
Legal Victory Quotes

There are 213 quotes

"He won a court ruling that makes it legal to stand outside a federal courthouse and inform potential jurors about their right not just to find someone innocent but to nullify the charges."
"The American people who believe in the rule of law were very big winners today."
"Walking out that courtroom is a feeling that I can never explain."
"A victory yesterday for the former president."
"The truth of this case will win out over the deceit."
"Love to you all. This is big. Happy verdict day."
"It's a huge win for them. Anything in the millions was a huge win for them."
"Major news this morning: Kerry Lake has a massive victory in her election lawsuit."
"Britney not being harassed by her father and not having to sit for a deposition is another massive win for her in court."
"Congratulations to Mr. Rittenhouse on winning his freedom in a court of law."
"I represented myself in federal court - in the first part of the federal court case I had a major victory."
"Johnny Depp was quick to celebrate his victory in a statement that read in part, 'From the very beginning, the goal of bringing this case was to reveal the truth regardless of the outcome.'"
"The Supreme Court overturned the lower court ruling, which was a victory for Trump."
"A resounding victory for Johnny Depp's legal team, Johnny Depp not in the courtroom but celebrating somewhere, a victory for his entire staff of attorneys after a grueling nearly two month trial."
"Protonmail celebrates a swiss court victory exempting it from telco data retention laws."
"We got them to drop the charges on that brother."
"So this is a positive thing for everyone except Matt Haas."
"This is a significant victory in this whole scandal."
"Another win for justice, another great win for Robbie Kaplan and her client, E. Jean Carroll."
"New York attorney general Letitia James has already prevailed regarding her prior claim as to the dissolution of the Trump organization."
"Fortunately through some miracle you've actually intervened and stated that it was fair use which given how broken the system is is almost incredible."
"Their fight ultimately won workers the right to sue for damages from corporations."
"Oregon's mag ban just got slammed with a one-punch and knocked out cold."
"This is a major victory for Britney Spears and another step towards justice."
"It's a huge win for Johnny Depp, beyond huge."
"The individual is sovereign over the institution of government."
"A huge win for the Department of Justice and for all Americans."
"I think this case is it's it's unique in the fact that he actually won the person who was you know and and and this was I don't think this was easy at all but he actually won which is which is crazy."
"A huge win for freedom of speech and the press."
"Ripple scores significant win as judge denies SEC's attorney-client privileges claims."
"This was a very important victory for those who support free speech."
"We have now proven in a court of law beyond a reasonable doubt not only that there's a mafia but there's a commission that it runs the mafia."
"Bottom line, not only did I win the case, I wound up having the landlord owing me over 80% of my deposit back."
"This is a very major victory for the Second Amendment. It took all those silly gun control laws that New York passed in a hissy fit and basically dramatically shrunk them already."
"I absolutely am, your honor. We won hands down, no further argument needed."
"Nick Sandman's victory in suing a group of left media outlets has really encouraged Kyle Rittenhouse."
"It's a pretty resounding big victory today for the justice department."
"We're going into transition to greatness. We'll have a phenomenal year next year."
"Major victory for the states and the people who want to know what the federal government was doing, who they were colluding with to suppress information."
"This is a huge religious liberty win not only for the Little Sisters of the Poor but also for all Americans."
"Judge tells New York City to rehire workers fired for refusing vaccination."
"Unvaccinated employee wins unfair dismissal case."
"Johnny Depp won all three of his causes of action and won over 10 million dollars in damages."
"This was a total win for Johnny Depp in the eyes of the jury, in the eyes of the court of law."
"Last year the ICJ also ruled in favor of Qatar."
"Finally, a terrible wrong is being righted, a miscarriage of justice is corrected."
"A win for XRP... is going to help all projects." - Paul Barrow
"The case was thrown out. That was a very nice win."
"So the stories from the Associated Press and Colorado's Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the woman who expected to pay 1300 bucks for spinal fusion surgery but was billed more than three hundred thousand dollars by the hospital."
"The decision is a significant win for fair play and clean sport."
"I'm a very happy man right now because after like two years of constant legal battles... I'm finally after all this time a free man from legal troubles."
"We were looking for the right to speak our minds and our consciences and we won that right today."
"Jack Smith removes Trump case from court calendar... it's a massive Trump win..."
"Dalia's first encounter with retribution was a big one... she beat the case, dude."
"The United States Supreme Court just handed us... an historic and somewhat unexpected judicial victory."
"The most important ruling to date was of course the sec's motion to strike ripple's fair notice defense which was denied."
"XRP just won in their case against the SEC. This is an incredible event, a very important precedent. Game Changer in fact."
"It's definitely a victory for religious liberty."
"He ended up winning the suits and essentially walked away with the rights to an entire comic book universe."
"The Supreme Court ruled against California's restrictions, marking a victory for religious freedom."
"A victory for Democrats as Wisconsin's Supreme Court rules against purging voter rolls."
"Muhammad Ali won his fight with the US government."
"We literally went to court twice yesterday and beat Justin Trudeau's top lawyers."
"Ali's case went to the Supreme Court who ruled it unanimously in his favor."
"What a huge win for Kesha to have these unsealed."
"Harry's wife has won a significant victory in this courtroom battle to protect her privacy. She's drawn a line in the sand, even if her life is of public interest."
"So tonight we are celebrating Britney's conservatorship win."
"XRP wins court case, starts getting relisted."
"I'm overjoyed about the ruling. A lie never wins."
"A victory for the medical freedom of Americans."
"The spurned franchisees won in the ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California."
"Congratulations to all of you against the state of Colorado and Jared Polis."
"A major victory for the Sioux tribe at Standing Rock the Army Corps of Engineers halted construction of the Dakota access pipeline."
"I won the lawsuit two weeks ago in the Supreme Court."
"Johnny Depp won his mortifying case against Amber Heard for defamation."
"That's a huge W for him, that is a massive W by the way."
"A major victory for parents across the country."
"Britney Spears won the right to choose her own attorney to help her end her conservatorship."
"Kudos and congratulations to a victim who stood up for her own rights in a truthful, authentic way."
"Thankfully, that was listened to and Annalisa Torres, Southern District of New York judge said the Court concludes that plaintiffs and plaintiff intervenors have shown a clear and substantial likelihood of success on the merits of their claim."
"Harrison prevails, 922 sub G sub 3 is struck down."
"It's a pretty remarkable victory considering the forces that were behind my father's murder."
"This win isn't a blow for women; it's a win for truth."
"The victory is not just for Johnny Depp, but for truth and justice."
"It was a case that many thought was impossible to win."
"XRP has its clarity. Ripple essentially won."
"Ripple has won a patent for a smart contract design."
"I just secured a massive victory for the Constitution and Free Speech in federal court. Big Tech cannot censor the political voices of any Texan."
"Britney's free from the conservative [ __ ] 13 years."
"Getting the suspension of the cease and desist is a minor victory and we should all be proud of that."
"We have won in the Supreme, Supreme New York Supreme Court. Judge Wood has denied the New York Times motion to dismiss our lawsuit. That's a big deal."
"She went after the Epstein estate and she won."
"I am so excited for our community to win on the legal battlefield and to start to see these suppressed assets start to go."
"There will be no citizenship question on the 2020 census, which is exactly what we and all the challengers had been asking for."
"I sued the Biden administration over its unlawful OSHA vax mandate and says, 'We won!' just this morning, citing grave statutory and constitutional issues."
"This is an example of how the regular person can take on the publishing houses and win."
"Johnny Depp wins the judgment and I think Johnny Depp won the public opinion as well on this."
"This is a fantastic decision and very bad for chief firearms officers who want to impose all of these conditions."
"But the victory in court has done little to heal the financial wounds."
"He won his case and got compensation for all the families in his village."
"Look, this case that nobody thought we could win, we won! We got our clients acquitted, that's gonna, you know, drive in a lot of future business."
"By looking at the case with a fresh perspective, he won Delbert's freedom."
"She's gonna win this case, she's gonna be the first one to actually win something against the Kardashians and I'm here for it."
"A huge victory for those who believe in bodily autonomy."
"Two major Supreme Court victories for Trump."
"Combined with him dropping the complaint and the order of protection, which was not renewed, that was a victory for Ricky Martin."
"Big victory against a really, in my view, a election rigging scheme in Maryland. Gerrymandering the gerrymandering effort has been thrown out by a court, thanks to a Judicial Watch lawsuit."
"Summary of what's happening this tossing out of Amber's seeking to sort of dismiss this is a huge victory for Team Depp."
"Britney can sleep easy tonight, her voice has been restored. The court has finally listened."
"We won the rights to overturn the injunction... Frank had completely done himself in the foot."
"Bravo, the court's decision! You're certainly honing your new title."
"It's a win for Cardi B, but whether or not Cardi B will actually ever see the 4 million dollars that Tasha K now owes to her is pretty slim."
"An inspiration for lawyers everywhere... they helped a man clear his name against false allegations... an unprecedented move."
"It's bittersweet victory because unfortunately she's not here so her not being here takes away... but it's the best form the best justice our criminal justice system can give to the very family is what happened."
"We had a big win in the sixth circuit recently, which said Wayne County was violating the constitutional right to a prompt post-seizure hearing."
"I just came out of the court. I guess you can guess it's good news. Yes, guys, I did win."
"Fortunately won a 26 million judgment against the organizers of the rally."
"There's not anything in my experience that compares to the feeling when you can walk with your client out the front door of that federal courthouse after a jury has found your client not guilty of all charges."
"She ended up winning the court case and it was massive. It was a really big deal, for a woman to be believed a lot in these situations."
"Montre ultimately won the lawsuit with a settlement of $775,000."
"The Allen family has reached a settlement that their legal team is calling a resounding victory for free speech."
"This is a massive victory for Johnny Depp and this will have huge implications for months or years to come."
"I basically got a $133,000 judge in my favor."
"I was on the telephone one day and... I just won your appeal."
"I moved for summary judgment the day after my client was served, and we won. It was one of the happiest days of my client's life."
"And it turned out to be a case of Giuliani 1 – Five Families 0."
"We beat the case, we beat the case, I'm not going to jail, man, yes sir."
"Morgan and Morgan has secured verdicts and settlements that far exceed the initial insurance offers, transforming lives."
"I got my lawyer's fees paid by them as well as a substantial sum of money."
"The legal team won a landmark case, Murray versus Maryland in 1936, and Missouri ex rel. Gaines versus Canada in 1938, both of which whittled away at racial segregation in professional and graduate schools."
"Republican gerrymanders across the country are getting struck down thanks to section two of the Voting Rights Act."
"The judge had all the evidence he needed, and it went in my favor. This went over the local news, and I got twenty thousand dollars in return."
"A paid in full means the people they've come to collect for will finally get the money a court says is rightfully theirs."
"This case was a slam dunk win, there was zero chance of an acquittal or a hung jury."
"Michael Cohen has scored a massive, historic victory against Trump in court."
"In the end, Astor triumphed, gaining custody of Marilyn for nine months a year."
"He's had more success than Tom Brady in the courtroom."
"The jury of the case came back and found in favor of Johnny Depp."
"Victory, victory. We hold Swindle violated the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable seizures."
"Epic actually beat Google at this antitrust trial, which is a big deal."
"All charges against you are hereby dismissed."
"I am fresh out of Family Court where I successfully got sole custody of my child."
"Every case is different, and we've literally changed people's lives."
"And then, six months later, she won her appeal."
"This ruling is a clear victory for the rule of law."
"By the time the judge said you now have full legal custody of your daughter, it just felt like a huge weight just got lifted off of my shoulders."
"I fought my landlord in small claims court and won."
"She met the moment and won the case."
"The judge granted immediate release. He reversed the governor's reversal and reinstated the parole board grant."
"Marshall scores his first major court victory along these lines in 1935, in a case called Murray versus Pearson."
"We wanted justice, and we finally got justice."
"You just about saved this case for me."
"I managed to get it thrown out in court because I included the prior 8 hours of recording on my dash cam showing my safe driving and not speeding once."
"They went to court and the court has ruled in their favor."
"I was the defense attorney and I got a verdict of not guilty and I also won best advocate."
"Britney Spears won when the court suspended her father and Britney won when her fundamental rights and civil liberties were restored."
"We are winning Court fights, we are winning SCOTUS decisions... the success now, I would argue, is far more prevalent than it has ever been."
"You are going to win this case, slam dunk."