
Messiah Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"The hope is in the Messiah, in being born again and spirit-filled."
"This is an amazing thing to be chosen for this, that the Messiah of this time period wants me to be fully dedicated to him."
"Yeshua is our Passover. Knowing that you are not redeemed with corruptible things like silver or gold...but with the precious blood of Messiah, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot."
"When Jesus came, he gave overwhelming evidence that he was the Messiah."
"We've got a text now that shows us this notion of a suffering messiah who's raised from the dead is already being developed within Judaism."
"Yeshua Jesus, our Messiah, as the ultimate wisdom and authority of God."
"The truth that we know is that Jesus is the Lord, the Messiah, the only way to heaven."
"Jesus constantly confronts and tries to correct false expectations about the Messiah."
"Our greatest need is a change of heart. Our greatest need is to hear the good news of the messiah yeshua in a way that our families our friends our people can understand and they can relate to."
"Through Abraham would come the Messiah...through Jesus all the families of the earth have been blessed."
"The Old Testament promise of God's future victorious Kingdom was inaugurated through the crucified Messiah."
"For all the prophets spoke of Messiah who will redeem and save Israel, who will willingly gather all its exiles, and who will strengthen them in the fulfillment of the Torah's commandments."
"And his followers today view him as the savior, the messiah, for all humankind."
"Probably if I was there, especially without the knowledge that I have now, I would probably be one of those people that didn't recognize the messiah."
"If you embrace me as Messiah, and you join the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven, problem solved, he has no claim on you at all."
"The very beginning with shepherds, they're counting, they would stack rocks."
"The Messiah is the person who takes the sins of the world unto himself... it means you have to view yourself as the perpetrator of archetypal evil."
"Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God."
"Isn't it more likely that Jesus is the Messiah?"
"They knew that the Messiah was going to come out the belly of a black woman in America."
"The reason why most people think of a king from the line of David when they hear the word Messiah is because David's story is the fullest narrative portrait of the anointed one in the Bible."
"Christians, Jews, and Muslims all believe that a messiah shall come towards the end of time."
"The Messiah was highly anticipated and largely misunderstood."
"If Jesus isn't the Messiah, there isn't a messiah. Do you understand that?"
"All praise to you in the name of your son Yahusha Hamashiach, the anointed savior of Nazareth."
"Yes Lord I believe that you are the Christ the Messiah the son of God who's coming into the world."
"What they agreed on was that Jesus was the Messiah. What it meant, God knows."
"While Dune depicts the rise of an empire, Messiah explores its downfall in very unexpected ways."
"If somebody is a messiah, he needs to be a healer as well."
"Messiah, the anointed one, God's son, the savior of the world."
"The defeat, the suffering, the death, and the resurrection of the Messiah is an essential part of redemption."
"It allows the ending of Messiah to not just be a full out tragedy but also a bittersweet conclusion that stresses on both the downfalls and also the potential for the planet going forward."
"When the Messiah comes, the Prince of Peace, then the lion will lay with the lamb."
"She ended up producing a seed, a royal seed, and she's in the lineage of the Messiah."
"The giant-killing king who was in the lineage of the Messiah is in her bloodline."
"The Messiah was clearly born in the year of 5 BCE and likely born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles with the overwhelming agreement of multiple converging points of evidence."
"The Messiah was actually stating how and when he would set us free through his death and Resurrection."
"The Messiah came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."
"The Messiah's death occurred precisely in the middle of the 70th week."
"This is the Messiah who is going to turn the world upside down."
"We know that this is indeed the Messiah, the savior of the world."
"The mashiach will be a king and he will be Anointed with this special oil that is used for anointing Kings."
"The most consistently repeated theme throughout the entire Bible in describing the Messiah is the Divine Warrior."
"Jesus comes back as a warrior, stomping His enemies like grapes."
"The Messiah will set people free from prison camps and they'll ascend singing as they enthrone the King."
"As Christians, we serve a betrayed tortured shamed mutilated murdered Messiah. Wow. That's a different description."
"Our Messiah is prophesied to do so much more than people realize."
"The first four moadim represent what our Messiah accomplished in his first coming."
"The first prophetic element of the Jubilee is that we are declared to be free, the Messiah granted us freedom in the first century."
"Using the day as a thousand years principle, we find that it will be six thousand years until the Messiah comes into the kingdom."
"Raising a messiah as it turns out is a lot more challenging than creating one."
"Indeed, the Messiah is coming. We can almost hear his footsteps."
"If Jesus really was the Messiah, why does the New Testament admit that all the rabbis of the time without one exception rejected his claim?"
"Jesus here is not recognized for who he is, he's the son of God, the Messiah that no one recognizes."
"We are the final generation, but that's different than saying we're living in the end times."
"When you see a world war, it signals the coming of the Messiah."
"The primary credentials for Jesus being the Messiah are not the signs wonders and miracles they are important but they are simply confirming that he is the one it's spoken of in the Hebrew Bible."
"If you do this, I'll do that, but that's not one of them. At a certain date, I will send the Messiah, whether you like it or not, whether you're bad or good or whatever. It will happen."
"This means that whatever this time period of 70 weeks is, it would end with the Messiah, the Most Holy, coming to be anointed as king and setting up the kingdom of God."
"The promise of enduring peace and justice under the reign of the Messiah is celebrated in Isaiah."
"The Jews knew that the feasts were rehearsals and they were expecting the Messiah to come to fulfill the feasts."
"Isaiah's prophecy are so precise his prophecies again and again I mean he if you if you had to pick a prophet they talked about the Messiah and his coming more than any other Prophet it's it's Isaiah."
"He was now convinced he had met Jesus face to face, that God had brought him back from the dead, and that therefore he must be the Messiah."
"The celebration of messiah's birth has been so separated that people don't realize."
"It is the birth of a Jewish baby in a Jewish town to a Jewish mother with Jewish Shepherds to fulfill the Prophecies of the coming of the Messiah."
"You don't have to clean yourself up first, all you have to do is recognize that you're a hot mess, you can't make it by yourself, you need a messiah."
"This passage is commonly referred to as the suffering servant passage in the book of Isaiah because it pictures the Messiah of Israel not as a conquering political hero as some of the people thought he would be, but as one who would save the people through his suffering."
"The key idea in Isaiah is that the Messiah is coming."
"Even a messiah, or in other words, a savior of the world."
"We're looking for a messiah, we're yearning for a new covenant, we're looking for a new age."
"In all three cases the Messiah that was sent initially fails to rule, fails to bring Justice and Equity to the people."
"Even Messiahs need to perform miracles if they're to be acknowledged."
"We all want the Messiah to come from heaven but we are all missing the biggest Factor the heaven we all think we know because we are brainwashed is a metaphorical place for who knows what."
"All the glory and Splendor of Solomon's kingdom typified the Eternal Kingdom of the Messiah."
"The people expected a political Messiah. He humbled himself and became God with us, and he began to heal humanity by loving them one heart at a time."
"If you understand what the Jewish people were waiting for the Messiah to do and what they were waiting for the Messiah to be, you can understand how Paul got from A to Z."
"Their Jewish hopes for what the Messiah would do connected with those three things: the Passover, the manna, and the bread of the presence."
"The real Messiah, not the actual hamashiach, but the real hamashiach yahawashi. The true hamashiach as a so-called black man was a serious character."
"God's mighty hand of redemption is demonstrated through Messiah Yeshua."
"Nicodemus ends up being a follower of the very Messiah."
"Most Jews believe that the birth of modern Israel and the return of the Jews to the Holy Land Herald the imminent Advent of the true Messiah who would rule the world from Jerusalem."
"It's almost like a big support group, people turning up to Arenas to see you two Messiahs."
"The actual meaning of Passover itself and of this whole holiday, Pesach holiday, it all speaks and just screams out about our Messiah Yeshua."
"He's the only Messiah that's why he was born of a virgin."
"You have the true power within you. You are the Messiah."
"This notion of dead messiahs, which you've heard, is something new. Only Jesus is a suffering messiah."
"Dead messiahs: messiahs are always dead."
"It is not a messiah, it is the messiah."
"If Jesus is not the Messiah, then it's not an issue of when will Messiah come, it's just too late. The promises aren't confirmed, God lied, or that wasn't God. Those are the options."
"But a new era has arrived. The Messiah has come to the earth."
"Christ means Messiah or the anointed one, so when scripture refers to him as Jesus Christ they are identifying his name with the long-awaited Messiah."
"When Messiah comes, the Savior King comes, the light of salvation will break and dispel the darkness of ignorance and sin."
"Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah."
"What came on his own has brought me for you people."
"The entire world and Israel will finally recognize Jesus as their Messiah."
"The general concept of the Messiah is painted fairly clearly in the Bible."
"This is indeed the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the world."
"Mashiach is the greatest person ever to be."
"Mashiach is at the root of Jewish faith, Jewish life, Jewish experience, and Jewish practice. So it's a pretty serious topic, a serious matter."
"...in essence, what Rashi is saying is that the most important statement in Judaism... is the belief in the coming of mashiach."
"He cannot possibly be the Messiah if He has a lower standard of righteousness than we do."
"The reason he baptized with water in his own words was to show people the messiah."
"God's plan to raise up the Messiah as the Savior."
"You are the Christ the Messiah you are the one concerning whom the prophets have spoken you are the one who is the focus of all the ages."
"Jesus never admits that he is the Messiah until he is before the head priest."
"To say He is the Messiah is to say He is the mediator, because all messianic offices are mediating offices."
"So who is the Messiah? It is none other than Jesus Christ, none other."
"The Messiah in fact was not supposed to be a violent military leader or a political ruler. He was supposed to be somebody who suffered and died for the sins of others."
"Yay! Go you! You will recognize the Messiah by this sign, you will find a baby wrapped snugly in a blanket and lying in a Manger, go and see him."
"Jesus's vocation was messiah, but that wasn't his identity."
"He is set to make both the hero and the Demon Lord bow their heads and bring peace to this world because now he is the goblin Messiah."
"He is the only Messiah he is the only Savior."
"God's law is a constituent element of the blessings of the rule of the Messiah in the world."
"Only when under oath and only when it no longer mattered whether his enemies heard his clear claim to Messiahship did Jesus reveal without any ambiguity at all that he the son of man was the Messianic figure of Daniel 7 13 and 14."
"This is the end of the age when Messiah comes the first time, and then there's a 2,000-year period or age when Messiah comes the second time that starts the kingdom age, which is the Sabbath of the earth."
"So according to their theology, there's going to be a Messiah, the lot of MDC, that comes to free us from our sin nature."
"Jesus definitely did think of himself as the Messiah and was crucified for that."
"Salvation and Messiah is the beginning of our walk in Yeshua in the kingdom of God."
"He knew that was going to happen a messiah a king of kings the king of David a son of David would come he knew this."
"The messiah was a hero, the messiah was not a god."
"He changed me in that minute. He changed me because not only do I know that He's the Messiah. But I pledge my allegiance to Him."
"You have already prefixed in your mind exactly what the Messiah should be."
"Linking Jesus to the feasts reveals Him as the Messiah of Israel and Savior of the world."
"The seventh day Sabbath is a period in which our Messiah is Lord."
"The servant Messiah was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities."
"The purpose of the signs is for people to believe that Jesus is the Messiah."
"It's good to see him again. It's always, always good to see the Messiah."
"Is Paul Atreides the Messiah? The tears made me wonder."
"At the end of the day, fulfilling the call to share the gospel of Christ Jesus, there's just this— He's the only Messiah."
"The Talmud states that the time of messiah's coming and the occurrence of miracles will depend upon whether the Jews are worthy or not."
"Messiah will first rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and the temple will be the focus of divine worship."
"So here you've got two Messiahs in the future, an ideal King of the lineage of David is going to branch out and build the temple."
"...the New Testament actually intends to present Jesus not only as the Messiah son of David but as the Messiah son of Joseph that's right."
"The word 'meshiach' appears 39 times in the Hebrew Bible, and it is never referring to the Messiah."
"Jesus will not return until Israel recognizes that Jesus was and is the messiah."
"These signs Jesus did and I'm telling you about them so that you would believe that he is the Messiah."
"I am the Messiah but I'm not the Messiah you've been looking for."
"We celebrate Christmas because we recognize the birth of Messiah."
"The Messiah had come, and although he was born in a humble barn and not in a fancy palace or the best inn, God's kingdom celebrated in a most amazing way."
"They're seeking then this Messiah as he's called in English version of Hebrew Anointed One."
"They came to the conclusion that he was bringing the Messiah closer."
"His greatness was connected to his privileged duty, which was to point to Messiah."
"...but the triumphal entry is a time where they're recognizing Jesus as the Messiah."
"Jesus comes to this woman, he says I am the one you are waiting for, I am the Messiah, I am the tahib, I am the Ephraim, the promised Messiah from Joseph."
"The devil has tried to annihilate the Messiah."
"The psalms depict both the Victorious 'smash your enemy' messiah and the suffering, persecuted 'I think I'm gonna die' portrait of the anointed one."
"The messiah must be cut off out of the land of the living."
"Could this be the son of David? Could this be the Messiah?"
"He claimed to be the only savior of the world."
"The messiah is ruling now with all authority."
"The promise of messiah's kingdom is that he is going to bring justice to the nations."
"The Messiah is alive. He has sent His Holy Spirit. He has empowered His preachers, and the first thing His preachers say is if you will have the right view of Christ and commit your life to Him, your sins will be forgiven."
"Don't wait till Messiah comes and then say 'Oh, I didn't know I was supposed to look like Israel, I'm supposed to be clothed like a bride, I was supposed to keep myself chaste.'"
"Believing the miracle-making Messiah."
"The Messiah himself is described as someone who fears Hashem."
"God promised to send a son of David who would reign over Israel forever and would be a perfect king."
"Many times we want the Messiah to be something more of what we want."
"Christ doesn't come to do our bidding, he is the Messiah."
"It is in this way that all Israel will be saved, is through the knowledge of Yeshua Messiah ben Yosef, who will, by faith, we believe, return as mashiac ben dahveed."
"Yhwach, the miracle baby, regarded as a Messiah figure in the Bleach universe."
"He knew there would be a messiah who would not die the way he died not lie in the grave."
"Israel was a hotbed of political activity, it was nurtured on writings during the inter-testamentary period that speculated about the fantastic arrival of the Messiah."
"He is Jesus, who is Christ, the anointed one, the Lord."
"The Messiah would be a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief."
"I believe in a messiah who serves."
"The child God promised, the Messiah, was born tonight."
"It is written of Me, I delight to do Your will, O God, Your law is within My heart," which the writer of Hebrews says applies only to Messiah."
"Nothing looked less like a messiah than the bloody story of the man on the tree."
"Their issue is with the Messiah and his nature."
"What is a Messiah? And where does the term come from?"
"Jesus alludes to texts like Isaiah 61, showing continuity with ideas found in the Dead Sea Scrolls about the Messiah's redemptive work."
"The most high sent his son, Messiah yahusha, to reconcile us back and show us the perfect way to walk in the Torah."
"Yahusha is the prophet like Moshe, fulfilling undeniable identical characteristics as Moses."
"Messiah himself would atone for the sins directly."
"When Messiah comes, everything becomes exposed, we see it all."
"Racism is wicked, evil, destructive, and it contradicts the worldview of the Messiah."
"Signs don't point to that, you're not seeking me for the signs. Signs don't point themselves, they point to him that he is the Messiah and there is only true life in him."
"He's my Messiah. I believe he is what he says he is."
"The claim basically is that he's able to substantiate his claim to being the Messiah because of the Miracles that he performed."
"I have always believed you are the messiah, the son of God, the one who has come into the world."
"All of you can easily discern that one from their country, meaning the Jewish people, the Israelite people, the coming of the world we call it the Messiah."
"The only star that has anything to say is Jesus, he is the living Son of God."
"For even your savior, even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many."
"Messiah is my favorite subject of course."
"Yeshua, Messiah of Israel, the Savior of the world."
"I know that messiah's coming which is called Christ."
"We have to become like little children in the presence of the Messiah."
"Messiah is the head of the body, the church."
"Jesus, the Messiah, comes to Israel as the long-awaited Savior and Messiah."
"The message was all about the Messiah."
"The reason Jesus keeps the secret throughout Mark is that he's waiting for the correct time to be revealed as the Messiah."
"Where is the indigenous Hebrew culture writing about their expected Messiah?"
"Jesus performed miracles of healing to authenticate that He was the Messiah."
"We should be celebrating Christmas remembering the birth of the Messiah."
"Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and you shall call his name Emmanuel."
"The most Jewish thing in the world... is the faith of Messiah."
"These things proved that He was the Messiah."
"The so-called wise men were on their journey to visit the Messiah during this week in history, but he was not a baby; he was a 14-month-old toddler at this point."
"We have found the Messiah, which is being interpreted the Christ."