
Political Failure Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Reality is going to win, so when it comes to bad political ideas, they can emerge victorious in the short or even the midterm, but eventually, those policies will fail dramatically."
"One of my big fears at the moment is that the left and the right, the whole political mainstream, just kept on failing and now are surprised that people with sometimes quite radical, and often very unpleasant, answers are doing so well."
"President Putin's failure will result from the determination of the Ukrainians to resist."
"There was a spectacular failure of the establishment... what did that bear? Nazism, fascism, racism galore."
"Democratic governors botched this thing royally, including Andrew Cuomo."
"And with me getting 103, I walked away the winner."
"The fact that on this issue that has been really central to the democratic message and ideology that they have so clearly failed to meet the moment."
"The reality is when you talk about failure in this administration we actually do know what failure looks like in a pandemic."
"The system he promised to fix is closing in on him."
"The taliban takeover of Afghanistan was a complete failure."
"This did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated... Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country."
"If we allow this travesty to stand, we might as well give up on Nigeria."
"The Iraq War demonstrated that regime change is always fundamentally evil and will always fail."
"Failure to Launch... DeSantis has such poor political chops that he watched his opportunity come and go and still to this very day refuses to throw a punch."
"Online colleges, a quarter of the cost."
"South Africa has awakened the global Consciousness following the failure of all political efforts to Halt the daily atrocity and war crimes against uh our people."
"It doesn't matter what side of the aisle you're on anymore you can call this out for what it is a massive massive chaotic mistake by the United States putting our status at the world at risk."
"The only thing standing in the way of a livable future is the failure of political leadership."
"The war was over, President Ashraf Ghani had fled the country."
"Donald Trump has not been a leader on any of the crises that have occurred in the United States ever. He hasn't been a leader in any International crisis that's occurred ever. He's just a loser."
"Left has created a self-reinforcing radicalism, losing elections."
"I never thought we'd have a Hurricane Katrina style catastrophe in this country through poor political administration."
"The political elements of the Minsk agreement were never implemented, despite attempts."
"The failures of neoliberalism are bigger than its politics."
"Boris gets it for throwing away possibly the greatest opportunity that any prime minister within our lifetime has had."
"He's handed an amazing opportunity... and he's completely done the opposition."
"Boris Johnson's gamble... has failed calamitously."
"The president supports the Women's Health Protection Act which did not pass in the Senate, and of course that would codify Roe but it would also go beyond that."
"Our failed president, a really bad failure- one of the worst- sent our brave men and women into combat, to rescue hostages, and got a bunch of them killed."
"Aren't most quests for total domination doomed to fail eventually?"
"We know that the current system of prohibition is a complete failure... waiting for political leadership."
"Kabul has fallen without resistance, capturing the magnitude of America's failure."
"Conservatives failed this week, falling into the trap."
"Resistance breeds the failure of the authoritarian State."
"Boris Johnson's government has made a proper arse of everything."
"We left Afghanistan in a puddle of embarrassment, we were absolutely humiliated in Afghanistan."
"A sitting president stood by and did nothing, fell down on the job, failed."
"Putin is seen by the Russian people as responsible for this political and Military failure."
"The end of the warrior met strike and the utter failure of the democratic imagination."
"It's either complicit or incompetent, same thing that we saw with January 6."
"Why did the Soviet Union collapse? It was due to its deviation from a democratic trajectory."
"Catastrophe is what happens when you lose democracy."
"The Tories have destroyed themselves, after that, the electorate decided it doesn't matter what you say or do."
"It's just a complete mess for Bernie Sanders."
"Putin's larger political Ambitions for the war appear to have completely Fallen apart."
"We have fallen into a rank partisanship that is failing us."
"This is one of the greatest humiliations in Congressional history."
"It's astounding actually that Andrew Scheer somehow managed to kneecap himself."
"So Red Cortezes flagship green New Deal, a big initiative, this was the great contribution she was gonna make, got absolutely crushed in the Senate, 57 against with zero in favor. That's what you get."
"The inability of the left to present a proper political project."
"Without theoretical guidance, practice and especially political practice is bound to fail."