
Chickens Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"I needed to get to know my hens first and let them settle into their new home."
"Being up here with the chickens and hearing them clucking and chirping away, it's strangely calming."
"Yes, chickens can do dumb stuff by any means... but they're also very very smart."
"The chickens are good. They're really fun and honestly if you're bored during quarantine get yourself a chicken."
"A game about shooting chickens is one of the most fun games on this entire list."
"I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having to question their motives."
"These weird-looking chickens are known as the poodles of the chicken world."
"Live your life with chickens, you do you, I support you in your chicken life."
"Four-legged chicken defies expectations, showcasing a rare deformity."
"...just everything you want in the villain against a group of chickens being the arch enemy of our hero and ginger something that's certainly interesting in the film about chickens."
"The chickens can also eat kitchen scraps."
"Having chickens is definitely worth the money."
"We're keeping chickens for the joy that they bring and also the fact that you get these delicious nutritious eggs."
"Hopefully you enjoyed this beginner's guide to chickens."
"Chicken math, they better lay a lot of eggs."
"Did you know that chickens can jump and fly too?"
"What would you have done if your neighbor suddenly decided to have chickens?"
"Be the best thing ever could be for the chickens."
"Chickens fly, chickens don't fly, not properly."
"Catalana chickens are the sunbathers of the poultry World."
"Marans famous for their chocolate eggs are like the Gourmet Chefs of the chicken World."
"The life of chickens raised in the Hills offers a natural and wholesome experience."
"Chickens are meant to get out and wander around and scratch and peck."
"...if you are looking for a friendly, cold-hardy chicken that lays well, I cannot think of a better breed."
"Chickens don't really get cold unless you're talking like -40s -50s Celsius."
"For the most part, everything's enjoyable. I love keeping chickens."
"Berries make a fantastic treat for chickens."
"I've actually grown to really enjoy the weird personalities and weird looks of my weird chickens."
"Whole chickens really are the most economical way to get high-quality chicken."
"Chickens are great for helping us with our grasshopper population."
"Everywhere chickens just get demolished by Predators but we don't have any Predators all we have is like a house cat here that can like Mongoose but they're not really killing full grown chickens chickens are kind of narly dinosaurs."
"Chickens are kind of like the Gateway drug to conspiracy theories."
"I could sit out here and watch these chickens all day long."
"Chickens will annihilate your garden. Guineas, on the other hand, won't destroy your food."
"...being a multi-purpose chicken breed also works in its favor as not everyone wants to butcher their feathered friends and at the same time not everyone wants to deal with a constant influx of eggs if they don't like to consume them in the first place."
"Chickens are now more diverse than any other bird on earth."
"Chickens naturally become more friendly once they start laying eggs."
"We built a chicken Co and got four chickens which we've kept alive for almost a year."
"In Quitman, Georgia, it is illegal for chickens to cross the road."
"Raising your own chickens is all the rage nowadays."
"You can hypnotize chickens. I've done it."
"Can chickens see color? They probably see a slightly different spectrum than we do."
"Wicked chickens make the best deviled eggs."
"Why did the chicken cross the road? To prove Jimmy's funny."
"Our chickens are Bremers, they're very big... so we need to make sure they've got enough room in their coop."
"It's so cool to be getting eggs from our chickens now."
"There is no better way to add fertility into your land than rotationally grazing chickens."
"The number one reason that Black Copper Morans come in third on my list of favorite chicken breeds is for the reason that they are most known for, which is those beautiful dark brown eggshells."
"We're happy that we were able to buy some chicken."
"They're just so docile. If you're wanting a chicken for a pet, silkies is the way to go."
"Raising baby chicks and chickens is actually very easy."
"A chicken's internal body temperature is around 107 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Chickens don't have a stomach like me or you; they actually need to eat little rocks, commonly called grit, to be able to digest their food."
"Their natural instinct is to sleep high because it keeps them safe from predators."
"Chickens love to go foraging, to go hunting for stuff, it gives them something to do."
"Chickens, they're like little tourists, right? They'll be all over here for a while and then they'll say over here."
"It takes 21 days to hatch a chicken egg."
"Chickens are fun; it's a nice little hobby and then you always got something to eat."
"In the whimsical domain of poultry, Silkies have affectionately earned the title of the 'poodles of the chicken world'."
"Although they do not like to, chickens can swim."
"I have absolutely loved having chickens. Totally love it, but it is more work than I thought it would be."
"Chickens don't really fly, they float, don't they?"
"If you give your chickens shelter, plenty of food, and plenty of water, you're gonna be surprised at how well they do in the winter."
"I cleaned out the ashes from the old fire pit and the chickens have been enjoying their new dust bath."
"This hilarious adult coloring book features 25 crazy chickens for you to color."
"These zany chickens find themselves in the craziest predicaments and make the perfect gift for anyone with a sarcastic sense of humor."
"I love my chickens. I love just hanging out with them and spending time with them."
"If you want ticks and fleas and creepy crawlies that run around near your hives, you may consider a flock of free-ranging chickens."
"Enough from the crazy chicken lady, I'm going to show you all what we have so far on the coop."
"These are my Milly flours and I'm like so obsessed with them; they're a bantam breed of chicken and they stay really small and they lay little eggs and they are honestly the cutest."
"Chickens are very complex social creatures."
"Chickens put themselves to bed because it's a natural instinct for them to get up high to hide from predators."
"Chickens actually see more colors than you and I could see or even comprehend."
"It's called 'Chicken People', it's pretty awesome."
"Chickens are the closest living thing to a T-Rex."
"Chicken will lay an egg about every 26 hours."
"This is good finale stuff, the chickens are free."
"The chickens get Christmas presents, what would you buy a chicken for Christmas?"
"I had no idea that chickens like to eat worms."
"Chicken nuggets, oh that's kind of messed up, that would make them cannibals, right?"
"Why did the chicken need jumping jacks? Because he wanted scrambled eggs."
"I love the chickens when they roam around, they're so cute."
"I'm so excited to make as many chickens as we possibly can."
"Chickens are the closest animal relative to a dinosaur."
"Giving medicine to a chicken is actually quite easy."
"You don't like chickens, don't come here. One of them just belted over, I've never seen a chicken run before, it's hilarious."
"If you're new to chickens, you might not have witnessed it yet, but chickens will establish a pecking order which is essentially a hierarchy."
"If you have a hen in your flock that's getting picked on a lot, that rooster will actually step in from time to time and push those hens off of her."
"Silkies are known for their broodiness; they make great mamas."
"Oh my gosh, I loved these. I planted them last year by the chicken coop, and they did so beautifully."
"We're going to try to keep them more with the chickens so they really focus on hanging out with the chickens and protecting the chickens."
"Good morning, lovely Silkies. How are you beauties doing?"
"Silky chickens are really freaking adorable and cute."
"Chickens can see and dream in full color."
"They give you all the benefits of having chickens: they will give you eggs, and they're also really good at being broody."
"It's going to be so nice having the chickens back on the land."
"The average lifespan of a chicken is about seven years."
"If chickens were the size of us, they would eat us."
"With chickens, you're really teaching your kids how to be productive as well."
"The chicken's beak does not have any teeth, so they can't actually chew their food; they just pick things and swallow it whole."
"Chickens have better low frequency hearing than humans."
"Our chickens have like the Taj Mahal of chicken coops."
"I think I've gotten a good relationship with these chickens. This is Miss Gray, as you guys know, Miss Gray."
"So yes, I really enjoy having these chickens, very much so. Probably a lot more than I thought I ever would."
"They're basically like little chickens, little bush chickens, very well camouflaged."
"I love chickens so much and I think that they would just be also very vital for eggs and whatnot."
"Good morning, our egg layers are doing great; they're loving this chicken tractor being moved around daily onto fresh grass."
"What they give us is a lot more than just eggs."
"I didn't know anybody who had chickens, I didn't grow up with chickens, nobody in my family had chickens, I just kind of wanted them."
"The chickens have been out since 9:30, 10:00 this morning. Oh, they party all day."
"We want to let our chickens roam freely outside the chicken coop in the daytime and be safe at night."
"The mission today is to allow my chickens to eat up all the old weeds and seeds and nastiness in the garden and poop out some good butt fertilizer for us."
"Chickens are like little velociraptors; they're testing the fence."
"Pasture-raised chickens get 108 square feet of living space per chicken."
"We love having chickens, we feel like it's the gateway animal to any homestead."
"They're really interesting to me... silkies are really beautiful in my opinion."