
Political Action Quotes

There are 656 quotes

"We're going to do everything we can to protect democracy. But here's what we can do with this democracy. Here are the things that we can achieve if we are able to protect this democracy."
"We have to start using our common sense. We have to take back this country one seat at a time."
"It's time for action; it's time for a clear-out; it's time for him to resign."
"The People's Republic of China, over the past two decades, has demonstrated imposing military and economic growth, paired with a shift from quiet development to aggressive political action and a slew of ambitious new agendas."
"Zelenskiy is a hero on behalf of 44 million Ukrainians. He's asking for more help, and the administration should be doing more, faster."
"By literally going to Walmart, I am making a political action by reinforcing the capitalistic framework and consumerism."
"President Biden has already started with one billion dollars of student loan forgiveness to defrauded borrowers and borrowers that or student loans i.e., students with student loans or previous student loans from colleges that have closed."
"What we've got to do is roll up our sleeves and fight for the agenda that working people throughout this country want."
"We have got to act now. That is what the American people want."
"We must rid our nation of Putin's dirty money."
"I will be extremely vocal about voting about enacting change in effective ways politically."
"We must stop this steal and then we must ensure outrageous election fraud never happens again."
"The New York Times writes: What sets Ralph Nader apart is that he has moved beyond social criticism to effective political action."
"The interest of the American people is to fight, to take your government back from Wall Street and make the United States a force for progress in the world."
"It's time for African Americans and those that consider them allies to do what needs to be done. Voting to get the people in our country that are in office that feel as if African Americans and their lives are not valuable, get them out of office."
"The time for bickering is over. The time for games has passed. Now is the season for action."
"The tears of grief that consumed Nashville, Tennessee, just 10 days ago over the murders of young children and school staffers are replaced tonight by cries of anger and accusations after an extraordinary move by Tennessee House Republicans."
"The biggest thing we can all do is vote. Vote for politicians who care about climate change and acting now."
"Sometimes all it takes to get a response from your elected officials is a massive class action lawsuit."
"The House of Representatives passed the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act by a final vote of 406 to 3."
"I think there are a number of things we can do to protect voting rights."
"Conservatives must wield power, engage in lawfare, and have backbone."
"The time for political posturing, theater, and illusion has well and truly gone, and the time for action has come."
"Putin just said 'Yolo' and sent his tanks into Ukraine."
"The time for aggressiveness for maybe an outcome change is right now."
"If you do all those things and you're still getting nowhere, run against them."
"If we unite, we can take this country back, it's in our hands."
"Voting is a waste of time until you organize."
"We've already begun specific actions to both undo the previous administration's policies and to advance a new vision of immigration."
"That's why I will be taking those important measures bringing them forward on Monday."
"We're prepared to act in courage and honest to the American people."
"I want Trump to go in and just rampage through the ivory tower."
"The Fire Fauci Act will bring Dr. Fauci's salary down to zero."
"Fix it. We don't want disenfranchised voters."
"Rhetoric is good; actually executing on the agenda that you ran on is even better."
"We're gonna do both. We're gonna fight Trump, and we're gonna fight the establishment. It's not that hard."
"These are dangerous and difficult times. There may not be much you can do to control the economy or a pandemic but you can control Trump if you pitch in."
"It was a great strategy. It was a sound legal strategy if only Mike Pence had the stones to go through with it."
"Voting is an organizing tool to leverage and bring your community together."
"And that's why I'm very proud to co-sponsor Representatives Biggs' articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas."
"I'm very proud to co-sponsor Representatives Biggs' articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas."
"Republicans need to start making criminal referrals to the capital police."
"We have not come here to beg world leaders to care for our future. They have ignored us in the past and they will ignore us again."
"This was created by executive action, this crisis. It could be fixed by executive action."
"It's amazing. It's this dark brand, this Biden who has decided now to take the power. He's forgiving student loan debt, he's saying what we've all been thinking this whole time. It's amazing, and he seems unfettered."
"I think we just go out there and just vote people out, you know?"
"If I were a violent politician, I would go into the nation's capital and start annihilating."
"At a certain point, a protest vote... it's defensible, a protest vote at that point."
"No American should be denied quality healthcare access because of their pre-existing condition."
"When you go into that voting booth and you press the button pull a lever check the box tap the screen, that simple action is a the largest collective fu to every single lie from the media."
"I think ultimately it's quite clear that if people want action on climate they need to vote green."
"When we took this action to uphold the Constitution of the state of California... we feel we're doing the right thing."
"I will totally obliterate the Deep State. I will fire the unelected bureaucrats who have weaponized our justice system."
"Just the act of Simply arresting the former president is something that we have gone out of our way to avoid here in the United States for literally hundreds of years."
"Whenever governments go against these, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish that government."
"There is power in your voice. If you sit back and you do nothing, then nothing will happen because we live in a republic where our voice absolutely matters."
"It's just the most important thing Canadians can do."
"We have a country to save; we will do it together."
"Let's deliver things to the American people, let's make sure we protect people's freedoms."
"If Donald Trump wants to go in there and actually make cuts, go get him."
"Under this order, the price of insulin for affected patients will come down to just pennies a day, from numbers that you weren't even able to think about."
"I urge my colleagues to vote and override the veto. I'm well convinced than ever that the president's actions are not only unlawful, they are deeply immoral. It's not who we are as a nation."
"Even though it was messy it still did achieve the goal that the people who elected them probably wanted to achieve."
"Immediate sanctions against the state of Israel."
"We elect Joe Biden and then Joe Biden has to take action."
"People are hurting and we need to get them more aid." - Senator Deb Fischer
"I hope you guys are doing the same, you know, reach out, drop me a comment down below, let me know if you're committed to reaching out to your congressman."
"It comes down to voting. Back to our white progressive friends that are upset, maybe you should turn out some votes other than your own."
"Good job, Joe Biden, invoking the Defense Production Act. Probably a good move."
"You only get one impeachment, you gotta make it count."
"That's why I think it's so important for the House to simply begin impeachment proceedings."
"Instead of doing these political stunts putting migrants at risk, children and families at risk, why don't they join us in trying to fix this problem at the border?"
"Speak with your voice, vote with your wallet."
"We must move swiftly to advance the legislation because if a single life can be saved it's worth the effort."
"They have blocked our efforts as Republicans 40 different times. It is time for the political games to be over. We need a solution. The American people are depending upon all of us."
"We will move forward to codify Roe v. Wade into legislation."
"Force it to happen. Do not trust any political party to automatically work in your interest." - AOC
"Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office."
"I will vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster."
"I tried to overthrow the government and all I got is this silly little interview no one is above the law."
"There is more urgency now than ever in Congress moving to pass a bill."
"Fill the seat! Fill it right now! Do not wait, fill it this week..."
"I introduced a bill called the protect children's innocence act."
"The Prime Minister didn't stop them... in fact, he actually sent a government delegation to meet with them."
"Lowering prescription drug prices, that's one of those tangible things we can do."
"President Biden has called on Congress to extend the eviction moratorium."
"An organized effort to get thousands of people to descend on the capital during the time when it is counting the votes... that isn't an Insurrection then nothing is."
"A non-vote is a political action... it embarrasses the government."
"Even the governors may not be able to come out openly and do this, but the Yoruba will rise."
"The GOP needs to be the party of doing things. The GOP vision that will have a future if it is to have a future is a GOP that does things."
"Do your part. Write to your senator, to your member of congress."
"Donald J. mother effing Trump... He just got a crowbar and pulled a Tonya Harding on China's 5G."
"Trump's urging of officials was consistent with the public good."
"The Senate must immediately set to work on the mission President Biden described: restoring the greatness and goodness of America."
"It's just a matter of what will be done to stop it if anything."
"The only way to make democracy stronger is we fight for it, and this starts by electing, so vote for Democrats only."
"The only way to make it a reality is by voting."
"The only way you change reality is if you go out here and get politically active and organized."
"If Donald Trump wanted to pass reform on DACA immigrants, they could literally do that right now."
"Why are we waiting 14 days to take this joker out of office? Trump and his cronies need to go to the garbage... in prison, prison garbage."
"Let them know that if they let this go through in this form, if they continue to support it, regardless of who runs against them, a carrot could run against them, and you will vote for the carrot just to avoid them being elected to another term."
"We don't have to sulk... all we have to do is vote in November of 2024."
"Conceding the vote is not enough. You've got to do more than that."
"The Democrats, um, they did exactly what they said that they were going to do here. Okay. So you have to understand that they actually did come through for the categories of people who we've been talking about for the past several months."
"I think we're ready to move and it is to that great task if we're successful that we will address ourselves."
"What can be done to deter the Deep State's nefarious actions in the future?"
"It is time, we've had it, let's make these simple rules the law now in Washington."
"God can make it impossible for me to not believe."
"Californians have a right to recall their governor when they have failed."
"We have to move forward with big bold action." - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer
"People in Congress on Capitol Hill have been galvanized to do what they were sent there to do."
"Our fight is for our way of life, and it has only just begun."
"NBC News is reporting exclusively that the Trump Administration is now launching a global campaign to stop countries around the world from criminalizing homosexuality."
"What the British public want right now is action and results and less of the chat."
"We eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate."
"To keep this momentum going, to continue this incredible progress, to keep on winning, you have to vote Republican in November."
"Ultimately, if we want to get rid of the military industrial complex, it’s up to Congress to do just that."
"We try to create structural change at the intersection of policy and politics."
"Enforcing the Constitution against Donald Trump and other insurrectionists is not partisan, it is patriotic."
"He is committed to raising it to fifteen dollars and he's going to work with members of congress to find the right path forward."
"Political action to be truly beneficial must be directed toward changing the hearts and minds of the people."
"We have to act. Global governance, in other words." - Al Gore
"How long until it's not a resignation but a Battle of Athens?"
"Bill Barr is dropping the hammer and he's not playing games."
"Representative Ilhan Omar: 'We can choose to lift the burden of millions of people.'"
"It is no exaggeration to say that this current session could completely reshape this country and redirect our future for generations to come, and not in a good way."
"Georgia voters made history and made their voices heard."
"Trump just banned TikTok. Whoa, really? Just signed an executive order saying that TikTok is banned under the National Emergencies Act and will sanction any company still doing business with them."
"If some states refuse to reopen, I would like to see that person run for election. They're gonna open, they have to open, they have to get open."
"Democracy demands more this is no time to claim mission accomplished we have work to do."
"A good piece of media will be accessible to all people it's important for different identities to see themselves represented in a positive light."
"What Rhonda Santos is doing is what needs to be done; everyone needs to fight tooth and nail."
"If you stand with Donald Trump, throw punk asses out of office."
"We ask that those people who are outraged channel their anger towards policymakers."
"This is what can happen when Republicans and Democrats decide we're going to work together to get something done."
"If Congress isn't going to do their [ __ ], it's nice that somebody will."
"Conservatives need to be a threat... corporations need to understand that we are a large consumer block."
"It's about a transformation in consciousness."
"I mean, the Mueller report lays out very clearly that there are serious issues here, particularly around the issue of obstruction of justice. He gives us a road map in what Congress has to do."
"There's only one way for us to save this democracy, and I really mean this: We need to vote."
"Timing is everything. In battle and wars and politics and in baseball timing is everything. I think the time is right for all this stuff for a gun control slapdown 2018 one decade after the original one."
"He's taking it to the Republicans he's actually publicizing the things that they did that have good effects."
"He's kind of done what you're all asking him to do."
"Bernie Sanders said today that he is prepared to put a hold on the legislation to impose strong conditions on the 500 billion corporate welfare fund."
"Fill that seat. You know what you do? You come up, you say 'Fill that seat,' you leave, and you've said everything. You don't have to vote."
"The republicans have a relief bill sitting in the senate."
"The time has come for the United States to show leadership."
"I commend the president for the action that he took. It was strong, it was decisive, and it was the right thing to do."
"We're not going to get anything we want unless we hit the streets."
"We're going to have to vote in order for that to happen."
"It is for this reason precisely that we have to take action when a president is openly violating the oath he took to the Constitution."
"I am drawing up articles of impeachment. Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the United States Senate."
"Republicans finding a spine, and boy is it enjoyable when Republicans actually have a spine."
"As her first order of business she vows to end the annual purge for good and finally put a stop to the senseless violence once and for all."
"A symbolic vote on Medicare for all is just throwing into the [ __ ] garbage if you're gonna."
"We are targeting oligarchs close to Putin without fear or favor."
"I'm doing X because we're trying to achieve Y but in politics there's a lot of doing X just for X's sake."
"He's already fired the FBI director. He's already fired Preet Bharara and other U.S. attorneys."
"Moral convictions were associated with in-group preference and tolerance for political violence."
"At least the Republicans passed a tax cut which they fooled some people, was good for them. At least they did something. The Democrats have nothing, the Democrats are doing nothing."
"Yo it is gonna be lit in november and then we can all get disappointed by republicans doing nothing when they win nah i demand i want to see real action investigations impeachment impeach joe biden over ukraine no messing around."
"He formed an anti-corruption committee, rounded up nearly 400 of Saudi's most powerful people."
"We've got to act quickly to protect our democratic republic."
"We have to get out and vote like we never voted before."
"Everything has to be shown to be what it is and the Congress party is itself in a position to help us in it."
"85 percent of young Americans wanting Biden to take some form of action on student debt."
"13 states are now suing to block Biden's vaccine mandate for health care workers."
"Direct ballot initiative means we're not waiting for politicians to get their heads out of their ass."
"Get every Patriot you know and get them out to vote in record numbers."
"It's not enough to recognize the Armenian Genocide. We have to take formal steps against the other regime."
"What you can do is vote. What you can do is run for office. That's how change happens in a democracy."
"Show up in November, we gotta be able to vote them out."
"Hopefully he knows his legacy is on the line... preserve his legacy by issuing indictments against the people who perpetrate these crimes."
"We have to start pushing, and if Biden actually gets in, you need a real blow torch up his ass."
"We need to take back our country. They're going after Tucker Carlson, calling him a traitor."
"It's right to impeach a president... Donald Trump twice because he did commit high crimes and misdemeanors."
"For people watching, reach out to your congressmen and women and ask that they remind the ATF that they are not a legislative body."
"He's literally taking action intended to suppress people's voting rights."
"Our very first bill is going to repeal 87,000 IRS agents because you know what, we work for you and it's not the other way around."
"We need Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to finally confront the issues."
"Do whatever you can to hold the democratic establishment accountable."
"We need urgent actions, and they need to be big."
"Bombs and bullets cannot defend against Covid-19. We need a collective act of science and political will."
"Democrat senators who agree with this realize they are doing something for the first time."
"Not only is the president looking to take away Brennan's security clearance, he's also looking into the clearances of Comey, Clapper, Hayden, Rice, and McCabe."
"Write your congressman, change the laws if you want to change them, but that's not what the laws are, regardless of how you feel about it."
"We've got ourselves an executive order, and a lot of you out there listening to my voice should be proud of you."
"It's up to us to get motivated and replace those elected leaders. We owe our children no less."
"This is a battle we will win, and we'll do it together."
"The single most important thing that we can do to stop this guy."
"Congress, you can start impeachment proceedings now."
"It's long past time for Nancy Pelosi to put country over her political party and remove Eric Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee."
"Will the minister commit to an urgent and thorough investigation?"
"If the silent majority decides to stand up in unison and say no more of this, then the problem will go away. If not, we will be sniped out one at a time until there's nobody of us standing up."
"Republicans are the only political party pushing back on this."
"I made a pledge today that I will withdraw from the Colorado GOP Primary ballot unless and until Trump's name is restored."