
Writing Technique Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"There is no set limit... some writers... can make you care about a person with just a short and brief scene."
"Head hopping, particularly in limited POV, is messy and confusing for readers."
"Taking things piecemeal can improve your writing by leaps and bounds."
"Scenes without conflict and obstacles usually end up being straight exposition. This is boring, lazy, and definitely something we want to avoid."
"In writing, don't use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the things you are describing. I mean, instead of telling us the thing is terrible, describe it so that we'll be terrified."
"Being able to tell the story through action because lesser writers will rely on info dumps or they'll have like the dialogue boxes where the author's putting in clarification comments."
"This is what showing not telling looks like."
"An escalation does not have to be a twist, but it usually fills the same role as a twist."
"You can build in all kinds of interesting lore and ephemera that you can build into this."
"Specificity makes your writing come alive with detail and depth."
"To go from what you do when you write, you have an idea in your head of what they look like. You know and you picture them almost like you're making a movie in your head when you write scenes with them."
"It's not necessarily about cutting things but trimming the literal prose on the page can make a huge difference for pacing."
"Authors that take a phrase or a word and they change it a little bit to give Maximum Impact."
"Show, don't tell, probably the most basic fundamental writing device that you get."
"Describing puts more trust in the reader because you're allowing them to infer based on your descriptions."
"I've been trying to abbreviate these where I can."
"It's a good way to hook your readers and keep them drawn in throughout your entire story."
"Juxtaposition is just ah, it's too powerful of a tool for writers to use, it's op is what it is, it's almost cheating."
"The way that he's able to lay these chapters out with subtle but firm bridges between them is just freaky fan that it works."
"Writing about the seemingly mundane and making it readable and exciting is about juxtaposition."
"Being able to get into the head of someone not like yourself and write them authentically is crucial."
"Brandon Sanderson is really good at piecing himself out of the world building and providing it when the time is needed, saying what he needs to say and moving on to the next thing."
"Retcons are a great tool for a writer to have at their disposal."
"The golden rule of the first line is that it establishes something, whatever that thing may be, that makes the reader want to read on."
"Use the three E's to think about different things you could describe in verse two."
"If you're writing about like a scientist talk to a scientist because if you're not a scientist yourself you're not going to be able to relate as much as if you were to talk to someone who was in the field."
"In a comparison and contrast pattern, writers show the way two or more ideas are the same or different."
"Jane Austen uses tricolon to highlight and contrast comically the banality of the situation."
"I think you can use character to lead you to figure out plot by relating it to character arc."
"We are sometimes feeding things in one chapter that will be harvested later on."
"I set myself a word count goal for each of the flashback chapters with the goal that they would feel more like vignettes at key inflection points in the present timeline."
"Humans in general like things in threes... things like characters or events that come in threes are more satisfying, humorous, and good writing to the reader."
"Every time a writer moves you to something else, it gives you a different focus."
"An introduction has to hook in your reader, calm the reader, confirm your credibility."
"A conclusion has to be meaningful, considered, credible, drag-queen bold, and also tough."
"A cliffhanger is an unresolved situation that will make your readers want to continue to the next page."
"Show don't tell is hard, I still struggle with it a lot, and it takes a lot of practice, but it can completely change the impact of the message you are trying to get across."
"Whatever you do in your writing, your ideas should be structured and presented in a way that makes some kind of sense."
"Voice and tense are inextricable from the actual drafting of your story."
"This is somewhere where we begin to fine-tune and finesse our twists and turns."
"You never want to say of a character, 'Jeff was angry.' You want to show us that he's angry."
"The three-act structure is so helpful for pacing because it sets up the acts you need for your story."
"Using the extended metaphor is such a brilliant way to show the examiner that you're crafting your story."
"Writing with flow means that you need to link those objectives together in a logical order that flows so your reader understands the information you're putting out there."
"Rewrite a compelling conclusion. Emphasize the main point or circle back to the beginning and tie the loop."
"Uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention; skilfully manages paragraphing."
"The fact that the length of the strokes represent different letters is just... well, it's something else."
"Every single sentence in your short story should do one of two things: it should either advance the plot or reveal character."
"Start each paragraph with the topic sentence; focus your discussion."
"Try and have interesting openings and endings."
"If you're in any doubt, go for first person."
"One of the most effective techniques available to horror writers is taking something that is normally friendly or harmless and twisting it into something much darker."
"In a very simple way, the writer was able to appeal to all five senses without being too lengthy."
"Transitions are so helpful in creating that logic, that coherence that's necessary for the listener to follow along."
"Make sure that you can see each beat; that's very, very important."
"I love this little mini flashback dialogue exchange."
"This sample also uses little moments of flashback really well."
"It's such a good example of showing not telling."
"Point, example, explain is a method of structuring our body paragraphs."