
Emotional Engagement Quotes

There are 539 quotes

"There is no set limit... some writers... can make you care about a person with just a short and brief scene."
"What we're spending a lot of time on trying to figure out is how do you marry the experience from a transactional one to more of an emotional one."
"Worship is the engagement of heart to heart."
"Television should be art, and some art will make you laugh, some will make you cry, but either way, you will get to a point in any good story where you hope the protagonist wins."
"Sony have a keen interest in making their games resonate emotionally with their players."
"Art is engaging when it makes things feel genuine, when it makes us feel things."
"It's story that propels the action, story that triggers the emotions, and it's story that gives us that sense of fulfillment."
"If you don't care about the characters, nothing matters. No explosion, no special effect, no spaceship flying will matter at all if you do not love and care about the people in the story."
"It's playing with emotions that scare us, ideas that scare us, and doing it in a way where we can all laugh and experience it in a safe way."
"Getting the opportunity to live the simple life is actually fairly refreshing, especially because the opening dozen or so hours of Kingdom Come: Deliverance are pretty exhausting both emotionally and in terms of the taxing gameplay."
"If you want to get more views on your motivational videos, then you have to learn how to trigger people's emotions using the title and thumbnail."
"When you can get the chills from a piece of music, you can turn off that part of your brain and not have to focus on all those daily things that come in, but rather get immersed in the experience."
"Hundreds of characters and plot lines weaving a hugely complex tapestry that is somehow still understandable and ultimately emotionally satisfying."
"If you're having a really fun time watching it, laughing along with him while he's in school, and then suddenly when Peter's stuck under rubble, if suddenly you were like, 'Wait, am I kind of like tearing up here?' Then yes, it works."
"Media that helps us feel our emotions harder is good."
"Our research is sound, it's impeccable, and we wanted to reach the heart and soul."
"Presence, truly being present with the fears, with the joy... things can't be boring."
"Football's always been about emotion to me. Whether you have adrenaline on the pitch, you get the emotion from the fans."
"But as is incontrovertibly evidenced, Life is Strange can still have a profound impact on those who play it."
"She tapped into that emotion around the immigration debate right now."
"Yay, goodness gracious me, I'm getting overly excited at a block game."
"Rhett, are you ready to emotionally engage with your next memory?"
"I just want to see the Sancho that I was going crazy about."
"It slowly morphed with social media started finding out how much more popular their clicks were when you got angry."
"War of the Spark trailer: epic, engaging, powerful, even moving."
"But now I watch this movie, I watch The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and I find myself falling in love with so much of what's going on."
"This theme makes it feel like it's the most important and intense battle of your life."
"It's hard to play FF7 and not get swept up in the emotion, the melancholy of this world on the precipice of death."
"There's something compelling about watching this lonely, depressed guy try his best to teach us how to cook, even when he doesn't know how."
"Sure Allan's videos were funny he wasn't great at making a tutorial but you root for him the whole way you're scared with him you're sad with him you're hoping for the best for him."
"Stories are kind of like a magician with an illusion - you're taking these artificial characters and events and making them feel real."
"Gambling doesn't have to be a problem; it can be a fun social way of upping the emotional stakes of the viewing experience."
"Exciting, riveting, intense, emotional, suspenseful, captivating—there's so much to appreciate about it."
"When this damsel in distress plot device is in fact used every gamer male and female have an emotional reaction or can have an emotional reaction."
"Every time we look at the mummies, look at the bodies, it's not an object in space and time. You connect on a very human way."
"Anger and fear are some of the best ways to keep people engaged."
"This game was not really a game to me. Like it was, I guess it was a serious game because we didn't get to laugh at all."
"I think it's very clear that so many people care."
"Interactivity enhances emotional investment."
"Homefront's unsettling sequences evoke emotion in players."
"We can see why, as Hairspray manages to be a feel-good musical while still tackling its serious subject matter with sincerity."
"You had two chances to make me care about a character's death and you fucked it up twice."
"Psychonauts 2: A heartfelt mental health-focused 3D platformer."
"An incredibly successful endeavor to make the player miserable."
"Showing romantic interest in him is crucial."
"Silent Hill is at scariest when it feels like it's messing with my head and emotions."
"It's a film where I was truly experiencing the emotions of the characters."
"The ultimate lesson from Red Bull: not just sell a product, but sell a feeling, sell an image."
"It's been amazing, absolutely incredible to see. I love to see how passionate this has made people."
"Movies for me, what I get transported into, is the subjective experience."
"I mean, hell, if you're gonna ask the player to go through the trouble of delivering packages mindlessly back and forth between locations, it seems like you should at the very least try to emotionally motivate them to do so."
"Doom is such a blood-pumping aggressive game."
"The ways movie builds an effective sense of intimate emotion despite being a massive marvel movie..."
"A Dragon Ball Z story without emotion is a very stale story that doesn't appeal to fans who actually love storytelling."
"Rip and tear delivers pure anger and carnage, necessary for a game like Doom."
"Games like The Last of Us or Uncharted pushed these boundaries even further."
"This is not just something to do to get people going wow, we're telling a guy's story, we're trying a couple's story, we're telling something that needs to be seen and felt."
"That's where a story can really get me, if they can do that."
"Carol Burnett does such an amazing job portraying Hannigan as a desperate lonely sassy drunk that you can't help but love and feel sorry for her."
"If you're not angry, you're not paying attention."
"An image of what would happen to Lee if he ever lost Clementine."
"It's the way that I literally read 50 pages of Jade Legacy and I'm emotionally drained like I'm not even kidding."
"It's just so good, in one of my all-time favorite fantasy series."
"There is a difference between causes that make us feel good and those that reduce suffering and death most effectively."
"These books just make me so unbelievably happy because they elicit so many different emotions from me when I'm reading them and it's just such an engaging reading experience and that is just so rewarding for me."
"Xenoblade Chronicles 3 delivers all of this and so much more in a game that ramps up the emotional intensity, gives us the best combat the franchise has seen to date..."
"I'm in it to win, and the byproduct of that is making you the viewer emotionally invested."
"We need to turn up the heat and bring things to the highest temperature first; that's the passion, the emotional interaction with truth."
"Every piece building to the ultimate goal of making you fall in love with its world"
"April May is such a delightfully awful main character. I loved her and I loved to hate her."
"I'm excited to see the Titans on the Colts. They hate each other, so that's an added level of pettiness that I also love."
"An excellent recap of some of the summer's most memorable magical moments and a bittersweet farewell to a cast of characters we've grown so attached to."
"The new Hellraiser was like the first horror movie in ages where I actually cared about the characters"
"The Daily Wire has turned anger into an art form."
"You have so much space and that equals to emotional connection to that song, that artist, that piece of music."
"The fans hate them, and they hate them for a reason."
"A masterclass in how to create a strong emotional response in your audience."
"Something filled with plot twists and a plot I'll fall in love with but would also shatter my soul."
"It's the ups and the downs, the ebbs and the flows, the losses and the wins that really draw people to these fighters."
"That's why no matter how many times she stumbles, frustrates us, or makes the worst possible choice, we can't help falling in love with Harley Quinn."
"Wow, swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true."
"My favorite character was definitely Dr. Schultz."
"It really got you to be in tune with those emotions."
"Trust your heart, invest in what excites and opens up your mind."
"I thought that was fantastic... I got emotional... that's the emotion that I needed..."
"It's so so well-written and just such an incredible story."
"The most impressive element is storytelling."
"The high point of this game because I actually feel some tension."
"Once again, things that this movie did right that I think were missing from the previous two films: a real sense of danger, stakes, impending doom, dread."
"Cameron's action scenes have stakes, tension, emotion, and inventive staging."
"I was absolutely floored from the first like note that he sung and then all the way through the album as an entire experience. It was what I was always hoping to find and becoming convinced that it would never exist."
"This movie just keeps hitting you with big moment after big moment."
"If America hasn't broken your heart, you don't love her enough."
"Signalus is one of the best games I've played all year and it has a profound effect on me by warming its way into my brain and refusing to leave."
"A gorgeously crafted world and Story full of difficult choices heartbreaking decisions and a warmth in learning more of the characters at your hand."
"Narrative transportation causes us to simulate the emotions."
"This might be the greatest power ballad ever."
"There's this impossible love story that develops that's very angsty but also so lovely."
"When you really feel like you're connected with someone, you've given them a chance."
"To have Pokemon opening its heart is the same mechanic as friendship."
"Every single character is built up in the same way, the same way that we could start to understand them on such an emotional level."
"Nobody really expected a grouchy old man to make us laugh and cry the way Carl Fredricksen did."
"Create content that sparks an emotional reaction, that's what gets people to share."
"Character arcs create emotionally satisfying characters and stories."
"You won't care about the past person when you've got this amazing new person showing you all of this love and energy."
"Every time he's on the screen, I'm like, this is great. I care about this story. I care about what's happening."
"Nobody could read this and not feel anything."
"You really feel for the characters in The Witcher 3 with its unique sense of storytelling."
"I love that you said place beyond the pines that's such an amazing film."
"Sometimes you've just got to sit back and understand this is why we love the game football."
"You know you've made an incredible antagonist when you hate their guts anytime they do something on screen."
"The scene in the stable is one of the most tensioned film scenes I've seen in like two years. Like, that entire scene, I'm gripping the side of my chair."
"Ayano is so boring... that idea only works when the character actually has reactions and opinions on something which Ayano doesn't."
"They feel like real characters, and that says a lot about this movie."
"Before you quote unquote get to the business of the matter, you have to get to the heart of the matter."
"The golden rule of viral videos is elicits an emotional response. This is the key."
"The most effective way to embody a desire is to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled."
"I want to grab hold of my readers and make them cry and make them grieve and make them laugh as well and experience joy."
"Don't lose your outrage. This is worthy of outrage."
"Guardians of the Galaxy just wants to create a story that people will be able to relate to and understand and feel."
"You want them to be real that's how I always feel after a great movie or a great book or great amazing game."
"The worst MMO ever series is indeed a provocative title designed to generate an emotional response, but I don't want it to be clickbait."
"It's an emotionally engaging story we're rescuing is rewarding, failure is devastatingly hilarious, and the memories should last you a lifetime."
"You want people to begin to fall in love with your brand."
"The movie Just does an excellent job of building this level of tension and making you care about these characters."
"I want to see characters that I can like identify with that I can like actually care about and that are interesting um some kind of emotional heart to the movie."
"Describe the final goal and how it makes you feel. Focus on how it makes you feel."
"It was really important for us to really tell those different stories."
"Regardless of what good reasons you may have, nobody cares about a each's content if it doesn't have a soul."
"This is the best stuff in the movie. Joel Kinnaman is fine here, he gets the job done, but of course, a stronger actor could have drawn us into Murphy's feelings much more."
"Ridiculousness makes the reader surrender their emotions because we're hit the hardest when we're expecting to laugh."
"Re:Zero: plays with emotions, frustrating yet rewarding to watch."
"It's challenging but it is also the most thrilling part of what we do because that, I mean that's why we do so much play testing right, is this working, are we getting them in the right head space, are we getting the right reactions?"
"When you have an emotional reaction, it involves you in the show and makes it quite entertaining."
"Ghosts of Tsushima's story hits hard in the game's third and final act."
"This game makes me feel like a bad person, but in the best of ways."
"No matter how much we say it's just a game, it still finds a way to creep back into our minds."
"You're not going to fix the climate crisis if you don't want to get sad."
"I like the journey that it takes that you go on a journey with each of these individual people."
"Believe not just with your head but with your heart, this is so powerfully being spoken here."
"May's theme gate keeps S minus. It's very difficult to make somebody happy when you talk about 'Disaster of Passion'."
"Final Fantasy 7 story has always been one of the most compelling things about the game for me."
"The calm response to this is that many of these shows are aimed at kids."
"The key is to feel it. You can't just intellectually do this, you have to feel the emotion of it."
"They don't just tug at the heartstrings, they literally yank them."
"The emotional rollercoaster effect makes SAO an engaging watch."
"Then the fifth element is getting them to care, and getting them to care about you, so ultimately they will act on your behalf in positive manner."
"That was fun. I really enjoyed that. For people who are just listening, you gotta watch that. Man, that was, uh, there was a lot of emotive you have for sure."
"Let this cry rise in your heart: 'That is mine, and I want it back.'"
"Not only is it this beautiful Lush color palette with all of Ruthie Carter's costumes and this incredible visual of this waterfall but you see and feel the pain in the violence of Killmonger."
"It's such a display of what One Piece can be... it hits so hard."
"The emotion realized from drama brought this game into full bloom."
"Life is going on outside the bubble... people get so emotional about it."
"It was suspenseful, emotional, and harrowing."
"This is crazy this is incredible I I'm listening to the storytelling and I want to laugh but for some reason I also want to cry oh I do too."
"But the story has plenty of emotional impactful moments with characters that are a blast to spend time with."
"A good villain in my eyes is one that can provoke emotion."
"The human element in this was also fantastic, you were kind of rooting for the Apes but then you're also kind of rooting for the humans."
"Passionate about yourself, passionate about a situation or a person."
"Investing our time, investing our energy, investing our love."
"Games are emotionally driven, humans are emotional beings."
"Phenotopia Awakening is a perfect blend... it really is a game that you experience by feeling."
"God this series makes all the right people incredibly mad for all the right reasons."
"Here, you come and you feel, and you deliver properly. It's meditation station."
"It also needs to tell a story we care about and it does."
"With Red Dead Redemption 2... I was looking for a quality emotional story with great characters that you cared for, which is exactly what Rockstar Games delivered on."
"The left has to look at that anger and channel it."
"Now, let's say that you know you're getting more interested. It doesn't die. It's not going away."
"Shazam is an emotional ride with great character development."
"I think Keanu has a lot going on inside... he draws you into that."
"The core and the heart of this entire franchise are those quiet character moments."
"So, you didn't get to fall in love, there wasn't dating, it was just an assignment."
"Characters are fleshed out and you feel for them. The show captures that really well."
"I think annoying things are fundamentally good in games as it creates stress and concentration and eventually relief when bypassed."
"Manipulating your sense of empathy as the game opens up, it forces you to relate to your character on a much deeper level."
"You will feel the game emotion touches everything we're showing you today incredible visuals that blur the line between the virtual and the real world and emotional intelligence that connects every player on the pitch."
"It really allows you to suspend your belief in that feeling."
"Audiences will always connect with that and go along with that journey with you."
"Before you reach your dreams, you need to feel them. They need to feel so real you already believe you have them."
"Cutscenes are the easy way out, but it takes true talent to let the playing mechanics themselves involve the player in the emotion or message."
"Stop talking to my brain. Move me, get me emotional, make me feel like I can be part of something bigger."
"Virtually any story must... make them feel real and believable and getting your viewers to love or hate them."
"I'm enjoying him a lot way more than I probably should."
"It's a personal experience, it's an emotional experience."
"Oh my heart is in it, and I don't care if this is good or bad, this is the best thing ever."
"Psychonauts 2 took me to a place I wasn't sure I could go any longer, having become so deeply entrenched in examining the medium, but I found that magic in this game."
"The fights really feel like they mean something because one they're fast and two there is consequences to the fights."
"I think people are gonna be surprised moved and very engaged."
"That kind of [ __ ] always is good, see people getting worked up."
"He tapped into the angst, the anger, the hurt, and the pain that millions of working-class people are feeling."
"It just brings me right in and the face is adorable."
"Keep people angry, keep them mad. You'll have a better and more loyal audience if they're angry with you. Trust me."
"They're also so thrilled to bring gamers an emotional and suspenseful journey into Marvel's Wolverine."
"Once your big baby face has gone through this thrilling chase of ups and downs chasing that world title, once he's won it, well, the only way to take the audience there is down."
"People don't buy logically they buy what emotionally and they justify logically."
"The show's embrace of its emotional core and more cartoonish aspects created the Golden Age Simpsons."
"They want to make a psychological connection with you."
"Disney knows their past and they definitely know how to make us feel nostalgic."
"People messaged me and said that like that moment was a huge thing for them, like they were so invested and they were so afraid because of how genuine it sounded."
"Being scared for someone's life, even someone who doesn't exist, oddly makes you feel more alive."