
Political Rhetoric Quotes

There are 630 quotes

"By doing this, what they end up doing is essentially showing the American public that they are willing to say or do anything about Donald Trump."
"There is not a liberal America and a conservative America; there is the United States of America."
"Fascism to the left means something I don't like. It's whatever I don't like."
"I never want to hear the argument 'How are you going to pay for it?' again."
"These far-right candidates are using the rhetoric of nationalism, the exact same thing Donald Trump uses."
"Our claims to represent human rights, decency, morality, a rules-based world order...have been completely destroyed; they're utterly worthless."
"Preach brother preach like that is right he makes the clear philosophical arguments related to our constitution related to what our rights are and individual rights."
"Now is not the time for such a campaign of retribution. It is the time for unity and healing."
"There has been a malaise across the West and this is why Trump's rampant patriotism has been such a welcome and refreshing change."
"Aggressively, yeah. They're called in United States as our enemy, and that's the only problem here, really."
"You're either with our democracy you're with the facts you're with reality or you're with this dystopian fascist American Carnage nightmare that's represented by Maga."
"Just as I rebuilt our military, we totally rebuilt our military. Unfortunately, we gave 85 billion of it to the Taliban."
"A stolen election that elects democrats is more legitimately democratic for democrats than a legitimate election that elects republicans."
"He’s called it a witch hunt from the very beginning."
"Donald Trump also uh you know he's he's best economy ever for black people."
"I like the idea that the left tried to own the word hope and leave hate for everybody else."
"He's forced Boris to cast his Rubicon and bonused you know what when he does this he's amazing at it best speech he gave was it was off the charts."
"It is hilarious to watch Democrats proclaim that their poverty is actually a great qualifier for office in no other area of life would you ever believe this right?"
"Nothing irritates me more than the president of the US saying it's not about Freedom it's about safety America is freedom"
"Words matter, and when he talks about fake news... that gives aid and comfort to authoritarians around the world." - Jeff Flake
"Celebrate this month as a personal season of change, growth, and good fortune."
"Trump derangement syndrome is real, he makes people crazy, man."
"It's not that those policies are inherently popular or inherently wonderful, people aren't resonating to the policies, they're resonating to the notion put forward by the radicals that a change in policy will occasion a change in the spirit of man."
"The left has gone completely, utterly bat bleep insane."
"Don't fall for these sort of crocodile tears from people on the right who say they simply cannot engage with debate on the left because we use these mean names."
"The radical left in Washington wants to demolish these gains and they frankly want to destroy your way of life."
"They say Trump's going to undermine the Constitution okay, how? Trump's never going to leave office okay, he did last time."
"Americans are waking up... Donald Trump asked on the campaign trail... what the hell do you have to lose?"
"America is stronger than ever before because we are proudly putting, for the first time in a long time, we are putting America first."
"It's Christmas time and we want to give you a Christmas present, America. Ladies and gentlemen, we are winning."
"Putin says he's doing Ukrainians a favor by trying to get rid of their Nazi fascist government."
"They're being weaponized against the American people..."
"He was validating the fears that Fox News provoked in the conservative base by repeating them back to them."
"Two maniacs with nuclear warheads bragging about who has the bigger button."
"Any appeal to democracy from the remain camp has no more legitimacy than an appeal to human rights from Hitler."
"The demonization of America narrative is now put on top of the George Floyd killing, and the basic move is if you deny the narrative, you don't care about George Floyd."
"Trump was the apotheosis of all evil on earth."
"Trump says look at these riots, that will be Biden's America, and he is 100% correct, agreed."
"Human beings are capable of both great good and great evil."
"He's totally backed off using the Mad Dog. The Mad I think he realized the Mad Dog was far too cool of a nickname to give somebody who you don't like."
"And above all, a rallying cry once forgotten is again ringing out across the galaxy, as tens of million march to the defense of democracy with the words "For the Republic"."
"The very fact that our rhetoric is so polluted... corrupted... what about the Constitution?"
"We've ended the war on beautiful clean coal."
"It's divisive, it compromises the democracy that we live in. Stop doing it, stop talking about how you were robbed or rigged and all of this other stuff."
"I know exactly what's going on right now - fake election."
"This kind of lynching, this kind of stuff happens because people like Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are pressing people's buttons all the time."
"I mean, that's a lynching, right? This kind of lynching, this kind of stuff happens because people like Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are pressing people's buttons all the time."
"I will hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for unleashing the China virus upon the world."
"We're gonna have to blow up the entire system. Talk, talk, talk but saying nothing."
"Do we really want Vladimir Putin to conquer those states?"
"And 2024 is the final battle... America will be a free Nation once again."
"He's our first president that's ever been for the people."
"We will expel the warmongers from our government and we will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and fascists."
"The strength of our union has never been found in the walls we build... it's in our diversity and our unity."
"America not only should be great again, but also America has been great in the past."
"Putin's Nazi rhetoric reveals his terrifying war aims in Ukraine."
"If you raise questions about that, you are a far greater threat than Osama bin Laden."
"By saying that there was violence on many sides, or that anti-Nazi violence is the same as Nazi violence, you're just making excuses for Nazis."
"We in the West, we invented the argument that he's an imperialist that he's bent on conquering Ukraine."
"Make America great again was just another code word for make America white again."
"We're going to do it again, and you see the kind of numbers that we're putting up. They're unbelievable. Best job numbers ever!"
"You can lie to some of the people some of the time but you cannot lie to all of the people all the time and expect that they are going to continue to trust you."
"None of these people will do that because they know they can't defend it."
"It's kind of like saying when we're fighting for the soul of America, don't you feel like we're kind of fighting for the soul of America?"
"On November third Americans will decide whether we lift our nation to soaring new heights press for or whether we will allow would Joe Biden sleepy Joe. To shut down our economy imposed eight four trillion whether that's with a T."
"Let them have an epic failure and we'll see you in 2020."
"We will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world, like we had it just four years ago."
"Trump did not simply incite an insurrection because he once said the word 'fight.'"
"America may fall one day but it will not fall to Joe Biden."
"He's going to make America great 'again.' Right? It was that last piece that had more power than anything else."
"Trump correctly said that Biden and Harris should apologize for the anti-vaccine rhetoric."
"Nazis and conservatives have always engaged in a relentless campaign of self-victimization. They will claim persecution at the drop of a hat over literally nothing."
"A lot of this stuff is just purely manufactured."
"Leftists believe that my very speech is a threat to their safety, it's a destruction of the institutions of privilege."
"Don't Google trickle-down. It's a nonsense term made up by the left."
"Immigration has historically been one of those big fear-mongering talking points."
"We will never stop fighting for the sacred values that bind us together as one America."
"Rhetoric has its own internal logic. Democrats are doing it right now."
"We're not here to cut through trick language, we see what you're doing and the buck damn right is gonna stop here."
"They redefined vaccine they redefined recession they have redefined their own corruption and incompetence as competence and success."
"There is no emergency as most people understand that word."
"Joe Biden's radical Democrats are trying to permanently transform what it means to be an American."
"The world's not going to be done in a decade no AOC this is not our world war two and no nobody believes you when you backtrack by saying it was a joke."
"The right knows how to talk about infrastructure, community, but they offer something else, they offer the swindle of fulfillment."
"What if it were to be Donald Trump? Well, you're tempting me now." - Joe Biden
"Law and order rhetoric failed to prevent the formal dismantling of the Jim Crow system."
"Reagan's racially coded rhetoric and strategy proved extraordinarily effective."
"The law and order perspective, first introduced during the peak of the civil rights movement by rabid segregationists, had become nearly hegemonic two decades later."
"Countervailing forces on the other side is the great filler of pseudo-intellectualism." - Observing rhetoric in political discourse.
"I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and I wouldn't lose supporters."
"And what's so interesting about it now is that entrenched poverty class that let's call them non-Black and brown people are the exact ones being activated by this new populist rhetoric."
"The people who are denying this are the ones who want to take your guns."
"One person is too much. It's China's fault. It should have never happened."
"It's more than bullying, Ron DeSantis is a hostage taker."
"No collusion, no obstruction, complete and total exoneration."
"The best days are yet to come, one people, one family, and one glorious nation under God."
"Horrible for the country and that half the country will now resonate to a communist message."
"It brought thousands of personnel and thousands of units of military equipment close to our borders, and yet you believe that we are acting aggressively and somehow you're not. Just look at that, pot calling the kettle black."
"Not sending us your best people, you're bringing drugs, you're bringing crime, you're rapists."
"If you say often enough that Joe Biden takes classified documents very seriously, then that lie remains alive. So clap for Tinkerbell, guys, clap for Tinkerbell."
"If you have a choice between a president who says we don't want you here, don't come, get out, and a president who says we don't have a crisis at our border, which language do you think people take more seriously?"
"This president isn't trying to make America great, he's trying to make America hate."
"Just don't say anything completely ridiculous, just say remember the good old Barack Obama days. Yeah, I was there for those, don't you want him back?"
"Let us not be deceived. We are today in the midst of a Cold War. Our enemies are to be found abroad and at home. Let us never forget this: Our unrest is the heart of their success."
"We're going to throw every last one of these crooked Democrats out of office so we can make America great again."
"America is thriving, America is flourishing, and yes, America is winning again."
"Ask them if they like the socialist social security that is keeping their grandmother from sliding into homelessness and poverty."
"Talk is cheap. Saying that you're gonna do something means absolutely nothing in politics these days."
"Now let's give each other a chance. It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again."
"And you're going to have a depression the likes of which our country has never seen before."
"We have nothing to gain as a country by being divided."
"Italy's PM resonates with strong patriotic talk."
"Trudeau characterized the unvaccinated before as racist and misogynist and insertist here."
"That's right, and that's what aspiring authoritarians, that's what Tucker Carlson of the world, the right-wing echo chamber, that is what they want you to believe."
"We're exporting to dictators around the world the ability to say fake news and delegitimize the independent media."
"When I see comments made by say Lauren Bobert, when I see Biden labeling GOP voting laws the greatest threat to American democracy since the civil war, I'm like yo this doesn't end well."
"Release the Kraken and save us from the left taking America down."
"Elon Musk: 'It's all fun and games until Terminator shows up.'"
"81 million people are going to clean their guns. That's all I'm going to say."
"If Trump doesn't win, the devil speeds up his end time plans."
"It is Orwellian double speak to invoke the concept of voting rights to mean ballot harvesting or prohibiting voter ID."
"War is peace, um this is a statistical version of that right mostly peaceful is uh a way to ignore the violence right now um ignorance is remind me freedom is slavery is the second one and ignorance is strength."
"He wants to bury you in regulations, outsource your jobs, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders. He doesn't want borders, he wants to confiscate your guns."
"I just think that all of this rhetoric is dangerous to say the least."
"Who's gonna invade Mexico harder? Who's going to put a bomb in the Department of Education harder?"
"We're seeing many people say that the relief package itself is socialism. It's not, it's an economic stimulus."
"This is not just the fight for the United States of America, this is a fight for civilization itself."
"America is winning again and America is respected again."
"He broke the emergency glass and said, they're not working for you."
"If I were president, my language would be less divisive. I'd be looking to lower the temperature in this country, not raise it."
"Donald Trump is determined to instill fear in America because Donald Trump adds fuel to every fire. This is not who we are."
"Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people."
"Weather is not climate unless of course those weather events are convenient for the Democrats' climate arguments."
"An assault on America, nothing like this has ever happened before." - Donald Trump
"This election is about choosing good versus evil."
"Transformational change always requires a hook for the left. COVID was the best hook they've ever seen, and they will not let it go ever." - Ben Shapiro
"If you're gonna beat Donald Trump as an incumbent, you're gonna have to bring it."
"DeSantis won the pandemic and he saved Freedom."
"They wanted him to be talking about 'this country is a great country,' but that's a blue lie."
"Conservative leaders have pathologized their numerous fears of failure and powerlessness into one targetable word; a word that covers almost every group they feel victimized by."
"Nobody's ever seen before, it's a pure witch hunt, it's a hoax, it just continues."
"He literally said that he could kill someone on Fifth Avenue, shoot them, and the American people would still vote for him. And he was right."
"That's make America great, that's what's happening."
"If Biden wins, China wins, all these other countries win, we get ripped off by everybody. If we win, you win, Pennsylvania wins, and America wins, very simple."
"Middle East expert Wali Ferris tweeted that Trump's message was the equivalent of President Ronald Reagan telling Gorbachev to tear down this wall."
"The best thing that the right has to offer is 'I'm going to be a little bit condescending and mean to these people.'"
"Our brightest days are just ahead, and together we will make America prouder, freer, stronger, and greater than it ever has been before."
"It's a failure of imagination that we're going to get the same line we got from the Bush administration during 9/11."
"How dare you continue to spark violence and say things like if he's held accountable, people will riot."
"Just the fact that he feels the necessity to back down in his rhetoric is already a win."
"The police was a very bad slogan because it didn't mean that and it was weaponized by the right to make it look like the left wanted to spend less on policing. All they actually wanted to do was reallocate funds."
"I'm not really going to do that, but you know, I am gonna say the words that you want to hear."
"It's not like they have real Nazis to fight, they invent Nazis."
"I ask Allah to forgive our sins and accept our brothers and sisters in Islam."
"The Radical Democrats assault on American freedom and American citizenship will now end."
"That’s an absolute understanding that we can’t have this kind of rhetoric when it’s magnifying itself on people’s behavior."
"This is what socialism looks like and Joe Biden says get used to it empty shelves, runaway inflation, and government control."
"A demon from the depths of Republican hell that can make the damage sweet potato Hitler did to this great country look like a Walmart parking lot door ding."
"The people who were telling you that you got to vote for them to save democracy are actual fascists."
"Basically, it's going to be the end of our freedoms."
"The hysteria, the idea that we now live in a time where there are only good people and Hitler and there's nothing in between, is reducing the left to a level of historical ignorance."
"Ohio needs an ass kicker not an ass kisser." - Tim Ryan
"Trump has kind of been laying the groundwork to make DeSantis out to be a pedophile like he posted this picture of DeSantis at a party with high school students who said no no not our Ron surely this can't be a real picture."
"It's pretty crazy to say you hope Hillary Clinton is drinking kids' blood or whatever."
"We're going to do the same thing we always do: build alternatives."
"The greatest threat to democracy since the civil war."
"America's thriving, America's flourishing, and yes, America is winning again like never before."
"If you're not woke, they'll say you have a very high risk... high risk of government intervention, bad score, right?"
"I want to use the other guy's phrase: we'll give them hope."
"You know, it's saying the stuff that the American people want to say and they can't say it. Final Boss can say it, we can say it, we could say it in the ring, some politicians can say it too as well."
"The forgotten men and women of this country will never ever be forgotten again."
"Biden's rhetoric has grown ever stronger about guns."
"This election was 'the most important vote that we ever had.'"
"The extremity of what they are expecting us to swallow will be its own undoing."
"Glenn Youngkin will destroy our economy. He'll destroy our education system. If Glenn Youngkin is elected governor, it will be a grave mistake for Virginia."
"Don't let the radical left turn our founding fathers into our founding non-birthing parents."
"Trump's constant assault on people of color and his use of the word invasion to describe the flow of immigrants is intentional and constant."
"Republicans when they say that Democrats want to defund the police... They're just quoting the Democrats' own words."
"Biden absolutely crushed the bumptious incumbent by never once making the sort of gaffe in the future that he has repeatedly made in the past."
"When the President of the United States is attacking the Free Press by saying 'you're an enemy of the people,' that's massively authoritarian."
"I'm really sick of the religious language that is placed around politics it makes me kind of nauseous."
"America is respected again. We're winning all over."
"Our words turn these children into literal game pieces."
"They've learned a valuable lesson: if you say you're anti-antifa, that means you can't be a fascist."
"The right is at least rhetorically offering men something other than an HR department every time."
"Did AOC exaggerate the danger she was in during the Capitol riot?"
"Is it just run for the richest and most powerful or is it running for working people?"
"We have to do more than just build back better, but bill back. We have to build back better."
"The peace which definitely places Democrats above the fray opens with the following whiff of grapeshot."
"When you spend show after show after show telling people that the Democrats are not just bad or wrong, but that they're insane, that they're satanists, that they eat children, some people are going to take matters into their own hands."
"Can you really shame people who have no shame?" - Ezra Klein
"This is will never be a close election, I'll tell you this right now, Joe Biden is a crazy radical leftist is not one of those arguments."
"No dictator is gonna come to power by saying, 'Oh, you're gonna starve.'"
"Abortion is the high sacrament of the religion of secular possession."
"America won't just be great America will also be glorious."
"Hitler tapped into that vein of anger which he shared to basically say to the Germans, 'we are a great people, we have been screwed and we need to come back with a vengeance.'"