
Social Development Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"Even though civilizations collapse pretty reliably, there's never been a total collapse of humanity, and there's always been a general moderate upward trend in people's sort of social development."
"Enduring positive change for Somalis will require institution building, improvements in governance, investment in health and education, and greater participation by women, youth, and marginalized groups."
"Activism has been the cornerstone of development, social development, experimentation, technological development."
"Children's mental health and social development must be as much of a priority as physical health."
"There's so much room to build real communities."
"But change like that comes over time and it comes by conversations like this one."
"Boys should be encouraged to develop socially positive qualities such as tenderness and sensitivity."
"Being less superficial in a social sense can be helpful, not only because it'll make people less judgmental but also because it'll encourage everyone to develop their personality and social skills."
"I'm interested in building communities, and in order to build communities, you have to support individuals."
"Progress has been uneven, but the advances have shown us that we can get better."
"Let the kids explore their interests in their own spaces with their own peers."
"There's ample opportunity to build beyond that and I think it's happening."
"Learning how to be a human by being around other humans and playing."
"Slavery arrested our psychopolitical development."
"We need to start coming into the light a lot earlier in our age so that men can build with us."
"We're gonna build up infrastructure, bring in healthcare, education, and righteous law."
"How can we grow as a community, how can we grow as a people if we keep pushing people away?"
"Then we have the development of the individual's way of communication, what they value, how they make friends, much more accessible."
"Kids playing with each other is very important for Social Development."
"In many countries, there is not yet in place a project that can lead to good fortune for the mass of the people."
"Teaching children that everyone is different and that's okay."
"Exposure to diversity is an important part of social and emotional development."
"We need to invest in community programs and in our schools."
"Gambia deserved development. We deserved schools, hospitals, and better infrastructure."
"There is only one cure for world poverty that's ever been found or ever will be, and it's very simple: it's called the empowerment of women."
"White guilt has to happen. It's a developmental need."
"The way you fix the community is you work on self to better."
"We went from surviving on a little island to creating this little tribe."
"The companionship of peers becomes increasingly important. These interactions are not just social. They are a fundamental part of their emotional and psychological growth."
"Don't neglect your socialization as early as you can."
"Socialization is a process, and it takes a whole village."
"We work on several sectors: Health Care, the environment, education..."
"There was a time when there was no law against killing someone or raping someone or breaking into someone's house and taking their things, but as society evolved we had to make those laws and set those boundaries."
"Video games: boost children's learning, health, and social skills."
"The most powerful experience was watching their introverted kids gain confidence."
"What makes room for a large opportunity is that there's new space for new dialogue."
"I would like to see before and after contents of poverty alleviation in villages."
"Your children told you that they wanted to meet the other kids, and you made that happen."
"No country can truly develop if half his population is left behind."
"The last thousand animals born never learned to develop the social behaviors."
"People are smarter and funnier, and we've grown up a lot over the years."
"It's good to see a lot of those changes coming through."
"If you learn social skills at the proper points then obviously you're going to be much better at it as a teenager and as an adult than someone who doesn't."
"Geography drives social development, it's that simple."
"We are products of our social development, our social upbringing."
"The first stage, the social stage, is an interesting one, because it's an important one."
"Devi Puram is also a research and social development center, and home to the Sri Vidya Trust, which has focused on women empowerment, low-cost housing, non-formal education for children, and media outreach programs."
"Social development: health care for our people education housing our human right to determine that our obligation to provide for it."
"Social Development is like biological development, because societies are seen to grow and change over time."
"One of the key social developments that's taking place as part of this emergence of towns... is the beginning of societies' division into rich and poor."
"Metallurgy was one of several social processes that all came together during this very sort of magical period of the Bronze Age in Europe that laid the foundation for the emergence of the earliest States in Europe."
"Everybody wants to be comfortable when you go home, absolutely, and we cannot just rely on the private sector alone to provide it, especially the cost of land in and around here, right? And when you talk about development, you have to have that social side of development."
"I saw a lot, especially in the younger population, almost like an Arrested Development of Social Development."
"They listen to their friends when they get to a certain age."
"That culture has to change if we're gonna progress."
"...increasing complexity tends to increase the size in population..."
"Pro-social behavior actually is what's allowed us to flourish in so many ways."
"Kids are going to be a-holes to each other, that's fine to a certain degree; we need to build resilience."
"Children who fail to learn how to develop positive relationships with others drop out of school without finishing."
"Children are able to grow up into healthy social beings when they have access to lots of healthy age mates."
"Relationships are among the most important experiences that young children can have."
"The development of social powers and the development of individual powers go hand in hand... that's a healthy development."
"Many kids don't know how to form deep meaningful relationships."
"Just increasing contact with kids is really important, in particular contact with kids who can be friends."
"Profit is a great equalizer. When you start introducing profit into social development, you shift the benevolence to a relationship of choice."
"Protecting and also fostering the social and emotional well-being of children is critical."
"Only historians have the ability to draw together the grand narrative of social development."
"We will rebuild the families, the neighborhoods, and the communities."
"They labor to cultivate the conditions in which progress can occur."
"We're providing an activity called Friend Fest that's designed to help kids build relationships with others."
"What we really need people to do is to try and revive those communities rather than trying to start brand new communities."
"The study empirically shows that under equal levels of development, socialist countries consistently scored higher on quality of life."
"When you get a job, it shows maturity, discipline, that you're willing to spend time after school not just hanging around... your social skills are going to level up."
"My project is about environmental sustainability and social development through fashion."
"Promoting good social development... is part of setting the platform for better health and narrowing of health inequalities later in life."
"It's good to celebrate the progress we've made as long as it's not a stationary celebration."
"Leave the world to the worldly, focus on spiritual and social development amongst the children of Adam."
"The show also promoted social skills and emotional intelligence."
"Putting a child in front of a screen all day seems like a Surefire way to let that social muscle atrophy into proverbial bone."
"Education and literacy are essential for social change; they are agents for social change."
"Thanks to her greater relationship with Bomber, Goku has actually been able to adapt her social skills and improve."
"Peer influence is a major part of the teen's life."
"Through play, children make sense of their world, interact with others in social ways, and express and regulate emotions."
"At two months of age, the baby will develop their social smile."
"An imaginary friend for children can sometimes act as a constructive method to socially interact with the world."
"He did his work, he studied, he made friends, and generally just showed a lot of growth."
"Environmental determinism is the belief that the physical environment causes social development."
"You need interaction with people as you're developing to understand and how to react to life."
"He wanted to improve the economy. He wanted to improve the education for people outside of the cities."
"We can't keep blaming... Men need to learn how to build social skills."
"It's not only physical activity, it's about education, about integration, and about social change."
"The type of attachment we have when we're young has an impact on our relationships, our friendships at school, our romantic relationships, and our parenting styles."
"You want to resolve something, give justice to people, help people develop."
"The social aspect of school does build you forever."
"The claim that they haven't done a gangbuster job at uplifting their entire population out of global abject poverty is psychotic."
"Let's build a future society in which all children are educated, valued, and cared for."
"Good quality early social interactions are associated with successful development of attachment."
"That is a social interchange that has reciprocal influences that leads these babies to develop the foundation for things like conversations, communication."
"...the continued interaction of Love is what allows the ability to be social to develop."
"We spend so much of our time and energy focusing on the academics that we've forgotten the social part of it."
"...the solution to this would be to increase the opportunities that people have to get good paying jobs, to get an education, to engage with their community in a positive way..."
"It teaches them about social skills, waiting their turn, being patient."
"It's always about involving the people."
"He wants to create a town where people like her can live stable lives."
"Social development is basically how we learn to make connections with people, it's about our relationships and skills we learn to help us interact with others."
"Children and teenagers need people of their age outside of their families to develop crucial social skills."
"Business creation and expansion support economic, social, and political integration and development within a country."
"Reducing poverty and boosting consumption among ordinary people is crucial."
"This is because it can show them how to compromise and how to make new personal connections."
"Exploring the unknown has proven time and again to produce the dividends of social development and personal growth."
"This could be a good community if everybody started to be a little bit more responsible."
"Academics of college are not totally overrated, but I think your social development and growing into the person that you're going to be is most important."