of people in the world work for small medium businesses."
"We love companies, support small businesses."
"Supporting small businesses is the best way that we can keep our woodworking hobby alive."
"It is hugely, hugely, hugely important to me to support small artists and small businesses."
"We also get to support small businesses."
"I love growth in business, I love supporting small businesses and seeing them grow to this extent."
"The pandemic was devastating to small businesses across the United States."
"This really mobilizes America, small businesses, urban needs for really anyone."
"From April next year, 600,000 small businesses will pay no business rates at all."
"While we're at home, being able to support those smaller businesses as much as we can is very, very important."
"We can really help the most vulnerable of our small businesses, our most vulnerable of our communities."
"I love that you are using your platform to promote small businesses."
"I would just rather recommend my favorite little shops, my favorite things to people."
"I'm all about eBay and supporting small shops wherever I can get it, and you can't beat a good deal, right?"
"I highly recommend going out to support because unlike the big chains who can get hella support from like the government and stuff, if you can come out, support the little guy helps them out."
"Underrated mom-and-pop hardware stores, emailing classic Bruce Lee kung fu movies, and good girls."
"We love Lake Street, helping to support small businesses and non-profits in the area so they can continue serving the Minneapolis community."
"We need millions of small SMBs rather than a few mega companies."
"Please keep on supporting small businesses."
"It's always awesome to support small businesses."
"I love supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs."
"Support our small businesses because they are suffering."