
Academic Perspective Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Economics has to be re-understood as a branch of moral philosophy."
"The current paradigm within the medical, academic, and scientific communities... is that gender is not the same as sex."
"Economists nowadays are pretty friendly towards UBI; they want to believe in it."
"Let's see what Kate Milner PhD candidate by the way candidate at Anne Berg School for Communication hmm okay I'm a FEMINIST media scholar and such I don't believe in gender essentialism while sex is biological gender is a social construct."
"Cultural theorist named Raymond Williams wrote about dominant emergent and residual cultures. Residual cultures die out."
"There is really some important and interesting information that can serve the medical community and end users alike."
"Before Jerusalem Fell by Dr. Ken Gentry... the possibility that no actually the dating of the book of revelation can be earlier and the book of revelation in its historical context is about the 70-80 destruction of Jerusalem."
"Material analysis of history is going to tell you what's right or wrong or whether anybody's materialist or idealist."
"Normally it's just a bunch of like twitch jabronies like myself being like uh debate good debate bad but like you actually can come from the perspective of like academia which is nice."
"This is something we have never seen achieved before." - Professor Nikolai Petrovsky
"Singapore is widely considered in the academic literature to have developed via stake capitalism."
"As an academic I care that I learn something every day if a day goes by I don't learn something that's a wasted day and ideally you should get your mind blown at least once a week by just something whoa I never knew that."
"Looking at it through the lens of a film student, this movie isn't necessarily a badly made movie."
"Our history is not merely a trotline of metaphors... it is about specific people in specific places within specific events." - Alan Gilso
"Popular financial advice might contain important insights that academics have been overlooking."
"The plurality of data right now expressed both in academia and by the government is that there is in fact systemic racism in this country."
"What's in a name potentially a great deal." - University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson.
"The study of law at university is not the only preparation to become a legal practitioner, but it is the best preparation."
"One wonders if nagamati six were found isolated from all the others what would Scholars have done with it."
"The assumption that the Gospels were intentionally written anonymously has become nearly standard."
"A criticism that takes a thinker radically serious on their own terms is far superior to any superficial fanboyism."
"Both journalism and scholarship have really important roles to play in society but they are fundamentally different."
"If you actually want to learn how the economy works, there is a second economics department in every university... and that place is called the business school."
"It startled me to realize that this is not simply a study in Old Testament ancient history."
"For science to work, you have to have an open exchange of ideas." - Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
"Sex is an absolutely fundamental category across all of the disciplines that deal with human beings."
"Most of those people drop out of Harvard, MIT, Oxford, and Cambridge."
"This is academic cover for spreading pro-NATO disinformation."
"Grades don't define you, it just defines whether you get stuff done or not."
"An inordinately gullible admiration for China had spread within Academia and the World Health Organization."
"Science is this continual process of trying to discover truth." - Dr. Benjamin Bickman
"I think there's much practical utility to distinguishing between these kinds of racisms outside of one being systemic and one being not."
"Two prominent conservative law professors have concluded that Donald J. Trump is ineligible to be president under a provision of the Constitution."
"You should think of this test as like extra credit."
"As an economist, I always thought it was called the dismal science for a reason."
"What really led to the conviction of Ted Bundy was this bite mark that he left on Lisa Levy."
"A lost chapter in human history, one that recorded the Earth with surprising accuracy and detail." - Graham Hancock
"The view that the New Testament Gospels contain discrepancies and errors is the view shared by New Testament scholars across the United States and Europe."
"Clothing that reveals or emphasizes sexual body parts or has a sexual print... it's a psychology professor."
"EVs are supposed to be environmentally friendly, but they are causing environmental problems." - Professor at the University of Tokyo's Institute of Industrial Science.
"Being a finance professor, how do you view the freedom dividend of $1,000 per month?"
"Egyptologists have tended for a long time to view Nubia... through the lens of Egypt... Nubia becomes kind of an appendage of Egypt..."
"Look at Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz also debunking these charges."
"I feel like Dr. Procter's comment there is so insightful."
"Astroneer is a true gem that deserves an infinite amount of attention."
"A lot of biblical scholars believe Hebrew writers invented the ages of the judges."
"Getting high grades is not even half of the pie... it's not half of the pot there's another half of the pie."
"I am a scholar of race. I'm not just someone who experiences it, I'm a scholar, I'm an academic of race."
"...history is all about moving you from the footnote to the text."
"Every university has its downfalls, but every university has its positives."
"Mathematics wasn't a static subject where people were just making small incremental advances in very technical areas."
"Let's look at it from a scholastic point of view."
"Do not be detained by this consideration of whether this text approximates something called history."
"We academics... have the luxury of... thinking about the great principles."
"Sometimes the more important thing is not the exams and the academics, but it's looking after yourself."