
Economic Concerns Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The president understands what's going on around the kitchen table when Americans are sitting around trying to figure out how they're going to deal with the economy, how are they going to deal with healthcare."
"No matter who you are or what you do, this is a time where you should be focused on your health and that of your neighbors, not whether you're going to lose your job, not whether you're going to run out of money for things like groceries and medication."
"Wealth inequality is something that I've been worried about for quite some time. I think I first started speaking and writing about it in 2010, about a year or so after the financial crisis."
"The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank within the last few weeks has caused fears of another 2008 level financial crisis."
"A total lack of confidence in the entire financial system could do it too. It's like what are we not paying attention to that could really wipe out everything."
"Cardi B respect. Cardi came out ranting about, or outraged about inflation costs, the rising costs of rent, wondering how are people surviving this."
"We have to get the economy running and you have to protect every life that you can."
"If their income continues to fall short of expectations and fails to cover normal living expenses, will they remain willing to serve the CCP?"
"Inflation's impact on globalization is concerning; we need a balanced approach."
"It would be a concern if inflation expectations were not to be consistent with the outcome that we seek."
"We think that's the bigger risk now out there: deflation."
"The vast majority of Americans care much more about their pocketbooks than about the fact they're paying hundreds of dollars more per month every month now thanks to Joe Biden."
"When my mother goes to the grocery store and she's complaining about the price of milk, she's not worried about the definition of recession."
"A lot of anti-China sentiment is only skin deep because, at the end of the day, average Americans are more concerned about the economy and their jobs."
"There's a prevailing concern that the United States might be on the verge of a severe economic downturn similar to the hardships faced during the Great Depression."
"There's gonna be a lot more than that. Jobs will be on the ballot."
"Democrats are now technically in a recession, and most Americans feel really, really nervous about the economy. Somewhere between 70 and 80 percent of Americans believe that the country is moving in the wrong direction."
"I care about high gas prices because it affects everybody."
"I don't want to go into a recession. Everything gets bad in a recession."
"We're seeing very quickly in the last couple of months here, you know, it's increasing at a faster... it's a bigger pile increasing at a faster rate, which we all know how that ends, which is badly."
"He thought he was being an everyman person. Relating to everyone. Cause everyone cares about the number on their paycheck."
"68% of Americans are worried about covering living expenses."
"For this country to service 31 trillion dollars of debt it's going up... it is going to cost more money to borrow money."
"If oil goes into the 50s I am a little concerned that OPEC plus has already squandered its bullets."
"This is not fake, this is real, it's painful by the way, watch the prices with food."
"The real biggest Factor boils down to the economy... a majority disapprove of Joe Biden's performance."
"The United States is not in danger of becoming Venezuela next week but we are moving closer to it."
"The Suburban housewife is tired of paying $475 for a dozen eggs."
"We just want lower gas prices and better lives for our family and no hate speech, you know, this Common Sense stuff."
"Inflation is potentially a huge problem and a huge threat."
"The world now sees the amount of debt and money Printing and debt Spirals and interest on debt and everything else it's like this is not sustainable."
"I do kind of worry... the fundamentals are where low productivity, low growth economy."
"Food inflation worries could worsen if the blockage persists and spreads to more agricultural commodities."
"Isn't this just gonna make the home affordability problem worse?"
"The fear is not so much that China can't handle it it's more so what is going to be the broader impact of it all especially in the United States."
"Electric consumer cars, very sexy. Electric commercial vehicles, businesses care about breakeven costs."
"There's a generation where it's less and less likely that your kids will be better off than you."
"I think that next year the economy is going to be one of my biggest concerns."
"3,000 dollars a month isn't enough with that variant floating around."
"Glenn Youngkin will destroy our economy. He'll destroy our education system. If Glenn Youngkin is elected governor, it will be a grave mistake for Virginia."
"What the American people care about: the rising price of gas, the rising price of groceries..."
"Chinese ghost cities raise concerns about the sustainability of development practices, potential economic repercussions, and the long-term viability of these large-scale projects."
"Sure, you want to pay attention to the economy, you want to pay attention to inflation, but you also want to pay attention to what we're doing to fight inflation."
"So, what I'm trying to say is the inflation issue that we're facing is a real concern and what we have to pay attention to is what we do to fight this inflation."
"We're now more worried about a recession than we are about inflation."
"A lot of people are worried that there's not enough in this bill for them."
"I believe a major financial crisis is underway."
"China is looking at a ballpark on paper debt figure of over 850 trillion officially from this industry alone."
"Our energy systems are under attack and they're causing economic, political, and physical conflicts around the world."
"The fundamental warfare occurring is economic, backed up by the possibility of kinetic warfare."
"Are they too big to fall?" - A Chinese green card holder
"A recession is coming, budgets are tightening, and I'm really worried that diversity is going to be the first thing that goes."
"The economy and inflation top issue - bigger than I've seen it."
"Our deficits are gonna explode through the roof in the coming years."
"Understanding that if people are worried about the economy, they're going to flock to safer investments."
"Long term, they have to deal with this inflation. I 100% as an investor get it. You don't want to get into the point of stagflation and that could just crush the economy long term."
"Who's going to buy all these homes with mortgage rates now doubling?"
"What if we lose Amazon because the consumer gets weaker?"
"The looming threat of an inflated market bubble raises serious concerns about the stability and sustainability of the real estate landscape."
"It's rough times ahead, that's what scares me."
"People are concerned about pocketbook problems."
"Turkey may need to borrow more money as its currency reserves dwindle."
"The power is yours here everyone knows feeding hungry children is a top priority I'd like to see universal credit boosted but if the economy and currency collapse the poor will be devastated alleging a blind eye is just wrong."
"The biggest threat to the United States is not terrorism, it's not weapons of mass destruction, it's not climate change, it's... our debt."
"Preppers are concerned about the state of our economy and the state of our world."
"Turns out she's got a dirty little secret about the weight loss stuff we're going to talk about but first right now it is no secret if you're tuned in we are seeing what could be a recession piling up at the beginning of the year."
"Avocado, they're too expensive and going extinct."
"The highest inflation in over four decades. Now that sounds bad, but is it really?"
"That's like the worst CPI reading I think we've had in Forever, a very long time."
"This might be a larger problem for us than the collapse of the financial system."
"I fear a crash or a reset that kills the pensions of people who are planning to retire."
"The American dollar is in severe crisis... at risk of no longer being the reserve currency of choice."
"I think America is already itching to be like okay we need to go back to work or we're not gonna have a country to go back to."
"People are more interested now in their jobs and inflation and being able to pay the bills, pay the rent, pay the mortgage, whatever it is that's ultimately on their plate."
"There it is. Inflation's still in the terrible zone. That's not a sigh of relief at all."
"Americans want safe cities, affordable gas, and freedom."
"That's not the problem. The problem is what is the money going to be worth when you get it?"
"even with the concerning level of debt, investors don't seem to believe that a debt crisis is inbound"
"I think people are starting to snap out of it. Whether it's the gas prices, Afghanistan, or student loans, people are starting to wake up."
"I think people are over woke culture, over PC culture, they're over-covered. People are starting to see the state of the economy right now."
"I'm stressed out because between the war in Ukraine, gas prices, inflation, COVID, the chicken wing shortage, and the rental increase..."
"Parents really don't want to believe that their kids are actually sick, huh? I mean I get it, it's expensive if you don't have good insurance but still, that sucks."
"Semiconductor industry investments by China raise economic and security concerns for the US."
"We have to do the 33 billion on the Ukraine relief but we also have to focus on making sure people have vaccines and boosters and we're tackling prices and meeting the domestic needs."
"China's actions reflect global concerns about big tech and economic inequality."
"Everyone's got about this, America's economy is at stake."
"They're gonna be really interested in buying Bitcoin especially if they're concerned about systemic risks which more and more people are going to be talking about especially as we move into this and the mainstream really gets rolling with this."
"It's not just the US economy that's facing a threat right now, it's the entire global economy."
"Don't worry about gas prices, your future, your children's future, your ability to make a living, that your savings is going down."
"The danger is of course that the cryptocurrency is abused and that it permits central banks to print even more money without any visibility or transparency."
"Americans don't want more political theatrics; they want actions and solutions to bring down costs."
"Inflation fears resurface as concerns over persistently high inflation."
"There are just so many warning signs in the economy right now that people really need to be paranoid about what comes next."
"What happens to the banks if interest rates go NEGATIVE? It's TOXIC."
"If inflation fears are real, then why would you not get into bitcoin?"
"America cannot survive another lockdown, cannot happen."
"So we've brought forward a ton of consumption to do stuff. I'm more concerned than others are about 2021."
"The impending currency, fiscal, and debt crisis is no longer NIA's greatest concern."
"Grantham's statement about a super bubble seems scary."
"I don't think it's worth wrecking the economy over."
"Inflation is front and center for many of your minds."
"Welcome back to tech yes city and you guys are telling me you love finance mixed in with tech so this is going to be a bit of a first for me in talking about much greater problems or at least much greater cracks that are popping up in the economy."
"Could we tip over into another Great Depression? If so, what are some of the practical things you can do now to prepare?"
"Artisans should be paid appropriately, especially considering the rising cost of living."
"15% inflation? The highest increase in prices since the 1980s? $8 a gallon for gas? Shipping delays? Supply chain problems. Labor shortages?"
"The largest issue would be your final GDP."
"The rising cost of living high on the agenda for many of us."
"Most people are infinitely more concerned with inflation and the cost of goods and services rising."
"I think to me the number one issue facing Main Street investors is inflation, and it's pretty clear to me that inflation is not transitory."
"The biggest areas of concern right now are the geopolitical risks and the risks associated with higher government involvement in economies."
"The cost of living in America is terrifying for people right now."
"No one likes inflation; people want good jobs that pay a living wage."
"Fear is growing they may cause a recession in the process."
"There's something wrong here with the economic anxieties of our country."