
Monuments Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"Building monuments or putting names on buildings is not an endorsement of every aspect of a human being's life."
"So the sequence that one can reconstruct here is that people originally come together, perhaps from a very large landscape, they come together in order to construct these monuments, these rituals, circles themselves, and then gradually people live and live there longer and longer until you have a settlement that grows up around them."
"I like that what I originally thought was a dog monument, it turns out is a crocodile monument."
"Maintaining these monuments does not preserve history because these monuments, if anything, either obscure history or tell only a certain version of that history."
"The greatest monuments are really outside the right side of the plane, over the Potomac River, in a place called Arlington National Cemetery."
"When you build monuments to people, you're not building monuments to their cruelty as a general rule, you're building monuments to the stuff they did that was good."
"Monuments that exist from the past are useful as teaching moments."
"Every urban center has its monuments, its history, its skyline, but great cities are more than buildings."
"Now as the country faces a reckoning over what to do with monuments viewed by many as symbols of oppression, Mount Rushmore is facing fresh scrutiny."
"Go see those monuments at night. It's just awesome."
"The world is filled with ancient monuments built by master craftsmen in order to honor everything from kings and presidents to religious figures."
"On a peak high in the mountains of Bulgaria, there stands a bizarre now abandoned monument that looks more alien than human."
"Very ancient monuments rest upon the tops of each mountain."
"The tomb itself is showing the effects of years in the elements, but plans are already underway for its preservation and eventual replacement."
"One day there will be monuments throughout the country... as a reminder of what happened in these places."
"The Sphinx emphasized the greatness of the rulers of Egypt."
"The absence of monuments is an accurate reflection of the absence of public debate." - Anne Applebaum
"What's the purpose of this monument and who created it?"
"There should be monuments to William Dobson."
"The idea that we have now gotten preoccupied with these monuments is bizarre to me and frankly and more disturbing to me is that it's divisive."
"1053 Stone circles if you include all the other monuments it goes towards 30 000 which is quite a lot."
"Egypt is a land of wondrous monuments and strange stories."
"Monuments all over the world are a testament to our creative skill as a species."
"Ultimately we are judged not by The Monuments we create but by those we have destroyed."
"Monuments are likely to mean religion."
"Let their deeds stand as monuments, so that when the human race is called to judgment, we may say, 'This too was humanity.'"
"The Colossal heads are impossibly huge, each of these incredible monuments depicts the head and face of someone who may have once been an Olmec ruler."
"I mean you have the the Civil War Monument here there were 148 000 Union soldiers from the city of New York you have the Revolutionary War history here the biggest battle of the Revolutionary War was fought right here."
"The pyramids probably more so than any other monument of the past seem to have gripped the human imagination. They were a tourist attraction in even ancient Egyptian times."
"There's plenty of evidence for widespread destruction of the monuments at this point. City after city stops putting up the monuments."
"The Egyptians of today kind of put the Sphinx on par with the pyramids."
"The deep ones are associated with Building Stone monuments, idols, cities underwater cities just offshore."
"Both kaio and leon visited naga this is um kaio's sketch of the lion temple and the roman kiosk this is lean on sketch of the two monuments side by side one another leonon also drew the ammon temple at the same site"
"It's not just about the monuments themselves, but also about what's around them."
"According to scientists the burial ken is one of the earliest megalithic monuments anywhere on the planet and also one of the oldest structures ever built by human hands."
"Monuments are to people who are about widening the mainstream, not closing it."
"Magnificent monuments that continue to stand the test of time."
"You'll find that sometimes the guys whose names are on the monument who actually died on the war were paid to go by other people of more means who lived through it. There's a whole class story on some of those monuments that you never know unless you do the research."
"These monuments celebrate a fictional Confederacy, ignoring the death, ignoring the enslavement, ignoring the terror that it actually stood for."
"Monuments become in effect places to forget rather than places to remember."
"Monuments are used to mark where we start, end, and make turns."
"Even though many of them have been removed during the communist period, the post-Soviet governments of Russia made an effort to restore the more impressive ones."
"In my opinion, this is the greatest Monument out of all of them."
"The pyramids were large state-funded building projects aimed at leaving an everlasting legacy for the Pharaoh."
"the Gettysburg and most battlefields monuments here because of what happened here."
"Nebuchadnezzar was a great general and statesman and a builder with ambition and imagination whose surviving monuments are without rival in Mesopotamia."
"The monuments that remain in the square mile ensure that the history of the great fire will never be forgotten."
"...a few became known as monuments built by ancient humans such as the Great Wall of China and the pyramids in Egypt."
"He did not wish tribute, but monuments."
"These monuments stand as testimony to a black African civilization that predated Julius Caesar, Christianity, and Alexander the Great."
"Athens is world famous for its amazing Ancient Greek monuments as well as heritage from Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman times."
"The parks and the public monuments here in Mexico City are just unreal."
"We're retired, you know. Ancient monuments. I'll eat your monuments. Sorry, castles and things away."
"What if all these monuments that we see today are reconstructions of older monuments in the same location?"
"Providing accurate dates for stone monuments is a near-impossible task for scientists."
"The legacy of the ancient Egyptians can be seen in their monuments."
"Monuments are at least as much a reflection of the time in which they were created as they are about the time in which they seek to commemorate."
"A monument is propelling when it has the capacity to change, to be part of a historical moment."
"What must have had to happen here on this soil, in this country, for these two monuments to be set in relationship to each other?"
"The need to acknowledge the constantly forestalled futurity of the project and to affect a new futurity of race and monuments."
"Monuments to the dead who were the foundation for the sense of a commonality of suffering."
"We need to understand the work of monuments within the larger framework of memory."
"The monuments we see are evidence of their prosperity."
"The structure is set up the same way as the land Stonehenge."
"Most of Savannah's squares are named in honor or in memory of a person, persons, or historical events, and many contain monuments, markers, memorials, statues, plants, tributes."
"It's home to a wide variety of animals that make their home at the National Zoo, so many monuments that are so much bigger in person, and hip neighborhoods that make me wish that I was rich enough to actually live in DC."
"Malta's rocky landscape is overflowing with ancient monuments."
"Stand outside with an open mind & enjoy the Ancient Monuments."
"In a bend in that river, there are three of the greatest archaeological monuments."
"The Colossi of Memnon, a mystery like no other."
"The utter grandiosity of Egypt's monuments inspired later civilizations to greatness too."
"The most mysterious monuments on Earth wow visitors and continue to befuddle seasoned researchers."
"These monuments have stood as a testament of the ingenuity and skill of our ancestors."
"I've had the incredible privilege and opportunity to explore and experience some of the most majestic monuments left for us to puzzle over by our ancestors."
"Revere or remove: the Battle of statues, heritage, and history."
"We deserve monuments, and the thing is, this definitely fits with my reading."
"Famous people need to have monuments and they need to be recognised."
"We talk about Mount Rushmore so much but we never mention them stones eroded."
"This is the most beautiful monument I've ever seen; it made one gasp with wonder and astonishment."
"Words not stones are the true monuments to the great."
"Standing stones that have withstood tests of thousands of years."
"The only things that would last after 10,000 years is Mount Rushmore, the pyramids... the stone pretty much."
"The obsession with funerary architecture in Egypt... making monuments that last for eternity."
"These three enormous monuments on the western bank of the River Nile continue to excite and captivate us in the 21st century."
"These monuments were built for how long? For eternity."
"These ancient stone monuments are the precursor to the stone building traditions found throughout Africa."
"As Horus wrote, we build monuments that outlast us, so that we may never fully die."
"Welcome to Stonehenge, one of the most famous historic monuments in the world."
"The stunning Inner Harbor, checking out the boats, yachts, seaplanes, and the First Nations people's monuments and landmarks."
"Look at all the monuments in all their beautiful differences."
"The study of the British Neolithic and early Bronze Age matters because this period produced some of the most spectacular prehistoric monuments on earth."
"So many beautiful statues and monuments."
"The tomb is so big that it's still one of the largest monuments ever built, measuring over 1,500 feet long."
"Ramses the Great, the builder of most of the monuments and temples of Egypt that are still standing."
"Discover the hidden gems of monuments and memorials, each with its own intriguing story to tell."
"Inexplicable monuments like the Trion or the Sphinx admonish us to keep our minds open and to be aware of always trying to explain everything with known facts."