
Policy Effectiveness Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"This is a president that gets where the American people are and has delivered in that way whether it's the economy, whether it's healthcare, even on the global stage."
"The cost of inaction and doing too little is greater than the cost of doing too much."
"You can't just pass a law and that automatically produces the results you want."
"What the government does matters a lot more than what the head of the government says."
"It would be a concern if inflation expectations were not to be consistent with the outcome that we seek."
"Trump is doing the right thing, whether or not the ban will actually happen."
"If these kids don't have a decent education, what hope do they have?"
"What makes a policy successful heavily depends on the policy and the type of policy it is, I think."
"The results speak for themselves: as the wall goes up, illegal crossings and crime go down."
"Trump won in 2016 and will win again because the people are tired of the establishment. People can say what they will about his attitude, but his policies are strong."
"It's important that we get that in order to maximize the benefits of our interventions."
"Democrats win on the merits, the Democrats win on the policy, the Democrats won on the receipts, but they are missing the political landscape that we're in where you have to win the messaging."
"I don't think the reset ever could have worked...because there's literally nothing that we do which is that important inside Russia."
"Crime is going up, whatever they're doing isn't working."
"In terms of Hindus... his expression in clear American terms...valid foundations for effective public policy."
"Sympathy and crappy policy matter a lot more than sympathy and good policy."
"The reason it’s important to get it right is that if we’re trying to reduce the prison population, we want to make sure we do it correctly."
"But it's always hard to kind of know in my opinion, like, well yeah, ex-person's Taylor guy has won that event. Let's say, but how, you know, what's the competition like? Is he actually beating good golfers in their prime?"
"Victory, if yes, what's worked in Saudi and UAE etc., is still not working with the western world and that should tell you a lot."
"The Democrats are the party of ideas, solutions, and results."
"The president's economic plan is indeed working."
"The results were in. Addiction was down by more than 50 percent, overdose deaths were down by more than 80 percent."
"I think Donald Trump did advance a lot of the right policies for this country."
"Hillary doesn't just have a powerful vision for this country, she has the policies to actually make that vision a reality."
"35% of the URLs flagged were actioned under remove, reduce, or inform policies."
"He may be crappy at policy but he's empathetic."
"Building physical systems to stop illegal immigration might make sense if it were a physical problem but it's not."
"We know how to decrease crime. We've done it recently and we've done it in multiple jurisdictions."
"I'm not too worried about spending a lot to make really well-targeted and really efficient sort of welfare programs."
"You can tell people policy all day long, but if they don't see it in action, it's harder to reach people."
"We've reduced illegal border crossings for eight straight months in a row."
"The gun amnesty was pretty much immediate... You would expect the results to be immediate."
"Practical policy matters more than the message."
"That's the point: appropriate regulation and a government that cares."
"It's the fact that good policies work for Mississippi's economy and America's economy."
"What will make for a big deal is two things: innovation and smart policies."
"The wall is having a tremendous impact on drugs coming into our country."
"Trust can be built through representation that looks like the community and through substantive policy gains."
"We cannot laissez-faire won't work if you've got a predator in the room."
"These policies were in fact effective through the 80s and through most of the 90s."
"Much of it is determined by the individuals at the helm."
"They push all of these like 'we want equality, we want rights for people'... but they never actually do anything policy-wise to actually better the lives of the groups of people that they're talking about."
"The evidence is overwhelming that it had an incredible impact on poverty."
"Games can have complete and total confidence that under this plan, the borders will finally be fully and totally secure."
"No monetary policy is going to get those people back to work so that's silly."
"Pretty much the only thing that the inflation reduction act does not do is reduce inflation."
"If you focus on this point, I think you actually have a chance of getting some sort of policy that may contain the spread of coronavirus a little better."
"Until you change the culture, that's when you can stop doing the stop-and-frisk. But because it doesn't happen overnight, right?"
"It'll help our economy wherever you go you hear about shortages of labor one of the main reasons is inadequate child care."
"All policies should be about solving problems."
"Trickle-down economics doesn't solve the actual people's problems."
"We want to show that a democratic value-driven approach can deliver on the most pressing challenges." - Fond de Leon
"Our policies... have not had the effect that we thought that it would in many of the most important cases."
"Boosters vaccines treatments we're going to have money for all that because amazingly we weren't going to."
"There will always be loopholes, but yeah, you can tighten them."
"He's a bully to start with, everyone knows that. But beyond that, his policies actually have not been that good."
"Any climate agreement that doesn't have any teeth to it is really more of a climate suggestion."
"It's not about the gun control, it's about the laws that we have on the books."
"Send power down to towns, to communities, to regions. Take leveling up seriously."
"It is one thing to pursue good policy that happens to trigger people on the left, it is another thing simply to trigger them and then assume that you have done something good."
"The debate over COCOM's Effectiveness was and remains of voluminous."
"This prevents things from going off the rails the way they did in the 70s."
"It's not possible to enforce consistently so therefore the whole thing becomes just a total mess."
"Blanket bans won't work. Targeted restrictions and sound monetary policy are needed."
"What next? How does this help America? This won't work. It hasn't worked. It's not going to work."
"Immigration...a wall really?...doesn't even do what you want it to do."
"Americans know that these policies work, they're practical, they're beyond ideology, they're simply common sense."
"People need benefits in their hands instantly. They can't grasp these esoteric in the air ideas."
"In states where restrictions were generally relaxed much earlier, they are now experiencing wild increases in case numbers and deaths."
"Thankfully we have studies now which show that states that implement gender-neutral bathroom policies have absolutely no uptick in sexual assaults, rape, or any kind of violence."
"Feelings don't save lives, emotions don't save lives, policies save lives."
"Leadership for a community is not the same as taqwa, it's about effective policies."
"The ideal way to tackle inflation: reduce demand by tightening monetary policy and allowing supply chain time to catch up. Boom, bingo, we're back to equilibrium!"
"No one should doubt that we will do enough to bring inflation down to two percent."
"Masks have value unquestionably, but masks are not going at the root of the problem, vaccination is." - New York City Mayor
"Policies are not these deities that are hovering there and can cause you to do things you don't want to do. Policies are just, they're nothing unless you have people to enforce them."
"Mask mandates decrease COVID. That's the science."
"It destroyed the people's smugglers' business model."
"Red policies, conservative policies, seem to work better."
"The desperate effort to destroy Social Security and public education can't be because they're not working; they both work extremely well."
"It would lift over 900,000 Americans out of poverty."
"The American Rescue Plan is a solution that comes to the moment and is a solution that helps deal with the crises we face in this country right now."
"The next money we spend should probably be on these very simple and cheap policies."
"If I were to single out some, well, one, he can address student debt right."
"The expectation that we've been hearing is that the Biden border policy is a disaster... we don't have a country anymore... when title 42 expired it was just going to be a deluge... what actually happened is that the number of encounters declined."
"Throwing out pre-clearance when it has worked and is continuing to work to stop discriminatory changes is like throwing away your umbrella in a rainstorm because you're not getting wet."
"China's policy has actually been above all about protecting people's lives."
"We need smart policies and common sense initiatives."
"These are the things that we just need to get right to actually get out to the public."
"Whatever works to increase human flourishing of more people in more places, then I'm for it, and we should champion those and make reasonable arguments for why they're working."
"Sanctions never deter... what will stop him is the maintenance of sanctions."
"Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, is working."
"Culture eats policy alive every day." - Dr. Rashad Richie discussing police behavior.
"I think the Sony A90J is in a solid position to be the best TV of 2021."
"The truth is that banning Tik Tok doesn't solve the problems we and many others have highlighted concerning the app."
"The more we come to understand the data, the more it appears that disciplinary approaches such as zero tolerance that over-rely on suspension and expulsion are not effective in changing student behavior or improving school safety."
"If it's successful then I don't really have a problem with the policy."
"Emissions are down since 2015... the policies that we put in place have turned the tide."
"Policy packages and economy-wide packages are better able to achieve systematic change than individual policy instruments on their own."
"Paying politicians more money rather than less but forcing them to justify their compensation... could make our policymakers much more effective."
"For the first time, small boat arrivals here are down by a third."
"If you want to infer the effect of a treatment on a disease, or reduce emissions with climate change policies, you might want to pick the policy that is most effective at reducing emissions."