
Teaching Methods Quotes

There are 211 quotes

"Jesus took the simple things, the everyday things, the common things...and used those physical things to show spiritual truths."
"All those tutorials are most effective when both teachers and students embrace those mindsets."
"Once you engage students in the process of learning, in the process of collaboration, in the process of learning from each other, not necessarily from me, you can't get the classroom back."
"Children should be taught how to think, not what to think."
"Girls get better outcomes when they are taught by females, and most teachers are female."
"Delivery is everything, right? And you can have something very important that you want to teach people, to explain, and if you deliver it in a way where they can't understand it or they don't want to understand it, then it won't happen, even if you're speaking facts."
"When you want to explain a topic, often the best route to making it understandable is to start off by being a bit wrong."
"The teaching method...has been actually proven to be effective across multiple studies."
"Teaching is not doing something to somebody; it's doing something with somebody."
"The best way to teach someone is by using love and kindness."
"You don't teach somebody something by doing the same thing they're doing."
"Education will start to look more and more project-based... it has a greater impact on the students."
"Free thinkers would rather teach kids how to think rather than what to think."
"A proper education does mean or should mean instilling virtue and that requires care, that requires patience, that requires love."
"Glenn suddenly became famous among the students in a short time because his teaching style was out of the box."
"I'm experimenting with different ways... really resonating with all of you is when we take a guest and get them to teach a really specific instantly applicable idea or skill."
"If we could all come together and teach the 'whys' instead of just the 'do's and 'don'ts', it would be better."
"Remember, we teach by demonstration better than any other way."
"Option D is correct because annotating applicable concepts in the article that focus on the pertinent research information will teach students to distinguish relevant information from irrelevant information."
"Kids who are educated this way are repeatedly taught all the wrong arguments against science."
"NEP 2020 emphasizes the importance of experiential learning and personalized teaching methods."
"Working to convey a single idea in multiple different ways helps ensure understanding."
"What if we spent as much time teaching kids how to think for themselves as we do on English, Math or any other subject?"
"If you teach them how I think rather than what to think that's a really important."
"How did you learn? And how do you teach, so others could learn?"
"But I don't think it was a responsible way to teach people how to take care of their environment, and that's an important thing in this day and age."
"Learning is not important, but how to learn is important."
"Stop grading everything. If you have been told that you have to grade every assignment you give your students, sorry but I'm here to tell you, I'm too districts do tend to have a certain number of requirements for grades."
"Most of the time it's better to show what you're talking about than to just tell anyway."
"The best gift an educator can give is to get somebody to become self-reflective."
"Each one of them you will learn things and there's going to be either different ways that someone's teaching they'll have different communities they'll have different beliefs you'll learn from all of them."
"I'm a huge fan of using music in the classroom for almost everything."
"Formative assessment is assessment for learning; summative is of learning."
"Don't get too locked into the building block method."
"I respect that immensely. I think that uh the classic saying is that teachers are there to teach you how to think not what to think."
"Once you definitely learn a topic, actually prepare a lecture to explain to other students."
"Let's teach awareness but let's not teach trauma, let's teach confidence."
"I teach teachers, not students. We're scaling, multiplying, industrializing."
"Technology provides an opportunity for teachers to rethink pedagogical approaches and enhance learning."
"The best way to actually help beginners... teach them how to make their bed."
"In conclusion, history can be something that teaches us many ways to avoid making the same mistakes."
"If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob students of tomorrow."
"Learn to teach a person how to fish and don't give them a fish."
"Teach them how to think... not what to think."
"Two presidents, two coaches, a very exciting blockbuster battle."
"A lot of this stuff can be really overwhelming and I love the idea of being able to take that stuff and try to explain it in a down-to-earth way."
"We're not trying to do anything about telling the students what to think, we're trying to teach them how to think."
"Our schools are now teaching our students what to think instead of how to think."
"Teaching tricks is to really build communication with dogs."
"Using digital tools for teaching, learning, and assessment."
"Seeing students work with tools can give insights into their learning."
"You're teaching them to fish instead of giving them fish."
"So we'll move on to the next section and that is gonna be about colors."
"I love science and math as a kid but I didn't love how they were taught in school."
"I hesitate to use the word proven in any area of science, but the evidence suggests strongly that direct expository teachings don't seem to be the most effective for novices specifically."
"Act like a teacher... a fun way to keep yourself engaged and improve your attention."
"It's better to teach people how to fish than to just give them fish."
"It's better to teach a child restraint rather than restriction."
"Technology is primarily introduced as an aid for the teachers' presentations in American schools, but in Finland, the emphasis is much more on the students using the technology for their learning."
"Fun is the number one priority when teaching fetch."
"You don't know it unless you feel it, and that's why we put the collars on you so that you could feel it."
"Teaching people how to think, not what to think."
"Heritage minutes were more effective teaching history than school was."
"This will just be a great way for my students to get additional practice."
"Teaching strategies were energizing and focused on engaging students."
"Well done, well done, don't push, just blow. Heads out!"
"Sports analogies make it easier to understand."
"Teaching for conceptual understanding over test scores."
"I just personally feel like teaching to the test does a disservice."
"I try to bring education instead of bringing shock and awe."
"The goal is ultimately for your student or students to retain the information you’re trying to pass on."
"If I can't teach you the meaning of justice, I'll teach you the meaning of fear."
"The only way you know that you know something is the way in which you can explain it to somebody else."
"There are objectively good ways of teaching things to kids."
"Hopefully, the demand is such that coalesces into making the default more something that teaches kids not what to think but how to think."
"Whiteboard is like the key. It is literally like my best means of being able to articulate my ideas and help people understand them."
"They're not indoctrinating them. They're teaching your students how to think, not what to think."
"Start slow, learn well, then speed it up - that's the key to mastering Latin drumming."
"Instead of just teaching, we'll be able to document it and show you step by step."
"Teaching people how to interact with others honestly with compassion and empathy fixes far more than any punishment I can think of."
"Teach the controversy... teach the controversies in evolution."
"This is a good beginning but we have to now offer better alternatives, better curricula, better pedagogies."
"We've come to say: Are the Gospels like the informal uncontrolled stories or are they more like rabbinical teaching?"
"The creativity and effort required to give students that kind of epiphany moment."
"A good teacher is going to give you all the tools that you need to be able to think and acquire that answer on your own."
"Give them the motivation first, and then give them the information."
"Meet the donkey where he's at. So he can't understand that one plus one equals two? Beating him over the head with it, cursing at him, and judging him isn't gonna help him."
"You're not teaching kids to be wary or think about danger and consequences because if they're in a bad situation they can just say in Jesus's name and it'll all be better."
"Say goodbye to dull textbooks and hello to an Interactive Learning Experience!"
"Manny's lessons are presented in both English and Spanish, which allows him to really open up to that demographic."
"Being a teacher isn't easy. A good teacher explains, a superior teacher demonstrates, but a truly great teacher inspires."
"Look at the bigger picture. You're teaching people how to fish instead of giving it to them."
"There's so many different ways to do things than just what I'm showing you."
"If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn."
"Blended learning holds immense potential to revolutionize teaching and learning."
"But in this video I hope to show you something that you're going to do in linear algebra that you've never done before, and that it would have been very hard to do had you not been exposed to these videos."
"I've actually been using iRacing to start teaching my daughter how to drive."
"In more traditional types of language teaching, there is a separation."
"Even if... even I mean, yes, I'm not saying they shouldn't read Dickens and Shakespeare. I'm saying that shouldn't be all they have to read. Like, this is what bad teachers don't understand."
"He was being nicer to the intern allowing them to turn in lab reports they generated instead of making the kid rewrite it over until it was correct."
"It's all about creating connections: I wrote the words on the board, I added emotions with my words, I used TPR, and I gave them a visual clue with SpongeBob eating a hamburger. All these things together make more connections and allow them to learn better."
"If you want to get the student to learn to think critically, instead of making the student the teacher, you make the student the teacher."
"...you're not doing a great job if you teach your history class the exact same way year after year after year..."
"There's always a lot of different ways to differentiate in the classroom."
"You could think about technologies that you use in the classroom, so that would be clickers, that would be using some sort of projection system, using a smart board, using some sort of simulations that you show students, et cetera, like virtual demos."
"Interactive live video is more effective than notes, right?"
"Let the teachers teach the way they know how to teach."
"We don't teach the correct and and at the same time we more concerned about how much he memorized how much material that he has rather than how much of that he understood or she understood."
"I think there are certain things that we've taught that people didn't focus on initially."
"Peer evaluations are some of the most essential things, especially from an instructor perspective."
"I might not make a stellar parent because, yeah, some of my teaching methods could use a little more of you know the human touch, a little less instant death."
"Conversational tone makes learning more engaging."
"Nobody hates history; they hate how they were taught."
"If you want to teach ABCD, to a small child, you can make him an astronaut."
"Teaching actually helps you to understand stuff in a completely different way."
"We've got to really grasp how we teach people these skills on both sides."
"If you have a normal brain, you're good at math. It's just a matter of how you've been taught."
"It's not what we teach, it's how deep we go, it's how we do it that matters."
"We'll teach you the methods and help you achieve your version of success."
"There's a mismatch between how we teach and how the brain naturally learns."
"I love edutainment, specifically taught in a way that doesn't feel like it's information dumping."
"This is the secret, especially contrast in juxtaposition, which I don't think most teachers teach their students as the number one way of getting the top grades."
"The way that you taught made me realize what teaching could be in its highest form."
"Teaching is more of an art than a science."
"Everyone coaches a little different, everyone teaches a little different."
"The guided discussion method is a wonderful method... very powerful way of learning."
"However, in teaching, it's not a manufacturing assembly line as you all know, and that has to change, and that's done with leadership."
"It would be nice if they would just teach people correctly from the first lesson."
"Babel's teaching methods are scientifically proven to be effective."
"What does a day in the life look like? Actually giving someone's kind of a scenario is definitely a better way of teaching."
"It's not really magic, it's science, but you don't have to tell anyone that."
"The use of shame and guilt to teach others a lesson is ungodly behavior."
"Teaching kids to learn how to learn."
"We can start to evaluate the ways of teaching people that might help get them to that point of automaticity in reading."
"I believe now that you have to entertain these kids in order to teach them because they're not scared no more."
"When you teach a person, teach him the root word, don't teach him the situation which is just sometimes."
"I often see other Spanish courses teaching this incorrectly, so instead I'm going to show you how native speakers actually do it."
"Too many people struggle in math not because they can't learn math, it's because math is often taught in an overly technical manner."
"We have got to learn from each child how it is that he or she learns and we have to adapt to them."
"It's a lot easier to teach, it's a lot easier to be taught, when you have that deep relationship with your coach."
"Making words is an excellent way to teach syllable rules."
"I just get to think about what is the most engaging way for this particular small human to absorb this information."
"We should remember how we learnt our first language and adopt some of the ways that we do that in our second language teaching."
"Pluralize your teaching methods and choose effectively which method is suitable for a particular learning outcome."
"Education was always about being the sage on the stage... now it's more of this guide on the side."
"Pre-brief, the enactment, the debrief, and the assessment are just paramount when you're doing any type of educational activities."
"That the film ends so suddenly too is shrewd, leaving the audience to ponder on both the nature of Andrew's success and the effectiveness or not of Fletcher's tyrannical teaching methods."
"Use concrete and specific words, augment what you say with visual support and hands-on activities, and repeat, repeat, repeat."
"I am forever fine-tuning, finessing, whatever verb you want to use, the approach I use with my year 11 students."
"The lecture should be used to teach students to think critically, to see relationships between concepts, to learn to discover and analyze new information."
"I'm going to teach you in a way that keeps it as interesting as possible."
"I always love starting off a new unit or a new topic with a video to kind of engage the students."
"Teach the concept, not just the procedure."
"It's not what you're teaching, it's how you're teaching it."
"If we teach kids how to spell or encode words during our reading lessons, we get a better result than if we just have them try to recognize words visually."
"The butterfly is an easy stroke to the athlete to master provided the essentials of teaching are followed from a very young age."
"The teaching is quite hands-on, and I've really enjoyed it."
"That's why we have two techniques, not to make your lives harder but to make it easier."
"I love these handwriting, and they teach cursive in such a really unique way."
"Our school is about finding your own special way to teach."
"I truly genuinely hope you enjoyed this teaching and learning format."
"He really responds well to a positive teaching experience. Lots of encouragement and praise, kind words."
"The whole point of all of these number sense routines is that they are quick and effective."
"It's easier to teach someone that knows nothing than it is to teach someone that knows a lot but they know it differently."
"Every good pre-k teacher knows that the way to get kids to pay attention is to capture it with fun and playful methods."
"Effective instruction can be described as explicit, very clear in direct teaching with frequent checks for understanding and just very clear explanations."
"Small group instruction has always been supported."
"The eclectic approach combines various teaching methods and techniques to cater to the diverse needs of learners."
"When you make it fun for her, she likes learning."
"The Koch method dictates the order the characters that we teach, and the Farnsworth method is the method of learning the code with a fast character speed but five-word per minute spacing."
"I really, really, really hope that you will enjoy this slightly different lesson today."
"In my house, they know they are loved and welcomed, and that I teach in a way that works."
"The big problem in a lot of our schools is that we don't teach kids the way they learn; we expect them to learn the way we teach."
"I had this amazing high school teacher... she would run around the classroom light stuff on fire."
"Morphology... will really transform not only how you teach reading and spelling but how you teach vocabulary."
"Daily review is really about activating prior knowledge that you're going to use to build on in that lesson."
"Effective teachers will link abstract ideas to concrete examples."
"The reason why children struggle with reading is a lot of time nothing to do with the child, but a lot to do with our instruction."
"Silent teachings are more direct and more powerful."
"Stop teaching kids what to think and start teaching them how to think."
"My goal here is that you'll consider shifting from a word wall to a sound wall."
"We're not talking about throwing out alphabetical order, we still use alphabetical order, but for our sound wall, we're talking about sounds."
"We really need to determine the difference between fundamentals and style."
"Teachers have to teach in accordance with the peculiarities of the people who are learning from them."
"There are many, many methods of teaching, and one should be able to use them all."
"The skills that we're teaching our kids is far more important than the content that we're teaching."
"The most effective teachers tell stories."
"This is perfect for online teaching."
"Good science teachers have got analogies and metaphors and ways of explaining stuff that on the surface is really hard to understand."
"Make sure you're demonstrating, not just telling the kids how to do things."
"Find new ways that students can learn effectively."
"The English language, like any other language, can be taught without using any other language as a support for that thing."
"This is a technique I use with students, and it has massive benefits."
"Plan a classroom shake-up... to really show your students with actions that this was the past, we are now doing things differently."
"People learn in different ways, and if you want to teach, you've got to be willing to teach in different ways too."
"I'm going to show you several different ways to do it and then you can decide which way you like the best, which way works the best for you."
"What can I do to really offer this knowledge in a way that people can consume at their own pace, at their own speed, in their own comfort?"