
Generational Shift Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"Political change often doesn't happen until one generation dies out and those loyalties begin to fade."
"Transparency, accountability, and a generational shift in leadership is the need of the hour."
"We are in a different era... this is a different era."
"This is a generation making the shift from old ways to new ways of cooperation and connection."
"Reality has moved forward... it's the future, old man."
"We need to have a generational shift in the United States Congress."
"Celebrity culture is dying and they have to start paying attention to the people that younger generations care about."
"Life is the new currency for the new generation."
"We're on the cusp, I believe, of the revolutionary generation."
"Our age is past. This belongs to the younger races now."
"You don't want your old heroes to overshadow the new ones, but you also don't want the old heroes to seem pointless or unnecessary."
"Let's have a new generation of leadership... respect the old but be prepared for the new."
"High value men want women in their 20s period, and once you get into your 30s, there is a new generation of young women coming into society that are going to be taking over those venues that you once did as a young woman."
"I think you're going to find that value will be perceived in a generation that's growing up with NFTs in a way that you couldn't even forecast."
"The Matrix was the new Star Wars for a new generation."
"The big value proposition here has more to do with the kind of generation that we're starting to see grow up that are very native to digital."
"This was the first time that we've seen younger members of the family taking on what is a key part of her constitutional role."
"In sports, the passing of the torch or changing of the guard from one generation to the next is often seen as a beautiful moment."
"Seeing how capable this new generation is made Master Roshi realize that finally maybe his job was done."
"A real goodbye from the original older cast for the most part, as we would also meet a new generation of younger daredevils who grew up on the original show."
"Millennials are the largest group in America they're now larger than baby boomers."
"All the adults have left Rome and they're in charge of children and crazy people."
"Bitcoin is very much the money of the next two generations."
"We are among the first generations in history to not live in communities which would give a resounding yes."
"We're moving from a static influencer model to something much more dynamic, and Gen Z are leading this charge."
"Moving from the old gray beards being in power with Capricorn to young people who have ideas."
"But it's time that the black sheep's rising up, the old guys are rising up and our time is now."
"Sunsetting the old guard can pave the way for new heroes."
"I'm outing myself as old, I don't think the kids say steez anymore."
"Tonight, power has shifted: financial power, political power, social power. We are in charge; we are a new generation."
"The Jordan Peterson generation is waking up to the hypocrisy of liberalism."
"You need to be an adult later in life than earlier in previous generations."
"I think I'll never retire, I just think I'll pull back and allow others to shine."
"Old people in power don't understand things, Millennials take over soon."
"Kids are understanding of that like I remember compared to back in the day when they'd be like oh you're a sellout for whatever reason now it's like they see me pushing our obvious brand deal."
"America wants something different...I think it's just had enough...of two old guys...they just seen it done it want to move on."
"It's not easy to let go of the Nostalgia and feelings associated with fond childhood memories, yet Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could be for a new generation what the '80s series was for many of us."
"Underpinning it is a very serious difference in ideology and a very serious general intergenerational shift."
"In just a few short years, YouTube had caused a transfer of power from toy and network executives to nine-year-olds and their families."
"Language changes work that way, it's been basically one generation at a time."
"Everybody look at the students and they ask what we want, and before they didn't even ask what we want, they didn't understand us. Now they are trying to understand us."
"Shanks is the emotional intrigue, Whitebeard as the past era that's ended, and Blackbeard as the new era that's begun."
"VIXX has now passed the baton to a new generation who carry on their legacy."
"The heroes of women's skateboarding have been put on notice because there's such a young drop of talent coming up."
"The fate of the world would soon be in the hands of a new generation."
"A new truth does not triumph by convincing his opponents but rather by becoming because it's opponents eventually a new generation grows up that its familiar with."
"I think it's setting up a generational opportunity."
"We don't need to see you out there wrestling. Push the talent that you have now."
"The 2020s are the revolution that you've all been waiting for it's just gonna take some time."
"Not even the new kids want to play with those older toys because they want something new, something fresh, something that is going to invigorate the fans."
"There's a hunger for a new generation of leadership right now."
"1994 would ultimately be the year where a new generation finally took hold."
"Ethnic change, so-called racial change, can happen in the generational blink of an eye."
"I feel like now more than ever there are more young enthusiastic people wanting to make movies that are getting passed over for old fucking busted out druggies like Brian to make the same garbage fuckin and fucking superhero bullshit."
"A new Nigeria is possible, it is time to do a proper generational change."
"The last Generation X story... Jubilee stepping up to teach the next generation of mutants."
"You don't run this now... Millennials Generation X run this now cuz we're the ones here."
"Each generation has more and more agnostics, more and more atheists. They're rejecting God for a reason."
"It will be a symbolic way to mark the start of the next generation."
"Now it's our turn, we are inheriting the earth."
"College football won't be the same by the time your son is old enough to go."
"People are pro-change deeply every couple of generations; culture changes constantly."
"We are not in the same world that our grandparents were in."
"It's a new generation, screaming it loud and clear."
"As younger people take the helms of capital allocation, they're more digitally native."
"There is a new generation of people that are able to see things with a completely different lens."
"It's now time for me to go home and turn the leadership of the country over to the next generation."
"When you realize if COVID-19 continues forever, we might be the last generation to remember how life was pre-COVID."
"New generation of conservative politicians"
"Kit homes will be a massive industry in the future as the millennial generation is getting more older, getting older and more about the whole DIY lifestyle and living a bit more simply than perhaps our parents generation."
"I think eventually the newer generations are going to come up dreaming of being professional disc golfers from a lot younger age and we're going to see a change in that."
"I think we're at a point in our country's history where people are dying for a generational shift."
"The kids are giving a real childhood there. I feel like we are one of the last generations who are like that, who really had a childhood."
"It's the youth taking over. Well, it's inevitable I'm afraid. Jackson Storm, yeah, he's one of the rookies."
"Young people are not watching cable TV anymore. It's not a big deal to them. It's not something they yearn for. A kid rather have an iPad."
"Stain knows that he is part of that process too and he knows that the other true heroes like Deku are out there and ready to take the torch of true heroism from the older generation."
"We're all hoping um that your generation will not shun politics but will come to it with a little less vehement and self-certainty than your parents generation did."
"It's as if we're watching the passing of the torch here in poker. The old Texas gamblers have given way to the young online whiz kids like Phil Galon."
"There's this new openness, especially among a younger generation to Faith."
"The 20s generation has been leaving the church for quite some time."
"Give it another 10 years and the next generation will be all over it."
"The boomers are finally stopping mattering oh my God"
"This is the Joshua generation: we are ones who are rising up."
"I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that as people who are in their 30s become the ones who are running the labor party and important in government, there's a sudden outbreak of common sense."
"The 13th generation marked a major shift for Ford when it moved to an aluminum intensive body, lasting from model year 2015 to 2020."
"Enjoy the second spring. Your kids' generation doesn't see a generation gap anymore. How lucky are we?"
"But what I would love to happen and what I feel can happen and what I want to continue to pray on happening is what's going on with the Next Generation, the Millennials, the Gen Z's, the Gen Alphas."
"It's about the upcoming generation, it's not just about them and their satisfaction and their human needs."
"The new generation they can make better decisions for sure."
"I think every 30 years everything changes to the point where you're like I'm out of it I don't understand you know."
"I think what young people are welcoming more than anything else is the absence for the first time of their life of very gruff men."
"It's going to be weird as hell. But those old people are going to be playing video games."
"The only way forward is the natural ascension of the next generation."
"Most young people today are people who don't have the same ideas about faith. There are as many atheists in this year's Harvard intake as there are Catholics or Protestants."
"With the passing of Becky's generation, another tie with the past is lost. But in this county, for a while at least, the old values, traditions, and kinships endure."
"Once this younger generation reaches the point where they're the primary spenders, you know what else I wonder?"
"But I'm realizing there's a generation that's rising up now who's like 'But what about Monday?'"
"I feel like that's starting to change after years of hearing how younger people don't want this old stuff... I'm seeing younger people starting to think this old stuff's really cool."
"The 4th generation 4Runner represented one of the line's more dramatic generational shifts."
"I don't blame her. We're seeing younger folks not interested in playing these games."
"...the exact opposite is the case today... it is the young who hold sway over the hearts and minds of the masses just as the prophecy foretold."
"The pillars being destroyed in this scene shows that the new generation of intelligent beings are ready to move on to a new era of existence."
"When we come all the way to the end of the age and we hit the end, the focus of people is going to be a self-focus or it will be the I am generation."
"The good thing is that another generation of people in Show Business who are lovely."
"Our grandparents used to send letters, our parents used to make phone calls to the ones they love, and us, right now, that's why we DM because we're celebrities."
"I see a difference in the younger generation who grow in their Blackness first and foremost through TikTok and social media."
"Now we have the books that people are taking care of in a total different generation."
"Kids used to ask where your bathroom was. Now they ask, what's your Wi-Fi password?"
"Does the next generation even care? Yes, this is not just a dusty old thing filled with older folks hanging on until the end."
"We grew up in the '80s when cocaine, I mean, we got right, so we went from doing acid and jumped right into the cocaine boat."
"You're the last president of the generation."
"Now it's the kids who are the ones who are saving the day and changing people, not the sad sap adults who have all but given up on humanity."
"Dating has become kind of watered down. We're no longer a generation that dates for marriage like we saw in generations before us."
"There's a kind of splitting out of the typical roles of generational relationships."
"The new generation shifts from seeming like a revolution into just an evolution."
"Kurt Cobain embodied the generational shift."
"The younger generation is questioning capitalism."
"The generational console Wars are over."
"The truth is for the most part especially if you're younger but like this is becoming more broadly true of like almost everyone outside of it."
"Young people in general are much less religious than they used to be because they associate religion with being very right-wing."
"I see a new generation of Muslims that are more curious, more investigating, more thoughtful."
"It's like the newer generation blossoming of like, 'Listen man, everything's cool. Like do what you want, man.'"
"Time is definitely flying by because we have the new generations coming out here."
"This Village will never accept me. Nothing here will change until the older generation is wiped away and the new generation takes its place clean of useless hate."
"The day of the old ones was almost done and the future would soon be in the hands of the young ones."
"It seems to me now though that this is a generation of kids who are brought up watching TikTok, Instagram, little short videos, bam bam bam."
"...everything that I liked about the previous generation has basically been addressed."
"I think more Millennials are leaving than oh yeah than any other uh age demographic or or time period in the church."
"I think there's a massive mega trend going on which is to do with generational shift."
"There's a massive mega trend going on which is to do with generational shift."
"Always go with the kids because there's a new crop coming up, and they're going to take over."
"My generation grew up off crime, mom your generation threw up off Tide Pods."
"There should be a generational shift but...there aren't any! But if there is...that would be a natural transition."
"In new comedy, young lovers represent the new energy that comes with a new generation."
"...grandparents have started to become a dominant force in this era..."
"I love it when the new generation has the passion for this."
"The torch has passed to the younger generation because they are the hope of everything."
"The younger generation might begin to look to it."
"These are not your parents' stocking stuffers."
"The audience is actually comparatively young now, I'm happy to say. Most kids were brought up having to listen to it in their parents' cars."
"The big thing at the time was they were in a generational shift."
"The world has absolutely changed since we started. Nowadays, you young people, you're standing on the shoulders of giants."
"I feel like we're the first generation that's kind of like we could teach you how to not you don't even have to work for the white man yeah you don't even have to do any of that because I can already show you."
"I see a generation that's coming."
"The fans have changed since Iron Man 1. A whole new generation of people who didn't grow up reading comics are watching these movies now."
"I think there's a new generation radicalizing now."
"Everyone was interested in the youth market, which was a far cry from the days when even the oldies couldn't afford the most modest of cars."
"Vintage is a big word now that wasn't there when we were kids."
"The generation that might be telling you that what you're doing is dumb and can't be a job, it wasn't possible for them."
"The Old Guard is dying out and we got a new guard coming in that's way more open-minded to this stuff."
"It's the first generation in human history in which our kids today have a shorter expected lifespan than their parents. It's the first time in human history where kids are expected to live shorter lives than their parents."
"He's inspiring, he was, it was awesome to come in here as a young kid too, got a couple years on but it's really cool to see that this is the new generation of what's going on in the sneaker game."
"The future generations won't stand for hierarchy."
"It was a new and vastly different generation of leaders."
"People shouldn't live forever because new ideas is this a Max Planck quote who's like a physicist actually but essentially he said things don't change people's opinions don't change they just die and younger Generations grow up with new ideas."
"I don't think it's going to be long until we Circle all the way back and the kind of culture is really just like we're back to where we were when you and I were younger."
"You suddenly have this rush of Millennials in positions of seniority."
"It's cool to grow old and be engaged and be married and have kids and have a family and you know pass the baton and put the younger generation on create opportunities for the next up."
"It felt like a passing of the Baton between the Old Guard and the new guard."
"This generation has literally like came into the situation with um like tons of employers doing work from home like and that's how they entered their career and now these companies are like okay never mind back to back to the office."
"For Our Generation... it's happened that quick."
"The good news is the younger generations care more, they're more aware."
"...there's a whole new generation that is consuming everything for the first time and they've heard all of this maybe from an older sibling or consumed it very passively..."
"Time on this planet is over; it belongs now to our youth."
"He's trying to appeal less to the classic rock fan and more to the younger indie rock crowd."
"It's a young man's game, let the young ones get on with it."
"The death of Ned Stark is really the end of that older generation of characters and the beginning of this younger generation."
"We're not calling a generation backwards into our ways, but Lord, I allow you to present a fresh move of your spirit in a generation."
"We appreciate what the previous generation has done, but at some point, you have to pass on the torch to the next generation."
"We've become the first limitless generation, a generation who no longer needs to create a full strategy in order to reach and influence thousands of people."
"We are finally producing a generation of people we call the Millennials who are no longer willing to put up with this; they're walking away from organized religion in droves."
"The times belong to you youngsters now. Stay strong."
"...Naruto plays faith in this new generation and now that Naruto is gone it's a sign to the Next Generation they have to be the ones to step up..."
"We are at the end of a generation, so instead of trying to control this, we need to actually free up the younger generation to express and to lead the way into the next era."
"Dad jokes are really just solid word play that Gen Z keeps moving the goal post on."
"Everything seems to be fine until, of course, the next generation racers come in."
"We're currently experiencing the largest transfer in wealth in history that we've ever seen from the baby boomer generation to the younger generation Gen Z."
"The world in general is just changing; every generation becomes a little less racist."
"It's inevitable that our generation is moving more toward the internet."
"The social norms of an entire generation are on the precipice of radical change."
"What our dads and grandpas did doesn't matter, we do things our way."
"It's probably going to be in most of my generation where we see a big phasing out of diesel trucks."
"Opinion in the United States is shifting, not as fast as in most of the world, not as fast as in Europe, but it is changing mostly among younger people."
"It's crazy that people born in 2000 are now 21 years old."
"I do think it's time for a change, they have to cater to the newer generation."
"We've lived our time, now we're leaving the next generation to take care of the world and fight its battles."
"What a changing of the guards, the long-time champions, the stalwarts GB, and this young up-and-coming team from Belgium."
"If the adults don't shape up and move into their position, the children are gonna take over."
"This generation is not for Archbishop Benson Idahosa; this generation is not for Pastor Benny Hinn; it is our generation."
"Now that I'm in my 30s, the Gen Z are here, and they are erasing and imprinting their generation where mine once was."
"The younger generation found themselves in a world which had emerged from the wrong strain of a revolutionary excitement, exhausted but not satisfied."
"We are trying to pass the mantle to a new generation."
"We have to make room for the generation that's coming behind us by getting out the way and allowing them to have their time in the sun."
"It's a young man's world now. We can only do a little to help you. Young people need to depend on your own in the future."
"It's been estimated that 40% of Gen-Z Americans prefer TikTok and Instagram, notably, over traditional search tools like Google and Maps to find stuff like places to eat or things to do."
"You want the new generation, you really got for a company that old, you need a younger demographic."
"Chapter 1000 also signals the beginning of our next generational shift, the likes of which we have not seen since the beginning of the Paramount War."
"It is time, my fellow Millennials, to get rid of the CDs and DVDs."