
Moral Debate Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"We tend to shy away from engaging directly with arguments about the meaning of goods in public life."
"Moral disagreements can be debated...you don't just have to scream at each other."
"Whether someone can forfeit the right to life with a sufficiently horrible action or series of actions is a moral question, a philosophical question."
"A forced mask on a child is abuse, there is no scientific reason for it, there is no moral reason for it."
"If someone's out there and saying I trans people should be genocided and you shoot that person and you take that person off the face of the earth I don't think that's inherently a bad thing."
"Anything could be justified morally if it meant stopping [climate change] from happening."
"Did Alex Jones [expletive] kill anyone? Did Alex Jones [expletive] rape anyone? It was wrong, yes, you were wrong about a scenario. Does that mean that you have to roll over and die and be gone forever? I don't think that's [expletive] true."
"Virtue signaling is not an argument. Neither side has a monopoly on virtue and morality."
"Is abortion murder? The Bible is clear... You shall not murder."
"It's not necessarily just, but I don't think it was that big a deal. If one cannibalistic person winds up executed, it's not the worst thing that we've done."
"The pressure to conform to perversion... the abnormal has become normal, when right has become wrong."
"Abortion is so sacred to them it is such a sacrosanct issue to them that they are literally willing to say that it is better for a baby to be killed in the womb than to be given up to a happy family for adoption."
"I don't know how twisted you have to be in order to believe that these are morally good arguments that these are morally Superior arguments and the people who wish to preserve human life are the baddies in this particular scenario."
"Justice sought by violence is not justice; it just becomes revenge."
"If somebody, certainly of sound mind, decides that's what they want to do, then yeah, I don't get how that's illegal."
"We're a secular nation and now... We've sidestepped away from that and make it seem as though this is simply a conversation about murder."
"This is cultural degradation, this is moral decay."
"It’s a compelling argument that 'better' for some can be 'worse' for others."
"Bishop Baron on same-sex marriage: moral stance versus legislative action."
"It's still shocking just how satanic things blatantly are, and yet the world embraces it and acts like it's completely normal. No, you know what isn't completely normal? People telling gay people that they should go to hell."
"Deliberately targeting civilians in King's Landing was wrong and unable to be defended."
"But those that kidnap a six-year-old child, collect a ransom, but kill them anyway... some might say that the gas chamber is far too humane a method of execution for people that are capable of such unspeakable evil."
"It's okay to drop bombs as long as it's the right color race or gender who's doing so."
"By slowly pushing the envelope of degeneracy, they have made things more and more acceptable."
"A conversation about rights is automatically a conversation about morality."
"Artist opinions don't matter... the whole moral outcry is not only pointless, it's founded on misinformation."
"It seems like we're really just hitting at and unweaving the moral fibers of our society."
"Tyrannicide, the moral obligation to kill the tyrant, to prevent him from killing a lot of people... If you have a tyrant, kill the bastard."
"Abortion is murder, killing a human being that was created in the image of God."
"If justice came from religion or a universally accepted legal document, then it wouldn't matter if Grey Worm delivered it or not. It only matters if we accept that subjective choice is relevant."
"The death penalty was a just and fitting thing for Gary. He did the ultimate crime, and he should pay the ultimate price."
"Abortion is the most evil thing we've been conditioned to believe as a good thing."
"Human life begins at conception and to terminate that would be murder."
"Power means you're right? Might means right, is that what you just said?"
"The slavery issue is the most frustrating, just obviously just the worst hill for a Christian to want to die on." - Matt
"I think she's saying like I killed my mom and I feel really excited about that and it doesn't go across saying like abortion is just like that it seems to me that she's happy she had the option to kill her mom."
"Why did conservatives stop making the moral case?"
"If that's true, then the only way you can justify slavery is to say that some men are less than men."
"The issue is whether it's right, not whether you believe in it."
"If you say life begins at conception, it's a moral wrong at any point... moral relativism, yeah, that's the linchpin of their whole ideology."
"Terrorists can fight for the right things. Even the American Revolution was a terrorist act."
"Abortion is about an individual's autonomy and sovereignty saying I'm going to terminate this pregnancy what happens to the fetus is a separate question."
"How can it possibly be moral to force someone to remain pregnant against their will?"
"People defending killing little babies might be kind of confused."
"Murder of people is wrong, yes. You see how you have a contradiction there? Murdering people is wrong, not murdering animals is not wrong."
"Abortion is a moral question, a philosophical question, and a legal question that does not really depend on what is the change in a fetus from week seven to week eight."
"It may well have helped save a lot more lives than it cost in the long term."
"There's no conceivable moral mechanism or process by which crimes that you've committed... can't possibly be removed from your record by the maltreatment of somebody else."
"Which of our two philosophies restrains the darker impulses of man, and which one exacerbates them? Atheism offers no compelling reason why I shouldn't just treat you as an accident in space and time." - Larry Taunton
"It would be murder if someone else does it to the same being that it wouldn't be murder if the mother did it."
"Is there a world where that would justify a premeditated double homicide?"
"There is something grotesque truly grotesque about the idea that every murderer should be allowed to live." - Dennis Prager
"This is a moral issue, it's an economic issue, and it is a moral issue."
"When the killing of people's own young for convenience reaches a place where it's argued about, there's a spiritual force behind it."
"That alternative will be the desire for a cheap iPhone and the fear of being called illiberal in the face of moral decline and decadence, and will unless we reignite our societies be the epitaph etched upon our civilization's tombstone."
"Abortion is not an issue we should be judging."
"The only crime he committed was assisting suicide."
"You can't argue against morality without evoking some kind of morality."
"I don't think it depends on the person because you can measure suffering, you can do this by looking at brain chemicals and other things. It is objectively less moral to kill a person than it is to kill a clam."
"The narrative may be from a lot of people that war is always wrong. It's not necessarily true."
"The second you say it's okay to punch people for disagreeing with you, you've lost the moral high ground."
"We must recognize mortality and we can't sacrifice the healthy because some people get sick."
"By removing creations made by terrible people, that makes that fact easier and easier to forget."
"It's wrong to kill the two-year-old, but you don't have to do everything possible to keep him alive."
"That inequality is in my view immoral. It is unsustainable and it is certainly not what this country is supposed to be about."
"That is so moral maturity. You can't blame real-life violence on cinema."
"...we do have to fight these out on the moral level as well and that's where we've really been slipping."
"...that murder in this very specific case would be morally justifiable, interesting."
"Star Trek can be an invitation to discuss these things because its point has always been to encourage moral conversation, to encourage philosophical debate."
"The operation's cancellation likely saved millions of lives but opened complex debates about the use of atomic weapons."