
Economic Philosophy Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"We've drifted from having a market economy to becoming a market society."
"Capitalism is not just the mindless pursuit of wealth...it's a system where people can act freely in accordance with their own desires."
"An inclusive economy is always better than an exclusive one."
"The world ends not with a bang, but with a whimper... It ends with a whimper if the solution is more and more debt."
"We have gotten away from the idea of true capitalism."
"There's nothing that can do more good and benefit more people than capitalism if we get it right."
"Capitalists enrich themselves by enriching others; the bureaucrats enrich themselves by impoverishing others."
"The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. Money will cease to be master and will then become the servant of humanity."
"Prosperity should be the goal, not income equality."
"Money is a byproduct, and it's always going to be there as long as you're creating positive conditions for people to exist."
"The freer the market, the freer the people, generally true, I agree with that."
"What we should be doing as a regulator is allowing these markets to work. Not standing in the way of the markets working, and people bringing those different valuation opinions there."
"The government should not choose winners and losers in the market."
"Money is the denomination of time. Every transaction we make is for some percentage of our lives."
"The best social policy as Ronald Reagan said was a job."
"Teach them to fish and people mistake the idea of making money as a trade-off to helping people when it's really one and the same."
"Free, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works."
"We who live in free market societies believe that growth, prosperity, and ultimately human fulfillment are created from the bottom up, not the government down."
"Money is neutral. You can give any meaning to money that you want."
"Dr. Ron Paul: He knows what the free market is all about."
"The market will fix everything and should fix everything."
"Scarcity mentality versus abundance mentality: UBI shifts the paradigm."
"Money is like energy; it doesn't disappear, it only transfers."
"The most basic economic unit is the individual...encouraging individuals to have resiliency in their lives."
"I'm a champion of capitalism because I'm a champion of rational self-interest."
"Capitalism is our greatest achievement and driving force, but it can also potentially be our road to ruin."
"Most people don't understand that the shift in the currency and the financial is a shift in a consciousness."
"Money is a myth. It has no value in and of itself. It is a medium of exchange for goods, services, and ideas."
"The rich think differently... Wealth is a result of how you think."
"Labor is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher consideration." - Abraham Lincoln
"People came around to thinking well we like this idea of hard money."
"Capitalism is the most efficient distribution of resources. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Reciprocity is the secret to prosperity. Give your cash out, brother."
"Money isn't a piece of paper, it's the representation of the whole system that we live in."
"If you don't have economic freedom, you can't have personal freedom."
"We believe that a dollar in the hands of the person who earned it is always more powerful than in the hands of the politician who taxed it."
"My idea of social justice is I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn."
"The brain surgeon has the same right to keep the revenues of what he earns as the street sweeper has to keep the revenues of what he or she earns."
"You're not living until you're living on the kingdom economy."
"Gold and silver are money. Everything else is credit."
"When your whole community has a beautiful relationship with money, a rising tide raises all ships."
"Free markets assume at their root that you as an individual have rights and have duties free markets assume that you are a person of Worth and that therefore you have charge of your own labor."
"Money is you transferring your time, your energy, but also your efficiency, your intelligence into a thing."
"Billionaires shouldn't exist. That doesn't mean certain people should not exist, it means no person should have a billion dollars." - Alex
"Capitalism made it possible to become wealthy by serving your fellow men."
"Money is a measurement for the amount of transformation you create."
"You seem very sweet and very soft, the type of person that I probably would offend at times."
"Capitalism improving the standard of living of everybody involved."
"The biggest lesson that Sweden has shown is people who want to redistribute a cake have to make sure someone baked it in the first place."
"We could talk all day about the X's and O's of investing but it's really about sort of the mindset."
"Money is just an idea, it's the value that we put in it."
"Wealth is the value that you create for someone other than you."
"Our system was created by human beings for the benefit of human beings. We do not exist to serve markets, just the opposite."
"Putting capitalism and socialism in a dialectical relationship in fact might have been Marcus's most significant contribution to leftist thought."
"The greatest system to lift people out of poverty is just capitalism."
"Freedom creates resources; resources create freedom."
"One of the great delusions of the 20th century... the superiority of planning over a free economy."
"If people decide something has value, it has value."
"Money doesn't stay in one place, but it's by and large based on work in a free society."
"We break these guys up because we are capitalists."
"The great virtue of the market is that people who hate one another in other respects can cooperate with one another on the market without any difficulty."
"Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. Money is the barometer of society's virtue."
"Narendra Modi famously said, 'Government has no business being in business.'"
"Yo, American money is not, by definition, any more like legitimate than any other country's currency."
"Doesn't every capitalist system create dangerous amounts of power in the hands of a few people?"
"Money is just a shared hallucination that we all have."
"Money never ends so your happiness will, you'll never reach your happiness because money never ends."
"You do not exist to operate within a free trade zone... we do not exist as human beings just to produce economic output."
"The goal of an economy is not to create jobs. The goal of jobs is to create an economy."
"I believe in capitalism and therefore I want to keep its hands off this particular set of problems."
"A dollar in the hands of the person who earned it is always more powerful than in the hands of the politician who taxed it."
"The idea of decentralized currency that is transparent and inflation resistant is very important to liberty."
"Unless the monetary supply is unhooked from governments, there will not be any type of true freedom for people."
"We all want to believe that things have real value, not just perceived value."
"Bitcoin will be a universal language of economic truth."
"Money is the measure of the value that you're contributing to the world."
"In the economy for the common good, a company can only be successful if at the same time, it makes society more successful."
"Free market capitalism is the default human state because that's simply just about private property and free trade."
"I don't think the world needs another billionaire."
"Trade is not just about making the most amount of money for you; part of the magic of trade is trying to minimize how much money other people get."
"Fix the money to fix many problems in the world."
"Capitalism isn't a system, it's what happens when you leave people alone."
"Capitalism is not evil in and of itself, it's not Santa Claus, it doesn't go away just because you don't believe in it."
"Rule of money is superordinate to rule of law. If you have broken money, then rule of law just breaks faster and faster and faster."
"Money is more controlled by the people, whereas government is a business." - Akon
"The most humanitarian system ever conceived of is capitalism."
"If money is based off of Destruction and perversion of nature, we can turn that on its head."
"The illusion of money is one that we never really think about, but its value is determined by the importance we place on it."
"Human-centered capitalism is imperative because we're reaching an era where technology and robots... do more and more work."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate form of money... foundational to a moral and civilized society."
"Markets are supposed to be tools for human flourishing."
"Money should be there to serve the interests of the population."
"These guys are an example of the beauty of capitalism, the genius of capitalism, the miracle of capitalism, and the fact that capitalism needs to be a servant to our values, not its master."
"You will own nothing and be happy." - World Economic Forum
"You having wealth does not take away from other people having wealth. In fact, the more wealth you make, the more you inspire people around you to make wealth."
"Discovering what your gift is, and then going out and doing it—the only place that you have the ability to do that is in a free market."
"Why is capitalism treated as this evil thing?"
"This economy belongs to people. We don't work for the economy. The economy should be working for us."
"You cannot make a payment. All you can do is levy a tax. Everything is just a tax. It's not a payment. You can't pay anything because you have no money."
"Free markets are good and that they're inherently moral."
"We need to get back to basics Austrian economics... It is freedom." - Shane Hazel
"To me that is the big difference here is when you separate it away you can have monetary maximalism."
"Aren't corporations like Google by their nature globalist?"
"We are born as entrepreneurs so these are the three zeros zero net carbon emission zero wealth concentration zero unemployment."
"Humanity is a more important phrase than solvency."
"Freedom in capitalism organizes greed to benefit everybody."
"Money is made possible since Iran only by the men who produce it, is that what you consider evil?" - Milton Friedman
"That's how you generate wealth, that's how you win, and that's capitalism, and we shouldn't apologize for that, we should embrace that."
"When you expand the circle of opportunity, you have multiplication, not just addition."
"The best way to limit the control of a few is free trade on a worldwide basis."
"Gold and silver are God's money, humans have intuitively known it's real."
"Maximum prosperity can only be achieved through free markets, free people, and sound money."
"He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack."
"We allowed people to keep more of their hard-earned dollars in their pockets, and that's what it should be about."
"Having sound money separate from the state is the idea."
"Bitcoin gives value because we say it has value."
"Growth is not required for its own sake, but it's really important."
"Community is the best hope for people who believe in individual freedom and sound money."
"We should not be the slave of our economic system. The economic system should serve us."
"I believe in free market capitalism, I believe in the American Dream."
"What if profit maximization was not always the goal?"
"Capitalism affords people the opportunity to pursue whatever dream or aspiration they have."
"We invest in our people from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down. We see economic growth and benefits for all Americans."
"Freedom matters economically. This is the Ramsay show."
"Taxing income and wealth creation is stupid."
"Capitalism is great because it forces people to strive more than their peers."
"Money is the value of your contribution to society."
"In a kingdom economy, there's more than enough for everybody."
"We need a worker-centered economy that can truly fulfill the solidarity message."
"Provide a service of value for other people, and then money will invariably become the by-product of your creation."
"Let's democratize capitalism. America is a capitalist democracy. I prefer for it to be a democracy with capitalism as opposed to a capitalist society with a little bit of democracy sprinkled in every now and then, right?"
"Everybody should have enough, and nobody should have too much."
"Bitcoin is the last thing that gives me hope because without it the totalitarian central planners do not win on a long enough time scale all they do is they kick the can down the road to the next central planners."
"I love how we all deep down know that money doesn't actually have any value."
"Money will automatically follow, money is not a big deal."
"Communism means you don't have production for profit."
"President Biden making an important point: capitalism without competition."
"I think that is a smart way to frame this. And if you truly do believe in capitalism, you should believe in actual competition between companies because that is the whole point."
"Government doesn't create jobs, it destroys them."
"Let people work hard and do business, and everyone will do well."
"To erode property rights is not to make people wealthier, but to make the individual more dependent."
"Every country in the world's in debt. They're in sin."
"Human centered capitalism. That's the vision we're fighting for."
"Less government and less regulatory is the natural thing to an open and free market."
"Time is money or rather technology. Technology is everything and money is a way to technology."
"Capitalism takes the impulses of greed and envy and ambition and turns them to the common good."
"I believe the more people have good, they have money, the more good people have money, the we're going to make the world a better place."
"I'm a Milton Friedman guy, I'm a free market, free people guy."
"Money is just a marker used to sort of exchange that and know who has how much of it, right? So money is uh, it's a social contract."
"That's capitalism isn't good unless you have moral people."
"The term 'Made in America' has to mean something again."
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? That statement is the most reductive but also best way to describe socialist principles."
"Money, especially in the form of coinage, also made chattel slavery, possibly."
"Do you think an individual has a right to keep the fruits of their labor?"
"It's not government that is creating wealth, it's individuals, businessmen, companies."
"Banks should be servants of the industrial side of the economy, not masters."
"I'm not for just an individual capitalist, I'm for community uplift."
"Nothing can stop the Glorious March of capitalism."
"People don't understand that true capitalism is what brings prosperity."
"I think that even though I am deeply a free-market person, I think that you have to be intellectually honest."
"The only way to solve it is the rising tide lifts all ships look the richer is going to get richer the poor's going to get poorer but everyone is going to get richer."
"The better people do, the better we all do. That's the bottom line."
"I consider taxation to be one of those transactions."
"There's any world in which we're going to move from a shareholder optimization to a stakeholder optimization economy."
"The freer the markets, the freer the people."
"Freedom works, that's all there is to it, and the countries that recognize that and create free markets for their people like Texas will benefit big time over the next 40 years."
"You need to let markets clear, you need to let firms fail."
"I don't believe in having equal outcomes for everybody because that drives everyone down to the bottom but what I absolutely believe in is equality of opportunity."
"The future of bitcoin's potential and it's just it's mind-blowing and we we have no idea what that's going to look like."
"It's not that deficits don't matter. It's that they don't until they do."
"I just find it really exciting that we can disclose reality through the populace, through money that is actually sound, because it forces us to say, no, I don’t want to pay for this war in Ukraine or this war wherever, right?"
"Money is never a neutral tool in the hands either of a state or an individual that has pre-ordained and pre-planned needs, desires, dreams, and plans."
"The purpose of capitalism is to provide solutions to human problems, that's what it's for."
"I think the key to this new form of capitalism, if it emerges, will in fact go back to George's three concepts of reflexivity, fallibility, and human uncertainty."
"We need to rethink the way we think about economic value."
"Instead of creating more cash, let's create more of what cash buys."
"What fundamentally sets apart the Austrian School from the mainstream schools of economic thought is the consistent focus upon individual human action as the driving force behind economic activity."
"Capitalism, entrepreneurship, with a little bit of compassion thrown in."
"An economy does not need to punish mediocrity in order to be great, it cannot punish greatness or it is going to end up being mediocre."
"The functioning of markets are in fundamental tension with the maintenance of a humane society."
"I know the price of everything and the value of nothing."
"I believe in laissez-faire economics, the government shouldn't do that much."
"The profit or the increase of the earth is for everybody."
"The only reason the takers have anything to take is because the makers who started business went out and made something that other people valued."
"Capitalism is love, force is fear, and those are the opposites."
"For the past 200 years, free-market capitalism has been defined by a singular ethic: more, bigger, faster is better."
"Labor is in the first place a process in which both man and nature participate."
"Money is not wealth; money is just a medium of exchange."
"All value is actually subjective."
"I still believe that the ideal system is to let individuals in the private sector pursue life, liberty, and happiness under conditions of a stable dollar and accurate pricing signals."